Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 02, 2023, 07:29:05 PM
This is what's called "chickens coming home to roost"
enjoy, fucktards
The problem is they take their failed socialism with them to red states turning them purple.
They're not welcome here in florida & we let them know it
stay in the cesspools you created
20 minutes police response is normal where I live.
5 minutes here
Our sheriffs encourage to use the weapons we're allowed to carry
How will more police stop a derranged homeless pest throwing metal drink containers at people?
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 02, 2023, 07:40:10 PM
They're not welcome here in florida & we let them know it
stay in the cesspools you created
When I retire, I will be living in your state a minimum of six months a year. I will not bring the socilalism I am fleeing with me.
Quote from: caskur on August 02, 2023, 07:47:22 PM
How will more police stop a derranged homeless pest throwing metal drink containers at people?
it's not as much about MORE police as it is about tough on crime polices and environment that is supportive of
good police officers
Portland is neither and has thus demoralized their law enforcement to the point where they don't give the slightest fuck
and honestly, I don't blame them
It's easy to complain however not so easy to come up with solutions.
The solutions I would come up with would be illegal.
Quote from: caskur on August 02, 2023, 07:51:24 PM
It's easy to complain however not so easy to come up with solutions.
The solutions I would come up with would be illegal.
This is not a matter of coming up with a solution as if one needed to be searched for
20 years ago Portland was a crown jewel of the west coast. Now it's a toilet.
Just get these fucking libs outta power and things will turn around. Rapidly
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 02, 2023, 07:50:20 PM
it's not as much about MORE police as it is about tough on crime polices and environment that is supportive of good police officers
Portland is neither and has thus demoralized their law enforcement to the point where they don't give the slightest fuck
and honestly, I don't blame them
those poor bastards daily face the dregs of society... I don't blame them either.
Quote from: caskur on August 02, 2023, 07:55:00 PM
those poor bastards daily face the dregs of society... I don't blame them either.
I'm saying. Sure there are bad ones. As in every cross section of society.
But they deal with the worst humanity has to offer day in and day out. They're only human
and this is how you can tell scumrat fuck libtards lack empathy. that they would demonize these people to the extent they are doing
they reap what they sow.
Quote from: caskur on August 02, 2023, 07:42:12 PM
20 minutes police response is normal where I live.
Because Australia is a socialist hellhole where anything even remotely right wing gets shunned and beaten down. Case in point: Pauline Hanson.