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Posted by Lokmar
 - Today at 02:12:42 AM
Quote from: smartass on October 18, 2024, 11:01:55 PMDo you love it enough to take the Screamo-dirge challenge?

I don't. That screamo-dirge challenge I described... I've actually been through it already, working the school holidays one year harvesting cherries at an orchard where the only radio station they could pick up played the top 40 on high rotation and the number one song every hour. Sometimes twice an hour. And for that entire period, "You're The Voice" was allegedly the highest charting song in that market.

I made a bit of money. I also developed what I imagine will be a lifelong antipathy to that song, not just for its performance but also for its message (its songwriter Chris Thompson wrote it as an anti-nuclear song). And while I recognise John Farnham's ability to hit a note pitch-perfect and without a single note of musical backing as being a talent very few performers possess, to my ear there is an inauthenticity about his performance that comes across as someone attempting to emulate the sound of a grief stricken moggy having a bunch of red hot nails hammered through its balls. And swap that fucking bagpipe solo part for the bass guitar it was originally written for, dammit. Les Claypool could do it justice, even if that Glenn Wheatley cunt can't.

And this is before I learned about Farnham's back story by the people that knew him personally, or how the Australian music industry trades chart positions in return for sexual favours from the performers. Much of it drug-fueled and homoerotic in nature. PeeDiddler isn't exactly a unique phenomenon you know.

Look pal; love that song all you want, maybe that little homo freak can stir you to tapping your toes and yodeling along to a tune that was written in support of ending all things nuclear on the planet, I don't give a shit if you do. I know you don't love it enough to take the Screamo-dirge challenge and emerge the other side still loving it the way you do now. You'll be wanting a break from it. Hell, you might even decide you'd be happy if you never heard it again.

Chris Thompson should have stuck to his guns and told the Aussie music industry to fuck off. But then Kumdumpala might have tainted a song I actually liked to advertise her campaign. Swings and roundabouts I suppose.

Lots of people get sick of shit pounded into their ears all the time. I hate Led Zeppelin, Rush, and all sorts of shit my peeps played too much.

Lots of people, maybe most, listen to the words of a song and take them to heart or take them way too seriously. Hell, I know people who seem to be running their entire lives by the lyrics of a song.

Me, I just like a catchy tune and I havent heard that one in a while. I couldnt GAF less about its message anymore than I did when Rage Against The Machine sang:
Those who died are justified
For wearin' the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died.......

while me and my buddy would be driving around town with this shit turned up to 11, drinking a bottle of Jack singing along and me pointing to myself, laughing hysterically while singing along!

Another one of my favorites is:

I LOL my ass off at this one! Sure, U2 made it as an anti nuke anthem. I find it and shit like this hilarious!
Posted by Lab Flaker
 - Today at 02:04:00 AM
Quote from: Frood on Today at 01:31:47 AMI skimmed but regret it now.

Something about Flynn getting a BH participation award for putting in extra sphincter effort filling waffle cones...  :facepalm:

You skimmed that? I didn't even bother reading that offal.
Posted by Lab Flaker
 - Today at 02:00:59 AM
Quote from: Flynn on Today at 01:07:27 AMJesus fucking christ. Here we go. Everytime someone has something positive to say about me, washed up emo-bitch boi thinks he needs to put his 1.5 cents in.

It's obvious like most all of the dullards out here that you've done everything and anything and you were the best at everything because you have a personal opinion on everything under the sun. You name it and Sum Can't has done it better than everyone else.

Additionally, no matter what the subject is, Sum Can't is an expert and it always comes back around to him patting himself on the back for shit that no one remembers or cares about...let's have a look, shall we?

Notice how Sum Run't tries to take the "high road" about attacks on family and personal attacks. Well, that would all be fine and dandy if Mary Poppins known as Sum Can't hadn't already doxxed his enemies while at BH with personal info, work info, home addresses, etc. Not to mention the innocent little lamb Sum Run't was involved in some of the most heinous e-crimes known to man which included 404ing a site, calling up employers of poster's and using social engineering methods to get info. No, you've done worse, you've actually phoned up people and spread addresses all over the net because of your forum wars you, yourself started. So spare me the holier than thou act you fucking hypocritical has been.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Back in the BH days you and the rest of your faggoty online friends would overwhelm and destroy forums and posters, where was the cheering then? Where were all the accolades for you and your little army of unemployed losers? Repetitive shit is you using P.I. as part of your "flaming" prowess. Nobody cheered and clapped for you guys, no one ever gives that kind of affirmation, not even back in the old days.

You have no choice but to be over it. You are part of the reason that all died away. It was in the hands of you guys, us second generation poster's had to fix and repair what you fucks tore down, which we couldn't. You older poster's had fubar written all across your foreheads when Brawl-Hall finally went under. There was no way myself, Mister Nice Guy, V-Agent, Jewels, LoCo, Attention Whore, and a plethora of others could build back up what you guys destroyed in this lifetime. I feel sad because of that, especially for you and the first gen poster's who made it possible for the second generation to do what you guys once did. In that sense we all have lost.

That was a different place and time. That era with all the zany characters had its time and that time was over a long time ago. Times have changed and you have not changed with them. All you now post are memories of the old days, and how it was better. That's your memories playing tricks on you. There were as many tards running around like today, the only difference is the technology and the way of conventional "flaming" went right out the door and into the garbage. You just think the past was better because the present sucks as well for "good content" so the past seems better. It wasn't, it was a fucking mess just like it is today, except you were able to team up with more like-minded individuals.

Funny thing is, I've never needed or wanted your approval and that right there makes me not fit for duty, which is fine because you've been harping about me for over a decade and it's the same fucking shit over and fucking over, you still live in 2008. I don't care if you don't think I have it, after all you are not the bar and never was. I never said I was the best, I never said I was good, all I've ever said is that I work and put effort into my posts, something I've always done. As far as "driving off poster's" I defer to the expert. How many poster's did you drive off by weaponizing their personal info? How many sister sites did you lose because of the constant doxxing of forums and their inhabitants. I never drove off poster's, the spammers were dealt with and that's who you are referring to as being "driven off." More quarter truths coming from the
archdiocese of honesty. You've tried fitting me with things I've never done. You've committed more e-transgressions than I have, but I guess pointing the finger at someone else makes you sleep better at night.

You have way too much time on your hands fuckwit.
Posted by hard Я
 - Today at 01:59:49 AM
Quote from: Frood on Today at 01:31:47 AMI skimmed but regret it now.

Something about Flynn getting a BH participation award for putting in extra sphincter effort filling waffle cones...  :facepalm:
I'm going to guess that he proved everything I claimed for him; submitting a bunch of personal attacks aimed at antagonising, rather than amusing his opponent.

We had a word for that at Flame4Cash; it wasn't "flaming". But it was largely what Brawl Hall degenerated into in the latter half of the noughties and like I told Katiekong it would... in '03 or '04... Brawl Hall ended up a ghost town because of it.

Anyone looking to model a flaming site on Brawl Hall's example is doomed to fail.
Posted by Lokmar
 - Today at 01:58:11 AM
Quote from: Flynn on October 18, 2024, 09:51:28 PM


^^^ look who went crawling back to BF! What a lil bitch!!!!

Did that clown promise to make you a mod again if you jump through his hoops? BF played you somehow, someway, bitch!!! PWN3D!
Posted by Lokmar
 - Today at 01:52:26 AM
Quote from: Flynn on October 18, 2024, 09:01:35 PMGo fuck yourself you little cowering cunt. You've always been wrong, and continue to be absolutely wrong you fucking ignorant cocksucker.

You're just mad because I've verbally kicked your face through your bloated fucking head.

You were never right you fucking simp. Anytime you wanna discuss this further you bitch, you know how to fucking find me you fucking alt.

And you have the nerve to talk about what someone else posts, while you've been talking about this for over two fucking years, faggot.

You and bitch made Brokemar bring myself and Dummy Dove up constantly, more than we do each other, I don't give a flying fuck where you go dicklips, because I'll always be able to rip your fucking head off without breaking a fucking sweat you fucking geriatric tool.

Awwww, did Lokmar kick you right between your Dovey nerves?   :crampe:

Fukin DDS dipshit!
Posted by Frood
 - Today at 01:31:47 AM
Quote from: hard Я on Today at 01:15:27 AMtf;dr

I skimmed but regret it now.

Something about Flynn getting a BH participation award for putting in extra sphincter effort filling waffle cones...  :facepalm:
Posted by Aryan
 - Today at 01:16:34 AM
Quote from: Flynn on October 16, 2024, 03:52:24 PMAhem....

...explain why you would PM me on Bastard Factory and admit,

" never thought I was a guy, that you only went down that path because I was mean to you..."

Your pm is still posted on BF if there's any kind of verification needed.

Then you tried hitting on me with all your retarded wrestling talk and thought you'd win brownie points with me by telling me about all your wrestling dolls as well. These posts are also on BF if anyone is interested. It got so out of hand that Blurt, and other's made fun of you and your wrestling "action figures."

So, if I'm now everything you allege me to be then explain why a self alleged straight male would send a pm admitting to knowing that I'm female and then trying to hit on me?

You're a fag!

You're a fag!

Which is it Aryan? Am I a man? Am I a woman?

It was a ruse, to test you, as has been explained at least half a dozen times already.

If you genuinely believe that a few cordial PM's constituted me "hitting on you" I really don't know what to say, except for have you ever been outside and conversed with people in real life?  :dontknow:

Also, I haven't owned WWF rasslin' "dolls" (here we call them action figures) since the mid 90's, so I'm sorry to break your delusion that I'm some toy hoarding nerd... not that there is anything wrong with that hobby, I guess... each to their own and all that.

Don't you collect rainbow LGBTQPXYAIDS flags? How many genders are there now, 67? I don't know how you manage to keep up.
Posted by hard Я
 - Today at 01:15:27 AM
Posted by Flynn
 - Today at 01:07:27 AM
Quote from: sc`T on October 18, 2024, 11:57:08 PMAwwww piss off, I'm not trying to make you feel stupid. Look back to the shit that Ant Agoniser was flinging at you at The Retard Farm; the "humour" in that is the same level that Flange consistently throws out; a bunch personal attacks against the opponent and family members relating thereto.

You didn't enjoy it then. At least that's the impression you gave and quite frankly I don't blame you if your reaction was indeed authentic. It was repetitive shit designed to engage an opponent, not on the basis of making the opponent laugh and inspiring them to the table with flaming funnies of their own, but to foster hate and infuriate a poster. To which everyone else is supposed to laugh and cheer.

I'm over it, quite a lot of us are. Brawl Hall had long made it a mainstay of its bastardisation of flaming by the time you and Flange arrived on the scene and where is Brawl Hall now? Its bastard progeny lives on at Bastard Factory though... well, yay; you have a place where you can watch Flange going at it, perhaps going as far as to put yourself in the line of fire and find the humour where you couldn't with Ant Agoniser.

I'm not saying you can't or that you shouldn't. I'm saying I can't and won't. I'm saying that even if someone could prove to me that it was somehow flaming in spite of everything I learned pre-9/11 at Flame4Cash, it still wouldn't stack up against the back and forths between myself and writers like Projectile Vomit, DVLOS, Summer Of George, That Dastardly Man, Evil Blood, Frood etc. People whose understanding of "destroying an opponent" could be best expressed by leaving someone rolling about the floor in fits of near hysterical laughter at the sledging they had just received.

I don't get that from Flange. I haven't seen any evidence they're capable of it and of what they have produced I've seen done with more finesse and effectiveness years ago, done with the express aim of driving posters off the forum. That's what Bastard Factory chose to make a mod and if anyone should be feeling dumb about it, it ought to be him.

Jesus fucking christ. Here we go. Everytime someone has something positive to say about me, washed up emo-bitch boi thinks he needs to put his 1.5 cents in.

It's obvious like most all of the dullards out here that you've done everything and anything and you were the best at everything because you have a personal opinion on everything under the sun. You name it and Sum Can't has done it better than everyone else.

Additionally, no matter what the subject is, Sum Can't is an expert and it always comes back around to him patting himself on the back for shit that no one remembers or cares about...let's have a look, shall we?

QuoteAwwww piss off, I'm not trying to make you feel stupid. Look back to the shit that Ant Agoniser was flinging at you at The Retard Farm; the "humour" in that is the same level that Flange consistently throws out; a bunch personal attacks against the opponent and family members relating thereto.

Notice how Sum Run't tries to take the "high road" about attacks on family and personal attacks. Well, that would all be fine and dandy if Mary Poppins known as Sum Can't hadn't already doxxed his enemies while at BH with personal info, work info, home addresses, etc. Not to mention the innocent little lamb Sum Run't was involved in some of the most heinous e-crimes known to man which included 404ing a site, calling up employers of poster's and using social engineering methods to get info. No, you've done worse, you've actually phoned up people and spread addresses all over the net because of your forum wars you, yourself started. So spare me the holier than thou act you fucking hypocritical has been.

QuoteYou didn't enjoy it then. At least that's the impression you gave and quite frankly I don't blame you if your reaction was indeed authentic. It was repetitive shit designed to engage an opponent, not on the basis of making the opponent laugh and inspiring them to the table with flaming funnies of their own, but to foster hate and infuriate a poster. To which everyone else is supposed to laugh and cheer.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Back in the BH days you and the rest of your faggoty online friends would overwhelm and destroy forums and posters, where was the cheering then? Where were all the accolades for you and your little army of unemployed losers? Repetitive shit is you using P.I. as part of your "flaming" prowess. Nobody cheered and clapped for you guys, no one ever gives that kind of affirmation, not even back in the old days.

QuoteI'm over it, quite a lot of us are. Brawl Hall had long made it a mainstay of its bastardisation of flaming by the time you and Flange arrived on the scene and where is Brawl Hall now? Its bastard progeny lives on at Bastard Factory though... well, yay; you have a place where you can watch Flange going at it, perhaps going as far as to put yourself in the line of fire and find the humour where you couldn't with Ant Agoniser.

You have no choice but to be over it. You are part of the reason that all died away. It was in the hands of you guys, us second generation poster's had to fix and repair what you fucks tore down, which we couldn't. You older poster's had fubar written all across your foreheads when Brawl-Hall finally went under. There was no way myself, Mister Nice Guy, V-Agent, Jewels, LoCo, Attention Whore, and a plethora of others could build back up what you guys destroyed in this lifetime. I feel sad because of that, especially for you and the first gen poster's who made it possible for the second generation to do what you guys once did. In that sense we all have lost.

QuoteI'm not saying you can't or that you shouldn't. I'm saying I can't and won't. I'm saying that even if someone could prove to me that it was somehow flaming in spite of everything I learned pre-9/11 at Flame4Cash, it still wouldn't stack up against the back and forths between myself and writers like Projectile Vomit, DVLOS, Summer Of George, That Dastardly Man, Evil Blood, Frood etc. People whose understanding of "destroying an opponent" could be best expressed by leaving someone rolling about the floor in fits of near hysterical laughter at the sledging they had just received.

That was a different place and time. That era with all the zany characters had its time and that time was over a long time ago. Times have changed and you have not changed with them. All you now post are memories of the old days, and how it was better. That's your memories playing tricks on you. There were as many tards running around like today, the only difference is the technology and the way of conventional "flaming" went right out the door and into the garbage. You just think the past was better because the present sucks as well for "good content" so the past seems better. It wasn't, it was a fucking mess just like it is today, except you were able to team up with more like-minded individuals.

QuoteI don't get that from Flange. I haven't seen any evidence they're capable of it and of what they have produced I've seen done with more finesse and effectiveness years ago, done with the express aim of driving posters off the forum. That's what Bastard Factory chose to make a mod and if anyone should be feeling dumb about it, it ought to be him.

Funny thing is, I've never needed or wanted your approval and that right there makes me not fit for duty, which is fine because you've been harping about me for over a decade and it's the same fucking shit over and fucking over, you still live in 2008. I don't care if you don't think I have it, after all you are not the bar and never was. I never said I was the best, I never said I was good, all I've ever said is that I work and put effort into my posts, something I've always done. As far as "driving off poster's" I defer to the expert. How many poster's did you drive off by weaponizing their personal info? How many sister sites did you lose because of the constant doxxing of forums and their inhabitants. I never drove off poster's, the spammers were dealt with and that's who you are referring to as being "driven off." More quarter truths coming from the
archdiocese of honesty. You've tried fitting me with things I've never done. You've committed more e-transgressions than I have, but I guess pointing the finger at someone else makes you sleep better at night.

Posted by sc`T
 - Today at 12:42:53 AM
Quote from: Frood on October 18, 2024, 09:19:48 PMNozzer ain't dead, Farm Leaguer.

DD must have trolled you again.
Nozzer... now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

I met him, back in the day. He and I were organising the BH get together out at Bathurst. You remember... the one that got nixed after a certain... "request"... shall we say?

I know you remember. I'll bet Nozzer still remembers it too.

And Herman? I don't reckon he has the faintest fucking idea what I'm banging on about.

Herman ain't Nozzer. You'd need to be smoothbrained to think otherwise.
Posted by sc`T
 - Today at 12:15:16 AM
Quote from: Garraty_47 on October 18, 2024, 06:51:03 AMI doubt that's personal... S'Cunt likes to make *everyone* feel stupid for one reason or another. It's his most endearing quality. lulz
You can piss off too, the idea I'd get pleasure out of making anyone feel stupid has to come from somewhere and I've certainly never expressed it.

So where did it come from?
Posted by sc`T
 - October 18, 2024, 11:57:08 PM
Quote from: Erica Mena on October 17, 2024, 03:31:38 PMIt's cunt. Always trying to make me feel stupid for thinking shit is funny.
Awwww piss off, I'm not trying to make you feel stupid. Look back to the shit that Ant Agoniser was flinging at you at The Retard Farm; the "humour" in that is the same level that Flange consistently throws out; a bunch personal attacks against the opponent and family members relating thereto.

You didn't enjoy it then. At least that's the impression you gave and quite frankly I don't blame you if your reaction was indeed authentic. It was repetitive shit designed to engage an opponent, not on the basis of making the opponent laugh and inspiring them to the table with flaming funnies of their own, but to foster hate and infuriate a poster. To which everyone else is supposed to laugh and cheer.

I'm over it, quite a lot of us are. Brawl Hall had long made it a mainstay of its bastardisation of flaming by the time you and Flange arrived on the scene and where is Brawl Hall now? Its bastard progeny lives on at Bastard Factory though... well, yay; you have a place where you can watch Flange going at it, perhaps going as far as to put yourself in the line of fire and find the humour where you couldn't with Ant Agoniser.

I'm not saying you can't or that you shouldn't. I'm saying I can't and won't. I'm saying that even if someone could prove to me that it was somehow flaming in spite of everything I learned pre-9/11 at Flame4Cash, it still wouldn't stack up against the back and forths between myself and writers like Projectile Vomit, DVLOS, Summer Of George, That Dastardly Man, Evil Blood, Frood etc. People whose understanding of "destroying an opponent" could be best expressed by leaving someone rolling about the floor in fits of near hysterical laughter at the sledging they had just received.

I don't get that from Flange. I haven't seen any evidence they're capable of it and of what they have produced I've seen done with more finesse and effectiveness years ago, done with the express aim of driving posters off the forum. That's what Bastard Factory chose to make a mod and if anyone should be feeling dumb about it, it ought to be him.
Posted by smartass
 - October 18, 2024, 11:01:55 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on October 17, 2024, 03:21:36 PMI love that song!
Do you love it enough to take the Screamo-dirge challenge?

I don't. That screamo-dirge challenge I described... I've actually been through it already, working the school holidays one year harvesting cherries at an orchard where the only radio station they could pick up played the top 40 on high rotation and the number one song every hour. Sometimes twice an hour. And for that entire period, "You're The Voice" was allegedly the highest charting song in that market.

I made a bit of money. I also developed what I imagine will be a lifelong antipathy to that song, not just for its performance but also for its message (its songwriter Chris Thompson wrote it as an anti-nuclear song). And while I recognise John Farnham's ability to hit a note pitch-perfect and without a single note of musical backing as being a talent very few performers possess, to my ear there is an inauthenticity about his performance that comes across as someone attempting to emulate the sound of a grief stricken moggy having a bunch of red hot nails hammered through its balls. And swap that fucking bagpipe solo part for the bass guitar it was originally written for, dammit. Les Claypool could do it justice, even if that Glenn Wheatley cunt can't.

And this is before I learned about Farnham's back story by the people that knew him personally, or how the Australian music industry trades chart positions in return for sexual favours from the performers. Much of it drug-fueled and homoerotic in nature. PeeDiddler isn't exactly a unique phenomenon you know.

Look pal; love that song all you want, maybe that little homo freak can stir you to tapping your toes and yodeling along to a tune that was written in support of ending all things nuclear on the planet, I don't give a shit if you do. I know you don't love it enough to take the Screamo-dirge challenge and emerge the other side still loving it the way you do now. You'll be wanting a break from it. Hell, you might even decide you'd be happy if you never heard it again.

Chris Thompson should have stuck to his guns and told the Aussie music industry to fuck off. But then Kumdumpala might have tainted a song I actually liked to advertise her campaign. Swings and roundabouts I suppose.
Posted by Lab Flaker
 - October 18, 2024, 10:39:04 PM
Quote from: Frood on October 18, 2024, 10:16:12 PMGood luck... Dovey said it resembled a broken cocktail shrimp...  :dontknow:

An angry "Supreme Inch"...