
Diverse Debates => Politics => Topic started by: Herman on June 14, 2023, 07:33:03 PM

Title: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 14, 2023, 07:33:03 PM
Inflation has risen faster than wages for twenty six of twenty seven months under his administration.

Bread, cereal, and eggs are between twenty three and thirty percent more expensive since he became president.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 14, 2023, 07:34:27 PM
Nine million illegal immigrants have entered the US on his watch and more are coming each and everyday.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 14, 2023, 08:09:42 PM
Elements of the intelligence community implored the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act so that the Biden administration can continue spying on American citizens' private communications.

Top officials from the FBI, the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the National Security Agency, and the Department of Justice described 702 as "invaluable" and "indispensable," at times invoking the 9/11 Islamist attacks on the United States as lasting justification for far-reaching warrantless surveillance, even though thousands and possibly even millions of Americans may have been caught up in the resulting dragnet.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 14, 2023, 08:16:33 PM
Jom Crow Joe's administration is trying to take out Trump before Americans can vote for him.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 15, 2023, 01:58:37 AM
Quote from: Herman post_id=503370 time=1686785583 user_id=3396
Inflation has risen faster than wages for twenty six of twenty seven months under his administration.

Bread, cereal, and eggs are between twenty three and thirty percent more expensive since he became president.

I don't know which is more ridiculous-Biden's claims that he has created more jobs than any other president or that he has lowered inflation.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 15, 2023, 07:35:21 PM
Quote from: DKG post_id=503413 time=1686808717 user_id=3390
Quote from: Herman post_id=503370 time=1686785583 user_id=3396
Inflation has risen faster than wages for twenty six of twenty seven months under his administration.

Bread, cereal, and eggs are between twenty three and thirty percent more expensive since he became president.

I don't know which is more ridiculous-Biden's claims that he has created more jobs than any other president or that he has lowered inflation.

What do you expect from a clown that claims he graduated at the top of his class and was thrown in jail with Mandela in apartheid era South Africa.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 15, 2023, 08:06:58 PM
Jim Crow Joe goes 'off script' and promises to build a railroad across the Indian Ocean, prompting mockery.

Just before he started his speech, the four major green groups — LCV Action Fund, NextGen PAC, Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund, and the Sierra Club — announced their support for his 2024 campaign, reported Politico.

The president zeroed in on their pre-eminent concern, the specter of anthropogenic climate change, stressing that it was "the only truly existential threat." Biden then proceeded to describe some of the ways his administration has worked to address the abstract threat.

Midway through his speech, Biden admittedly went "off script" with a promise spanning 6,200 miles.

"We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean," he said. "We have plans to build in — in Angola one of the largest solar plants in the world. I can go on, but I'm not. I'm going off script. I'm going to get in trouble."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 15, 2023, 11:24:17 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=503463 time=1686872121 user_id=3396
Quote from: DKG post_id=503413 time=1686808717 user_id=3390

I don't know which is more ridiculous-Biden's claims that he has created more jobs than any other president or that he has lowered inflation.

What do you expect from a clown that claims he graduated at the top of his class and was thrown in jail with Mandela in apartheid era South Africa.

Biden is a pathological liar.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Adolf Oliver Bush on June 17, 2023, 06:06:06 AM
Quote from: Herman post_id=503468 time=1686874018 user_id=3396
"We have plans to build in — in Angola one of the largest solar plants in the world. I can go on, but I'm not. I'm going off script. I'm going to get in trouble."

No shit? Has he provided the environmental impact study on what a shit-ton of solar panels in the tropics of Africa means for the Amazon basin in South America? Probably not, or the green lobby would either have to go off their brains at him... or CNN would have to come up with some bullshit excuse why the disappearance of vast sections of rainforest was somehow "good for the climate".
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 17, 2023, 10:17:41 AM
An ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sunday found that 63% of American adults do not think Biden, 80, has the "mental sharpness" it takes to serve effectively as president, compared to only 32% who believe he does and 5% who have no opinion. The number shot up nine percentage points since the same poll was conducted a year ago when 54% said he didn't have the mental capacity for the job.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 17, 2023, 07:21:57 PM
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=503565 time=1686996366 user_id=3409
Quote from: Herman post_id=503468 time=1686874018 user_id=3396
"We have plans to build in — in Angola one of the largest solar plants in the world. I can go on, but I'm not. I'm going off script. I'm going to get in trouble."

No shit? Has he provided the environmental impact study on what a shit-ton of solar panels in the tropics of Africa means for the Amazon basin in South America? Probably not, or the green lobby would either have to go off their brains at him... or CNN would have to come up with some bullshit excuse why the disappearance of vast sections of rainforest was somehow "good for the climate".

A guy that wants to build a railway acoss the Indian Ocean? What do you think?
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 17, 2023, 08:10:10 PM
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Adolf Oliver Bush on June 17, 2023, 09:28:37 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=503600 time=1687044117 user_id=3396
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=503565 time=1686996366 user_id=3409

No shit? Has he provided the environmental impact study on what a shit-ton of solar panels in the tropics of Africa means for the Amazon basin in South America? Probably not, or the green lobby would either have to go off their brains at him... or CNN would have to come up with some bullshit excuse why the disappearance of vast sections of rainforest was somehow "good for the climate".

A guy that wants to build a railway acoss the Indian Ocean? What do you think?

In a word... "stupid". I'm not saying that it cannot be done, pretty much all things are possible, including skiing through a set of revolving doors if it comes down to it, but there are some projects that would be logistic and engineering feats that would prove insanely difficult, not to mention cost prohibitive.

Ocean conditions can be a lot more extreme on infrastructure than anything you can account for on land. Take a look at the state of US rail and road networks and I'd be surprised if you came back to me and said that such a project would be something that you would trust your life to. Shit, all attempts to bridge the Bering Strait fell flat, and this assclown thinks he can span an ocean?

We have ships and boats, they do the job. As do aircraft. None are immune to the vagaries of weather or seismological disturbances, but it seems to be they are better placed than a fixed structure shuttling rail cars back and forth for carrying passengers and freight across an ocean.

I'm not about to listen to some demented potato's fairytales about choo-choo trains spanning the ocean blue.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 18, 2023, 07:40:50 PM
Paving the Bay of Fundy was part of the Rhinocerous Party platform.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 18, 2023, 08:05:08 PM
Elon Musk challenged President Joe Biden's social media team to give the 80-year-old the password to his Twitter account Saturday in a tweet thread overflowing with humorous jabs and cold, hard fact.

About two hours later, Musk responded with an unusual challenge.

He requested that Biden be given the keys to his social media account, not-so-subtly suggesting the gaffe-prone octogenarian doesn't come up with tweets on his own.

"Please give him the password so he can do his own tweets. Please, I'm begging you!" Musk wrote, responding to Biden's tweet.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Adolf Oliver Bush on June 19, 2023, 04:41:18 AM
Quote from: Herman post_id=503706 time=1687133108 user_id=3396
Elon Musk challenged President Joe Biden's social media team to give the 80-year-old the password to his Twitter account Saturday in a tweet thread overflowing with humorous jabs and cold, hard fact.

About two hours later, Musk responded with an unusual challenge.

He requested that Biden be given the keys to his social media account, not-so-subtly suggesting the gaffe-prone octogenarian doesn't come up with tweets on his own.

"Please give him the password so he can do his own tweets. Please, I'm begging you!" Musk wrote, responding to Biden's tweet.

There's not enough Adrenochrome on the planet to get Joe posting coherent tweets. Bring back Trump.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 19, 2023, 11:09:38 AM
I agree with Elon Musk--I would like to see Biden tweeting on his own.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 19, 2023, 08:13:15 PM
Jim Crow Joe is first rate entertainment when he does not repeat what his handlers tell him to. :laugh3:
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 23, 2023, 03:26:29 PM
Hunter Biden, whom President Joe Biden claimed is the "smartest guy" he knows, deducted tens of thousands of dollars in payments he made to prostitutes and a sex club from his taxes, according to Internal Revenue Service whistleblower testimony released Thursday by the House Ways and Means Committee.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 23, 2023, 06:18:21 PM
Jim Crow Joe cannot tell the difference between India's and America's national anthems.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Adolf Oliver Bush on June 23, 2023, 09:10:40 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=504232 time=1687558701 user_id=3396
Jim Crow Joe cannot tell the difference between India's and America's national anthems.

See where his hand paused at the 40 second mark... I'm not so sure someone didn't wheel out a particularly nice smelling kid off camera, causing Beijing Biden's heart to go all pitter patter and his loins to start a-tingling.

What?!?!? You saw how he acts around them on those C-SPAN videos!
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 24, 2023, 10:45:11 AM
Retired Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said that a recent allegation from a whistleblower about President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, should be investigated by Republicans and could be an "impeachable offense."

During an interview with Fox News on Thursday night, Dershowitz said that because Republicans control Congress, they can investigate the younger Biden.

Earlier this week, the Department of Justice and Biden's lawyers announced that they came to a plea deal in which he would plead guilty to several misdemeanor offenses—not related to longstanding Republican-backed investigations into his overseas business deals while his father was the vice president and after. The U.S. attorney involved in the case, David Weiss, said that an investigation into Biden is currently ongoing.

If it is proven that Hunter Biden allegedly demanded a payment from a Chinese businessman while his father was in the room, it's "probable cause" of an "impeachable offense" of bribery under the Constitution. He also said that Biden cannot invoke the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination in Congress "because his lawyers have said that he's no longer subject to any criminal prosecution," he also speculated.

"That would be an impeachable offense. That would be the crime of bribery," he said, adding that it still hasn't been proven that his father was in the room with him while he made the demand

Because "there is probable cause," he said, "This has to be investigated."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 27, 2023, 04:55:46 PM
Biden accidentally read out "end of quote" from his teleprompter during a White Speech on Monday in his latest gaffe.

The President accidentally read out the part of the teleprompter that was for his own benefit while sharing a personal anecdote about the impact his initiative is having on the ground.

"And here's what she wrote to me, and I quote, 'You can imagine my joy'. She called them right away. And the next day, they sent someone out to survey her yard. As Beth wrote, 'This is the best thing that has happened to rural America since the Rural Electrification Act brought electricity to farms in the 30s and 40s'. End of quote," Biden said.

Biden ended his keynote speech at a summit in West Hartford, Connecticut, earlier this month by declaring to the crowd "God save the Queen" - sparking confusion among the crowd.

And last month the President revealed to a room of journalists that "I'm doing a major press conference this afternoon, so I love you all, but I'd like to ask you to leave".

However, no such press conference was planned, prompting one CNN reporter to respond: "This is news to us."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Anonymous on June 27, 2023, 05:00:17 PM
Like, omg! Biden must be a terrible person!
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 27, 2023, 05:03:48 PM
Quote from: Woke post_id=504599 time=1687899617
Like, omg! Biden must be a terrible person!

His administration has done some terrible things to Americans Eddie.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Anonymous on June 27, 2023, 05:29:50 PM
Joe Biden is an installed and controlled asset occupying the White House.

They cover up his crimes and protect him which is why they also control him and he is compromised by America's enemies because of his and Hunter's pay to play schemes that sold out the United States.

President Trump was the people's president and was returning America to the people and stabilizing the world through peace.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 27, 2023, 06:42:15 PM
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 28, 2023, 09:35:31 AM
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was fact-checked Monday after claiming Americans are more financially confident thanks to President Joe Biden.

At the press briefing, CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond asked why the White House is boasting about "Bidenomics," citing polling that shows an overwhelming majority of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy.

Jean-Pierre's assertion went viral on social media precisely because it shows the disconnect between reality and the Biden administration's narrative.

"What world is she living in? Inflation is the highest it's been in 40 years. Nearly 80% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. A vast majority of Americans can't find $1k in emergency funds. Biden has FAILED America," Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-Texas) responded.

"Gaslighting at its finest. 3/4 people believe the country is on the wrong track (74%)," Rep. Max Miller (R-Ohio) responded.

"Prices have increased 15.5% and real wages have decreased 3.2% since President Biden took office. Americans are getting crushed because of Biden's policies," Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-Penn.) pointed out.

"The only people in America who feel better about their personal finances are the Biden Crime Family," Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) quipped.

"Stock market is down, food cost are up, rent is up, gas is up, savings are going down....... I feel so much better," another person mocked.

It's not true that Biden has created 13 million jobs. While the economy may have added that many jobs since Biden became president, the vast majority of those jobs represent people who returned to the workforce after pandemic lockdowns.

Inflation, meanwhile, is still high at 4% — twice the Federal Reserve's targeted rate, while American households are carrying more debt and less savings. Corporate bankruptcies and foreclosures are up too.

None of these are metics of a thriving economy. Indeed, only one-third of Americans approve of Biden's job on the economy while even fewer (24%) believe the economy is in good shape, a recent Associated Press-NORC poll found.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 28, 2023, 09:42:34 AM
Bill Maher raged against the Democratic establishment and its allies in the liberal media Sunday for ongoing efforts to assassinate the character of presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom President Joe Biden is unwilling to debate.

"I want to take issue with the media because it incenses me how they write about you," Maher told Kennedy on the Sunday episode of his "Club Random Podcast."

The comedian zeroed in on a recent New York Times article entitled "Robert Kennedy Jr., With Musk, Pushes Right-Wing Ideas and Misinformation," stressing it had been presented as news contra opinion despite amounting to a hodgepodge of subjective claims and skewed characterizations.

"Right away, I'm pissed off because 'misinformation'? ... How about you're the newspaper, just tell me what he said and I'll decide what's misinformation," said Maher. "This arrogance of 'We know what the misinformation is about science.'"

Kennedy challenged Biden to a debate in April, writing, "I have known and liked Joe Biden for many years, but we differ profoundly on fundamental issues such as corporate influence in government, censorship, civil liberties, poverty, corruption, and war policy, among others. I look forward to engaging him in debates and town hall meetings, in a primary election that is honest, civil, and transparent. I invite him into a new era of respectful dialog in these times of division."

A USA Today/Suffolk University poll revealed earlier this month that eight in 10 Democratic primary voters want to see a series of Democratic debates during the 2024 campaign, including 72% of Biden supporters.

David Paleologos, director of Suffolk's Political Research Center, indicated that the "decision not to debate is ignoring the 82% of women, 84% of union households, 86% of independents, and 90% of young voters who are not only planning to vote in their state's Democratic primary or caucus next year but also would like to see a series of Democratic primary debates."

It appears that Biden allies, aware that the president's speechwriters and staff already have their hands full "embracing" his mental deterioration, are not overly keen on exposing the octogenarian to unscripted conversation and greater scrutiny.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 28, 2023, 07:00:15 PM
Jim Crow Joe is calling his economic leadership Bidenomics. High inflation, wages underwater, savings down, interest rates up, markets down, the loss of enegy independence, people living paycheque to paycheque, one recession so far, and so on.

Nearly two thirds of Americans disapprove of his handling of the economy. If Jim Crow Jow hadn't followed Trump's bullish economy he would be looking even more like a Jimmy Carter than he already is.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 28, 2023, 07:08:55 PM
His handlers have gpt Jim Crow Joe crowing that his Bidenomics have defeated forty years of trickle down economics. WTF? Does that include Obama and Clinton too.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 28, 2023, 07:38:38 PM
The Dems are promoting the IRA which will add $750 billion to the debt and fuel even more deliberate energy inflation. They are promoting the CHIPS act even though all it is is a $52 billion giveaway that ignores small business innovation and still requires chips to be shipped to Asia to be completed. The Infrastructure bill is so loaded with green energy waste it will do little to improve the movement of people.

These false bills are the presidcent's accomplishments? Americans know none of these helps middle America. This is crony capitalism for liberal millionaires and woke corporations. This is why no matter how many times the Dems try to spin everything, the majority of middle class Americans know Biden does not work for their interests.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 29, 2023, 07:08:47 PM
In a shocking twist that no one saw coming, some of the fiercest defenders of Joe Biden — the corporate press — seem to have finally had enough of the gaffe-filled president.

When Biden was recently asked by a reporter if he was involved in Hunter's business dealings, Biden shouted "No" at the reporter as a smile broke out across his face.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 03, 2023, 03:25:15 PM
The Biden administration plans to "rig" artificial intelligence systems with "woke" ideology to fight "algorithmic discrimination" and advance "equity."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 06, 2023, 12:43:37 AM
So they found some nose candy in the White House. ac_toofunny
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Adolf Oliver Bush on July 06, 2023, 05:46:30 AM
I'm sure it had nothing to do with the smartest guy Joe knows.  :laugh3:
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 06, 2023, 09:48:46 AM
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=505490 time=1688636790 user_id=3409
I'm sure it had nothing to do with the smartest guy Joe knows.  :laugh3:

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Lokmar on July 06, 2023, 11:08:59 AM
Today it was revealed that it is unlikely they will ever find out who the coke belongs to, confirming that it was Hunters. Like we're expected to believe the most secure facility on planet earth doesnt have video of who dropped it let alone the capability to lift prints and DNA from the fukin bag!
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 06, 2023, 11:15:28 AM
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=505520 time=1688656139 user_id=3351
Today it was revealed that it is unlikely they will ever find out who the coke belongs to, confirming that it was Hunters. Like we're expected to believe the most secure facility on planet earth doesnt have video of who dropped it let alone the capability to lift prints and DNA from the fukin bag!

What a joke.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 06, 2023, 07:16:48 PM
Politico's senior media writer, Jack Shafer, wrote a piece in which he contended that President Joe Biden should face a challenging Democratic primary opponent and that if he cannot defeat such a figure, he should not be elevated to compete in the general election.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Thiel on July 06, 2023, 10:00:51 PM
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=505520 time=1688656139 user_id=3351
Today it was revealed that it is unlikely they will ever find out who the coke belongs to, confirming that it was Hunters. Like we're expected to believe the most secure facility on planet earth doesnt have video of who dropped it let alone the capability to lift prints and DNA from the fukin bag!

There is a lack of media interest in this. There is a shock.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 07, 2023, 04:12:47 PM
Dems are calling the CHIPS along with the IRA and the infrastructure deal impressive wins for the middle America, but nothing could be further from the truth. The CHIPS act is supposed to be a pillar of Bidenomics, but we shall see once again that trickle down crony capitalism does not work and never has.

Why the CHIPS and Science Act will hurt the U.S. in the end

Joe Biden will sign into law the so-called CHIPS and Science Act on August 9, opening the door for over $50 billion in funds earmarked for developing the U.S. domestic semiconductor industry in the face of ongoing shortages.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this legislation will be a disaster. And there are a number of reasons, some rather straightforward and others that require some logical steps to understand.

The Cato Institute published analysis to offer seven reasons to oppose new semiconductor subsidies in December 2021, since the shortages should self-limit soon. The report estimated that it would be midway through this year, but it's dragging longer as we see, which would mean that any subsidies would be an outright waste.

Additionally, the semiconductor industry is highly cyclical. There's been a supply shortage – because the business cycle was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and new orders were delayed, causing supply bottlenecks after the economies have resumed back to normal. The chip shortage is a narrow market failure and not a long-term supply chain risk; at least not any more than other industries.

Accordingly, the subsidies could disrupt the delicate cycle that exists in the market, by creating overcapacity. It could lead to increased trade conflicts – becoming a more pronounced risk when other large economies, such as the EU and Republic of Korea, are implementing similar subsidies.

Trade wars are inherently destabilizing for economies causing huge inflationary pressures that's the highest-in-a-generation. The subsidies can be a drag on innovation, as the Cato Institute notes was the case in a memory chip dispute in the 1980s and 1990s between the U.S., Japan and the Republic of Korea.

In fact, Biden's comments today sound eerily similar to President Ronald Reagan.

"The health and vitality of the U.S. semiconductor industry is essential to America's future competitiveness," Reagan said while slapping tariffs on Asian competitors. "We cannot allow it to be jeopardized by unfair trading practices."

There is nothing in the CHIPS legislation that specifies any sort of pro-competition fund allocation and it appears taxpayer money will go to large-tech monopolies. These companies have their bottom lines at heart and not the well-being of American consumers, and so the U.S. will be awash with chips – rather it just means supply chains will entrench their respective domestic monopolies and become more unreliable.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 07, 2023, 04:18:44 PM
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently reiterated a point the Biden White House has been making for the past year: that inflation remains high not because of the Biden $6 trillion spending spree but because "high profit margins" captured during the COVID-19 pandemic drive up consumer prices. :crazy:

So, according to Biden, companies that lose money do not raise prices. It baffles me that the White House believes Americans are dumb enough to accept being talked to like they were all in the fifth grade.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on July 07, 2023, 07:06:25 PM
Quote from: DKG post_id=505764 time=1688761124 user_id=3390
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently reiterated a point the Biden White House has been making for the past year: that inflation remains high not because of the Biden $6 trillion spending spree but because "high profit margins" captured during the COVID-19 pandemic drive up consumer prices. :crazy:

So, according to Biden, companies that lose money do not raise prices. It baffles me that the White House believes Americans are dumb enough to accept being talked to like they were all in the fifth grade.

Sadly, around half are stupid enough not to understand basic economics.  Where these supposedly greedy businesses any less greedy in 2019 when there was no inflation?  Doubling g the money supply in a single year while also shutting down most production resulted in ever more money chasing fewer and fewer available goods.  That is the very definition of inflation.

Now Democraps desperately want to find someone else to blame for their fuck up though.  It is not like they will ever accept responsibility for their own ignorant actions.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Shen Li on July 07, 2023, 07:12:32 PM
Quote from: DKG post_id=505764 time=1688761124 user_id=3390
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently reiterated a point the Biden White House has been making for the past year: that inflation remains high not because of the Biden $6 trillion spending spree but because "high profit margins" captured during the COVID-19 pandemic drive up consumer prices. :crazy:

So, according to Biden, companies that lose money do not raise prices. It baffles me that the White House believes Americans are dumb enough to accept being talked to like they were all in the fifth grade.

About half oaf all Americans have the critical thinking skills of a 5th grader.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on July 07, 2023, 07:44:53 PM
You can truthfully say that about most countries.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Shen Li on July 07, 2023, 07:47:10 PM
Quote from: Oerdin post_id=505803 time=1688773493 user_id=3374
You can truthfully say that about most countries.

Not Canada. :shock: ac_toofunny  ac_lmfao
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 07, 2023, 09:28:13 PM
Quote from: DKG post_id=505764 time=1688761124 user_id=3390
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently reiterated a point the Biden White House has been making for the past year: that inflation remains high not because of the Biden $6 trillion spending spree but because "high profit margins" captured during the COVID-19 pandemic drive up consumer prices. :crazy:

So, according to Biden, companies that lose money do not raise prices. It baffles me that the White House believes Americans are dumb enough to accept being talked to like they were all in the fifth grade.

I agree with the dike press secretary. Hunter Biden's influence selling profit margins are too high. And the "big guy" agrees.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 08, 2023, 11:32:09 AM
Quote from: Oerdin post_id=505790 time=1688771185 user_id=3374
Quote from: DKG post_id=505764 time=1688761124 user_id=3390
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently reiterated a point the Biden White House has been making for the past year: that inflation remains high not because of the Biden $6 trillion spending spree but because "high profit margins" captured during the COVID-19 pandemic drive up consumer prices. :crazy:

So, according to Biden, companies that lose money do not raise prices. It baffles me that the White House believes Americans are dumb enough to accept being talked to like they were all in the fifth grade.

Doubling g the money supply in a single year while also shutting down most production resulted in ever more money chasing fewer and fewer available goods.  That is the very definition of inflation.

Now Democraps desperately want to find someone else to blame for their fuck up though.  It is not like they will ever accept responsibility for their own ignorant actions.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 10, 2023, 09:28:10 PM
Biden shares US secrets on live TV
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 11, 2023, 10:35:53 AM
A federal judge on July 10 denied the Department of Justice's (DOJ) request to stay a ruling that places limits on government communications with social media firms, rejecting the White House's argument that such an order could put a damper on law enforcement activity online.

U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty wrote that his order last week had created exceptions for communications for cyberattacks, election interference, and national security threats. The DOJ and Biden administration, he wrote, didn't provide any specific examples that "would provide grave harm to the American people or our democratic processes."

"Although this Preliminary Injunction involves numerous agencies, it is not as broad as it appears," Mr. Doughty wrote on July 10. "It only prohibits something the Defendants have no legal right to do—contacting social media companies for the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner, the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech posted on social-media platforms."

The judge further wrote that Republican attorneys general who brought the suit are most likely going to prevail in proving that federal agencies and officials "significantly encouraged," "coerced," or "jointly participated" in allegedly suppressing social media posts that included information critical of COVID-19 vaccines or questioned the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 13, 2023, 08:36:07 PM
Senate Republicans accused President Joe Biden Wednesday of creating "the largest child trafficking ring in U.S. history."

The video accompanying the statement, which contains remarks from various senators, including Ted Cruz (Texas) and Josh Hawley (Mo.), echoes recent remarks made by Tim Ballard, the former Department of Homeland Security agent whose relentless pursuit of child traffickers across the globe is the subject of the massively successful new film "Sound of Freedom."

During the same hearing, Hawley said, "This administration has let tens of thousands of children be sold into slavery. ... They are doing nothing about it."

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, over 390,300 minors crossed the U.S.-Mexico border into the nation unaccompanied on Biden's watch.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 14, 2023, 06:07:12 PM
The Biden criminal syndicate in action.

Republican lawmakers looking into whether President Joe Biden was embroiled in a bribery scheme and influence-peddling operation appear to have found the "ultimate purpose" of Hunter Biden's dealings with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma: to "close down ... any cases/pursuits" against the company's founder.


In December 2015, Biden traveled to Ukraine and strong-armed the government to fire its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who launched an investigation into possible corruption at Burisma, an energy company that paid Hunter Biden well over $50,000 a month and had him sit on its board as of spring 2014.

Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine — just after the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula — in order get the nation to oust Shokin. Biden claimed he did so because the prosecutor had not adequately dealt with corruption in the Ukranian government, not because he was investigating the company enriching his son.

Hunter Biden's 'ultimate purpose' spelled out

The House Oversight Committee has recently pored over a November 2015 email exchange between Hunter Biden, his business partners Devon Archer and Eric Schwerin, and the executive of the Ukrainian holding company Burisma, Vadym Pozharskyi, that appears to explain Hunter Biden's raison d'être on the board of the company as well as confirm the nature of then-Vice President Biden's trip to Ukraine a month later.

Pozharskyi, who had previously spent time with Joe Biden, stated in a Nov. 2, 2015, letter to Hunter Biden, Archer, and Schwerin that it was important "to be on the same page re our final goals."

"With this in mind," continued the Burisma exec, "I would like us to formulate a list of deliverables, including, but not limited to: a concrete course of actions, incl. meetings/communications resulting in high-ranking US officials in Ukraine (US Ambassador) and in US publicly or in private communication/comment expressing their 'positive opinion' and support of Nikolay/Burisma to the highest level of decision makers here in Ukraine :President of Ukraine, president Chief of staff, Prosecutor General, etc."

"Nikolay" is the name Pozharskyi used to refer to Burisma's then-president, Mykola Zlochevsky.

The Daily Caller reported that among their efforts to protect Zlochevsky from consequence, Hunter Biden and his cronies allegedly attempted to get a U.S. visa for Zlochevsky.

According to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Zlochevsky also happens to be the "unnamed" foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million, as discussed in the document that the FBI desperately attempted to keep out of the hands of the House Oversight Committee.

This would suggest that Zlochevsky is the same Burisma executive who kept 17 secret audio recordings of his conversations with Hunter Biden and Joe Biden., as reported by TheBlaze.

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa indicated that he had kept the recordings as an "insurance policy."

Pozharskyi also wrote in his letter, "The scope of work should also include organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized and influential current and/or former US policy-makers to Ukraine in November aiming to conduct meetings with and bring positive signal/message and support on Nikolay's issue to the Ukrainian top officials above with the ultimate purpose to close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine."

Following Biden's timely ultimatum, Hunter Biden wrote to Zlochevsky, thanking him for "the beautiful birthday gifts," which he noted were "far too extravagant." It is unclear what Hunter Biden received from the Burisma executive.

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) told Fox News Digital, "I think Biden had [Shokin] fired to cover his own tail when it comes to the Biden family's shady business dealings in Ukraine and because Shokin was looking into Zlochevsky very seriously. It's not a coincidence that this email came a month before his visit to Kyiv. Our work on the Oversight Committee isn't finished."

"The sequence of events that led to the firing of Viktor Shokin, and the subsequent comments by then-Vice President Biden, raise serious concerns as to what machinations were really at play — and were purposefully concealed from the American people," said Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.

Foxx added, "No matter how you slice Hunter Biden's involvement, it screams public corruption at the highest levels and must be fully investigated."

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.), also on the committee, said, "The calm, judicious, steady reveal of incredibly condemning evidence that clearly incriminates the Biden crime family will eventually alarm even the most ardent supporters of this WH occupier. ... Our President is compromised, he should resign and be forever condemned, and the Democrat Party should begin rebuilding itself."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 16, 2023, 08:27:44 PM
Does anybody really want this wanker as president.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Adolf Oliver Bush on July 17, 2023, 05:14:47 AM
Quote from: Herman post_id=507897 time=1689553664 user_id=3396
Does anybody really want this wanker as president.

Yes, unfortunately they do.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 19, 2023, 12:58:54 PM
Sometime between April 21 and May 28, the Biden administration's Department of Justice removed substantial sections of information regarding child sex trafficking from its website, the New York Post reported.

The website changes sparked concern among survivors and anti-child-trafficking advocates who accused the administration of deprioritizing the heinous crime.

The DOJ's current webpage about child sex trafficking, compared to an archived version from April, reveals that the agency removed entire sections discussing "Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors" and "Child Victims of Prostitution."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 20, 2023, 08:30:39 PM
The two IRS whistleblowers have been unwavering in their accusations, and it's not looking good for the Bidens.

The House Oversight Committee just heard from Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley as they continue to claim that the Justice Department politicized the Hunter Biden criminal probe and that the Bidens have been making money under the table.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 21, 2023, 11:24:30 AM
A confidential source provided information to the FBI in 2020 alleging that then-presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden were bribed to pressure Ukraine to remove a prosecutor investigating Burisma, the Ukrainian company that employed the younger Mr. Biden, according to a document made public on July 20.

The source said he traveled to Burisma's office in Ukraine in 2015 or 2016 with a man named Oleksandr Ostapenko. During the meeting, Vadim Pojarskii, chief financial officer of Burisma, told the source that the company hired Mr. Hunter Biden "to protect [the company], through his dad, from all kinds of problems."

Burisma contacted the source to seek assistance in buying a U.S. company to merge with in the hope that it could go public in the United States.

After an investigation of Burisma by Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was disclosed in 2016, the source told Mykola Zlochevsky, owner of Burisma, that the disclosure would have a negative effect on the prospective initial public offering. Mr. Zlochevsky replied that Mr. Hunter Biden "will take care of all of those issues through his dad," according to the document.

Mr. Zlochevsky was also cited as saying that it cost $5 million to pay one Biden and $5 million to pay another Biden.

The source replied that payments to the Bidens would complicate matters and that the Bidens didn't have experience with the oil and gas sector, according to the document. Mr. Zlochevsky said that despite his low opinion of Mr. Hunter Biden's intelligence, Mr. Zlochevsky needed to keep him on the board "so everything will be okay." He also said both Bidens had told him that Mr. Hunter Biden needed to remain on the board.

At about the same time, Mr. Joe Biden, U.S. vice president at the time, was pressuring Ukrainian officials to fire Mr. Shokin.

"'We're leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money,'" Mr. Joe Biden said at a public event about the interaction, referring to a $1 billion loan guarantee he threatened to withhold. "Well, son of a [expletive]. He got fired."

Mr. Shokin has said that the threat was cited when he was ousted. He said in a sworn statement that then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko asked him to resign because of "pressure from the U.S. presidential administration, in particular from Joe Biden."

The FBI source told the bureau that he gleaned from the conversation that payments had already been made to the Bidens, presumably to deal with Mr. Shokin.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 21, 2023, 11:51:12 AM
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) shared damning new details Thursday from the FBI's unclassified FD-1023 document, which the bureau tried desperately to keep out of the hands of the House Oversight Committee.

The details contained therein not only shed more light on the alleged bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and a Ukrainian business executive, but on how the first son was regarded by those for whom he was apparently tasked to run defense.

Last week, Republican lawmakers publicized a 2015 email exchange between Hunter Biden, his business partners Devon Archer and Eric Schwerin, and the executive of Burisma, Vadym Pozharskyi, which revealed that the "ultimate purpose" of Hunter Biden's dealings with the Ukrainian energy company was: to "close down ... any cases/pursuits" against the company's founder.

The document Grassley shared Thursday reveals that there was little faith at the company in Hunter Biden's competence and that he was hired for who his father was, not for what he himself was capable of.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 24, 2023, 12:05:44 PM
While campaigning for president in 2019, Joe Biden told reporters in Iowa, "I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings."

Hunter Biden's old friend and longtime business partner is apparently set to tell congressional investigators this week that the Democratic president has been anything but mute and passive when it comes to his son's business schemes.

According to a new report from the New York Post, Devon Archer will testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability about the 24 or more instances when he allegedly witnessed Joe Biden take part in his son's business calls or in-person meetings with foreign nationals or prospective investors.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 25, 2023, 10:41:11 AM
Water heaters could soon be subject to much more stringent efficiency requirements if a recent Department of Energy proposal that has been criticized by Republican lawmakers goes into effect.

In a draft rule unveiled Friday, the Biden administration is seeking to compel most electric water heaters to deploy heat pump technology and gas-fired ones to use condensing technology.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on July 25, 2023, 12:29:20 PM
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 25, 2023, 04:46:58 PM
The Department of Justice sued Texas and its Republican governor Monday over their attempt to do what the Biden administration appears unwilling to do: end the flood of illegal aliens into the United States by any and all practical means.

The Biden DOJ claims the marine floating barriers state officials have installed in the Rio Grande are unauthorized and in violation of federal law.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Reggie Essent on July 25, 2023, 05:35:55 PM
Herman doesn't have a quote button on his last post.

Technically, Herman, the Federal government is responsible for border security.  Texas has taken the action they have because the Federal government seems to have abdicated that responsibility -- so Texas will argue in court.

In the meantime, millions more illegal third worlders and future Democrat voters will surge across the border and flood into the country.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Reggie Essent on July 25, 2023, 05:37:05 PM
 ... and now Herman's quote button shows up.  Weird.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 25, 2023, 05:37:53 PM
Quote from: Gurk_MacGuintey on July 25, 2023, 05:35:55 PM
Herman doesn't have a quote button on his last post.

Technically, Herman, the Federal government is responsible for border security.  Texas has taken the action they have because the Federal government seems to have abdicated that responsibility -- so Texas will argue in court.

In the meantime, millions more illegal third worlders and future Democrat voters will surge across the border and flood into the country.
This is why Southern governors are taking responsibility for border security. Jim Crow Joe aint doing it.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 25, 2023, 05:39:20 PM
Quote from: Gurk_MacGuintey on July 25, 2023, 05:37:05 PM
... and now Herman's quote button shows up.  Weird.
This new version is taking some time to get used to. We will get it.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on July 26, 2023, 02:11:43 AM
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on July 26, 2023, 01:40:42 PM
Hunter's sweat heart plea deal was so outside of normal boundaries the judge has thrown it out.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Reggie Essent on July 26, 2023, 03:01:23 PM
Quote from: Oerdin on July 26, 2023, 01:40:42 PM
Hunter's sweat heart plea deal was so outside of normal boundaries the judge has thrown it out.

Bwa Hahaha!  I saw that.  Apparently his lawyers are as dumb as Hunter and Joe.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 26, 2023, 03:36:56 PM
Quote from: Gurk_MacGuintey on July 26, 2023, 03:01:23 PM
Bwa Hahaha!  I saw that.  Apparently his lawyers are as dumb as Hunter and Joe.
I was going to post about this. He could be facing some more serious charges and jail time.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on July 26, 2023, 09:09:07 PM
Judge tosses out Hunter Biden's please agreement over immunity for other charges such as the foreign agent registration act.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on July 27, 2023, 02:24:41 AM
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 28, 2023, 05:23:07 PM
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) provided new damning insights into the lengths to which the Biden White House has gone to suppress speech and views online that it has found undesirable or threatening.

The internal Facebook documents shared to Twitter Thursday were obtained via subpoena by the House Judiciary Committee, which Jordan chairs. They reveal Facebook and Instagram censored content online following "unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House."

Among the damning documents was an April 2021 email circulated by a Facebook employee, ostensibly on behalf of company CEO Mark Zuckerberg and then-COO Sheryl Sandberg.

The email stated, "We are seeking your guidance on whether to take more aggressive action against certain vaccine discouraging content. We are facing continued pressure from external stakeholders, including the White House and the press, to remove more COVID-19 vaccine discouraging content."

The email specifies that the Biden White House took issue with a "vaccine discouraging humorous meme," which it told the social media company to delete.

The verboten meme in question used the "Pointing Rick Dalton" template, borrowing a still from the 2019 film "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," where Leonardo DiCaprio's character points out something on television.

This meme, which the Biden White House wanted erased from the platform, was captioned, "10 years from now you will be watching TV and hear .... 'Did you or a loved one take the covid vaccine? You may be entitled ...'" and apparently shared over 385,000 times.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on July 30, 2023, 06:48:15 PM
Joe Biden is so corrupt and is actively weaponizing the DOJ to arrest the key whistle blowers who has personal first hand knowledge of Joe participating in bribery and money laundering schemes in 3xchqnge for official acts.  Biden and the corrupt Democrats are illegally trying to have him arrested to prevent him from testifying before Congress.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 30, 2023, 07:00:48 PM
Quote from: Oerdin on July 30, 2023, 06:48:15 PM
Joe Biden is so corrupt and is actively weaponizing the DOJ to arrest the key whistle blowers who has personal first hand knowledge of Joe participating in bribery and money laundering schemes in 3xchqnge for official acts.  Biden and the corrupt Democrats are illegally trying to have him arrested to prevent him from testifying before Congress.
Jim Crow Joe and Justine are two tyrant birds of a feather.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 31, 2023, 09:34:06 AM
Some energy industry groups are expressing concern that the White House will declare a COVID-19-like emergency—but for the climate instead.

"They're leaning to that direction," U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart told Just the News in an article published on July 30. "If you grant the president's emergency powers to declare a climate emergency, it's just like COVID."

An emergency declaration on the climate could give the president "vast and unchecked authority to shut down everything from communications to infrastructure," said Mr. Stewart, who has been a critic of the Biden administration.

Infrastructure around water and electricity could be affected by such a decision, he said.

"They can literally do exactly what they did in COVID," Mr. Stewart said. "If you disagree with the climate emergency, [speech] can be shut down. We really need to be paying attention to that because that power could be extended indefinitely until the 'climate emergency' is over. Who knows how long that would last."

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 31, 2023, 09:47:16 AM
Just days before Hunter Biden's former business partner is set to testify before the House Oversight Committee, Biden's Department of Justice is pushing for Devon Archer to go to prison.  He is the most corrupt president ever.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Biggie Smiles on July 31, 2023, 09:59:43 AM
But Trump paid a hooker!!!!
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 31, 2023, 10:09:13 AM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 31, 2023, 09:59:43 AM
But Trump paid a hooker!!!!
Hunter Biden paid a Russian prostitute $25,000 from an account that was linked to dad Joe, according to text messages obtained from his laptop.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Biggie Smiles on July 31, 2023, 10:10:06 AM
Quote from: DKG on July 31, 2023, 10:09:13 AM
Hunter Biden paid a Russian prostitute $25,000 from an account that was linked to dad Joe, according to text messages obtained from his laptop.

But that's different cause Trump is Orange!
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 31, 2023, 10:14:49 AM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 31, 2023, 10:10:06 AM
But that's different cause Trump is Orange!
Good point that I overlooked.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Biggie Smiles on July 31, 2023, 10:25:22 AM
You know what the craziest thing about these Trump hate cultists is?

You don't even have to like Trump to be called a Trumper ... all you need to do is have some semblance of concern over the huge disparity in the way they treat gerbil joe regarding his deep blue sea of corruption vs the way they lose their minds over Trump blowing a stop sign or J walking and the obvious precedent shit like that sets and immediately their fucking heads explode

look at avatar_Garraty_47 - He hated Trump but hated obvious injustice more and that's all it took to get him labeled by the Basturd Factory plankton assembly
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 31, 2023, 05:24:07 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 31, 2023, 10:25:22 AM
You know what the craziest thing about these Trump hate cultists is?

You don't even have to like Trump to be called a Trumper ... all you need to do is have some semblance of concern over the huge disparity in the way they treat gerbil joe regarding his deep blue sea of corruption vs the way they lose their minds over Trump blowing a stop sign or J walking and the obvious precedent shit like that sets and immediately their fucking heads explode

look at avatar_Garraty_47 - He hated Trump but hated obvious injustice more and that's all it took to get him labeled by the Basturd Factory plankton assembly
I am no longer a Trump supporter. He aint my candidate anymore. But, the withchhunt against him is so blatant that only the most brainwashed TDS suffering wankers cannot see it.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on August 01, 2023, 12:12:23 AM
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on August 08, 2023, 11:37:22 PM
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on August 09, 2023, 01:18:13 AM
Remember that cocaine found in the White House?  It turns out the cocaine was from "a Biden Family orbit member".  The only people who get to bypass security searches at the White House are the President and direct family like spouse or children.  I have money it was Hunter Biden's cocaine.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on August 09, 2023, 01:23:39 AM
Quote from: Oerdin on August 09, 2023, 01:18:13 AM
Remember that cocaine found in the White House?  It turns out the cocaine was from "a Biden Family orbit member".  The only people who get to bypass security searches at the White House are the President and direct family like spouse or children.  I have money it was Hunter Biden's cocaine.
Guaranteed it Hunter's blow.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on August 09, 2023, 12:56:36 PM
House Republicans release Biden crime family banking records showing $20 million in payments from Russian and Kazakh oligarchs to the Biden family.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on August 09, 2023, 01:48:03 PM
Quote from: Oerdin on August 09, 2023, 12:56:36 PM
House Republicans release Biden crime family banking records showing $20 million in payments from Russian and Kazakh oligarchs to the Biden family.
But, Trump gets impeached for a phone call asking about this,
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on August 10, 2023, 12:45:51 PM
Only 37% approve of Biden and Democrats on the economy and only 30% on inflation.  You know Dems are in trouble when even left wing CNN is forced to call them out and calls "Bidenomics" is a failure.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on August 10, 2023, 12:54:15 PM
Quote from: Oerdin on August 10, 2023, 12:45:51 PM
Only 37% approve of Biden and Democrats on the economy and only 30% on inflation.  You know Dems are in trouble when even left wing CNN is forced to call them out and calls "Bidenomics" is a failure.
From the IRA to the CHIPs Act to his infrastructure program. every bill Biden signs on the economy means higher costs for Americans, more public debt, and more crony capitalism.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on August 12, 2023, 11:14:15 AM
This is absolutely unbelievable.  Garland appointed a special council but instead of someone independent he appointed a crony.  The same guy who tried to give Hunter Biden complete immunity for all crimes in exchange for a few months probation.  He is also the same guy who whistle blowers at the FBI said prevented them from meaningfully investigating the Biden's and this crony even called Hunter Biden's attorney ahead of time warning them the FBI was going to search a storage unit.  This allowed the Biden's to completely clean out the storage unit this hiding evidence.

Biden is corrupt as can be and everyone should know it now.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on August 13, 2023, 03:17:52 AM
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on August 15, 2023, 11:14:51 AM
The Biden administration has touted a $1.2 billion program designed to capture "legacy carbon" from the air and then permanently store it underground or convert it to concrete to offset emissions.

The seperated CO2 would then be "safely and permanently stored deep underground" or perhaps be converted into concrete. The latter is likely in reference to a process of injecting carbon into concrete materials in hopes that the amount of the stored carbon is greater than the amount output by the processing of said concrete.

This is of course a subtle admission that reducing emissions at the point of manufacturing or lessening energy consumption is not actually the proposed plan, but rather finding ways to eliminate carbon after the fact is.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Lokmar on August 15, 2023, 01:35:55 PM
I'll  have to shop Alibaba to see if I can find a CO2 generator....
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on August 16, 2023, 11:33:25 AM
Biden, who has reportedly spent over a year of his presidency on vacation, was recently lambasted for idling on a beach in Delaware while historic wildfires raged in Maui, Hawaii, claiming the lives of at least 106 people and torching over 2,100 acres.

When Biden finally returned to his post, he prompted outrage again, declining to comment on the tragedy.

On Tuesday, the Democratic octogenarian broke his silence on Maui, but appeared at times unable to name the island on the minds and lips of many Americans, including the former Democratic state representative official who has called him out despite having previously campaigned for him.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on August 25, 2023, 01:46:25 PM
The Biden administration's "unlawful food stamp expansion" is driving "massive spikes in grocery prices," a new government watchdog report finds.

A study released Thursday by the Foundation for Government Accountability reported that the largest permanent increase in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in 2021 has been linked to a national spike in grocery prices.

"In 2021, the Biden administration rushed through the largest permanent increase in food stamp benefits since the program was created, hiking benefits by an average of 27 percent," the report stated.

The FGA accused the Biden admin of pushing through an "unlawful expansion" of the program and called on Congress to repeal it and require congressional approval moving forward.

"This unlawful expansion — which bypassed Congress — will cost taxpayers $250 billion over the next decade and has heavily contributed to soaring grocery prices," the report continued. "Congress should repeal President Biden's unlawful food stamp expansion and ensure this type of executive overreach cannot happen again. In doing so, Congress could save taxpayers more than $193 billion over the next decade."

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the food stamp expansion could cost United States taxpayers more than $1 trillion over the next decade.

Jonathan Ingram, vice president of policy and research at the FGA, told Fox News Digital, "USDA cooked their books to hike food stamp benefits by 27% — the largest permanent increase in program history. And they bypassed Congress to do it."

"Data show the Biden administration's overreach led to massive spikes in grocery prices. They're feeding inflation, not stopping hunger," Ingram added.

The FGA reported that, according to the World Bank, for every 12.5% increase in SNAP spending, grocery prices increase by 1%.

Between December 2019 and March 2023, margarine costs rose 59%, eggs 54%, and frozen vegetables 36%, the Labor Department reported.

"Food stamp spending hikes could account for at least two-thirds of that increase. Per-capita food stamp spending grew by more than 90 percent between December 2019 and March 2023 — even after the pandemic-related emergency allotments expired. After accounting for emergency allotments and pandemic EBT programs, total food stamp spending had nearly tripled while those programs were in effect. This suggests food stamp spending increases fueled grocery price increases of more than 15 percent," the study found.

Every signature piece of legislation Joe Biden has signed has made life even more unaffordable for Americans.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on August 27, 2023, 01:29:01 PM
Ukraining prosecutor removed under pressure from Joe Biden says the Biden's did take bribes and that he was ousted because he was being charged against the Biden Family.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on August 27, 2023, 01:37:24 PM
Quote from: Oerdin on August 27, 2023, 01:29:01 PMUkraining prosecutor removed under pressure from Joe Biden says the Biden's did take bribes and that he was ousted because he was being charged against the Biden Family.
The Biden regime is no better than any other corrupt regime that they lecture.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on September 02, 2023, 12:48:29 PM
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on September 02, 2023, 01:14:05 PM
Nearly 7 million illegal aliens have been "encountered" on Biden's watch, the highest number ever. And of those, close to 3 million have been released into the United States (the others were expelled under the now-defunct Title 42 or were just the same people being counted multiple times for multiple attempts).

This week The Washington Post reported that Border Patrol arrests of border-jumpers climbed more than 30% in August, on top of a 30%-plus increase in July. And of the average of nearly 6,000 border-infiltrators a day last month, about half were in "family migrant units" — illegal immigrants bringing children with them — the highest level ever recorded.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on September 08, 2023, 09:15:48 PM
Kamala Harris sent mixed messages this week, dismissing concerns about President Joe Biden's decrepitude, then stressing she is ready to take over should the need arise.

In what turned out to be a controversial move, Harris ended up warming Biden's seat at the annual Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, where the president's absence was seen by some foreign dignitaries as an untimely snub and by critics as yet another signal that he is no longer up to the task of leading the world's greatest superpower.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on September 13, 2023, 01:16:11 PM
Biden is being blasted over his latest lie, this time told to service members, first responders, and the families of victims on the 22nd anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

In his 9/11 memorial speech Monday, Biden claimed that he visited Ground Zero in New York City the day after the attack. The truth of the matter, detailed in his own memoir and documented on film, is that he was hundreds of miles away at the time.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on September 19, 2023, 02:23:57 AM
Civil servants that are loyal the democRATs, but not the folks they are supposed to serve are being protected by Jim Crow Joe.

Biden quietly makes it harder for future Republican presidents to slash size of the federal bureaucrac

In 2020, then-President Donald Trump issued an executive order creating a new job category for federal employees: Schedule F. The new category would have applied to excepted employees whose job exerted any influence over policy. The directive would have essentially made these employee's "at will," and thus would have stripped them of their civil service protections. In theory, it would have made such employees easy to fire.

President Joe Biden rescinded the executive order after taking office.

What is the Biden admin proposing?

The Office of Personnel Management issued a rule proposal on Friday to give federal employees more protections and to rebuff future attempts at slashing the size of the federal workforce.

The new rule stipulates that any federal employee shifted from the competitive service to the excepted service will keep "the status and civil service protections they had already accrued." The rule also clarifies the definition of which employees have influence over policy to mean "noncareer, political appointments."

The rule proposal comes as Republican presidential candidates promise to reduce the size of the federal bureaucracy — comprising more than 2.2 million employees, according to OPM — if they win the White House.

Vivek Ramaswamy, for example, promises to slash more than 1 million jobs and ultimately 75% of the federal workforce over four years, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says he will begin cutting jobs on day one of his presidency.

According to FedSmith, the "OPM proposal is obviously about politics and political power." Indeed, poorly performing civil employees are notoriously difficult to demote or terminate. Moreover, civil service employees are supposed to be nonpartisan, but there is a strong perception that a significant number are not.

Should it be difficult to remove overly partisan career employees? That's a question that remains open for debate. But make no doubt about it: the Biden administration is working hard to ensure that partisan and poorly performing employees remain difficult to remove.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on September 20, 2023, 03:42:58 PM
The day President Biden was inaugurated, the price of oil was $55.66 a barrel. Today the price has soared to $94.58. While everyday Americans are concerned about putting food on the table and gasoline in their cars, the Biden administration is making performative sacrifices to climate-change deities and undermining national security.

Restrictions on domestic oil production do almost nothing to combat global warming. If the U.S. and other countries implemented their commitments under the Paris Agreement from 2030 onward, it would cost $1 trillion to $2 trillion a year and only reduce the global temperature increase by 0.05 degree Fahrenheit by 2100. The only way to address climate change substantively is to find clean-energy alternatives that undercut the price of fossil fuels. Yet the Biden administration pours hundreds of billions into inefficient regulations and subsidies, while neglecting research and development on new energy technology.

While not doing much about climate change, the Biden administration has managed to increase the cost of living and weaken national security. Canceling oil leases signals to markets that making new investments won't be profitable. This restricts domestic supply, increases prices and weakens Western economies. It also bankrolls our adversaries. Russia depends on higher oil prices to finance its war. Mr. Biden has also drawn down the strategic petroleum reserve and, more recently, allowed huge Iranian oil sales to China. The climate-change war on domestic fossil-fuel production is truly an all-around disaster.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on September 26, 2023, 06:51:25 PM
Biden's campaign is working hard on a critical project for his reelection bid: make sure he doesn't trip.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Garraty_47 on September 26, 2023, 08:09:10 PM
Quote from: Brent on September 26, 2023, 06:51:25 PMBiden's campaign is working hard on a critical project for his reelection bid: make sure he doesn't trip.

It seems they'll have to clear any area where Joe will be walking of flags too, then.

Pesky free-standing flags... always in the way when you're trying to find the podium.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on October 03, 2023, 11:08:58 AM
Former Democrat President Bill Clinton says immigration is "broken" under Joe Biden and "we need to fix it."

After reversing the border policies of Donald Trump, Biden triggered an unprecedented and historic surge of illegal immigration at the southern border.

Clinton says it's time to end asylum and sanctuary city laws that Democrats have been supporting.

Referring to New York City's "Right to Shelter Law," Clinton argues "it should be modified."

"It's broken. We need to fix it," Clinton said, adding that the law "doesn't make any sense."

Clinton also noted the "chaos" around the migrant crisis is "very beneficial for the Republicans."

Millions of Americans will vote for Republicans as this mass invasion occurs under Democrats' watch.

The solution is not a work permit upon illegally entering the US.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on October 05, 2023, 11:28:19 AM
Biden reversed his pledge from 2022. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has received orders to construct a new 20 mile long Border Wall in Starr County Texas.

Biden's open border policy has been a dismal failure.

No word if congress will block funding for it like they did with Trump.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on October 10, 2023, 12:02:15 PM
Americans don't care about the jobs report

Joe Biden is taking a victory lap because of a robust top-line jobs report that showed 336,000 jobs added to the economy in September. Assuming those numbers aren't materially revised (as has happened so often with data under this administration), here's the fact of the matter: Americans don't care about the jobs report data. They do care that they are getting crushed financially.

In a different time, one when jobs were scarce, adding jobs would be something to celebrate.

But the reality is that we haven't had an issue with jobs for quite some time (absent the anomaly of the government shutting down a third of the economy in 2020).

The labor market has been tight. There have been substantially more jobs available than job seekers for quite a while, and frankly, the economy could benefit from more people in the labor force. If people want to work, while they might not secure their first choice of job, there have been plenty of jobs available to them.

People are struggling financially to keep up with the ongoing impacts of inflation, and that's likely why the September jobs report included as a large part of the job "gains" an increase of 123,000 people who held multiple jobs. People need to work more today to afford their accustomed standard of living.

The report also showed a large increase in government jobs, and the government, with its enormous debt and deficits, is not exactly what we want driving the economy right now.

Inflation from government and Federal Reserve policies has made the cost of living a substantial burden for middle- and working-class families.

Individuals are saving less — the personal saving rate stands under 4%, lower than historical averages.

Consumer debt is at record levels across the board. As of the end of the second quarter of this year, household debt stood at $17.1 trillion — a record high. This includes records across various categories, including credit card debt, which has passed an all-time high of $1 trillion.

Delinquencies in credit card debt and auto loans have also reached levels that haven't been seen in more than a decade (3.8% and 3.6%, respectively).

Stimulus has run out, student loan repayments have resumed, and there appears to be no financial turnaround in sight.

So while of course Americans would be worse off if the job market weakens, that's not the root of the problem.

Politicians, statisticians, economists, and the corporate press want to paint a picture that the economy is on good and solid footing. Because we have been behind with labor force participation and that has caused a tightness that keeps unemployment down and jobs plentiful for the time being, they lean into that as a sign of strength. They try to highlight that the economy is still expanding, never admitting that it is expanding on the backs of middle- and working-class Americans who are going into substantial debt to keep the economy afloat. And they never mention that government spending and deficits are propping up the U.S. gross domestic product at substantial, long-term costs to all of us.

There is nothing "normal" after 15 years of historically accommodative Fed policy, the scope of government spending, shutting the economy down, an anti-fossil fuels energy agenda, and other policies that have set the stage for the current economic backdrop. No rhetoric changes Americans' current fiscal reality.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on October 20, 2023, 05:40:49 PM
Biden has a dream — and it's about to turn into a nightmare for American taxpayers.

America is "willing to do the hard work to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius," he declared at April's Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate Change.

To hit this target, per the scientists with the president's ear, greenhouse gases must peak before 2025 and fall 43% by 2030.

Yet fossil fuels account for around 77.6% of US primary energy production.

So how does the president intend to reach his dream of "net zero" carbon emissions by 2050?

"I've signed a thing called the Inflation Reduction Act," he said in his speech, "the single largest investment in fighting climate change in history, which will reduce annual carbon emissions by 1 billion tons by 2030."
Biden let the cat out of the bag: The act has very little to do with inflation, much less about reducing it.

Rather, with $6 allocated to renewable-energy projects for every $1 allocated to American manufacturing, the IRA is a big fat green-energy bill masquerading as industrial policy.

As interest rates have risen and excess money gets removed from the financial system by the Federal Reserve, markets are waking up to the fact many renewables' companies are hothouse plants addicted to cheap credit.

The S&P Clean Energy Index is down 31% since the start of 2023 — and 59% since its early-2021 peak.

In 2023's third quarter, global renewable energy funds have seen a record $1.4 billion in outflows.

The big green party on Wall Street is over, killed off by the party-poopers at the Federal Reserve.

Yet the IRA investments are just getting started. The bill aims to release its $891 billion in spending over 10 years.

Much was made of the bankruptcy of the green-energy company Solyndra in 2011 after it received $535 million in loans from the Obama administration's 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus.

But ARRA only allocated $27.2 billion to renewables, while the IRA allocates around $300 billion to the sector — not to mention the fact the stimulus spending took place in an environment of low interest rates.

It's therefore likely we'll see many more Solyndras in the coming years.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on October 20, 2023, 05:46:14 PM
The Biden administration is planning to ease existing Trump-era sanctions on the Venezuelan oil industry in exchange for the nation to hold more democratic elections in 2024, according to a new report.

At the same time, President Biden has taken steps since taking office to curb U.S. oil and gas production and fulfill his campaign promise to "end fossil fuel" as part of his broader climate agenda. For example, he has curbed oil and gas lease sales on federal lands and waters, revoked pipeline permits and consistently appointed officials across his administration who back green energy over traditional fossil fuels.

Biden's energy policies put America last. On day one, he killed the Keystone XL pipeline. In week one, he blocked new federal oil and natural gas leasing. By year two, he sold off 40 percent of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve – taking it to its lowest level in forty years. Meanwhile, he eased sanctions on Iran, which funds terrorism across the Middle East.

Now with Israel under attack, Biden is desperate for anything to mask the consequences of his reckless policies. His latest gimmick is to ease sanctions on Nicolas Maduro's brutal regime in Venezuela. America should never beg for oil from socialist dictators or terrorists. For the sake of American energy workers and America's allies, Biden must work with domestic producers to unleash American energy.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on November 12, 2023, 07:37:19 PM
It is not looking good for Joe Biden.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Thiel on November 12, 2023, 10:14:59 PM
The Wall Street Journal wrote last month, "Iran's (oil) production surge occurred mostly over the summer as the Administration sought to strike a nuclear deal with Tehran and counter rising U.S. gasoline prices." Biden's retreat from the Trump sanctions on Iranian oil has enriched Iran, according to many other experts, by some $50 billion.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on November 19, 2023, 01:42:48 AM
Another war the Jim Crow Joe regime instigated, so they can topple a government.
The Obama-Biden-Blinken "realignment" is well under way, and the consequences are dire for Israel and the United States — and indeed for the rest of the world.
It is now crystal clear that Secretary of State Antony Blinken is exploiting the Iranian-backed Hamas war to destroy the existing state of Israel through the use of threats, blackmail, leaks, the media, diplomatic backstabbing, the Arab states, the European Union, and the United Nations.

In a State Department memo dated Monday, November 13, Blinken explained America's posture toward the Arabs in Gaza. It's madness. He wrote:

As I said in private and in public, we believe Palestinian people's voices and aspirations must be at the center of post-crisis governance in Gaza. We believe in Palestinian-led governance of Gaza, with Gaza unified with the West Bank. Gaza's reconstruction must be supported with a sustained mechanism.

We also underscored America's firm opposition to actions that would undermine efforts to build lasting peace and security. No forcible displacement of Palestinian civilians from Gaza - not now, not after the fighting stops. No reoccupation of Gaza after the conflict. No attempt to blockade or besiege Gaza. No reduction in the territory of Gaza. No use of Gaza as a platform for terrorism or other violent attacks, and no tolerating the use of the West Bank to carry out such attacks. No more violence from extremist settlers in the West Bank.

These steps are not ends in themselves. They must lead to Israelis and Palestinians living side by side in states of their own, with equal measures of security, freedom, opportunity, and dignity. That's not something we can put off discussing until after this crisis is over. This discussion must happen now.
This also explains the current pressure campaign by leftists in Israel to try to topple the Netanyahu-led conservative government and replace it with radical left-wing parties that will deliver Israel to the effective control of the U.S. State Department, where Blinken, a mere appointed Cabinet secretary, will determine Israel's fate.

Israel will not survive the Blinken plan — certainly not for long. This has been the plan for Israel since Barack Obama was president, when Blinken was deputy secretary of state. Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) was 100% right when he went to the Senate floor to excoriate Blinken and refused to support his confirmation.

Blinken, the Biden whisperer, is behind pouring $100 billion into rearming Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis in Yemen. Blinken set the Middle East on fire immediately upon taking office nearly three years ago. He has lifted or refused to enforce virtually every sanction on Iran. Blinken destroyed the popular uprising against the ayatollahs, when the Iranians sought to remove their murderous regime, by backing Tehran over its people.

Worse, Blinken chose Robert Malley, a Marxist supporter of Iran, as the U.S. envoy to negotiate another nuclear deal. And what did Malley do? He installed a high-level Iranian spy ring in D.C. and undermined our nation (and Israel) at every turn.

The Obama-Biden-Blinken "realignment" is well under way, and the consequences are dire for Israel and the United States — and indeed for the entire Middle East and the world. It is a hideous and diabolical plan, being instituted right now without any transparency, involvement from Congress, or the knowledge and consent of the American people. It is the brainchild of a small cabal of rogue, radical left-wing foreign policy arsonists who could easily trigger World War III.

The question is: How long will this go on before Blinken is stopped? Where are the House Republican committee chairmen? Where are the Senate Republicans? Where are conservative think tanks? Where are the conservative media? (This publication excepted, of course.)

I understand that the left-wing corporate media and the Democratic Party are worse than useless. In fact, they are propagandists for this administration's malign policies, from Thomas Friedman at the New York Times to Jamie Raskin in the House of Representatives.

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But if there is not an organized pushback immediately, a relentless and public demand for accountability and transparency, and an immediate impeachment inquiry directed at Blinken (successful or not), then evil will prevail. Never forget all the disasters the Biden whisperer has unleashed in a mere three years running American foreign policy and the death, inhumanity, and impoverishment he has imposed on one region and society after another. Enough is enough.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Thiel on November 22, 2023, 05:22:16 PM
President Biden seems to have given up trying to sell Bidenomics because nobody is buying it. Now he is attacking Trump personally.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on November 23, 2023, 07:19:58 PM
Brain dead Biden says he is committed to doing all he can to stop the fentanyl crisis. He is not doing everything to control the crisis when he refuses to do the one thing that will stop it. Close the border to illegals you idiot.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on November 27, 2023, 11:31:43 AM
Biden is certainly getting in the holiday spirit. He's feeling very generous – with your money.

After the U.S. Supreme Court in June struck down his unilateral attempt to "forgive" at least $400 billion in student loans, Biden has diligently sought ways to work around this serious reprimand.

He has landed on at least one option that is more costly than his original plan – and will be more difficult to challenge legally.

The millions of Americans who have already paid off their loans or have opted to forgo college altogether may find this development irksome.

The so-called Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) program broadens caps on monthly payments based on income and family size and also offers interest subsidies. Many borrowers won't have to pay anything each month. Others will qualify for loan forgiveness on remaining balances much more quickly.

The White House has called its program the "most affordable student repayment plan ever."

But affordable for whom?

These debts don't magically disappear. While individual borrowers may feel relief, it's taxpayers who are ultimately left covering the cost. And this new de facto forgiveness plan will add to our ever-growing national debt, which the country can't afford.

According to the Penn Wharton Budget Model, Biden's SAVE plan will cost $475 billion over 10 years.

Other estimates are even higher. The House Committee on Education & the Workforce has stated it could cost as much as $559 billion, which would make it "the costliest regulation in U.S. history."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on November 27, 2023, 01:38:00 PM
Biden reportedly apologized to "prominent Muslims" last month for doubting the civilian death toll in Gaza.

Last month, Biden told reporters that he has "no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth" about civilian casualties in Gaza.

"I'm sure innocents have been killed, and it's the price of waging a war," Biden explained. "But I have no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using."

The day after Biden made those comments — which drew outrage from the Council on American-Islamic Relations — the president met with Muslims and apologized for his remarks, according to the Washington Post.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oerdin on November 27, 2023, 07:11:42 PM
Quote from: DKG on October 03, 2023, 11:08:58 AMFormer Democrat President Bill Clinton says immigration is "broken" under Joe Biden and "we need to fix it."

After reversing the border policies of Donald Trump, Biden triggered an unprecedented and historic surge of illegal immigration at the southern border.

Clinton says it's time to end asylum and sanctuary city laws that Democrats have been supporting.

Referring to New York City's "Right to Shelter Law," Clinton argues "it should be modified."

"It's broken. We need to fix it," Clinton said, adding that the law "doesn't make any sense."

Clinton also noted the "chaos" around the migrant crisis is "very beneficial for the Republicans."

Millions of Americans will vote for Republicans as this mass invasion occurs under Democrats' watch.

The solution is not a work permit upon illegally entering the US.

That just means Dems have figured out their plan to replace voters with foreign voters has been figured out.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on November 27, 2023, 07:25:50 PM
Quote from: Oerdin on November 27, 2023, 07:11:42 PMThat just means Dems have figured out their plan to replace voters with foreign voters has been figured out.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Biggie Smiles on November 28, 2023, 08:25:30 AM
Quote from: DKG on November 27, 2023, 01:38:00 PMBiden reportedly apologized to "prominent Muslims" last month for doubting the civilian death toll in Gaza.

Last month, Biden told reporters that he has "no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth" about civilian casualties in Gaza.

"I'm sure innocents have been killed, and it's the price of waging a war," Biden explained. "But I have no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using."

The day after Biden made those comments — which drew outrage from the Council on American-Islamic Relations — the president met with Muslims and apologized for his remarks, according to the Washington Post.

The asshole took a knee to terrorists

what a fucking low life spineless disgrace
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on December 07, 2023, 11:01:45 AM
Biden moved to forgive $4.8 billion in student loans Wednesday.

While White House efforts to provide sweeping student loan relief were stymied by the Supreme Court, Biden has sought to expand forgiveness under existing programs. Some 3.6 million borrowers have received $132 billion in loan forgiveness under Biden, the Department of Education said.

This is an absolutely terrible idea. Besides adding to the deficit/debt, it alienates even further blue collar workers who are forced to pay for useless fine arts degrees.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on December 07, 2023, 10:02:20 PM
Mike Johnson brought a touch of reality to Jim Crow Joe's accusation that Republicans are using nothing but "lies" to smear him.

After a brief speech at the White House on Wednesday, New York Post reporter Steven Nelson asked the potato to respond to allegations that he "interacted" with Hunter Biden's business associates, citing polling that shows a majority of Americans, including a significant number of Democrats, believe he interacted with his family's business interests illegally or unethically.

Jim Crow Joe however, offered no counter-evidence to prove his accusation that Republicans are lying, nor did he engage with the growing amount of circumstantial evidence that House investigators have uncovered showing such interaction did occur.

Johnson later responded to Biden's accusation by asserting Biden — not House Republicans — is the liar.

"The President just lied again to the American people," Johnson said. "FACT: There are at least 22 examples of Joe Biden speaking with or meeting with Hunter Biden's foreign business associates."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on January 03, 2024, 03:34:55 PM
White House Spokesdike KJP said "It is shameful that a Republican governor — Gov. Abbott in Texas — is using migrants as a political stunt," she said. "The busing of migrants, the putting them on flights. It is shameful that is occurring."

But is it a "political stunt" as Jean-Pierre claims?

New York and Chicago, after all, are sanctuary cities that boast protections for immigrants. Plus, the federal government also ships migrants from processing sites at the border to localities across the nation. If it is shameful for Texas to do it, why is it not shameful when the federal government does it?

Perhaps the Biden administration is simply upset that Texas' handling of the border crisis exposes President Joe Biden's inadequate response. That exposure, Abbott said in response to Jean-Pierre, is causing the administration to try and pull the wool over Americans' eyes

"KJP — & Biden — think Americans are fools," the governor responded. "I talked directly to Biden about what must be done. They ignore policy changes & deny that the border is open b/c they truly want illegal immigration. TX will continue building barriers, denying illegal entry & busing migrants."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on January 03, 2024, 03:37:00 PM
The Jim Crow Joe administration is requesting that the Supreme Court allow United States Customs and Border Protection agents to cut and remove razor wire fencing placed along the southern border by Texas, according to Tuesday court filings, the New York Post reported.

Just weeks ago, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with Texas, ruling to block the federal government from destroying the state's fencing. The court's December decision reversed a lower court's previous order, allowing the administration to remove the barrier.

The legal feud over the razor wire fencing began in October when Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against Biden's Department of Homeland Security, CBP, and Border Patrol, Blaze News previously reported.

Paxton accused the Biden administration of failing to protect the southern border and "undermining Texas's efforts to stem the flow of illegal immigration." He called Texas' installation of concertina-wire barriers an attempt to "fill the breach created by the federal government's indolence."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on January 05, 2024, 03:19:47 PM
It is irionic that the Democrats are fighting to keep Trump off the ballot while Trudeau is desperately trying to keep him on the ballot in Canada.

As polling numbers for the prime minister and the Liberals began to tank this past fall, their desperation to tarnish the name and image of Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre only increased. They have spent the past several months trying to equate Poilievre and The Donald, confident that since most Canadians wouldn't vote for Trump, they won't support Poilievre if the Liberals can make the electorate see the two politicians as being the same.

MAGA, or Make America Great Again, is the catchphrase Donald Trump used to help with the 2016 presidential election. It went from being emblazoned on his bright red ball cap to defining a movement, both for supporters and opponents.

There is no equivalent movement in Canada, but the Trudeau Liberals want you to think there is.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on January 18, 2024, 06:10:27 PM
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stuck to the narrative — not the facts — the Biden administration parroted after three migrants drowned last Friday while attempting to cross the Rio Grande.

After the tragedy, the Biden administration rushed to blame Texas for the incident. Homeland Security, for example, accused Texas National Guard soldiers of having "physically barred" Border Patrol agents from responding to migrants in distress. The White House, on the other hand, suggested the migrants could have been saved had Texas soldiers not "blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance."

But the Justice Department admitted in a filing to the Supreme Court on Monday that the migrants — two children and an adult woman — had already drowned when Mexican officials alerted Border Patrol agents of the tragic deaths. In fact, they had been dead for at least one hour.

 Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich confronted Jean-Pierre over the White House's dishonest narrative. She asked, "Will the administration amend its separate statement that implied that Texas officials were responsible for the deaths of those three migrants when, in fact, they had nothing to do with it?"

"They had already been dead for an hour by the time Mexico told anyone in the U.S. about it, and the administration admitted as much in their court filing," Heinrich noted. "But the statement from the White House implies that Texas was responsible, and a number of outlets were forced to issue corrections and editor's notes because of that White House statement."

The falsehood exposed, Jean-Pierre responded by urging Heinrich to be "sensitive" because of the "devastating situation." But then she refused to acknowledge the truth after repeatedly stumbling over her thoughts.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Lokmar on January 18, 2024, 07:10:23 PM
Quote from: Brent on January 18, 2024, 06:10:27 PMWhite House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stuck to the narrative — not the facts — the Biden administration parroted after three migrants drowned last Friday while attempting to cross the Rio Grande.

After the tragedy, the Biden administration rushed to blame Texas for the incident. Homeland Security, for example, accused Texas National Guard soldiers of having "physically barred" Border Patrol agents from responding to migrants in distress. The White House, on the other hand, suggested the migrants could have been saved had Texas soldiers not "blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance."

But the Justice Department admitted in a filing to the Supreme Court on Monday that the migrants — two children and an adult woman — had already drowned when Mexican officials alerted Border Patrol agents of the tragic deaths. In fact, they had been dead for at least one hour.

 Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich confronted Jean-Pierre over the White House's dishonest narrative. She asked, "Will the administration amend its separate statement that implied that Texas officials were responsible for the deaths of those three migrants when, in fact, they had nothing to do with it?"

"They had already been dead for an hour by the time Mexico told anyone in the U.S. about it, and the administration admitted as much in their court filing," Heinrich noted. "But the statement from the White House implies that Texas was responsible, and a number of outlets were forced to issue corrections and editor's notes because of that White House statement."

The falsehood exposed, Jean-Pierre responded by urging Heinrich to be "sensitive" because of the "devastating situation." But then she refused to acknowledge the truth after repeatedly stumbling over her thoughts.

Shes a filthy pickaninny nigger. IDGAF if the Texas Rangers mowed them mexcrement kids down with machine guns, the fuckin traitor government that gay assed pickaninny works for is promoting an invasion of mexcrement from around the world!!!!!
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on January 27, 2024, 11:30:39 PM
Jim Crow Joe's America.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on February 02, 2024, 11:19:08 PM
Mike Johnson (R) admitted Friday that he believes White House staff — not President Joe Biden — are making decisions about Biden's immigration policy.

Last weekend, Biden promised to "shut down" the border only if Congress passes a controversial bill — which has not yet been drafted — that Republicans believe will do little to stymie the migrant crisis. However, Republicans like Johnson have been urging Biden to use the authority he already possesses to alleviate the crisis.

In an interview on Fox Business, Johnson revealed how he knows that Biden is aware of that authority: because he has personally read the law to Biden.

"I don't think he's allowed to do it. I'm not sure Joe Biden is actually making these decisions. I think it's staff around him, and they're pushing him to keep the border open," the speaker speculated.

"I don't think he's allowed to do it. I'm not sure Joe Biden is actually making these decisions. I think it's staff around him, and they're pushing him to keep the border open," the speaker speculated.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on February 04, 2024, 09:45:40 AM
Biden will not accept responsibilty for his own failed admonistration.

On inflation, Biden likes to use businesses as a scapegoat, especially when it comes to astronomical food prices.

He claimed that "it's the grocery store abusing and overcharging their shoppers."

The truth is, inflation is a direct result of unchecked, irresponsible government spending.

As for the "503% increase in car thefts" in Washington state, the federal government blamed "Hyundai and Kia" for making cars that "are too easy to break into."

Of course, the increase in crime has nothing to do with the new state law in Washington that limits police pursuits, or the porous Southern border.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Lokmar on February 04, 2024, 01:45:42 PM
Quote from: Herman on January 27, 2024, 11:30:39 PMJim Crow Joe's America.

What the actual fuk!
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on February 06, 2024, 10:16:36 PM
Jim Crow Joe bragged about defying Supreme Court on student debt cancellation. Then bullshits that costs taxpayers no money. Who in their right mind would vote for that lying clown.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Lokmar on February 06, 2024, 10:52:38 PM
Quote from: Herman on February 06, 2024, 10:16:36 PMJim Crow Joe bragged about defying Supreme Court on student debt cancellation. Then bullshits that costs taxpayers no money. Who in their right mind would vote for that lying clown.

Well, since the courts say POTUS has no immunity, biden can be tried for treason and executed!
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on February 07, 2024, 09:13:46 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on February 06, 2024, 10:52:38 PMWell, since the courts say POTUS has no immunity, biden can be tried for treason and executed!
He will be dead or a vegetable long before that.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on February 14, 2024, 10:58:07 PM
The New York Times recently hosted a focus group of undecided voters, proving just how badly President Joe Biden is perceived among moderate voters.

A panel of 13 undecided independent voters, ages 22-64, confirmed the most important issue for voters today is the economy, including inflation and the cost of living. Only one voter feels positive about the direction of the economy compared to a year ago, and that person's justification centered on a cooled housing market.

When the voters were presented with a list of five issues — the economy, the border crisis, abortion, "protecting democracy," and the war between Israel and Hamas — and asked which single issue most influences how they will vote in November, all but one member of the group said the economy.

"People want to stop seeing the debt ceiling climb and climb. We're at $34 trillion. We want to be responsible with our fiscal spending. We want to see a net positive trajectory of how we're tackling our debt. We're sending money to Ukraine, Israel, what have you, but what about the things here?" said Kenneth from Texas.

"Shouldn't our focus be on our country right now? That's the direction we should be taking. We've given enough to all the other countries to help them. We're going down fast and hard," explained Robin from New Hampshire.

This finding should alarm Biden's campaign because poll after poll after poll has found that voters trust Donald Trump — not Biden — to handle the economy.

Even worse, when the voters were asked to describe Biden, they used words and phrases like "a little bit senile," "puppet," "disingenuous," and "unfit for the presidency." The focus group also believes Biden has accomplished almost nothing.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on February 21, 2024, 07:28:48 PM
The Biden administration's Department of Justice recently awarded a South Carolina university a nearly $1 million grant to create a "disinformation" dashboard that will help track "specific accounts" to prevent "violent extremism."

TThe DOJ will provide Clemson University with $953,203 in taxpayer funds to research "mis-, dis-, and mal-information," referred to as "MDM" in the grant's description. It noted that it "has become a top priority for governments, private organizations, and researchers" to investigate, reduce, and prevent MDM.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on February 25, 2024, 09:48:14 PM
Joe Biden has a Bronx problem.

Last November, Republican Kristy Marmorato, an Italian Gen Xer, defeated incumbent Democrat Marjorie Velazquez, a Millennial of Puerto Rican descent, by just over three percentage points in a 69 percent majority-minority Bronx-based New York City Council district. In this district, registered Democrats outnumber Republicans four to one.

According to recent battleground state polling from Siena College Research Institute, guess which demographics President Joe Biden is currently bleeding support from?

Hint: It ain't elderly Whites.

Millennials and Hispanics have both started to sour on Biden for the same reasons Biden has been trailing his inevitable Republican opponent, Donald Trump, in nearly every public poll for the past few months: the perception of a flagging economy. College-aged Gen Z still overwhelmingly trends Democratic, but they're also the least likely to vote.

USA Today-Suffolk University data released last month show Biden trailing his repeat rival among Hispanic voters, 39 percent to 34 percent nationally. That is similar to Siena's battleground state survey from last October, which measured Trump's support at 40 percent.

The recent CBS/YouGov poll revealed Hispanic voter preference for Trump has inched up to an eye-popping 45 percent. Although that leaves him trailing Biden overall among Hispanic voters, that tally surpasses even George W. Bush's peak performance in 2004. For the record, Trump won just 32 percent of Latino voters in 2020.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on March 01, 2024, 10:06:41 AM
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R) revealed on Wednesday that President Joe Biden blamed Mexico for his inaction on the border crisis.

Speaking with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Johnson explained that while meeting with Biden at the White House, he personally informed the president of what executive action he can take to alleviate the border crisis.

But, according to Johnson, Biden denied that he can take executive action to reinstate Trump-era policies like "Remain in Mexico" because Mexican officials oppose the policies.

"The president has the executive authority to fix it right now. I told him at the White House yesterday — one-on-one, and in the group — I told him, 'Mr. President, if you just issue an executive order that reinstates "Remain in Mexico," sir— your agents told us it would reduce the flow by 70%. Almost overnight because the message would go out throughout the world, "Don't waste your life savings on a cartel. They're not going to be able to get you over the line. Stay where you are. Stay in Mexico, stay in a safe third country,"'" Johnson explained.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on March 05, 2024, 09:37:58 PM
Impeach Biden now.

Biden admin flew hundreds of thousands of migrants into US using CBP One app
Forget the millions of migrants who have crossed the southern border illegally. A new report shows the Biden administration has flown hundreds of thousands of migrants from foreign countries directly into the U.S. on flights using an app.

"It's unconscionable but this is the shell game we've been talking about. This is what they've done, this administration. They've made a deal with migrants from all over the world," he said. "They said, if you were framed from illegally entering along the southern border in between the ports of entry, what we'll do is we'll let you fill out a couple of lines of paperwork online and we'll let you fly into 43 different airports in the United States who will process and release you. So it's absolutely to cover up bad political optics."

The Center for Immigration Studies found last year from January 2023 to December 2023, at least 320,000 illegal immigrants were allowed to fly into the U.S. from their home country through a controversial program of the Biden administration using the Customs and Border Patrol app, the CBP One app that was created to let migrants apply for parole into the US.

The Parole program allows for two-year periods of legal status during which adults are eligible for work authorization.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on March 14, 2024, 10:28:41 AM
Jonathan Turley: This was 'damning' in Hur's testimony
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Thiel on April 10, 2024, 02:41:39 PM
Seven more states filed another lawsuit on Tuesday againt the Biden administration over its continued attempts to circumvent the Supreme Court's ruling against sweeping federal student loan debt handouts.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on April 19, 2024, 11:10:47 AM
According to a Daily Caller article published Thursday, "White House officials are weighing whether to declare a national climate emergency several months out from the 2024 election."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on April 20, 2024, 02:40:30 PM
Bush gets the blame for Iraq, but his partner in the senate wanting war was Joe Biden. Before that he was aligned with segregationists.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on April 24, 2024, 11:12:01 PM
Bloomberg reported last week that White House officials have renewed discussions about declaring a national climate emergency.

Biden's top advisers would be able to cut back exports of American crude oil just as Iran's oil exports hit a 6-year high and altogether throttle the supply of oil and gas; limit the movement of trains and ships; kill offshore drilling; limit Americans' greenhouse gas emissions; and more.

The Times previously indicated that the regime could also compel domestic industries to produce more renewable energy and transportation technologies and free up taxpayer funds for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to fritter away on supposedly green causes.

Advisers apparently figure the unilateral measure would resonate with "climate-minded voters."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Lokmar on April 24, 2024, 11:58:19 PM
Quote from: Herman on April 24, 2024, 11:12:01 PMBloomberg reported last week that White House officials have renewed discussions about declaring a national climate emergency.

Biden's top advisers would be able to cut back exports of American crude oil just as Iran's oil exports hit a 6-year high and altogether throttle the supply of oil and gas; limit the movement of trains and ships; kill offshore drilling; limit Americans' greenhouse gas emissions; and more.

The Times previously indicated that the regime could also compel domestic industries to produce more renewable energy and transportation technologies and free up taxpayer funds for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to fritter away on supposedly green causes.

Advisers apparently figure the unilateral measure would resonate with "climate-minded voters."

Yea, them cunts should 100% do this.  :crampe:
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on April 25, 2024, 09:24:35 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on April 24, 2024, 11:58:19 PMYea, them cunts should 100% do this.  :crampe:
Some large municipalities in Canada have done this. It is expensive for the people. Could you imagine the ramifications of this virtue signalling at the national level.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Lokmar on April 25, 2024, 11:02:51 AM
Quote from: DKG on April 25, 2024, 09:24:35 AMSome large municipalities in Canada have done this. It is expensive for the people. Could you imagine the ramifications of this virtue signalling at the national level.

Well, we already seen this:
"could also compel domestic industries to produce more renewable energy and transportation technologies"

We did it with Solindra and we did it with CAFE standards for cars, Both have been a disaster.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on April 25, 2024, 08:46:15 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on April 24, 2024, 11:58:19 PMYea, them cunts should 100% do this.  :crampe:
Brother, it aint going to be any fun.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Lokmar on April 25, 2024, 08:50:35 PM
Quote from: Herman on April 25, 2024, 08:46:15 PMBrother, it aint going to be any fun.

Its not been any fun already. I guess I keep hoping it causes an major uprising.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on April 25, 2024, 08:52:18 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on April 25, 2024, 08:50:35 PMIts not been any fun already. I guess I keep hoping it causes an major uprising.
Alright I see why you want him to to do something to destroy the country.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on April 26, 2024, 10:36:09 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on April 25, 2024, 11:02:51 AMWell, we already seen this:
"could also compel domestic industries to produce more renewable energy and transportation technologies"

We did it with Solindra and we did it with CAFE standards for cars, Both have been a disaster.
Solindra was corporate welfare. CAFE was a reaction to the Arab oil embargo.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Thiel on May 03, 2024, 08:41:03 PM
Joe Biden has recorded a lower average 13th quarter approval rating than any other president in recent history, according to polls. Biden's 13th quarter in office, which began on January 20 and ended on April 19, saw the president record an all-time low average approval rating of 38.7 percent, according to Gallup.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on May 05, 2024, 08:55:01 PM
JIm Crow Joe likes to shit talk America's allies. He called Japan and India "xenophobic" countries that do not welcome immigrants. They also don't fly illegal aliens in at taxpayer expense.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on May 15, 2024, 11:51:09 AM
This is really disturbing.

The entry in a sexual trauma section concerning Joe Biden's alleged inappropriate behavior toward his daughter was evidently real all along.

Aimee Harris moved into the former residence of Ashley Biden in Delray Beach, Florida, in 2020. Just as Hunter Biden abandoned a laptop containing damning information at a Delaware computer repair shop, Ashley Biden had left behind a diary containing troubling allegations that implicated then-presidential candidate Joe Biden in possible abuse.

After finding the diary, Harris worked in concert with Robert Kurlander to sell the document, ultimately, to Project Veritas. Kurlander and Harris pleaded guilty years later to conspiracy to transport supposedly stolen property across state lines.

Project Veritas refrained from publishing it, both out of concern for doing more harm to Ashley Biden than her father may already have and the organization's inability to "corroborate the allegation further." The National File, however, published a digital copy it allegedly received from a Project Veritas employee in October 2020.

Just as social media dutifully hid the Hunter Biden laptop story from the public ahead of the 2020 election, Politifact indicated that damning posts about the Democrat in the diary were flagged as misinformation.

Snopes has updated its fact-check page on the diary, confirming both that the diary belonged to Ashley Biden and that the president's daughter accused him of inappropriate behavior.

The page previously indicated that the claim that "a diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley, describes inappropriate actions toward her taken by the president when she was a child" was "unproven."

Up until this month, the Snopes entry indicated the claim was unproven because "the authenticity of this document or the images published by National File have not been confirmed."

The fact-check outfit was compelled to change its tune after Ashley Biden, 42, once again confirmed the diary was hers in an April 8 letter to the judge overseeing Harris' case in New York.

'Showers w/ my dad'
In one of the more troubling entries in the diary, penned in January 2019, Ashley Biden explores the causes of her "sexual trauma" and apparent sex addiction.

"I know it's not the healthiest way to deal with things but @ least it's better than drugs," wrote the president's daughter.

Ashley Biden then indicated that her unchecked sex drive may have been the result of childhood trauma.

"Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so — I can't remember specifics but I do remember trauma — I remember not liking the Woolzacks house, I remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline [Biden, her cousin]; I remember having sex with Friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate), Being turned on when I wasn't suppose to be."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Thiel on May 16, 2024, 05:13:19 PM

The number of nationwide immigration gotaways has skyrocketed during Joe Biden's tenure, according to statistics reported by Fox News' Bill Melugin, who indicated that he obtained more than a decade of data via a Freedom of Information Act request.

Some of the numbers include 104,294 for FY 2017; 128,679 for FY 2018; 151,466 for FY 2019; 136,808 for FY 2020; 387,398 in FY 2021; 606,131 in FY 2022; and a whopping 670,674 in FY 2023.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on May 16, 2024, 09:50:01 PM
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Thiel on May 21, 2024, 07:03:53 PM
Biden gave a commencement address at Morehouse College that stoked the racial embers.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on May 22, 2024, 05:55:25 AM
Quote from: Thiel on May 21, 2024, 07:03:53 PMBiden gave a commencement address at Morehouse College that stoked the racial embers.
Even losing a small percentage of the African-American vote to Trump could mean the difference between winning and losing in November.

His advisors believe racial division rather than safe cities, low inflation, a secure border and energy independence is the way to go.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on June 05, 2024, 11:45:43 AM
The American economy is not as strong as we all thought. Growth has slowed to stall speed over the last four months. It looks like a hardish landing after all.

Citigroup has become the first big American bank to warn that the US has already tipped into a recession. Once this process begins, it can snowball very fast into mass business layoffs unless the Federal Reserve moves fast.

"The US economy is clearly slowing down, and in our base case it is headed for an outright contraction," said Andrew Hollenhorst, Citigroup's US chief economist.

Mr Hollenhorst has pencilled in a contraction of 0.3pc and 2.1pc (annualised) over this quarter and next, with double-digit falls in business equipment investment. That in turn will push unemployment to 5.5pc by the end of the year in a classic recessionary dynamic.

Citigroup says the Fed will be forced to cut interest rates in July and then at every meeting until mid-2025.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Thiel on June 13, 2024, 07:50:51 PM
A recent Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General report revealed that the Biden administration's department "needs to improve its screening and vetting of asylum seekers and noncitizens applying for admission into the United States." They are not being properly vetted.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on June 15, 2024, 12:53:15 PM
The Biden administration is preparing to announce a plan that would grant legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who have been present in the United States for at least 10 years.  :crazy:

The announcement comes as evidence continues to mount that Biden's handling of illegal immigration presents a major liability to his re-election chances in 2024.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 17, 2024, 09:57:55 PM
A United States Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General June report found that Immigration and Customs Enforcement released more than 11,000 "high flight risk" illegal aliens into the country from fiscal year 2022 through 2023.

The government watchdog revealed that ICE released 11,754 of the 339,478 illegal immigrants that its Risk Classification Assessment advised should be detained.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 18, 2024, 09:28:52 PM
Jim Crow Joe is rumored to be passing an executive order that would give hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses of American citizens amnesty. The proposal is set to be called "Parole in Place."

Which of course will open up a pathway to permanent legal status and U.S. citizenships for some beneficiaries by removing an obstacle in U.S. law that prevents those who entered the U.S. illegally from obtaining green cards without leaving the country.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on June 26, 2024, 06:06:41 PM
The US Supreme Court let Biden admin off the hook for suppressing free speech it deemed 'misinformation.'

Missouri v. Biden, the case that became known as Murthy v. Missouri before the U.S. Supreme Court, came about in response to the Democratic administration's well-documented efforts to shut down critics and questioners of its COVID-19 policies and preferred narratives during the pandemic — policies and narratives that have largely been demonstrated in the years since to have been unfounded, ruinous, or both.

The states of Missouri and Louisiana were joined by other plaintiffs, including the coauthors of the Great Barrington Declaration, Drs. Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, in taking legal action against President Joe Biden, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Anthony Fauci, and various Biden administration officials.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 28, 2024, 09:28:18 PM
Team Jim Crow Joe lies like a rug.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Oliver the Second on June 28, 2024, 10:13:16 PM

^^^ I have GOT to get that Clown World T-shirt   :t2723: 
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on June 28, 2024, 10:19:02 PM
Quote from: Oliver the Second on June 28, 2024, 10:13:16 PM^^^ I have GOT to get that Clown World T-shirt   :t2723: 
Me too.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Garraty_47 on June 29, 2024, 10:52:43 AM
Sound like anyone we know?

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 05, 2024, 10:29:18 AM
The Biden presidency was a scam.

After a disastrous debate performance, the news media, which had been shamelessly gaslighting the public over Joe Biden's cognitive capacity for years, seemed to turn on the president in unison. Biden stuttered, stumbled, and bumbled his way through a grueling 90 minutes during which he alternated between slurring his confused answers and staring into nowhere with his mouth agape.

Examples of the president's cognitive decline have become so prevalent that journalists were forced to label any embarrassing videos of the geriatric commander in chief as "cheap fakes" in the hopes of shaming the public into ignoring the obvious. Despite this deep investment in running cover for Biden's senility in the past, anchors on networks like CNN and MSNBC spent their post-debate spin sessions speculating on the possibility that the elderly leader might need to step aside. This discussion was treated as a sudden revelation instead of acknowledging the self-evident fact: The Biden presidency was a scam from the start.

Americans seem more interested in speculating on who will get the rose next rather than facing the reality that our political system is fake.

The election of 2020 was probably the most contentious presidential result since 1876. The American people were asked to believe that Biden, who hid in his basement for much of the campaign, also won the most votes in the nation's history. The future president was in better shape back then, but it was still quite clear that he was starting to lose the ability to recall key facts or engage in discussion for extended periods. Even in 2020, several pundits joked that they did not care if Biden collapsed and was replaced after his election if he kept Donald Trump out of the White House.

The regime officials went all out to prevent Trump's re-election. They raised pandemic fears to an apocalyptic level, actively encouraged coordinated race riots across the nation, and radically transformed the voting process forever. Even if one doubts the more salacious claims of voter fraud, Mollie Hemingway's excellent book "Rigged" lays out how tech CEOs, government actors, Democratic operatives, and the media openly colluded to defeat the incumbent president. An oligarchy installed Biden as president, never expecting him to fulfill the duties of the office.

Biden started his term with at least some degree of awareness, but it has been clear for the last few years that he has not been running the show. The American people are completely unaware of who, in fact, is responsible for disastrous inflation, open borders, and endless foreign war, which is exactly how the ruling class likes it. Oligarchies prefer to avoid accountability, and Biden creates the perfect shield. An unspecified set of elites make decisions in the shadows, and then the shambling zombie of a president is wheeled onto the stage to read a teleprompter and take the heat.

None of this resembles the system outlined in Article II of the Constitution, but no one seems to care. The corporate press praises how spry Biden looks and dismisses contrary evidence as "fake news." Conservative commentators play endless videos of Biden wandering the stage after forgetting where he is but still pretend the president is responsible for his administration's decisions. While it's common for presidents to delegate significant tasks to advisers, it's clear that under Joe Biden, unelected bureaucrats and power brokers have completely captured the Oval Office.

When it comes to public discourse, setting the frame is key. The frame of a discussion delineates its boundaries. While endless speculation and debate may fill that frame, the discussion is ultimately defined by the space the media has created to contain it. If you, as a journalist with a duty to hold the powerful accountable, had instead propped up an obvious fraud, how would you avoid the consequences?

People are highly sensitive to status, which in our modern world is conferred by credentials, wealth, and media visibility. Even when something is obvious, if the facts go against the narrative power is advancing, people are scared to notice it. Everyone already knew Biden was a zombie. We learned nothing new last week. With his particularly embarrassing debate performance, however, the media gave people permission to acknowledge what was already clear. This permission acts as a pressure release valve, allowing all the pent-up discourse around the topic to fill the frame the media had constructed.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 08, 2024, 09:20:24 PM
The U.S. State Department is leading an international scheme at President Joe Biden's behest to leverage America's resources and reputation abroad to support LGBT activism, the acceptance of gender ideology, and the normalization of non-straight lifestyles. A recent report has revealed some of what goes into establishing an LGBT-affirming monoculture worldwide.

The State Department's new "progress" report on the implementation of Biden's directive indicated that the agency has helped bankroll various LGBT activist organizations through the Global Equality Fund — a "public-private partnership" it manages with the support of a coalition of other countries and organizations. Through the GEF, the State Department has supported activist groups in African nations whose lawmakers were drafting or passing legislation supposedly criminalizing non-straight status or conduct.

According to the document, the State-run GEF has "supported 116 LGBTQI+ organizations in 73 countries with grants ranging from $8,000 to $25,000, and cumulatively total more than $3,200,000 over the last five years."

Meanwhile, the U.S. Agency for International Development has dumped over $7 million into activities at its missions that "integrate LGBTQI+ equities across a range of development sectors."

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 11, 2024, 06:32:20 AM
The president has no business talking about the weaponization of government and equality before the law while these three people face prison time.

Joe Biden ripped into the Supreme Court following its ruling last week over Donald Trump's presidential immunity. "Each, each of us is equal before the law," he said in a brief nationally televised address. "No one, no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States. [With] today's Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed for all practical purposes."

Really, Mr. President? Do you, of all people, have the audacity to claim that "no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States?" You should know about some people who are actually being targeted by your administration.

Paul Vaughn, a Christian pro-life father of 11 children, was facing over a decade in prison for a peaceful protest in Tennessee at an abortion clinic. He was charged with violating the Face Act for praying in the hallway. Upon his imminent sentencing, he said, "It's real easy for me. I can go and go to battle and go to jail as an individual, and it's not a big loss." Would you have the courage to say that in such a moment? I pray I would.

"The challenge comes when you're leading your family through it, when you're talking to your 3-year-old and your 23-year-old and your other family," Vaughn continued. He said he wanted to pray to God every day to be ready to "take on that day with whatever circumstances come my way and a humility and a grace and a spirit-led life that represents him in our society and our community around us."

How many politicians order their life in such a way after truth and justice, versus power and greed?

Vaughn ended up avoiding prison time. Instead, the judge ordered him to six months of home confinement and three years of supervised release — for praying in a hallway. What would Biden have to say about him? Do you think the state is being weaponized against Paul Vaughn?

Last week, Steve Bannon reported to prison for contempt of Congress. There are now 15 people in the Biden administration who have been deemed in contempt of Congress. None of them are being prosecuted. But Donald Trump's people are.

I don't agree with Bannon on everything. He's a thought leader who I strongly disagree with at many times, but he should not be going to jail.

"I am proud to go to prison," Bannon told reporters. "If this is what it takes to stand up to tyranny; if this is what it takes to stand up to the [Attorney General Merrick] Garland corrupt criminal DOJ; if this is what it takes to stand up to Nancy Pelosi; if this is what it takes to stand up to Joe Biden — I'm proud to do it."

How about Dr. Eithan Haim? He was the anonymous whistleblower behind Christopher Rufo's groundbreaking story that exposed Texas Children's Hospital's continuation of transgender treatments on minors even after it said it stopped. Even though he was anonymous, the Justice Department found out who he was and sent armed agents from the Department of Health and Human Services to his house. Now, he and his expecting wife are being charged with felonies. What does Biden say about him?

Please, Mr. President, don't talk to me about "out-of-control tyranny" from the Supreme Court. The court has done exactly the opposite. It has protected the presidency while it is dismantling the administrative state.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 11, 2024, 09:14:39 PM
Border Patrol holding centers in the San Diego area remain over capacity despite the Biden administration's claim that it is clamping down on the influx of illegal crossings at the southern border, the New York Post reported.

The news outlet revealed that holding facilities in the region are at 150% capacity as of Tuesday morning. Based on internal agency data leaked to the Post, the centers are equipped to detain only 1,000 individuals but are currently supporting 1,500 illegal immigrants.

Meanwhile, the administration announced that it plans to shut down ICE's largest detention center in Dilley, Texas, which can hold 2,400 criminal illegal aliens.

According to the administration, Biden's June 4 executive order was designed to crack down on illegal crossings; however, the action includes many exemptions. One of the biggest loopholes is that the White House announced separate directives for the San Diego sector.

Just days after the executive order was slated to take effect, Border Patrol agents in Southern California were told to release illegal aliens from most Eastern Hemisphere countries into the interior of the U.S., a memo obtained by the Washington Examiner revealed. Foreign nationals from more than 100 countries, except for Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan, are to be issued a notice to appear and released on their own recognizance.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 14, 2024, 09:27:43 PM
Jim Crow Joe gave an Oval Office address telling Americans to lower the political temperature. He might want to follow his own advice. He told folks to out Trump in the bullseye.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Thiel on July 20, 2024, 07:25:45 PM
Biden gets snippy when he doesn't know the questions in advance.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 21, 2024, 11:14:47 PM
Trump immediately reacted on his platform Truth Social, saying "Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve - And never was!"
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 25, 2024, 07:22:35 PM
When a reporter asked Jim Crow Joe if he dropped oout of the 2024 presidential race because of his age, he shook hios head no.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on July 28, 2024, 11:16:51 AM
Kamala Harris and the Democrats need their media friends to magically make everyone forget the record, but the reality is that she owns it.

The magicians in the Democratic Party sure know a lot of tricks. First, they were able to create the illusion that Joe Biden hasn't been in cognitive decline for years, even "fooling" the corporate press (if you believe their claims). Then — abracadabra! — they were able to magically replace Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate without her receiving a single presidential primary vote.

As a big part of Biden's administration, Harris owns his record. But don't worry! With the help of their friends in the corporate left-wing media, the Democratic magicians are trying to make that disappear, too.

No matter the smoke and mirrors, Joe Biden has made life worse for most Americans — and by extension, Kamala Harris has as well.

In the short number of days since it was announced that Biden and many other Democrats were backing Harris, the race to memory-hole his awful record and give her the appearance of a good record, or at least a clean slate, has begun.

A slew of articles have appeared in the past week trying to sell Biden's so-called accomplishments. Slate published a story lauding Biden's "true legacy" of "full employment," arguing that "Biden's labor market has more than compensated for rising household costs." Tell that to Main Street America. A new CNN poll found that 39% of Americans "worry most or all of the time that their family's income won't be enough to meet expenses," a number that is two percentage points higher than when the same poll was taken during the Great Recession.

The Columbus Dispatch ran with an opinion piece alleging that "Biden accomplished more good in 4 years than any president since Abraham Lincoln." Wow! While he certainly accomplished a ton, none of it was good.

Biden oversaw historic inflation and a collapse in the personal savings rate. In his term, home prices become completely unaffordable for a huge number of Americans. He oversaw deficits-to-GDP more than double the historic average and interest payments on the national debt explode past $1 trillion.

Credit downgrades? Don't forget about that. The U.S. debt was downgraded for the second time ever under Biden, the first time being when he was Barack Obama's vice president, and now stands near $35 trillion.

And that's just part of his economic record. There is also illegal immigration and the border crisis. Merrill Matthews reported in January 2024 that by that time, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States had doubled under Biden. Let's not forget foreign policy or America's weakened position on the global stage, especially in the wake of the Afghanistan bugout debacle.

Kamala Harris and the Democrats need their media friends to magically make everyone forget the record, but the reality is that she owns it. She doesn't get a free pass or a magic wand to make the abysmal record go away.

Biden in the first weeks of his administration put Harris in charge of the immigration crisis. Now the same media that regularly identified Harris as "border czar" is trying to claim that never happened. Axios published a story headlined, "Harris border confusion haunts her new campaign," written by the same reporter who in 2021 wrote, "Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis."

Another Axios article stated, "Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the 'root causes' that drive migration." After online backlash, an editor's note was hastily appended: "This article has been updated and clarified to note that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a 'border czar' in 2021."

The corporate press will continue to try to convince you otherwise, but Kamala Harris owns the Biden administration record.

No matter the smoke and mirrors, Joe Biden has made life worse for most Americans — and by extension, Kamala Harris has as well. Whatever rabbit they try to pull out of their hat to cover that up doesn't change reality, and Harris and the entire administration must be held accountable for that record.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on July 29, 2024, 07:56:39 PM
Jim Crow Joe unveiled on Monday his plan to reform the Supreme Court.

For years, Democrats have been on a war path demanding the Supreme Court be overhauled because former President Donald Trump had the opportunity to appoint three justices to the court. Now, Biden — a lame-duck president — is trying to appease progressives on his way to retirement.

Writing in the pages of the Washington Post, Biden made three proposals.

1. 'No One Is Above the Law Amendment'
In his essay — which was almost certainly written by a White House staffer — Biden proposed a new constitutional amendment called the "No One Is Above the Law Amendment."

The basis for the amendment is untethered from reality.

Biden ironically claimed that a Supreme Court decision outlining presidential immunity "means there are virtually no limits on what a president can do." He further claimed the "only limits" of presidential power "will be those that are self-imposed by the person occupying the Oval Office."

But that's not true. That is not what the Supreme Court ruled.

"The President is not above the law," wrote Chief Justice John Roberts in Trump v. United States.

Contrary to what Biden's op-ed claimed, the limits of presidential power are clear: The president is immune from criminal prosecution only in cases when he is carrying out his "official" presidential duties. That's why former President Barack Obama was never prosecuted for droning American citizens.

On the other hand, a president does not enjoy immunity for "unofficial acts" — those not within his constitutional duties as chief executive.

To state plainly: Presidential power is tightly limited, and the president himself is not the arbiter of the limits of his power.

2. Term limits for justices
Second, Biden proposed that Supreme Court justices be limited to 18-year terms, with a new justice being appointed to the court every two years.

But the reasons why the Supreme Court does not have term limits are not insignificant.

Not only are term limits currently unconstitutional, but imposing term limits and guaranteeing that a president gets to appoint two justices every four years would almost certainly make the court more political — not less.

Legal scholar Anthony Marcum explained at USA Today:

Although well-intentioned, term limits have a problem. Not only are they unconstitutional, but they will have the exact opposite result proponents wish for. More, term limits will ensure that court vacancies are inextricably tied to every presidential race and has the potential to create abrupt ideological shifts on the highest court, only increasing the political scrutiny. In other words, term limits will not lower the temperature around nominations, they will leave the country scorched.
Yet term limits would regularize the process, and in turn tie two Supreme Court seats to every presidential cycle. A single two-term president could pick 44% of the court. If two presidents of the same party served three or four consecutive terms, an overwhelming majority of the court would quickly be ideologically one-sided. In the span of only a few years, a court of eight Scalias could turn to eight Ginsburgs. Certainly, the chance for such a dramatic ideological shift in the highest court would only put a greater spotlight on it during presidential elections and judicial confirmations.

3. Ethical code of conduct for Supreme Court

Finally, Biden wants a "binding code of conduct for the Supreme Court."

The Supreme Court, however, already self-imposes an ethics code. But Democrats are not satisfied with that because, as Biden wrote, it is "voluntary" and "weak." Biden did not provide any examples of how it is "weak."

"Justices should be required to disclose gifts, refrain from public political activity and recuse themselves from cases in which they or their spouses have financial or other conflicts of interest," Biden added. "Every other federal judge is bound by an enforceable code of conduct, and there is no reason for the Supreme Court to be exempt."

This is the least controversial of the three proposals. But the underlying implication is not true.

Just because the Supreme Court imposes its own ethical code does not mean it is without accountability.

The truth is that while progressives for years have accused Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito of ethical improprieties, they have produced no actual evidence to corroborate their claims.

One major question
While Biden's first two proposals will likely never become law, that Biden is choosing this moment to demand Supreme Court reform raises a major question.

Would Biden and Democrats be demanding change if the Supreme Court had ruled the way they wanted on abortion, presidential immunity, executive-branch power, student-loan forgiveness, the Second Amendment, and a host of additional issues?

The answer to that question likely reveals the motive for their demands.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Shen Li on August 05, 2024, 08:46:03 PM
The Biden administration is going to "phase out" single-use plastics – such as kitchen cutlery, cups and straws – across federal departments.

The White House announced a phase out of single-use plastics, which includes "plastic and polystyrene food and beverage containers, bottles, straws, cups, cutlery and disposable plastic bags."

This is useless True Dope style virtue signalling.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on August 23, 2024, 06:39:31 PM
Jim Crow Joe's speech at the DNC this week was so chock-full of lies that even CNN  called him out.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on October 03, 2024, 10:55:07 AM
Earlier this year, nearly $19.6 million in FEMA funds was used to pay for an illegal alien welcome center in San Diego County.

In response to Mayorkas turning out empty pockets, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) wrote, "This is easy. Mayorkas and FEMA — immediately stop spending money on illegal immigration resettlement and redirect those funds to areas hit by the hurricane. Put Americans first."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on October 04, 2024, 11:07:41 AM
Biden suggested that those affected by the hurricane were universally 'happy.'
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on October 04, 2024, 11:17:50 AM
Undercover journalist James O'Keefe went to the front lines of the migrant industrial complex in his new documentary "Line in the Sand," and what he found was shocking.

"What my takeaway was, actually, from having lived through this and gone down there and been in Mexico and faced it with the cartel, is that it's all about money," O'Keefe tells Alex Stein of "Prime Time with Alex Stein."

"Everyone is making money off of it. And there was one scene in the film where the cartel is cutting through the fence, and I'm face to face with them. And first they were startled, and then they were like, 'You need to leave because we need to make money,'" he explains.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on October 04, 2024, 11:21:05 AM
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) torched the administration for its lackluster efforts to help Americans, particularly those living in rural areas.

Kemp told WRDW, "When the first emergency declarations came down, there was only 11 counties in that. A lot of people were outraged, including me, because there was such devastation in up to 90 counties."

"So we called the White House. We spoke to the president's chief of staff, the FEMA administrator and said, 'Look, you're sending the signal that you're not paying attention to some of these rural communities,'" he continued.

At least 200 people have been confirmed dead.

"It was a massive storm, and we're dealing with things statewide, even the metro-Atlanta area had record flooding. We had mudslides. We had to evacuate people below lakes and ponds up in the northeast part of the state, so we've been dealing with it," Kemp told the news outlet.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on November 21, 2024, 09:23:17 AM
Under the Biden-Harris administration, millions of dollars were allocated to various initiatives purportedly designed to tackle the immigration crisis. Yet some of those investments — including a multimillion-dollar processing center and Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention space — were not utilized.

Unused illegal alien center
In the summer, the Biden-Harris administration's Federal Emergency Management Agency allocated nearly $20 million in taxpayer funds to open an illegal immigrant processing center in San Diego County.

The decision to establish the center was made amid a massive surge in unlawful immigration in the San Diego Sector. Border encounters in the area spiked by 40% in fiscal year 2024, surpassing the already record-high numbers from the year before.

The facility was designed to provide basic services to foreign nationals who had recently entered the country as well as assist them with traveling to their intended destinations within the U.S.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on December 02, 2024, 09:49:56 PM
Jim Crow Joe announced a big decision to block new mining in a key region producing nearly half of the nation's coal over climate change concerns, but it could be short-lived as President-elect Trump prepares to make U.S. energy dominance a key focus of his incoming administration.

Biden's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently approved an amendment to the Resource Management Plan (RMP) to ban new federal coal leases and make "48.12 billion short tons of coal unavailable for leasing consideration in order to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a proxy for climate change," according to Todd D. Yeager, BLM Buffalo field manager.

The decision will block any new federal mining leases in Wyoming's Powder River Basin, the country's largest coal producing region, by 2041. This region produces about 40% of the nation's coal. BLM, however, will allow for existing coal leases to still be developed.

In a statement to Fox News Digital regarding the decision, Trump's transition team reinforced the idea of the president-elect's campaign promise to bolster American-made energy.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on December 03, 2024, 07:03:29 PM
Quote from: Herman on December 02, 2024, 09:49:56 PMJim Crow Joe announced a big decision to block new mining in a key region producing nearly half of the nation's coal over climate change concerns, but it could be short-lived as President-elect Trump prepares to make U.S. energy dominance a key focus of his incoming administration.

Biden's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently approved an amendment to the Resource Management Plan (RMP) to ban new federal coal leases and make "48.12 billion short tons of coal unavailable for leasing consideration in order to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a proxy for climate change," according to Todd D. Yeager, BLM Buffalo field manager.

The decision will block any new federal mining leases in Wyoming's Powder River Basin, the country's largest coal producing region, by 2041. This region produces about 40% of the nation's coal. BLM, however, will allow for existing coal leases to still be developed.

In a statement to Fox News Digital regarding the decision, Trump's transition team reinforced the idea of the president-elect's campaign promise to bolster American-made energy.

And in other news, Trump will undo it sometime in January, 2025.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on December 09, 2024, 11:32:53 AM
Biden calls toppling of Assad by US-designated terrorists who previously targeted Christians 'fundamental act of justice.' :crazy: 
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on December 11, 2024, 08:13:27 PM
Jim Crow Joe is warning the Trump administration against repealing his biggest achievements for his super rich donors.

During his 2024 campaign, Trump said, "We will rescind all unspent funds under the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act."

He was elected to reverse these the IRA and CHIPs that are welfare for woke corporations.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on December 12, 2024, 11:02:47 AM
Quote from: Herman on December 11, 2024, 08:13:27 PMJim Crow Joe is warning the Trump administration against repealing his biggest achievements for his super rich donors.

During his 2024 campaign, Trump said, "We will rescind all unspent funds under the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act."

He was elected to reverse these the IRA and CHIPs that are welfare for woke corporations.
Accomplishments :crazy: 

They accomplished consolidating control over energy and industrial policy in the hands of people who do not have the interests of average Americans.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on December 12, 2024, 11:04:20 AM
Joe Biden has issued the single largest act of clemency in modern history, commuting the sentences of roughly 1,500 people and issuing 39 presidential pardons, the White House says.

The incumbent president's historic issuing of commutations and pardons dwarfs those granted on a single day by former President Barack Obama, with a combined total of 330, shortly before leaving office in 2017, which now marks the second largest single-day act of clemency.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on December 12, 2024, 09:56:23 PM
Jim Crow Joe is selling off border wall materials for a song to sabotage Trump and the country.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on December 23, 2024, 06:00:32 PM
Biden has granted clemency to some horrible felons but apparently saved the worst for last.

Among the convicts Biden has spared from the accountability sought by judges and juries is Jorge Avila-Torrez, a "serial killer of the highest degree" who kidnapped, raped, and brutally murdered two little girls, Laura Hobbs, 8, and Krystal Tobias, 9, in 2005. The beneficiary of Biden's commutation not only subjected the girls to nightmarish sexual torture but stabbed them repeatedly — Hobbs 20 times, including in her eyes, and Tobias 11 times.

Avila-Torrez also murdered 20-year-old U.S. Navy Petty Officer Amanda Jean Snell in 2009 and raped and nearly killed another woman in 2009.

Biden also commuted the sentence of Thomas Sanders. A federal jury in Louisiana announced in 2014 that Sanders should be put to death for murdering Suellen Roberts and her 12-year-old daughter, Lexis Roberts, in the fall of 2010.

Iouri Mikhel was also among the names of those whose sentences Biden commuted. Mikhel, a serial killer who immigrated to the U.S. from Russia, was sentenced to death in 2007 for kidnapping and savagely murdering five people.

After kidnapping their victims, Mikhel and his comrade, Jurijus Kadamovas, reportedly extorted money from their families and friends. Despite having received millions in ransom funds, the duo killed their captives anyway, then dumped them in a reservoir near Yosemite National Park.

Daryl Lawrence, another murderer who will now avoid the death penalty, killed Columbus Police Officer Bryan Hurst during a bank robbery in 2005.

The White House's list of individuals now receiving commuted sentences is full of names of murderers convicted for similarly ghastly crimes.

Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on December 23, 2024, 07:42:50 PM
That was Biden's "Fuck you, Trump!" move.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on December 23, 2024, 08:54:06 PM
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on December 23, 2024, 07:42:50 PMThat was Biden's "Fuck you, Trump!" move.
Jim Crow Joe has a lot of fuck yous.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on December 23, 2024, 09:34:38 PM
I dare you not to laugh at Jim Crow Joe's DNC holiday reception speech.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Thiel on December 24, 2024, 02:01:36 PM
Biden's Christmas gift to Americans will not be delivered until January 20,2025.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on January 04, 2025, 03:22:28 PM
Biden named 19 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Saturday, including former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and billionaire globalist George Soros.

As Biden's presidential term comes to a close, he has also commemorated former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming with the Presidential Citizens Medal on Friday.

Cheney was given the Presidential Citizens Medal by President Joe Biden on Thursday for her role in the special House committee that publicized an account of the riot at the Capitol building on January 6, 2021. As she was given the award, it was announced that she had put "the American people over party," to a standing ovation from the audience, according to The Hill.

Cheney's conduct during the special committee has come into question after it was revealed that she had communicated with witness Cassidy Hutchinson, who went on to make outlandish claims, with the knowledge of Hutchinson's attorney.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on January 06, 2025, 10:35:31 PM
Jim Crow Joe evidenced his desire Monday to continue burning bridges and salting the earth on his way out of office, this time announcing a ban on all new offshore oil and gas drilling along the entire U.S. Atlantic coast and eastern Gulf of Mexico, as well as in Pacific waters off the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington and in the Northern Bering Sea bordering Alaska.

While Biden has approved numerous offshore wind projects that not only can have a devastating impact on wildlife and the environment but generate a tremendous amount of pollution, the White House framed his decision to ban offshore drilling as a way to help "ensure our oceans and coasts are resilient to the threats of climate change and nature loss."

Biden's ban, executed under the 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, applies to roughly 334 million acres of the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf running down America's eastern flank from Canada to the southern tip of Florida; to 250 million acres of federal waters off the West Coast; and to 44 million acres of the Northern Bering Sea.

The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act does not afford presidents the explicit authority to revoke such a ban and put federal waters back into development, reported CNN. Consequently, President-elect Donald Trump will likely need the Republican-controlled Congress to step up and change it before he can undo Biden's ban.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Garraty_47 on January 06, 2025, 11:46:34 PM
Quote from: Herman on January 06, 2025, 10:35:31 PMJim Crow Joe evidenced his desire Monday to continue burning bridges and salting the earth on his way out of office, this time announcing a ban on all new offshore oil and gas drilling along the entire U.S. Atlantic coast and eastern Gulf of Mexico, as well as in Pacific waters off the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington and in the Northern Bering Sea bordering Alaska.

He did this on the way out the door because:

It's meaningless, performative, hollow, and an insult to the intelligence of every 'Murican citizen.

Just like the rest of Biden's presidency.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: DKG on January 07, 2025, 07:47:02 AM
Quote from: Garraty_47 on January 06, 2025, 11:46:34 PMHe did this on the way out the door because:

  • He doesn't actually believe in the policy or he would've done it a long time ago; it's only something the democrats can try to use in future advertising and fundraising boilerplate
  • He thinks it'll add a little polish to his "legacy" which will need all the help it can get
  • He knows damn well the republicans will immediately reverse it

It's meaningless, performative, hollow, and an insult to the intelligence of every 'Murican citizen.

Just like the rest of Biden's presidency.
Biden has no guiding principles. He never did in his fifty years in Washington.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Brent on January 10, 2025, 03:24:46 PM
Biden's outgoing acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Patrick Lechleitner admitted that the administration "could have done more" on immigration enforcement.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Garraty_47 on January 10, 2025, 04:02:59 PM
In a press meeting Biden passed over to Kopmala (ex-senator from California) and told her to "fire away", then after a pause added: "no pun intended".

Add that to Genocide Joe's legacy- making jokes about the tragic ongoing California wildfires.

Worst. President. Ever.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on January 16, 2025, 08:46:32 PM
Jim Crow Joe has spent his career claiming achievements not his own and spinning yarns, tanking his 1988 presidential campaign, for instance, both with lies about easily disproven academic achievements and by plagiarizing a speech nearly verbatim  with accompanying autobiographic details and Welsh syntax — from a British politician.

Owing to the decrepitude that spiked his 2024 presidential campaign, the 82-year-old democRAT has found it increasingly difficult in recent years to knit convincing claims — such as when he pushed the unsubstantiated "suckers" and "losers" smear against Trump; pushed the false "very fine people" hoax in his often told presidential origin story; speaking of his uncle's supposed consumption by New Guinea cannibals; detailing his meeting with a then dead Amtrak conductor; and claiming he was at Ground Zero in New York City the day after 9/11.

The great liberator
At the outset, Biden, who proved unable to seal the deal over the previous 15 months, claimed responsibility for the ceasefire and hostage deal reached this week between Israel and Hamas without once mentioning the major role played by Trump.

The great liberator
At the outset, Biden, who proved unable to seal the deal over the previous 15 months, claimed responsibility for the ceasefire and hostage deal reached this week between Israel and Hamas without once mentioning the major role played by Trump.

Netanyahu reportedly thanked Trump personally for "helping bring an end to the suffering of dozens of hostages and their families."

The great unifier
Biden stated in his speech that he kept his "commitment to be president for all Americans, through one of the toughest periods in our nation's history."

While technically president for all Americans, Biden routinely attacked and dehumanized those who did not support him, characterizing tens of millions of Trump supporters as "garbage"; suggesting House Republicans were worse than his old segregationist buddies; and stating that his political opponents not only "represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic" but threaten "the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions."

Biden's Department of Justice held Trump allies to a different standard from their fellow travelers; disproportionately targeted pro-lifers while actively advancing radicals' abortion agenda; and treated concerned parents and traditional Christians out of line with the administration's thinking as potential threats.

Biden's State Department and other elements of his administration undertook efforts to both directly and indirectly suppress dissenting voices and critics, particularly on the right. Various departments and agencies during his tenure were, for instance, credibly accused — as they were in the New Civil Liberties Alliance's amended September complaint in the case Dressen, et al. v. Flaherty, et al. filed on behalf of five individuals who suffered vaccine-related injuries — of working to "coerce, induce, and collude with social media platforms to censor, suppress, and label as 'misinformation' speech expressed by those who have suffered vaccine-related injuries."

Biden, in another apparent exception to his commitment to be a president for all, pushed through his Department of Education's woke new Title IX rules depriving women of safe, sex-segregated spaces in schools, including bathrooms and changing rooms, revealing that young women, as a cohort, were apparently a lesser priority than gender ideologues and transvestite activists.

The great enforcer
Biden recycled the shaky claim in his speech that he brought violent crime to a 50-year low. The 82-year-old Democratic has said this on many occasions, relying on FBI statistics in which "violent crime" accounts for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

There are number of issues with Biden's reliance on FBI data. For starters, nearly one-third of law enforcement agencies have neglected to submit crime data to the FBI in recent years. In 2022, for instance, crime-ridden cities like Phoenix, New York City, and Los Angeles failed to submit crime data.

This problem of unreliability is compounded by the FBI's apparent willingness to fudge the numbers. The Crime Prevention Research Center reported in October that the FBI stealthily changed its crime data for 2022. Whereas previously the bureau claimed violent crime fell by 2.1% that year, it adjusted the statistics to indicate that violent crime actually jumped by at least 4.5%.

The great connector
Just as Biden likely did not oversee a precipitous drop in crime, he also didn't bring multitudes of Americans online, as he suggested in his speech.

Biden insinuated that his administration had something to do with delivering internet to the masses, stating, "We have launched a new era of American possibilities: one of the greatest modernizations of infrastructure in our entire history, from new roads, bridges, clean water, affordable high-speed internet for every American."

Biden appears to have been referring to his $42.5 billion scheme to expand broadband internet to bring internet access to roughly 25 million people, which turned out to be a complete dud — perhaps more useless than his promised electric vehicle charging station network.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ratified by Biden in 2021 included a provision for billions to be blown on the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment program.

Brendan Carr, a Republican commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission, noted on June 14, "In 2021, the Biden Administration got $42.45 billion from Congress to deploy high-speed Internet to millions of Americans. Years later, it has not connected even 1 person with those funds. In fact, it now says that no construction projects will even start until 2025 at earliest."
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on January 23, 2025, 09:01:38 PM
account of his strategic error, should face accountability.
Former President Joe Biden tried his apparent best to set a number of records, including the number of days spent on vacation as well as the number of illegal aliens overseen stealing into the homeland. He certainly set a record when issuing pardons and commutations. In fact, no president appears to have come even remotely close except for Andrew Johnson, who padded his numbers with pardons for ex-Confederates during the Reconstruction era.

In his interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity, which aired Wednesday night, President Donald Trump raised the matter of his predecessor's pardons, noting that despite issuing them like they were going out of style, Biden failed to pardon the most obvious candidate — himself.

Among those who received pardons or commutations from Biden were:
Anthony Fauci, who has his fingerprints all over decades of dangerous gain-of-function experiments as well as the COVID-19 origins cover-up;
retired Gen. Mark Milley, who while serving as the most senior uniformed adviser to Trump, telephoned his communist Chinese counterpart to reassure him that he would provide him with actionable warnings should his commander in chief decide to attack;
members of the Jan. 6 committee, including Liz Cheney, who were accused by congressional investigators of likely violating numerous federal laws, including 18 U.S.C. 1622, which prohibits any person from suborning perjury;
select U.S. Capitol and D.C. Metro police officers who advanced shaky narratives before the committee;
multitudes of convicts caught pushing deadly drugs;
murderous child rapists, cop killers, and at least one mass murderer; and
a disgraced former comptroller who stole $53.7 million from her struggling Illinois city.
Title: -
Post by: Eugencam on February 02, 2025, 07:58:40 AM
There is a report out there that the German Chancellor told Joe
" Im doing this for you Mr Biden"
This is what real diplomacy looks like.
Thank god for President Joe Biden.
Title: Re: -
Post by: DKG on February 02, 2025, 11:30:55 AM

Quote from: Eugencam on February 02, 2025, 07:58:40 AMThere is a report out there that the German Chancellor told Joe
" Im doing this for you Mr Biden"
This is what real diplomacy looks like.
Thank god for President Joe Biden.
Joe Biden much like Justin Trudeau is easy to manipulate. Trump will not sell out American workers.
Title: Re: Jim Crow Joe
Post by: Herman on February 03, 2025, 09:27:46 PM
Jim Crow Joe's Department of State spent a lot of your money promoting "LGBTQ" propaganda abroad.

Half a billion dollars to expand atheism in Nepal, $50,000 to do a transgender opera in Colombia, $47,000 to do an LGBTQ trans comic book in Peru, $20,000 a pop to do drag shows in Ecuador.