Alrighty, If you have a song/artist that makes you want to stab your eardrums with a sharp object to stop the agony.. Post 'em up LOL
:crampe: My uncle loved this guy... just horrible.. everything about it!!
I can think of some in Chinese just off the tip of my brain, but none in English.
Damn! I'd have to do a YouTube deep dive for this one. If I don't like something, I don't listen to it.
Let me do some research. ;)
There are so dang many cringey songs. Let me see what I can come up with.
Right near the top of the list has got to be this prog anthem. They played this at Jack Layton's funeral.
Green Day has so many songs to offer this thread.
Is this ever cringey.
Someone should shoot it... put it out of its misery...
Quote from: Herman on November 26, 2023, 09:38:29 PMThat is awful.
Agreed. We should nuke Western Australia on general principles for allowing this to be released. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this was playing on Bon Scott's radio when he vomited his way into an early dirt nap tbh.
Quote from: Oliver the Second on November 29, 2023, 11:35:08 PM
I wanted to see someone push it over and them get doused with blue water. When that didnt happen, I hoped the port a john would explode with them in it.
Quote from: Oliver the Second on November 29, 2023, 11:35:08 PM
Reminds me of some of the stuff Hitlerbuttsecks, Cum Muzzle Crack Whore and Smilescythe were getting up to when Lolokaust Records was operating.
From Nevada I notice, I might have to look them up.
Here... you want a bunch of cringey clowns?
Cringiest song ever.
This one has always been a steamin' cosmic turd:
Quote from: J E B Stuart on November 26, 2024, 06:14:53 PMThis one has always been a steamin' cosmic turd:
Hey, bud, glad to see you here. :s_hi:
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on November 26, 2024, 08:22:39 PMHey, bud, glad to see you here. :s_hi:
Likewise, Cochise! :good: Hopefully, some others will find their way here.
This one is in a league of its own:
Quote from: J E B Stuart on November 27, 2024, 11:19:36 PMThis one is in a league of its own:
OMIGAWD, that is noise pollution.
Quote from: Shen Li on November 27, 2024, 11:30:11 PMOMIGAWD, that is noise pollution.
Heh. Here's some more:
This thread should be declared a disaster area get funded by FEMA for clean up. :facepalm:
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on November 30, 2024, 08:54:26 PMThis thread should be declared a disaster area get funded by FEMA for clean up. :facepalm:
Heh, since I'm new here, I'm just testing the waters with some tried 'n' true oldies but stankies to help gitcher ears in shape. With that in mind, behold the legendary John Daker, may God rest his soul:
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 01, 2024, 12:55:04 AMHeh, since I'm new here, I'm just testing the waters with some tried 'n' true oldies but stankies to help gitcher ears in shape. With that in mind, behold the legendary John Daker, may God rest his soul:
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on December 01, 2024, 11:41:36 AM:facepalm:
The Shaggs, through no fault of their own, became famous for]
Interesting story on Wikipedia about them:
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 01, 2024, 06:56:28 PMThe Shaggs, through no fault of their own, became famous for pure, unadulterated awfulness]
Interesting story on Wikipedia about them:
Doh! Here's a ewetoob:
Quote from: J E B Stuart on November 29, 2024, 11:20:51 PMHeh. Here's some more:
Stop, my ears hurt.
Quote from: Shen Li on December 01, 2024, 10:28:51 PMStop, my ears hurt.
Howzabout some Wesley Willis, then? 😜
This one doesn't make me cringe so much as it cracks me up. The Green of My Pants? HAHAHAAA! And that's before you even listen to it. :crampe:
These dudes were part of the Texas psychedelic 60's music scene.
The toughest thing about Jan Terri is deciding which "song" to post. There are quite a few. Oh well, suck it up and take a Journey to Mars:
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 04, 2024, 03:07:43 PMThe toughest thing about Jan Terri is deciding which "song" to post. There are quite a few. Oh well, suck it up and take a Journey to Mars:
DAMN!! Is that Murdocks mom? :facepalm:
Quote from: Lokmar on December 04, 2024, 03:21:27 PMDAMN!! Is that Murdocks mom? :facepalm:
Haha! No idea.
Here's a palate cleanser for that previous video:😜
This thread is sonic and visual torture. I'm going to ask the U.N. to declare this site an area where war crimes are being committed.
:s_laugh: :s_hi: :yeahhh:
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 04, 2024, 07:38:33 PMHaha! No idea.
Here's a palate cleanser for that previous video:😜
I can't look at the morbidly obese.
Quote from: Shen Li on December 05, 2024, 12:15:26 AMI can't look at the morbidly obese.
Okay. Then howzabout the tragically tubby? 😳😁
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 05, 2024, 01:14:29 AMOkay. Then howzabout the tragically tubby? 😳😁
Nope, can't do that either.
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on December 03, 2023, 04:28:14 AMReminds me of some of the stuff Hitlerbuttsecks, Cum Muzzle Crack Whore and Smilescythe were getting up to when Lolokaust Records was operating.
From Nevada I notice, I might have to look them up.
I used to know a lolokaust guy called CMCW he used to post at Goregrish, im now seeing his name was likely an acronym for *Cum Muzzle Crack Whore* :s_laugh:
Quote from: Shen Li on December 05, 2024, 01:21:17 AMNope, can't do that either.
Okay, okay. I'm workin' with ya and not ready to throw in the towel. That said, I'm thinking ......
chubbily challenged? Maybe?
Ewe toob really annoys me.
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 05, 2024, 10:37:54 AMOkay, okay. I'm workin' with ya and not ready to throw in the towel. That said, I'm thinking ...... chubbily challenged? Maybe?
The chubbily challenged will not be denied.
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 05, 2024, 10:37:54 AMOkay, okay. I'm workin' with ya and not ready to throw in the towel. That said, I'm thinking ...... chubbily challenged? Maybe?
I like some Weird Al songs.
Quote from: Lokmar on December 06, 2024, 11:52:49 PM
Good post, amigo. Over the years, I've done quite a bit of research on things such as the Collins and Harlan piece. Time and again, one of the things that jumped out at me was the origins of not only the productions, but the people involved, as well. Note where the above record was made. And here is info on Collins and Harlan, who were quite popular in their time:
I thought about putting this in the laughter thread, but this one won out. The band name still gives me the chortle snicker snorts:
This recording actually climbed to #3 on one chart and #1 on another.
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 13, 2024, 06:21:28 PMThis recording actually climbed to #3 on one chart and #1 on another.
It should be the theme song for Congress.
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 13, 2024, 06:21:28 PMThis recording actually climbed to #3 on one chart and #1 on another.
What a frickin shitty song.
Quote from: Herman on December 13, 2024, 08:46:14 PMWhat a frickin shitty song.
HAHAAA! Think that's shitty, amigo? Check this out. I almost put it in the laughter thread:
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 14, 2024, 07:41:35 PMHAHAAA! Think that's shitty, amigo? Check this out. I almost put it in the laughter thread:
This is a song?
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 08, 2024, 10:32:22 PMI thought about putting this in the laughter thread, but this one won out. The band name still gives me the chortle snicker snorts:
If High Flyin Bryan and Terd Ferguson had a band, this would be it!
Quote from: Herman on December 14, 2024, 08:23:59 PMThis is a song?
Can't rightly say one way or the other. The answer is above my pay grade.
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 14, 2024, 09:36:14 PMCan't rightly say one way or the other. The answer is above my pay grade.
I was like what in the hell is that. They aint singing. They aint rapping. I don't know.
This is the worst of the worst..
Quote from: Ravey on December 15, 2024, 12:51:19 PMThis is the worst of the worst..
I didn't know Uncle Dilf tried singing and songwriting.
Jeebus. That melted my ear wax :crazy:
There is a reason Yoko's last name is Ono as will become evident in this video. FYI, this clip is from "The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus", filmed in 1968. Be sure to gird your loins and wait for it:
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 15, 2024, 03:01:54 PMThere is a reason Yoko's last name is Ono as will become evident in this video. FYI, this clip is from "The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus", filmed in 1968. Be sure to gird your loins and wait for it:
I could handle about twenty seconds of that screaming once she started.
I posted the video below in this thread primarily because of the album cover. And, to my knowledge, there isn't a "What the Hell?!!" thread:
Quote from: J E B Stuart on December 16, 2024, 04:32:17 PMI posted the video below in this thread primarily because of the album cover. And, to my knowledge, there isn't a "What the Hell?!!" thread:
It aint a thread but this is worthy of a big fat WHAT THE HELL?!!
I couldn't stand this song when it came out and I still can't stand it. Sweet Jeebus:
Actually, these guys can play. But I haven't been been able to find shit:
I'm conservative as hell, but there's always been something about this cat's voice that made me wanna say "You need to go fuck yourself!"
Give 'em credit for truthful advertising. Without further ado, I give you . . .
The Shitty Beach Boys!:
Heavens to Murgatroyd!
Sweet Mother Mary and Joseph!!! She sounds likes she's trying to "sing" in the shower:
i don't know what to say.
Has there ever been a band and/or artist that, try as you might, you were just unable to like 'em nearly as much as you wanted to? Well, Bloodrock is one such band for me. I just don't care for most of their stuff.
But, I digress. Although Bloodrock was not a cringey band in the least, I put them here because of their signature "song" by the name of D.O.A. The first time I heard it, I was just a kid riding in the car with my dad late at night. Well, D.O.A. came on the radio and it filled me with such dread, I felt sick at my stomach. And once you've heard it, there's no conceivable reason to listen to it for pleasure.
Anyway, that's my take on it. If you haven't heard it before, give it a listen:
The funniest thing to me about this song is that in 1959, it actually reached #4 on the pop charts and #30 on the R&B charts. One does need to be familiar with the hit series "77 Sunset Strip" to get it:
See if you can get through this gem...
Quote from: Renegade Quark on January 27, 2025, 01:32:52 PMSee if you can get through this gem...
I remember him well. That song was originally a popular song from 1929's Gold Diggers of Broadway. Do you remember Miss Vicki? FYI, Tiny's real name was Herbert Butros Khaury.
Quote from: Renegade Quark on January 27, 2025, 01:32:52 PMSee if you can get through this gem...
I have never been able to listen to all of this song without a break in the middle. It is terrible.
Quote from: Thiel on January 27, 2025, 04:54:16 PMI have never been able to listen to all of this song without a break in the middle. It is terrible.
Oh, but it could always be worse:
I read that Johnny Carson had him on the show 20 times. Tiny wasn't right in the head, IMHO.
Quote from: Renegade Quark on January 27, 2025, 10:08:13 PMDo ya think?
Of course. I wouldn't have said it otherwise. That said, those speculations have nothing to do with his novelty act, songs and public persona. There are a number of articles out there about him and there is also at least one book.
Here's a teaser:
I was working at an AM radio station when this recording hit the charts. Nothing technically cringey about it, but it became SUPER annoying right quick, rubber ducky.
GG Allin, whose birth name was "Jesus Christ Allin", was actually waaay beyond cringey. I'd say the most remarkable thing about him is that he actually had some fans. Here he is at a venue throwing his shit (yes, his feces) into the audience. He died at 36 years of age of a heroin OD:
Sorry Pete Seeger, but this is some serious cringe:
This awful mess screams "tranny wants attention!" Laura Jane Grace actually sang this for Bernie Sanders at one of his recent anti-Trump rallies. You go Bernie! Shit like this'll damn sure put your party back on track!
Read all about it -
Quote from: J E B Stuart on March 11, 2025, 01:43:11 AMThis awful mess screams "tranny wants attention!" Laura Jane Grace actually sang this for Bernie Sanders at one of his recent anti-Trump rallies. You go Bernie! Shit like this'll damn sure put your party back on track!
Read all about it -
That is sooooo white and cringey.
Quote from: J E B Stuart on March 11, 2025, 01:43:11 AMThis awful mess screams "tranny wants attention!" Laura Jane Grace actually sang this for Bernie Sanders at one of his recent anti-Trump rallies. You go Bernie! Shit like this'll damn sure put your party back on track!
Read all about it -
What the fuck :facepalm:
This is probably the most cringiest thing I've seen in a while.
This one makes me sad my heart, I WANT to like Kid Rock. The desire is there. He is pro Trump. He is a MI native and proud of it.
But no matter how hard I try..He is just so over the top cringey it gives me second hand embarrassment.
He is literally riding on a middle finger rocket ship over Mt Rushmore with a gun and a bottle of some dark liquor...because....why not? I just can't with this lol
Quote from: Dove on March 11, 2025, 06:43:52 AMThis one makes me sad my heart, I WANT to like Kid Rock. The desire is there. He is pro Trump. He is a MI native and proud of it.
But no matter how hard I try..He is just so over the top cringey it gives me second hand embarrassment.
He is literally riding on a middle finger rocket ship over Mt Rushmore with a gun and a bottle of some dark liquor...because....why not? I just can't with this lol
I don't like songs that hit us over the head with politics.
Why not unhinge and go binge on some serious cringe?