SMF - Just Installed!
That was nice Mel, but whos tara?Quote from: "Keeper"
I'm out, Kreeper... Go suck out Tara's Tuna Cunt now instead... You like tuna, no?Quote from: "Mel Gibson"
Ohh Mel and Keep, you both need to step into my cornerQuote from: "GrAnnie"ac_biggrin
To me, is does not matter...Quote from: "Mel Gibson"
Work needs to be done tomorrow. And I get paid to do it. Sadly, I will eventually have to get some sleep.
What doesn't ever fail, is the clowns that talk shit, like you and that cunt RW, is that you have no lives... 24/7 here is your life.
I am not one to judge, but when the shit is what it is, best check your own shit before trying to be smart when you're not...
Eat dick, Kreeper.Quote from: "Mel Gibson"
For Tara to Mod you, and entice you... For her to encourage you, speaks more about her than needs to be said.
You're and idiot. She claims she isn't...
We can all be judged by the friends we keep, and it is clear to me the pervasive nature of the current trends...
Annie, I don't care.Quote from: "Mel Gibson"
We were getting along just fine for the last two hours, no?
And then RW's little illiterate minion decided to start PM'ing me his powertrip.
No. This cowboy doesn't roll like that...
Games? They want them, they can have them. They are lucky I went easy, and didn't post NASA images instead...
Understand, Annie, that the people here aren't normal. They are deficient, even though they try hard to hide it...
Quote from: "Odinson"Oh hello no way would you catch me in a Leia costume. Soo overdone and too friggin revealing! I am working on a Merida Cosplay now thoughQuote from: "GrAnnie"ac_smile
Gold bikini.
Everybody wears it..
Quote from: "Mel Gibson"RW I know there's good in him, he had it years ago before he got married. Maybe he'll be ok again, there's always hope.Quote from: "GrAnnie"
You're a good person, Annie. I have always said so.
Understand that I will never bow down to a clown like Kreeper, whom is Real Powertripping Woman's little minion...
I won't.
So, it is what it is.
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