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Posted by .
 - Today at 08:41:19 AM
Quote from: Frood on Today at 07:33:40 AMHow much 10 years before?
Forgive him; his understanding of the war was bequeathed to him by outlets like the Toronto Sun.
Posted by Frood
 - Today at 07:33:40 AM
Quote from: DKG on Today at 07:15:30 AMThe US paused military aid to Ukraine.

Since the war began in 2022, the US has sent at least $175 billion in aid, including cash and military equipment, to support Ukrainian defense efforts.

How much 10 years before?
Posted by .
 - Today at 07:29:59 AM
Quote from: DKG on Today at 07:15:30 AMThe US paused military aid to Ukraine.
So I hear. "Good". No point in pussyfooting about, I heard the exchange between Trump and Zelenskyy, complete with interjections from Vance and I wholeheartedly agree with the result thus far.

If any one of you treated me like that in my house, I'd kick you the fuck out too. And I would expect no less from any of you if I were stupid enough to reverse the roles.
Posted by .
 - Today at 07:24:58 AM
Quote from: Herman on March 03, 2025, 08:56:50 PMIt is not. It is dead in the water. That is a quote from Secretary of the Treasury Scott Bessent's mouth.
I've seen this play before. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that a deal involving mineral rights might still be struck, but it's likely going to require a lot of groveling on Zelenskyy's part. Possibly a few EU actors as well.

I imagine the next "Big Ask" is going to be bigger than the last. It's in the US interest that this be so. Otherwise it's guaran-fucking-teed that Zelenskyy won't be the last asshole wandering into the White House expecting Trump to play Lando Calrissian to their Darth Vader.

But with Trump you just never know. It may be that he settles for a smaller portion of the mineral rights in return for a commensurate reduction in support - a generous face saver for Zelenskyy and his leftist twats who can claim a win over the Wicked Orangeman Villain while he gets to balance the books on what Ukraine's minerals provide. A third of their mineral wealth is better than none at all. This line of thinking is right up his alley.

I gotta admire Trump for that.
Posted by DKG
 - Today at 07:15:30 AM
The US paused military aid to Ukraine.

Since the war began in 2022, the US has sent at least $175 billion in aid, including cash and military equipment, to support Ukrainian defense efforts.
Posted by .
 - Today at 07:08:02 AM
Quote from: Brent on March 03, 2025, 12:03:08 PMZelensky has done a 180. He is now ready to sign a peace deal with the States that includes rare earth minerals.
Except I seem to recall peace talks being on the table before. Twice in fact. Vlad and Vlod were prepared to meet and discuss terms for a cessation of hostilities.

One of those occasions was scuttled in short order by a personal visit from Boris Johnson. The other one by the Biden administration. And if we are to be honest, Zelenskyy is not exactly up to facing down those two assholes. Even if he were, I'm sure it would have been made abundantly clear at the time of the likelihood of assassination attempt(s) from Ukrainian oligarchs, sympathetic to the health of their bank accounts and the clandestine USAID donations that might have enriched them.

"Play the game our way, and you can pocket those incentives for yourself." I would not be surprised in the slightest to learn that words to that effect were expressed to Vlodimir.

Well, hell. USAID incentives are now off the table, and there is a new administration in town that is keen to collect on the debts incurred by the previous one. But not to worry, everyone is saying how unpopular the head of this administration is, so young Vlodimir figures he can put that upstart game show host in his place to the roars of approval of his peers, right?

Errr, "bad call, brother." Because Donald is out of fucks to give at this point. I can put myself in his shoes; he has literally had everything imaginable thrown at him, and he's still standing. "Fuck you pal, you need us and you owe us. You and your grifter pals want to be cunts about it? Buh bye Felicia."

Now of course, the EU is trying to hit the US where it hurts. Which is kind of hard to do when you're so reliant on their favour. Like in the form of NATO dues which the US contributes a disproportionate amount to, never mind the insane amount of pork barreling that was being voted into existence during the dying days of the Biden administration.

I don't envy Zelenskyy one bit and any sympathy I might show would be reserved for the Ukrainians themselves, fucked over as they have been by their weak leader and the western nations who, after making much disparaging comment about their nazi connections over the many years of Ukraine shelling their own citizens suddenly decided that these nazis were their allies "because Russia". Was it not Obama that once said "the 1980s called... they want their foreign policy back"? And who presided over Crimea gaining their independence from Ukraine, only to willingly accept being annexed by Mother Russia 24 hours later?

I would even show some sympathy for the denizens of Europe and Britain. The left craps on about colonialism all the time... maybe they might shut their mealy mouths when it comes to supporting NATO which has been trying to subsume everything in its path in spite of its promise to do otherwise back in '91.

But I won't show sympathy for the US peoples - they don't need it. Instead I will cheer them and their president on. Their example of standing on your own two feet while reaching for the stars is something to be admired and emulated. Fuck this global welfare crap; the people it favours are few and far between. And anyone looking to force a return to it (Norway, I'm looking at you) then maybe they too can lick their wounds and beg for a seat at the US's table when "drill baby drill" starts yielding dividends.

Assuming of course that the US doesn't make its peace with Russia and similarly BRICS aligned interests in the interim. Stranger things have happened.

Like the time a certain US president crossed into the Korean DMZ to shake the hand of a foreign dignitary... and make a present of a certain Elton John record to him.  :evilthoughts2:
Posted by caskur
 - Today at 02:40:16 AM
Quote from: Herman on March 03, 2025, 08:55:04 PMNo need to apologize. But, you are wrong.

You can't just say that without an explanation.

Posted by Herman
 - March 03, 2025, 08:56:50 PM
Quote from: Thiel on March 03, 2025, 01:50:11 PMIf that deal is still on the table.
It is not. It is dead in the water. That is a quote from Secretary of the Treasury Scott Bessent's mouth.
Posted by Herman
 - March 03, 2025, 08:55:04 PM
Quote from: caskur on March 03, 2025, 03:34:38 PMIf Americans go mine in the Ukraine they will get murdered..

I think America should just cut its losses..

That is not a safe country, Ukraine that is.

Anyway, I apologize if I am wrong.
No need to apologize. But, you are wrong.
Posted by caskur
 - March 03, 2025, 03:34:38 PM
If Americans go mine in the Ukraine they will get murdered..

I think America should just cut its losses..

That is not a safe country, Ukraine that is.

Anyway, I apologize if I am wrong.
Posted by Thiel
 - March 03, 2025, 01:50:11 PM
Quote from: Brent on March 03, 2025, 12:03:08 PMZelensky has done a 180. He is now ready to sign a peace deal with the States that includes rare earth minerals.
If that deal is still on the table.
Posted by Brent
 - March 03, 2025, 12:03:08 PM
Zelensky has done a 180. He is now ready to sign a peace deal with the States that includes rare earth minerals.
Posted by Shen Li
 - March 02, 2025, 10:25:29 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on March 02, 2025, 12:47:52 PMIn reality what does Zelensky need to be grateful for?


He's the face man, fall guy and puppet in one of the biggest PONZI schemes the earth has ever seen. And you know who the magician pulling the strings behind the curtain is?

You guessed it. THe US. We provoked, enabled and seek to prolong this conflict

So as the leader of a small nation being used to bear the brunt of a proxy war between the US and Russia which is leading to the unfathomable enrichment of Oligarchs on BOTH SIDES I need to be thankful to you? while you are lining your pockets from a protected position, insulated well from consequence, while I bear all the risks for the chump change you toss me as a reward for selling out my own young warriors? Fuck you

of course Zelensky is not grateful and it really doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out why.

He just knows there's a line he cannot cross or he'll wind up floating face down in the baltic sea. But make no mistake about it. The frustration is wearing on him. and you saw it last week manifest itself in spades.

This is why it was a masterstroke for Trump to kick this guy to the curb. Thus exposing that HE has no part in this scam.
Fucking BULLSEYE!!
Posted by Biggie Smiles
 - March 02, 2025, 01:05:06 PM
I love Trump to death, but to be frank, I would have cheered Zelensky on and said "that's a man on fire" if he would have said to Trump

grateful? fuck you! grateful for what? Have you seen the devastation my country has endured to line the pockets of your scumbag duopoly and the industrial war complex which feeds them?

thankful for the pennies you toss me so that my wife can shop in Prague while my youngest and bravest lives are being thrown away senselessly on a battlefield which should not exist in the first place?

Thankful for the fact that you installed, promoted and prodded me with one goal in mind? To use me as a mouthpiece in your greater plan to provoke a proxy war with Russia under the false pretense that joining NATO would prevent  RUssian aggression -- when in fact, it turns out that this very act is the seed which grew into the tree of war we see before us today and you have YET to grant me entry into this cool kids club? 

See -- I'm a man of honor and integrity so I wouldn't be in Zelenskie's shoes to begin with. But if, by some weird happenstance I happened to be in Zelenski's shoes Thursday afternoon I would have rose to the occasion history called -- with all the media and world watching and told Trump to get fucked if he thinks he's ever getting an ounce of gratitude out of me for all of that.

 I would have told him to his face - with the world watching, that this was a business arrangement and business partners are rarely ""grateful"" when the partners honors the terms of their agreements.

Yeah, I would have had a mysterious ""accident"" where a plastic bag just so happened to be floating by me as I stood atop the roof of a skyscraper and wrapped itself tightly around my face and suddenly caused me to fall off said rooftop with my hands tied behind my back but at least I'd die with my honor.
Posted by Brent
 - March 02, 2025, 12:49:50 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on March 02, 2025, 12:47:52 PMIn reality what does Zelensky need to be grateful for?


He's the face man, fall guy and puppet in one of the biggest PONZI schemes the earth has ever seen. And you know who the magician pulling the strings behind the curtain is?

You guessed it. THe US. We provoked, enabled and seek to prolong this conflict

So as the leader of a small nation being used to bear the brunt of a proxy war between the US and Russia which is leading to the unfathomable enrichment of Oligarchs on BOTH SIDES I need to be thankful to you? while you are lining your pockets from a protected position while I bear all the risks for the chump change you toss me as a reward for selling out my own young warriors? Fuck you

of course Zelensky is not grateful and it really doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out why.

He just knows there's a line he cannot cross or he'll wind up floating face down in the baltic sea. But make no mistake about it. The frustration is wearing on him. and you saw it last week manifest itself in spades.

This is why it was a masterstroke for Trump to kick this guy to the curb. Thus exposing that HE has no part in this scam.
Best post.