
General Discussion => The Flea Trap => Topic started by: Obvious Li on October 22, 2012, 10:39:42 AM

Title: What do you do with someone this stupid...,???
Post by: Obvious Li on October 22, 2012, 10:39:42 AM
Police say a costumed nine-year-old girl was accidentally shot outside a western Pennsylvania home during a Halloween party by a relative who thought she was a skunk.

New Sewickley Township police say the girl was over a hillside and wearing a black costume and a black hat with a white tassel. Chief Ronald Leindecker told the Beaver County Times that a male relative mistook her for a skunk and fired a shotgun, hitting her in the shoulder, arm, back and neck Saturday night.

Chief Leindecker told the newspaper that the girl was alert and talking when she was flown to Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, about 50 kilometres away. Her condition was unavailable.

i can't decide what an appropriate punishment could be for someone this fucking stupid....At the very least a permanent ban on owning a weapon ???(which goes against everything i believe in). Jail ???(what good would it do) Community service ??? (why not) Maybe he should wear a sign around his neck for a couple of years describing how stupid he is ??

Whadda you think ???