I consider myself a well versed man in biblical matters having read the book from cover to cover myself
several times actually
and after having put reverends, deacons, priests, theologins to shame I consider myself, well, a bit of an authority on the matter
so would you care to indulge me for a bit of friendly chatter?
and take a moment to explain this?
[23|Sep 06:06 PM] Whisper to deadskinmask deadskinmask: i'm saved.... i'm saved regardless of my actions.... whatever i do, Jesus has already paid for.... i'm charitable because i love Jesus and thats how i represent Him here on earth.... i could just as easily stab a hobo.... but it wouldn't be a proper representation....
DKG [23|Sep 06:08 PM] Whisper to DKG DKG:
, you and dsm are providing balance.
DKG [23|Sep 06:08 PM] Whisper to DKG DKG: G'day Mr dsm
deadskinmask [23|Sep 06:09 PM] Whisper to deadskinmask deadskinmask: howdy back at ya....
DKG [23|Sep 06:15 PM] Whisper to DKG DKG: It is Shen Li's birthday, so naturally the shoutbox discussion got a little weird.
deadskinmask [23|Sep 06:15 PM] Whisper to deadskinmask deadskinmask: oh.... happy birthday, shen....
Erica Mena [23|Sep 06:19 PM] Whisper to Erica Mena Erica Mena: Amen DSM
Biggie Smiles [23|Sep 06:21 PM] Biggie Smiles: If you truly are saved no matter what you do how do you explain this In Mark 3:29 Jesus says that "whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven;
Dove said you have to repent and never commit those sins again.
And if you do, I guess you repent... again?
That doesn't sound very one-and-done. It certainly doesn't fit with DSM's belief, but it makes the Catholic Church a thriving enterprise.
If you are saved only once and your actions are never cast into question henceforth, what is the limit of terrible things you can do before God says "stop it or I'll turn this thing around?"
when you turn yourself over to God, you belong to God.... when you acknowledge the sacrifice that Jesus made for you, you're saved.... if you're a child of God, you're always a child of God.... its an active choice.... only you can change that.... its the gift of free will.... you accept it or you reject it.... its there for you regardless....
the catholic church is just devil worship with extra steps....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 23, 2023, 06:55:40 PMthe catholic church is just devil worship with extra steps....
Catholics are the worst.
and i'm not an authority on anything.... especially religion.... i don't even refer to myself as christian if i can help it.... "christian" has become an increasingly secular term with very unsavory traits.... a relationship with God is a personal project and cannot nor should not be a one size fits all solution.... if you believe you need to behave a certain way to belong to God, you're completely negating the sacrifice Jesus made.... "no one is worthy. no, not one"....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 23, 2023, 06:55:40 PMthe catholic church is just devil worship with extra steps....
The catholic church, just like any other denomination of Christianity which teaches this idea of once saved always saved, which is found NOWHERE in scripture except when words are being rushed out of context, is of the great Harlot
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 23, 2023, 07:03:06 PMCatholics are the worst.
The absolute worst
that fat whale mUrdmoooooo is a catholic
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 23, 2023, 07:03:34 PMand i'm not an authority on anything.... especially religion.... i don't even refer to myself as christian if i can help it.... "christian" has become an increasingly secular term with very unsavory traits.... a relationship with God is a personal project and cannot nor should not be a one size fits all solution.... if you believe you need to behave a certain way to belong to God, you're completely negating the sacrifice Jesus made.... "no one is worthy. no, not one"....
True indeed
however, if you believed in Jesus yesterday, curse him today and forget all about him tomorrow are you still qualified for that equally ridiculous notion of a rapture the day after tomorrow?
if you yourself actively reject Jesus's gift, you have to argue that you were never truly His to begin with.... i'm not "good" for fear of retribution.... i'm "good" because i love God and want to be "good".... God knows we're a fuckin mess.... i'm not fooling Him....
Religious topics are always kind of pointless since every single one of us are free to make up our own minds as regards things spiritual.
As DSM has pointed out, the greatest Gift given to us by God is Free Will. That is the hinge pin upon which any post-death "judgement" might be made -- how we live our lives and what decisions we make as individuals along the way.
The tenets of the Abrahamic faiths all teach that adherence to God's moral Laws during life is the key to eternal salvation.
The tenets of Buddhism teach that balancing the accrual of Karma (basically the concept of good vibes in the Beyond) versus the discharge of Dharma (duty) during one's life is the key to Transcendence.
Buddhism was derived from the myriad tenets of ancient Vedic Hinduism, where the primordial text called the Bhagavad Gita outlines the hierarchies of godhood and describe the Cosmic Wheel where imperfect souls are returned again and again to a life of pain and suffering until they finally get it right and are able to "transcend" upon death to a higher plain of existence.
For all I can tell, primitive pagans who worshiped odd shaped rocks and held massive orgies on the equinoxes to propitiate their gods and win them favor in the afterlife were no more right or wrong than any of the modern day adherents of the world's Great Faiths.
So you get a permanent Save and then you can masturbate until your dick falls off. One of the reasons I left the cult is that Christians never seem to agree on one set of rules.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
They can't all be right.
God and your eternal fate are far too important to allow someone else dictate your tenets to.... organized religion is dangerous as hell.... literally....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 23, 2023, 07:19:17 PMif you yourself actively reject Jesus's gift, you have to argue that you were never truly His to begin with.... i'm not "good" for fear of retribution.... i'm "good" because i love God and want to be "good".... God knows we're a fuckin mess.... i'm not fooling Him....
First of all, no one is good except the father. Mark 10:18
So you're not "good". Neither are any of us. However, the blood of Jesus washes your sins away and makes you worthy of forgiveness in God's eyes provided you
a) believe in him.
b) are truly sorry for those sins
c) the sin does not fall into the category of blasphemy against the holy spirit
So as we can see, effort, on going effort, is a perquisite to remaining "saved" or, as Jesus himself put it
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. math24:13-14
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 23, 2023, 07:27:51 PMSo you get a permanent Save and then you can masturbate until your dick falls off. One of the reasons I left the cult is that Christians never seem to agree on one set of rules.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
They can't all be right.
See, this is exactly why I challenge these people who pass this garbage off as biblical doctrine. When in fact it is utter and unadulterated dogshit found no where in the bible.
Because rational people such as yourself will rightly come to this very conclusion with horse shit like that being spewed about.
I also cringe when you read of an accident where a bus full of children narrowly escapes destruction and the nonthinking Zealots immediately clutch their pearls and say "Thank GOd, he saved them"
No he didn't. He didn't do a single thing. It was happenstance. Coincidence. Perchance. Nothing more
and if it is not as I claim it is then how does a reasonably intelligent person of sound mind explain all of those horrific accidents which have occurred where the children or other innocents were not snatched from the grasp of doom
I really wish people would put some thought into their beliefs.
Or when a highly trained and noble hearted EMT saves someone's very life and some god or other gets the credit. I'd be disheartened by it.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 23, 2023, 07:34:59 PMFirst of all, no one is good except the father. Mark 10:18
So you're not "good". Neither are any of us. However, the blood of Jesus washes your sins away and makes you worthy of forgiveness in God's eyes provided you
a) believe in him.
b) are truly sorry for those sins
c) the sin does not fall into the category of blasphemy against the holy spirit
So as we can see, effort, on going effort, is a perquisite to remaining "saved" or, as Jesus himself put it
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. math24:13-14
thats why the "good" was in quotation marks.... i know what i try to be.... and i know its a human term....
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 23, 2023, 07:46:19 PMOr when a highly trained and noble hearted EMT saves someone's very life and some god or other gets the credit. I'd be disheartened by it.
I once had someone of ""faith"" sleeping on my couch when he fell on hard times. I always got a kick when he would repeat over and over God is good, and God provides
Now I'm not saying here that God isn't good and that he doesn't provide, but in this instance it is ME who's paying the mortgage around here Jack and it would be nice to get a little acknowledgement of that fact from time to time
life happens to everybody.... to assign blame or give credit for everything that happens is ridiculous.... you can ask God to help or you can just manage the burden you have.... i thank God for the ability to deal with everything i have to deal with....
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 23, 2023, 07:03:06 PMCatholics are the worst.
I was raised and educated in Catholic schools. Religions aren't much different from one another.
People made the choice to live in the world we live in today. Thats why the world is shit
People can accept or reject God. People can say they accepted Jesus but many He will tell "I knew you not"
None of this is rocket science if You've read the Bible.
Personally, I'm FAR FAR FAR more concern with morons air claiming that God made them gay than I am about religion taking over the world. If religion is what scares you in todays world, you got dropped on your head.
A religion thread eh. Not much of a b-day present. :musicboohoo:
Quote from: Shen Li on September 23, 2023, 09:18:43 PMA religion thread eh. Not much of a b-day present. :musicboohoo:
Did you have your mojitos, Shen?
Quote from: Reggie Essent on September 23, 2023, 09:20:21 PMDid you have your mojitos, Shen?
Does Moodock like giving head to East Indian cabbies. Fuck yeah, I had mojitos.
Always remember -
I went to a Ukrainian Orthodox church when I was a kid. We weren't really religious. It was a networking thing for Ukrainian speakers.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 23, 2023, 08:45:13 PMPersonally, I'm FAR FAR FAR more concern with morons air claiming that God made them gay than I am about religion taking over the world. If religion is what scares you in todays world, you got dropped on your head.
brilliant.... :crampe:
Any religion that contains instructions from its principle deity to go around chopping the tips of kids wieners needs to be treated with a healthy amount of scepticism.
i'm circumsized.... i'm not jewish though.... its just more hygienic.... and my dick doesn't look like a snake caught in a turtleneck sweater....
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 24, 2023, 10:02:06 AMAny religion that contains instructions from its principle deity to go around chopping the tips of kids wieners needs to be treated with a healthy amount of scepticism.
First time I jacked off, I was probably 12 or 13. I shot off so fukin hard and far, I was scared I'd need a fukin black light to clean up the jizz I shot off all over the place. Thought I'd take be a week to get it all. I'm sure it would have been sooooo much better if I still had my foreskin!!!!
Oh yea, and I needed a few minutes to unfold myself afterwards. It was like my body was trying to turn me into a folded up fukin lawn chair. No doubt if I still had a foreskin, my parents would have found me dead in that position!
As a genuine european, my cock uncircumcised.
Removing foreskin... Thats some tribal shit.
Why dont you stick a bone through your nose as well, you fucking savages.
Quote from: Odinson on September 24, 2023, 02:22:55 PMAs a genuine european, my cock uncircumcised.
i guess thats why you dirty bitches were the first to discover "cheese".... :crampe:
My ole lady says she would never suck an uncircumcised cock
that alone makes me thank my mom for doing the right thing. Barbarian or not.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 24, 2023, 02:45:31 PMMy ole lady says she would never suck an uncircumcised cock
that alone makes me thank my mom for doing the right thing. Barbarian or not.
my mom was worthless but my grandmother was a fuckin champ.... every decent quality in me can be traced back to my grandparents....
Mutilating little boys way before they're old enough to say "No" shouldn't be legal.
Doing it because a talking donkey or what the fuck ever told some bronze-age goat herder that it would be a wonderful idea is straight up fucking insane and a crime against humanity.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 24, 2023, 02:45:31 PMMy ole lady says she would never suck an uncircumcised cock
that alone makes me thank my mom for doing the right thing. Barbarian or not.
Like your ole lady ever says no to cock...
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 24, 2023, 02:57:46 PMMutilating little boys way before they're old enough to say "No" shouldn't be legal.
Doing it because a talking donkey or what the fuck ever told some bronze-age goat herder that it would be a wonderful idea is straight up fucking insane and a crime against humanity.
while i can't argue with your logic, i gotta say "i'm fuckin glad i'm cut".... and even more grateful it was done when i was too young to be scared.... if i had to wait till i was 18, i woulda been worried as hell.... even girls with braces gave me the heebie-jeebies.... :crampe:
I will take Christianity, warts and all over Islam anyday. Islam is more than just a religion though. It is a supremacist ideology.
Quote from: Herman on September 25, 2023, 01:48:59 AMI will take Christianity, warts and all over Islam anyday. Islam is more than just a religion though. It is a supremacist ideology.
Ditto and the same with atheism or agnostics. Motherfuckers who have no moral anchor cant be trusted. I've worked with enough of them to know.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 01:56:45 AMDitto and the same with atheism or agnostics. Motherfuckers who have no moral anchor cant be trusted. I've worked with enough of them to know.
I lived abroad for over twenty five years. A lot of those years in Muslim shitholes. Islam is barbaric.
When I blasted a load in my wife this morning, my eyes rolled back in my head just fine. I think this foreskin hysteria is way overrated.
I bet this all started with some manclown wanting equal victimhood status. The cunt was jelly over muhzie women that got their clits cut off. That kind of stupid shit is as different than night and day. That would be the equivalent getting your dick chopped off.
Quote from: Herman on September 25, 2023, 02:02:05 AMI lived abroad for over twenty five years. A lot of them in Muslim shitholes. Islam is barbaric.
I've read the koran, pig shit be upon it, and its straight up plagiarized from the Bible by imbeciles. Its really that poorly made up.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 24, 2023, 02:45:31 PMMy ole lady says she would never suck an uncircumcised cock
that alone makes me thank my mom for doing the right thing. Barbarian or not.
I say the same thing.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 02:04:05 AMI've read the koran, pig shit be upon it, and its straight up plagiarized from the Bible by imbeciles. Its really that poorly made up.
It is so dang obvious.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 24, 2023, 01:33:28 PMFirst time I jacked off, I was probably 12 or 13. I shot off so fukin hard and far, I was scared I'd need a fukin black light to clean up the jizz I shot off all over the place. Thought I'd take be a week to get it all. I'm sure it would have been sooooo much better if I still had my foreskin!!!!
Oh yea, and I needed a few minutes to unfold myself afterwards. It was like my body was trying to turn me into a folded up fukin lawn chair. No doubt if I still had a foreskin, my parents would have found me dead in that position!
Translation: religious weirdos sliced up your cock and now you fuck like a spastic, check.
Quote from: Erica Mena on September 25, 2023, 02:08:07 AMI say the same thing.
Then by default, no dude should ever suck a non-FGM axe wound...
Fair is fair...
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 25, 2023, 06:38:42 AMTranslation: religious weirdos sliced up your cock and now you fuck like a spastic, check.
No dipshit. The translation is that a non cheesy dick without a foreskin works at least as good as one with a foreskin.
Quit trying to act like you're Sara Maclaughlin on some holy anti religious crusade to save the dick cheese.
Fukin douchebag.
Quote from: Frood on September 25, 2023, 07:50:54 AMThen by default, no dude should ever suck a non-FGM axe wound...
Fair is fair...
Thats an asinine comparison. A vagina with a clit cut out doesnt experience an orgasm since the nerve endings are all gone. Its not even remotely the same.
FFS, have you even seen pics of what them dumb cunt muhzies to the vaginas of young girls? Its a wonder even half of them survive!
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 09:25:15 AMThats an asinine comparison. A vagina with a clit cut out doesnt experience an orgasm since the nerve endings are all gone. Its not even remotely the same.
FFS, have you even seen pics of what them dumb cunt muhzies to the vaginas of young girls? Its a wonder even half of them survive!
Why is mutilating the genitals of one gender okay while attempting the same kind of thing on the opposite gender somehow barbaric?
Can't genital mutilation of any gender be equally barbaric?
And the irony is not lost on me regarding your dislike of trannies of either biological gender. :s_hi:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 01:56:45 AMDitto and the same with atheism or agnostics. Motherfuckers who have no moral anchor cant be trusted. I've worked with enough of them to know.
As a life-long atheist 90-95% of the people I've met and worked with were self-professed christians with varying levels of commitment to that cult and it proved this much to me:
Affiliation with a particular religious organization means fuckall in terms of whether or not someone is honest, trustworthy, and sane. Fuck. All.
Observing how zealous a particular person was made it easier to predict levels of insanity though, as the two characteristics have a roughly equal correlation. Not a one-size-fits-all situation... but pretty damn close.
Quote from: Frood on September 25, 2023, 09:31:07 AMWhy is mutilating the genitals of one gender okay while attempting the same kind of thing on the opposite gender somehow barbaric?
Can't genital mutilation of any gender be equally barbaric?
And the irony is not lost on me regarding your dislike of trannies of either biological gender. :s_hi:
Once again, removing a foreskin is in no way equally as consequential as what is done to muhzie women.
Removal of a foreskin results in a cleaner situation for the man. They performed what I'll call the "new version" of this on my 2 boys younger where honestly, it doesnt look like they trimmed 1/4 of the foreskin off. I was constantly after them 2 to clean their dicks when they were little. The youngests was stubborn and wouldnt keep after it and would complain about "problems down there". I sure as fuck wasnt going to constantly clean it but I guess I should have threatened to cut it off like some crazed mullah. I just told him his dick was rotting off. Eventually, he started to clean it I guess. Either that or he's got a stumpy dick.
I'm pretty pissed at their doctor for not doing a proper circ. Doing it the way they did was useless. I'll be sure to tell anyone who's having a boy to avoid docs like this.
PS, I'd kill every faggit on the planet if it was legal.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 25, 2023, 09:36:37 AMAs a life-long atheist 90-95% of the people I've met and worked with were self-professed christians with varying levels of commitment to that cult and it proved this much to me:
Affiliation with a particular religious organization means fuckall in terms of whether or not someone is honest, trustworthy, and sane. Fuck. All.
Observing how zealous a particular person was made it easier to predict levels of insanity though, as the two characteristics have a roughly equal correlation. Not a one-size-fits-all situation... but pretty damn close.
And everyone I've worked around that was a self proclaimed atheist came off as a serial killer.
Thats not to say that the so called "Christian" ones were all good. Some of those assholes should have been burned at the stake too. Its simply that I've found that unless they're sociopaths, the average person with religious moral groundings is more likely to have limits on their behavior.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 10:04:09 AMOnce again, removing a foreskin is in no way equally as consequential as what is done to muhzie women.
Removal of a foreskin results in a cleaner situation for the man. They performed what I'll call the "new version" of this on my 2 boys younger where honestly, it doesnt look like they trimmed 1/4 of the foreskin off. I was constantly after them 2 to clean their dicks when they were little. The youngests was stubborn and wouldnt keep after it and would complain about "problems down there". I sure as fuck wasnt going to constantly clean it but I guess I should have threatened to cut it off like some crazed mullah. I just told him his dick was rotting off. Eventually, he started to clean it I guess. Either that or he's got a stumpy dick.
I'm pretty pissed at their doctor for not doing a proper circ. Doing it the way they did was useless. I'll be sure to tell anyone who's having a boy to avoid docs like this.
PS, I'd kill every faggit on the planet if it was legal.
If removing a piece of human genital flesh was cleaner, evolution would have already...and thousands of years before.
Circumcision is a relatively new phenomenon to Western societies.
And it's a genital mutilation cult violating non-consenting newborns.
You can't have it both ways. If FGM isn't OK in your book, neither can MGM be.
Makes you look like an unhinged fanatic.
Not a good look....
Quote from: Frood on September 25, 2023, 10:12:35 AMIf removing a piece of human genital flesh was cleaner, evolution would have already...and thousands of years before.
Circumcision is a relatively new phenomenon to Western societies.
And it's a genital mutilation cult violating non-consenting newborns.
You can't have it both ways. If FGM isn't OK in your book, neither can MGM be.
Makes you look like an unhinged fanatic.
Not a good look....
Your goal post is not a good look. Its completely unreasonable to view both as equals in any way shape or form.
I've got boys who've had both methods so I speak from experience. Unless you are constantly after them to pull the skin back when bathing, little kids will have hygiene issues. No doubt once they got older and couldnt keep their hands off it, it was better kept clean.
I freely admit I am "having it both ways" by your standards. I will continue to do so unashamedly. The FACT! still remains though that a circumcised penis still functions normally while a circumcised vagina does not. Neither I nor my oldest boy were victimized by what was done to us out of the desire to keep us clean. However, my younger boys were victimized by their pediatrician not to mention that we were all defrauded as to what would be done to them in regards to circumcision.
The doctor never explained that he wouldnt be performing a traditional circ. I seriously thought about suing him when my youngest had issues to the point where I literally had to make the youngest pull the skin back and thoroughly wash it properly while he cried his ass off because of the pain. This happened several times. I guarantee you, NOT having a proper circ was far far far more traumatic for him because of the issues he had. I've also discussed having it corrected with them if they continue to have problems as adults.
Comparing women to men circs as the same makes you look uneducated and unreasonable. Seriously.
removing a foreskin is no different than removing an appendix.... the appendix was just an additional filter for the body.... now that our food and water is of a consistently cleaner grade we no longer need it.... if you're in a position that your foreskin or appendix is a necessary part of life then you're just nasty as fuck....
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 10:08:09 AMThats not to say that the so called "Christian" ones were all good.
Of course you can't say that because it's patently untrue.
The reason it's untrue is because religiosity isn't magic; it doesn't externally imbue anyone with goodness, character, or morality. It's a checkbox on their profile:
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Ice Cream: neopolitan
Favorite Religion: <insert probably one of the abrahamic death cults>
Favorite Musical Genre: whatever's popular
It doesn't, in and of itself, mean anything.
Any influence on an individual's behavior comes not from which label they decided to stick on their forehead but from decisions and resolutions the individual adopts in their own mind. That same process of transformational thinking is very much available to atheists as well... they just get to skip all the extraneous baggage that comes with internalizing a dogmatic worldview.
We're fundamentally the same person, you and I. The same basic physical structure. The same biochemical systems keeping us alive and allowing us to do what we call "thinking". The same vulnerabilities to extreme heat or cold and certain minerals/compounds.
We simply made different choices.
It's not supernatural or miraculous.
One of us followed a particular path, the other chose a different one.
One of the great things about being an atheist is that I can not only accept that concept but embrace it. Whereas your conditioning, judging by your previous statements, demands you condemn those ideas even violently merely for not aligning well enough with your chosen religion's doctrines.
I wish you well and a long happy life but I would never want to trade places with you.
Vit, are you circumcised?
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 25, 2023, 11:45:49 AMOf course you can't say that because it's patently untrue.
The reason it's untrue is because religiosity isn't magic; it doesn't externally imbue anyone with goodness, character, or morality. It's a checkbox on their profile:
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Ice Cream: neopolitan
Favorite Religion: <insert probably one of the abrahamic death cults>
Favorite Musical Genre: whatever's popular
It doesn't, in and of itself, mean anything.
Any influence on an individual's behavior comes not from which label they decided to stick on their forehead but from decisions and resolutions the individual adopts in their own mind. That same process of transformational thinking is very much available to atheists as well... they just get to skip all the extraneous baggage that comes with internalizing a dogmatic worldview.
We're fundamentally the same person, you and I. The same basic physical structure. The same biochemical systems keeping us alive and allowing us to do what we call "thinking". The same vulnerabilities to extreme heat or cold and certain minerals/compounds.
We simply made different choices.
It's not supernatural or miraculous.
One of us followed a particular path, the other chose a different one.
One of the great things about being an atheist is that I can not only accept that concept but embrace it. Whereas your conditioning, judging by your previous statements, demands you condemn those ideas even violently merely for not aligning well enough with your chosen religion's doctrines.
I wish you well and a long happy life but I would never want to trade places with you.
I'd say you people have it better than you've ever had in Western civilization. Compared to 120 years ago, Christianty holds drastically less sway over society, not that society is any better for it.
organized religion is how satan infiltrated and corrupted the church.... why are so many churches "embracing covid restrictions and promoting vaccines".... why are so many churches "embracing troon culture and mingling with the lgbtq sodomites".... why are so many "sex abuse" allegations coming from and hidden by the "religious" sector.... i consider myself a follower of Jesus.... BUT how you live your life is of no concern to me.... i may ask you if you've considered Jesus.... but if your answer is "NO", that suits me down to the fuckin ground....
Quote from: Erica Mena on September 25, 2023, 11:51:50 AMVit, are you circumcised?
Yes, but if given the choice I wouldn't have been.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 11:52:50 AMI'd say you people have it better than you've ever had in Western civilization. Compared to 120 years ago, Christianty holds drastically less sway over society, not that society is any better for it.
There are still states that forbid atheists from holding public office.
I can't at the moment think of a single atheist in the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of our government.
Not sure on what you're basing this "less sway" declaration so I have to disagree on principle.
the world of politics is slap-full of luciferians.... maybe they do push atheists out.... but don't think they're christians just because they "said so"....
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 23, 2023, 06:53:31 PMDove said you have to repent and never commit those sins again.
And if you do, I guess you repent... again?
That doesn't sound very one-and-done. It certainly doesn't fit with DSM's belief, but it makes the Catholic Church a thriving enterprise.
If you are saved only once and your actions are never cast into question henceforth, what is the limit of terrible things you can do before God says "stop it or I'll turn this thing around?"
It has to be real repentance. You can't just do whatever you want and be like "eh sorry".
It has to be real sorrow and repentance. No one gets a free pass to do whatever they want and just tell God sorry and get out of it.
if you love God and trust Jesus, you don't have a "desire" to continue fuckin up.... God knows who tries and Jesus died to cover your ass.... nobody is worthy of heaven.... if you think that "being good" gets your foot in the door, you're bent in the head....
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 25, 2023, 12:23:23 PMThere are still states that forbid atheists from holding public office.
I can't at the moment think of a single atheist in the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of our government.
Not sure on what you're basing this "less sway" declaration so I have to disagree on principle.
Maybe on the books but I guarantee you that would be tossed out in court in a heartbeat if challenged. Hell, you cant even stop a tranny from holding office and I for one believe those people have ZERO right to hold office let alone be alive. I bet you could find a law on the books somewhere saying blacks and whites cant marry too.
I cant take your example seriously.
You say you cant think of anyone that is atheist in those positions, well there isnt a litmus test on it. Bernie the loon sure as hell isnt religious and he's said as much, neither is that carpet munching trash Senema.
I find this just as disingenuous as comparing circumcision to a cliterectomy.
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 25, 2023, 12:27:55 PMthe world of politics is slap-full of luciferians.... maybe they do push atheists out.... but don't think they're christians just because they "said so"....
Any church ran by a kweirdo or even one where they do kweirdo marriages damned well arent "Christian"
Your complaint is that 'Murica doesn't adhere to strict biblical literalism.
That's not the same as 'Murican society not being predominately influenced by christian theology.
Such a claim is absurd on its face.
Even our *money* has "In God We Trust" on it...
...unless you're trying to suggest they meant Horus or Zeus? lulz
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 25, 2023, 10:58:40 AMremoving a foreskin is no different than removing an appendix.... the appendix was just an additional filter for the body.... now that our food and water is of a consistently cleaner grade we no longer need it.... if you're in a position that your foreskin or appendix is a necessary part of life then you're just nasty as fuck....
If you're a dyed in the wool religious zealot who believes your god's creation to be as he intended... and that subsequently he's told you to start mutilating your children and slaves to satisfy some ephemeral covenant or other... then your conclusion might be that god is a sadist at heart.
Feel free to find yourself an uncircumcised gentleman though, slice the tip off his old fella without anaesthesia like the did in Abhraham's time and get back to me on the results. I hear tell that the creator of Kellogs Cereals used to recommend the practice.
QuoteDr. John Harvey Kellogg, a skilled surgeon who donated his services to indigent patients, advocated circumcision as a remedy for local uncleanliness, phimosis, and masturbation in his book "Plain Facts for Old And Young". Kellogg suggested procedures that ranged from ridiculous to barbaric, including tying hands, bandaging the offending organ, or putting a cage over it. If these did not work, he recommended circumcision without anesthetic as the brief pain attending the operation would have a salutary effect upon the mind.
Looking at how deranged it made Lokmar, I'd question the good doctor's definition of "salutary".
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 25, 2023, 01:44:19 PMYour complaint is that 'Murica doesn't adhere to strict biblical literalism.
That's not the same as 'Murican society not being predominately influenced by christian theology.
Such a claim is absurd on its face.
Even our *money* has "In God We Trust" on it...
...unless you're trying to suggest they meant Horus or Zeus? lulz
I do complain that America is no longer ran as founded. You make it sound like atheists are persecuted in spite of the 20 some people in congress that didnt give an answer for religious affiliation or the 2 that have clearly stated they dont have a religious affiliation. Thats laughable.
My entire point is that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principals and should remain that way. Rights come from God and only God fearing individuals should be the stewards of those rights. How idiotic is it to declare rights come from God, create a system of government which is chained by this declaration, and then toss the keys to atheists. Atheists have no business running that which they dont believe in. Simply put, you do not agree that my rights come from an authority higher and beyond government. No thanks! I'll keep my God given rights as they are!
I'll say it again, the Christianity that guided America decades ago is not in place in government any longer. Not by miles. If it was, we wouldnt have open faggits and trannies running ANYTHING in the government. Murderers and rapists would be executed publicly. Nobody would go to jail for defending themselves with lethal force. I wouldnt have had the talk with my kids and wife again that when the FBI kicks in your door and shoots the dog, you say NOTHING to them. They can lie to you, its a federal offense if you lie to them. We wouldnt have anyone defending the right of a woman to abort a 6 month old fetus that is viable outside of her skank ass.
"In God We Trust" is apparently butthurtful to atheists and they've repeatedly tried to get it removed. IT SHOULD BE ON ON OUR MONEY!!!! LOL! We declared our trust for founding the country by God's authority.
As I've always said, atheists/gaytheists are like someone who comes to your house and tells you how shitty it is and talks you into burning it down to the fukin ground where you both sit in the ashes and the gaytheist declares loudly "aint it fukin cool!"....but "OMG, them God given rights hertz muh feelz!"
Wait, I guess OMG could be misconstrued as offensive. Almost like some misgendering!!!! OMG!
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 25, 2023, 02:29:55 PMLooking at how deranged it made Lokmar, I'd question the good doctor's definition of "salutary".
I know, right? And just look at these deranged loons who wrote this:
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
Thanks for playing!!!!
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 02:36:25 PMI know, right?
Sorry about your penis, chum. It must be a terrible thing to face a meat cleaver wielding rabbi with bondage themed sexual perversions on his mind.
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 25, 2023, 03:03:12 PMSorry about your penis, chum. It must be a terrible thing to face a meat cleaver wielding rabbi with bondage themed sexual perversions on his mind.
You cant face your butthurt. Expected. What isnt expected is your concern for my fully functional wang, fukin gaytheist.
BTW, notice how "The United States" was established with the DOI, long before the Constitution was written or 15 years BEFORE!
But hey, we should have a provision for any dumb assed gaytheist who wishes to unchain their God Given Unalienable Rights and deposit them with nanny gubmints instead. LMFAO@U!!!!
Neither christianity nor any other religion *owns* the concept of morality or the idea of having principles. Such things existed before christianity, still exist outside christianity, and will exist as long as there are people around to imagine such things.
The christian mythos is but one of many such collections of tales, parables, and "commandments". It's not even original... you can find all the major themes and stories and plots in religions that came before christianity. Christianity is only the same ol' superstitious nonsense repackaged for a new audience. And christianity continues to absorb and adapt "heathen" rituals and holidays in a bid to stay relevant.
It has always changed, since the very beginning of its run. To complain that it has changed here in 'Murica is trying to deny it the very mechanism by which it has evolved and lasted this long.
But hey- do what you like with it; it's your religion not mine.
I was an agnostic, then I was a Christian, now I'm an agnostic.
I had a good grasp on morality before religion tried, and failed, to teach it to me. Some of the worst people I've met are believers.. strangely, their grasp on morality is not as firm.
So, has this thread moved on from dick cheese then?
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 25, 2023, 03:51:03 PMNeither christianity nor any other religion *owns* the concept of morality or the idea of having principles. Such things existed before christianity, still exist outside christianity, and will exist as long as there are people around to imagine such things.
The christian mythos is but one of many such collections of tales, parables, and "commandments". It's not even original... you can find all the major themes and stories and plots in religions that came before christianity. Christianity is only the same ol' superstitious nonsense repackaged for a new audience. And christianity continues to absorb and adapt "heathen" rituals and holidays in a bid to stay relevant.
It has always changed, since the very beginning of its run. To complain that it has changed here in 'Murica is trying to deny it the very mechanism by which it has evolved and lasted this long.
But hey- do what you like with it; it's your religion not mine.
But none of that is the point. The point is answering the question "what were the ideals America was founded upon".
If you want to change the rules, the DOI asserts people have the right to overthrow their current form of government and establish a new one.
Quote from: Reggie Essent on September 25, 2023, 04:13:34 PMSo, has this thread moved on from dick cheese then?
Not exactly. Adolph just mentioned loads of concern for what he perceives as my handicapped wang just a few posts ago. :crampe:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 04:16:56 PMNot exactly. Adolph just mentioned loads of concern for what he perceives as my handicapped wang just a few posts ago. :crampe:
You said "loads" :s_laugh:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 04:15:28 PMBut none of that is the point. The point is answering the question "what were the ideals America was founded upon".
If you want to change the rules, the DOI asserts people have the right to overthrow their current form of government and establish a new one.
You seem to be conflating two different things -christianity and foundational ideals- then pretending both are lost if the overtly religious aspects drop below a level you have deemed "acceptable".
All we need are the ideals.
The religious stuff adds nothing tangible to the mix and frankly is more bother than it's worth.
We'd be better off without it.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 25, 2023, 08:39:29 PMYou seem to be conflating two different things -christianity and foundational ideals- then pretending both are lost if the overtly religious aspects drop below a level you have deemed "acceptable".
All we need are the ideals.
The religious stuff adds nothing tangible to the mix and frankly is more bother than it's worth.
We'd be better off without it.
I disagree that they are two different things. The foundational ideals come directly from Judeo-Christianity as found in the Bible. To be sure, the founders were absolutely unwavering and resolute that those ideals are not tainted by denomination or brand of Christianity but they are unarguably principals from the Bible.
IMO, Jefferson actually demonstrates this point, albeit AFTER he bought a koran and studied islam, pig drippings be upon it. Before the Barbary Pirate Wars, Jefferson had a casual knowledge of islam and mistakenly believed that the shitgod allah was the same as The God of the Bible and Israel. Via negotiations with the Pirate leaders AND study of the koran, Jefferson testified before Congress how contemptible and corrupt islam is, pig scat be sprayed upon it.
Having read much of the koran (also available in 2-ply) myself, I can relate to the epiphany Jefferson had.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 11:22:24 PMI disagree that they are two different things. The foundational ideals come directly from Judeo-Christianity.
You can't possibly believe that before christianity nobody on the planet was noble, or moral, or principled. You can't possibly believe nobody on the planet right now who isn't a christian has any nobility, or morality, or principles.
The christian religion and/or its adherents can *claim* ownership of morals and principles but it's an absurdity.
It's just not an actual thing.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 25, 2023, 11:28:13 PMYou can't possibly believe that before christianity nobody on the planet was noble, or moral, or principled. You can't possibly believe nobody on the planet right now who isn't a christian has any nobility, or morality, or principles.
The christian religion and/or its adherents can *claim* ownership of morals and principles but it's an absurdity.
It's just not an actual thing.
I believe that before sentient man or whatever point man was with a soul, humanoids were nothing but animals. At some point, we were given the ability to chose right vs wrong and the rules were made known to us by God. Mankind has bastardized every set of rules in every sort of way ever since. Todays flavor is judge not me joining these two asspunchers in Gods House lest ye be the biggest most super baddie of all times.
General "Christianity" has never laid claim to the sole ownership of morality or that without a Bible, people had no moral compass. The founders recognized this as well and wrote it into the DOI. How did they recognize it? The Bible teaches us that we are born with the innate ability to recognize right from wrong.
Now of course libs want to rule by exception and tell me there's brain damaged people who dont have that ability, what about them. Well, God says to kill em, HE will sort them out.
I once read that the Bible reads like court testimony and I very much agree. In the beginning, man had few rules but as he learned to be more and more abusing, the laws got more and more restrictive. The law set forth by Jesus is even far more harsh and strict than the 633 Laws put on the Jews. Very few understand that. I suspect that bastardizing "The Way" as it was commonly referred to near Jesus' time, is an even worse crime than what the Pharisees were doing. Thats just complete opinion by me though.
Not sure what people need saving from anyway. Hell isn't real. It's as real as the works of the Grimms, only adults still believe it for some unfathomable reason.
Who needs that kind of baggage?
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 26, 2023, 12:03:16 AMNot sure what people need saving from anyway. Hell isn't real. It's as real as the works of the Grimms, only adults still believe it for some unfathomable reason.
Well, we definitely need saved from jackbooted governments that create hell on earth so there's that.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 10:46:38 AMYour goal post is not a good look. Its completely unreasonable to view both as equals in any way shape or form.
I've got boys who've had both methods so I speak from experience. Unless you are constantly after them to pull the skin back when bathing, little kids will have hygiene issues. No doubt once they got older and couldnt keep their hands off it, it was better kept clean.
I freely admit I am "having it both ways" by your standards. I will continue to do so unashamedly. The FACT! still remains though that a circumcised penis still functions normally while a circumcised vagina does not. Neither I nor my oldest boy were victimized by what was done to us out of the desire to keep us clean. However, my younger boys were victimized by their pediatrician not to mention that we were all defrauded as to what would be done to them in regards to circumcision.
The doctor never explained that he wouldnt be performing a traditional circ. I seriously thought about suing him when my youngest had issues to the point where I literally had to make the youngest pull the skin back and thoroughly wash it properly while he cried his ass off because of the pain. This happened several times. I guarantee you, NOT having a proper circ was far far far more traumatic for him because of the issues he had. I've also discussed having it corrected with them if they continue to have problems as adults.
Comparing women to men circs as the same makes you look uneducated and unreasonable. Seriously.
Ok,MGM dude.
Keep drinking that Kool Aid. :crazy:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 03:11:24 PMYou cant
The correct spelling is "cun`T"... but you were probably too busy learning the ins and outs of buttplugs at your school to learn how to spell, so I forgive you.
Remember, to forgive is divine. Therefore I am as a God. Yay and shit.
Quote from: Frood on September 26, 2023, 01:37:20 AMOk,MGM dude.
Keep drinking that Kool Aid. :crazy:
10-4. I will.
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 26, 2023, 06:09:37 AMThe correct spelling is "cun`T"... but you were probably too busy learning the ins and outs of buttplugs at your school to learn how to spell, so I forgive you.
Remember, to forgive is divine. Therefore I am as a God. Yay and shit.
Nice surrender.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 26, 2023, 09:22:03 AMNice surrender.
Cruddy airclaim. Don't worry, I expect no better from you.
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 26, 2023, 09:23:58 AMCruddy airclaim. Don't worry, I expect no better from you.
You became boring. Its you, not me.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 26, 2023, 09:24:47 AMYou became boring. Its you, not me.
Nah, pretty sure it's you.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 26, 2023, 10:06:57 AMNO NO, YUO YUO
I have this mental image of you as Stumpy the dwarf, fingers in your ears and screaming like a petulant child when you do that. :crampe:
Tell me, homo... do you get a chubbie when you do that?
...or does your penis no longer work?
So very, very sorry about your penis by the way. :musicboohoo:
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 26, 2023, 10:11:08 AMI have this mental image of you as Stumpy the dwarf, fingers in your ears and screaming like a petulant child when you do that. :crampe:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 26, 2023, 10:18:21 AMNO YOU.
Heh, you'll get blisters on your mutilated frankencawk if you keep jerking yourself off like that!
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 26, 2023, 10:32:22 AMHeh, you'll get blisters on your mutilated frankencawk if you keep jerking yourself off like that!
Quote from: Lokmar on September 26, 2023, 05:05:31 PMYUO!
That's blisters mind you. Not "bliss ters", blisters. Plus, I hear you'll go blind.
So we're back to dick cheese then?
Quote from: Reggie Essent on September 26, 2023, 06:14:15 PMSo we're back to dick cheese then?
Pretty much. Adolph dont like his dick cheese factory disparaged!
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 26, 2023, 06:50:02 PM(
How hypocritical is it though that Male Genital Mutilation is OK but Female Genital Mutilation isn't to a Jeebus adorer?
It's all sexist and cruel. :popcorn:
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 23, 2023, 07:05:52 PMThe catholic church, just like any other denomination of Christianity which teaches this idea of once saved always saved, which is found NOWHERE in scripture except when words are being rushed out of context, is of the great Harlot
I am believer, but I am not a fundamentalist. But, I do know numerous passages of Scripture declare the fact that, as an act of God, salvation is secure such as this one.
Believers are born again (regenerated) when they believe (John 3:3; Titus 3:5). For a Christian to lose his salvation, he would have to be un-regenerated. The bible gives no evidence that the new birth can be taken away.
Why would anyone put too much credence into a collection of work done by men and constantly revised, removed, added to for over 2000 years?
Not saying that some of the stories aren't endearing or plausible... but the rest of it is a schizophrenic dog's breakfast.
Nothing man made or written should be leaned on too heavily.
People cling to their religious texts though... and to challenge any of it is sacrilegious to them.
Sounds like cult behaviour.
Quote from: Frood on September 26, 2023, 07:38:36 PMHow hypocritical is it though that Male Genital Mutilation is OK but Female Genital Mutilation isn't to a Jeebus adorer?
It's all sexist and cruel. :popcorn:
Oh thats nothing! How ridiculous is it that some pussified retards compare clipping a toenail to lopping off a fukin ear! Man, them "dudes" must be some hysterical lil bitches, amirite? :popcorn:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 26, 2023, 09:25:44 PMOh thats nothing! How ridiculous is it that some pussified retards compare clipping a toenail to lopping off a fukin ear! Man, them "dudes" must be some hysterical lil bitches, amirite? :popcorn:
Dunno about that one... an ear is living flesh.
Toenails are dead material very similar in composition to bodily hair.
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 03:12:16 AMDunno about that one... an ear is living flesh.
Toenails are dead material very similar in composition to bodily hair.
His comparison ignored the real issue though.
Van Gogh cut his own ear off and while I find that pretty fucking weird it was his ear to do with as he liked. Now if someone had it off him without his consent, that would be a crime.
Same with a toenail (which grow back, unlike ears and foreskins) regardless that's nowhere near as damaging and messy. The problem isn't the severity of the procedure; it's the lack of consent before surgically altering someone's body.
how do motherfuckers argue "consent" with a straight face? nobody asked me if it was okay to drag me into this ever increasing shithole.... there are decisions that are (and should be) left to the parents discretion.... and there are decisions that are left to the child and made as they become older.... cutting off a foreskin is in no way detrimental to a child.... especially since the selfsame ppl who argue against this will protest incessantly to kill a baby in the womb....
Quote from: Lokmar on September 25, 2023, 01:20:11 PMAny church ran by a kweirdo or even one where they do kweirdo marriages damned well arent "Christian"
ppl who embrace the word "christian", usually are "anything but".... just as ppl who claim to be "animal lovers" are just "animal owners" that prefer to enforce their own behaviors onto their animals.... such as clothing and dietary preference and allowances.... the reason i rejected christianity was because of its "fanbase".... the worst ppl i've ever met (outside of a jailhouse) crawled out from under a church....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 27, 2023, 08:39:14 AMhow do motherfuckers argue "consent" with a straight face? nobody asked me if it was okay to drag me into this ever increasing shithole.... there are decisions that are (and should be) left to the parents discretion.... and there are decisions that are left to the child and made as they become older.... cutting off a foreskin is in no way detrimental to a child.... especially since the selfsame ppl who argue against this will protest incessantly to kill a baby in the womb....
Whataboutists gonna whataboutism, I reckon. /shrug
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 27, 2023, 09:10:12 AMWhataboutists gonna whataboutism, I reckon. /shrug
did your parents ask your consent before they wiped your shit-covered ass and slapped a fresh diaper on you? because you could've remained in your shit pants well into your toddler years and been nothing more than a slight health hazard....
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 03:12:16 AMDunno about that one... an ear is living flesh.
Toenails are dead material very similar in composition to bodily hair.
Yep,AGREED, and the complete night and day of that comparison illustrates the difference between comparing a circumcision to having a whole ass clit cut out.
FFS man. Get a grip!
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 27, 2023, 07:36:46 AMHis comparison ignored the real issue though.
Van Gogh cut his own ear off and while I find that pretty fucking weird it was his ear to do with as he liked. Now if someone had it off him without his consent, that would be a crime.
Same with a toenail (which grow back, unlike ears and foreskins) regardless that's nowhere near as damaging and messy. The problem isn't the severity of the procedure; it's the lack of consent before surgically altering someone's body.
My terrible parents didnt ask me to get on the operating table to have my tonsils and adenoids out either...and I knew WTF was going on there.
You guys still arguing about circumcision? Lmao
Quote from: Erica Mena on September 27, 2023, 09:27:08 AMYou guys still arguing about circumcision? Lmao
LOL! Yea. I notice none of you women stepped into the shitbomb of comparing cutting out a clit with a rusty knife to a circumcision! Leaving me and poor ol dead to defend the clits! :crampe:
Quote from: Erica Mena on September 27, 2023, 09:27:08 AMYou guys still arguing about circumcision? Lmao
well.... i mean.... we COULD go back to "flat earth", if you prefer.... :crampe:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 09:29:09 AMLOL! Yea. I notice none of you women stepped into the shitbomb of comparing cutting out a clit with a rusty knife to a circumcision! Leaving me and poor ol dead to defend the clits! :crampe:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 09:29:09 AMLOL! Yea. I notice none of you women stepped into the shitbomb of comparing cutting out a clit with a rusty knife to a circumcision! Leaving me and poor ol dead to defend the clits! :crampe:
If my husband hadn't been so insistent on getting my son snipped the day he came out, I probably would have chickened out. The thought hurts me to this day. But, I'm glad that it was done.
i keep forgetting yall have these post rating buttons.... pretty efficient system....
Quote from: Erica Mena on September 27, 2023, 09:40:25 AMIf my husband hadn't been so insistent on getting my son snipped the day he came out, I probably would have chickened out. The thought hurts me to this day. But, I'm glad that it was done.
He will be glad it was done too.
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 27, 2023, 09:13:25 AMdid your parents ask your consent before they wiped your shit-covered ass and slapped a fresh diaper on you?
How is any of that on any level comparable to a permanent surgical body alteration?
If these false equivalencies just get sillier every time I want popcorn before I read the next one...
Quote from: Erica Mena on September 27, 2023, 09:27:08 AMYou guys still arguing about circumcision? Lmao
This isn't an argument.
This is a couple of chuckleheads making increasingly absurd comparisons trying to justify mutilating infant males.
By definition I can't reason with anyone who has completely abandoned reason.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 27, 2023, 10:13:58 AMHow is any of that on any level comparable to a permanent surgical body alteration?
If these false equivalencies just get sillier every time I want popcorn before I read the next one...
then don't trim your kids little traffic cone.... i don't give a fuck.... i'm far more alarmed at how many parents killed their kids with a covid vaccine.... i've NEVER met anyone mad that they got circumcized.... i've met PLENTY that regret the covid shot....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 27, 2023, 10:21:10 AMi've NEVER met anyone mad that they got circumcized
Hi I'm Garraty. Nice to meet you.
Now *never* say that dumb shit again, please.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 27, 2023, 10:25:15 AMHi I'm Garraty. Nice to meet you.
Now *never* say that dumb shit again, please.
you're words on a screen, chief.... you fall into the same category as all those handsome millionaires and zimbabwe princes.... ppl are willing to say ANYTHING "contrary" to whats being discussed.... please don't ever mistake your opinion as anything but hypothetical....
"some mean ol' doctor closed down your unlicensed cheese factory and now you're big madz".... LMMFAO.... get fuckin real.... :crampe:
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 27, 2023, 10:32:52 AMyou're words on a screen, chief.... you fall into the same category as all those handsome millionaires and zimbabwe princes.... ppl are willing to say ANYTHING "contrary" to whats being discussed.... please don't ever mistake your opinion as anything but hypothetical....
Congrats; you've convinced me.
This entire conversation has been pointless and a waste of time.
<wanders off>
oh, no.... you mean we didn't "cure cancer and bring world peace"??? i'm so mad.... :crampe:
Quote from: Erica Mena on September 27, 2023, 09:27:08 AMYou guys still arguing about circumcision? Lmao
I'm not arguing, Lokmar can fuck like a spastic for all I care, it's no skin off my dick. :crampe:
Quote from: Brent on September 26, 2023, 08:00:08 PMI am believer, but I am not a fundamentalist. But, I do know numerous passages of Scripture declare the fact that, as an act of God, salvation is secure such as this one.
Believers are born again (regenerated) when they believe (John 3:3; Titus 3:5). For a Christian to lose his salvation, he would have to be un-regenerated. The bible gives no evidence that the new birth can be taken away.
With that context in mind how do you explain Matthew 24:13 "he who endures to the end is the one who will saved" while maintaining consistency with your belief?
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 09:24:03 AMYep,AGREED, and the complete night and day of that comparison illustrates the difference between comparing a circumcision to having a whole ass clit cut out.
FFS man. Get a grip!
The clitoris and foreskin are living flesh, not toenails or hair, and neither are required for procreation.
It should also be said that foreskins have some pleasurable nerve endings, like the clitoris.
You fail to address how one ritualistic gender mutilation is OK, and the other isn't.
Unless you're saying the creator made a massive mistake and male mammals are under perpetual recall... :popcorn:
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 27, 2023, 11:12:45 AMI'm not arguing, Lokmar can fuck like a spastic for all I care, it's no skin off my dick. :crampe:
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 06:16:10 PMI
The clitoris and foreskin are living flesh, not toenails or hair, and neither are required for procreation.
It should also be said that foreskins have some pleasurable nerve endings, like the clitoris.
You fail to address how one ritualistic gender mutilation is OK, and the other isn't.
Unless you're saying the creator made a massive mistake and male mammals are under perpetual recall... :popcorn:
There are 2 reasons in the west to get a circumcision:
1. Because it was handed down tradition as a sign of obedience to God
2. Because of hygiene
My personal examination of God's Laws on mankind, not that an ant like me is worthy to do such a thing, has found them to be for our own betterment. Even things such as not eating pork, which I find to be particularly delicious, is for our own good.
Circumcision is not mutilation. my dick and hundreds of millions of others work just fine without a foreskin. There is no magic nerve ending in a foreskin that makes orgasm any less pleasurable when its gone. You dudes sound like some rabid MGTOW types, looking to steal some victimization away from women that have ACTUALLY been butchered.
The clit and head of the penis have shitloads of nerve endings. The foreskin does not.
I'm not a victim. My 2 kids that suffered, albeit not greatly, with raw dick heads because of cheese are not exactly victims either although they were cheated out of both the sign of obedience to God AND continued hygiene problems as children and as I said, the youngest most of all.
Most of this stupidity comes from moronic gaytheists looking to un-God things. They want to un-God the government, un-God money, un-God dicks, un-God natural human rights.
Fuk those dudes.
Obedience to your God is second guessing his creations by mutilating small children? :crampe:
Just admit that you're part of a Lob Off Cult... :laughinatu:
"I wuz hit on the skull with a lead pipe and I turned out jest fine! Everbuddy should get hit on the skull by a lead pipe at least once; it builds character dangit!"
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 09:26:30 PMObedience to your God is second guessing his creations by mutilating small children? :crampe:
Just admit that you're part of a Lob Off Cult... :laughinatu:
Absolutely. If I have to give up some useless foreskin out of respect for God and STILL had a cheesy dick, I'd do it.
Having a clean dick is just a bonus really!!!!!
I am a PROUD member of the lob off "cult"!!!!!!
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 27, 2023, 09:27:16 PM"I wuz hit on the skull with a lead pipe and I turned out jest fine! Everbuddy should get hit on the skull by a lead pipe at least once; it builds character dangit!"
Oh yea? Is there a health benefit to being hit in the head with a lead pipe?...cause there is a demonstrable benefit to circumcision. :popcorn:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 10:33:16 PMAbsolutely. If I have to give up some useless foreskin out of respect for God and STILL had a cheesy dick, I'd do it.
Having a clean dick is just a bonus really!!!!!
I am a PROUD member of the lob off "cult"!!!!!!
Sounds more like disrespect for your maker...
You're basically calling your creator incompetent. :pardon: :dontknow:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 10:35:55 PMOh yea? Is there a health benefit to being hit in the head with a lead pipe?...cause there is a demonstrable benefit to circumcision. :popcorn:
Yet you've said you had cheese dick before and after...
Bit of soap and warm water, mate... basic hygiene with no barbaric genital mutilations needed.
Baby Jeebus would agree.
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 11:00:36 PMSounds more like disrespect for your maker...
You're basically calling your creator incompetent. :pardon: :dontknow:
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 11:04:34 PMYet you've said you had cheese dick before and after...
Bit of soap and warm water, mate... basic hygiene with no barbaric genital mutilations needed.
Baby Jeebus would agree.
What? No I havent. WTF are you talking about? I've NEVER had cheese dick. Never said I did. Have another drink.
BTW, Jesus was found blameless under The Law. Figure it out.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 11:11:37 PMExplain.
You're second guessing your creator's own creations.
Evolution weeds out unworkable traits over many thousands of years... not a scalpel wielded by human hands.
Take for instance the hirsute birthday suits of our caveman ancestors... which are substantially lesser in most cases these days... they even evolved to use simple hand tools... like the fork and spoon.
Sometimes throwback genetics rear their ugly heads though...
Take for instance Slopehead Major...
His father was a smooth as a baby arse village idiot and his mother was a primate at a local zoo.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 11:12:57 PMWhat? No I havent. WTF are you talking about? I've NEVER had cheese dick. Never said I did. Have another drink.
BTW, Jesus was found blameless under The Law. Figure it out.
Didn't you say that your own circumcision wasn't very effective?
And yes, I'll in fact have a second drink. I love flood days at work. Reminds me of the snow days (or weeks) as a kid back in the States.
Regarding Jesus being found blameless under the law, I'll ask "which law?"...
They cut off part of his knob as a bab and decades later drove pikes and nails into him.
Jewish law, Roman law, the Creator's law?
That's a lot of lawfare for the infallible Creator to create and get it shit back onto his infallible creation-ary face.
All the while, the same but different creator was telling Muslims that cutting of the clitoris of young girls was virtuous and right.
Not your football team but you still wanna play ball, eh? :laughinatu:
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 11:21:23 PMYou're second guessing your creator's own creations.
Evolution weeds out unworkable traits over many thousands of years... not a scalpel wielded by human hands.
Take for instance the hirsute birthday suits of our caveman ancestors... which are substantially lesser in most cases these days... they even evolved to use simple hand tools... like the fork and spoon.
Sometimes throwback genetics rear their ugly heads though...
Take for instance Slopehead Major...
His father was a smooth as a baby arse village idiot and his mother was a primate at a local zoo.
First off, evolution is YOUR religion, not mine.
Second, God put this law on Jews as a sign of their obedience and acceptance of The Law. Typical of God's Laws, it has benefits.
Next, you'll be telling me that I'm dissing God because I acknowledge that there are unclean animals which are beneficial for us NOT to eat, therefore imperfect. Thats equally absurd.
In all of the Bible, I do not find ANY rules that God ordered onto mankind that were harmful. As a matter of fact, one of the most famous examples is washing after touching unclean things which jews did and helped prevent the spread of disease which non jews observed. The Bible is full of things that benefit us.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 11:33:21 PMFirst off, evolution is YOUR religion, not mine.
Second, God put this law on Jews as a sign of their obedience and acceptance of The Law. Typical of God's Laws, it has benefits.
Next, you'll be telling me that I'm dissing God because I acknowledge that there are unclean animals which are beneficial for us NOT to eat, therefore imperfect. Thats equally absurd.
In all of the Bible, I do not find ANY rules that God ordered onto mankind that were harmful. As a matter of fact, one of the most famous examples is washing after touching unclean things which jews did and helped prevent the spread of disease which non jews observed. The Bible is full of things that benefit us.
Hold up...
You don't believe in evolution?
:crampe: :s_laugh:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 10:35:55 PMOh yea? Is there a health benefit to being hit in the head with a lead pipe?...cause there is a demonstrable benefit to circumcision. :popcorn:
It's done for the convenience of parents too lazy to clean their kid and teach him to do the same and/or because magic sky fairy allegedly said so.
Both reasons are garbage as are all of your rationalizations.
Keep sucking on that lead pipe though; it suits you. LoL
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 11:33:01 PMDidn't you say that your own circumcision wasn't very effective?
And yes, I'll in fact have a second drink. I love flood days at work. Reminds me of the snow days (or weeks) as a kid back in the States.
Regarding Jesus being found blameless under the law, I'll ask "which law?"...
They cut off part of his knob as a bab and decades later drove pikes and nails into him.
Jewish law, Roman law, the Creator's law?
That's a lot of lawfare for the infallible Creator to create and get it shit back onto his infallible creation-ary face.
All the while, the same but different creator was telling Muslims that cutting of the clitoris of young girls was virtuous and right.
Not your football team but you still wanna play ball, eh? :laughinatu:
No, I said the new style circs done to my boys that leave 3/4 of the foreskin intact werent effective. As children, it was difficult to get them, especially the youngest to clean himself properly and he had several infections and rawness.
Jesus was found blameless under the 633.
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 11:35:17 PMHold up...
You don't believe in evolution?
:crampe: :s_laugh:
Not even remotely. Its all wrong. Just as science said the universe always existed 100 years ago. Then, science learned and aligned with the Bible, just as The Bible always said.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 11:36:35 PMNo, I said the new style circs done to my boys that leave 3/4 of the foreskin intact werent effective. As children, it was difficult to get them, especially the youngest to clean himself properly and he had several infections and rawness.
Jesus was found blameless under the 633.
Sounds like a parenting and discipline problem... not a god or MGM problem..
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 27, 2023, 11:35:24 PMIt's done for the convenience of parents too lazy to clean their kid and teach him to do the same and/or because magic sky fairy allegedly said so.
Both reasons are garbage as are all of your rationalizations.
Keep sucking on that lead pipe though; it suits you. LoL
Nope, you've resorted in a crutch to prop up your sorry assed self victimization. Please feel free to go stand with all the women who've been butchered of their clitoris and compare stories of how fucked up your junk is.
Thats just pathetic.
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 11:39:46 PMSounds like a parenting and discipline problem... not a god or MGM problem..
Sounds like evolution didnt fix the problem. Bad defective evolution!
Are you sure your mohel didn't have a two-for-one special and gave you a lobotomy as well as a mutilated penis?
Oy vey!
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 11:37:53 PMNot even remotely. Its all wrong. Just as science said the universe always existed 100 years ago. Then, science learned and aligned with the Bible, just as The Bible always said.
You ever slept in a bed or tried to buy a ready made replacement mattress for a bedframe before the 20th century?
Evolution Happens
(Evolution Lives Matter) :pardon:
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 11:49:18 PM:crampe:
You ever slept in a bed or tried to buy a ready made replacement mattress for a bedframe before the 20th century?
Evolution Happens
(Evolution Lives Matter) :pardon:
I just love it when you gaytheists skip over the FACT! that "science" got PWN3D! on the universe always existing and then had to admit it was wrong, ending up agreeing with the Bible.
Thats always been a real a toughie for you people.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 27, 2023, 11:44:46 PMAre you sure your mohel didn't have a two-for-one special and gave you a lobotomy as well as a mutilated penis?
Oy vey!
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 11:41:24 PMSounds like evolution didnt fix the problem. Bad defective evolution!
Only if evolution (under your creator's tutelage) doesn't see parts of the creator created mammal anatomy as a problem... wisdom teeth, or gall bladders... or three stomachs on bovines... and since we're talking about mammals, why don't mammals get circumcised? Are we all not your creator's creations?
It's terribly arbitrary, tribal, and may I say asinine to apply different rules to different peoples and creatures.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 27, 2023, 11:51:51 PMI just love it when you gaytheists skip over the FACT! that "science" got PWN3D! on the universe always existing and then had to admit it was wrong, ending up agreeing with the Bible.
Thats always been a real a toughie for you people.
Wait.... gaytheists? "You people"?
I don't know nor care ultimately where you're pee sized penis carving personality puts me or any other people in perturbing partitions.... BUT, when did I ever agree that something "always" existed?
How the fuck would I know what always existed? .... except archaeology... texts... handed down camp-fire stories...
Which is a hell of a lot more substantial than 2000 years after some schizo faggot with 12 likeminded gay mates drank wine and had group orgies.. (not that there is anything wrong with imbibing or consensual sexual activity)
Jeebus Baby Christ... you're almost compelling me to accept
's flat earth theory by your very own logic... :laughinatu:
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 11:55:35 PMOnly if evolution (under your creator's tutelage) doesn't see parts of the creator created mammal anatomy as a problem... wisdom teeth, or gall bladders... or three stomachs on bovines... and since we're talking about mammals, why don't mammals get circumcised? Are we all not your creator's creations?
It's terribly arbitrary, tribal, and may I say asinine to apply different rules to different peoples and creatures.
Animals dont have free will and the option to follow moral directive's. Man is above animals. As God told us.
Groups of people who chose to reject God, werent chosen to be the standard bearers of His message for mankind.
Quote from: Frood on September 28, 2023, 12:06:02 AMWait.... gaytheists? "You people"?
I don't know nor care ultimately where you're pee sized penis carving personality puts me or any other people in perturbing partitions.... BUT, when did I ever agree that something "always" existed?
How the fuck would I know what always existed? .... except archaeology... texts... handed down camp-fire stories...
Which is a hell of a lot more substantial than 2000 years after some schizo faggot with 12 likeminded gay mates drank wine and had group orgies.. (not that there is anything wrong with imbibing or consensual sexual activity)
Jeebus Baby Christ... you're almost compelling me to accept deadskinmask
's flat earth theory by your very own logic... :laughinatu:
Oh? so you deny that science taught that the universe always existed before having to admit it was wrong, ultimately adopting The Big Bang Theory? You certainly dont know your religion very well!
Maybe you're a reformed science believer? :crampe:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 28, 2023, 12:16:02 AMAnimals dont have free will and the option to follow moral directive's. Man is above animals. As God told us.
Groups of people who chose to reject God, werent chosen to be the standard bearers of His message for mankind.
Which people's god or gods though... :s_laugh:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 28, 2023, 12:18:00 AMOh? so you deny that science taught that the universe always existed before having to admit it was wrong, ultimately adopting The Big Bang Theory? You certainly dont know your religion very well!
Maybe you're a reformed science believer? :crampe:
Parochial school tried to teach me that a supreme being in 6-7 days created ALL.
I struggled with that every night as I was trying to get to sleep...
"If a god created everything...who created god? And who created god's god? And who created god's god's god... and who created god's god's god's god? And god's god's god's god's god's god's god?" (Ad infinitum)
Maybe I'm just rational and humble enough to realise there are no real answers... and you're not.
before other things existed, God equipped us with certain parts.... the foreskin held precum and made additional lubrication for insertion.... as lubrication became more available, it was no longer needed.... we're also equipped with additional filters for digesting food and additional teeth for chewing.... none of these are no longer "needed" but since we are creatures of intelligent design (and evolution is not a real thing), these features were sidelined and now just sit quietly on our dna.... occasionally there will be a problem that REQUIRES surgical intervention.... but for the most part, there is no reason for concern.... however removing a foreskin is considered by some as a religious practice.... no different than a baptism or a bar mitzfah.... i'm circumcized.... it wasn't for religious purposes.... it was for esthetics and hygiene purposes.... BUT if you feel you were violated because nobody checked with you before trimming your traffic cone, thats too bad.... perhaps we should leave the umbilical cord attached as well.... since parents are responsible for feeding you into your young adult years, it would certainly make that alot easier.... i'm just happy my parents chose circumcision rather than abortion seeing that was also a choice they could have made.... lucky me....
Quote from: Frood on September 28, 2023, 12:42:57 AMParochial school tried to teach me that a supreme being in 6-7 days created ALL.
I struggled with that every night as I was trying to get to sleep...
"If a god created everything...who created god? And who created god's god? And who created god's god's god... and who created god's god's god's god? And god's god's god's god's god's god's god?" (Ad infinitum)
Maybe I'm just rational and humble enough to realise there are no real answers... and you're not.
Well, right off the bat, if you read the Bible, it doesnt say 6-24 hour days. How could it? The sun doesnt exist until day 3. The Hebrew states that there were 6 ages. Every age brought further order out of chaos. Note that science asserts that the natural state of things is to do the opposite. The universe is roughly 13.5 to 15 billion years old and this in no way conflicts with the Bible. Physicist Gerald Schroeder has made many videos explaining this.
Now, science still stubbornly insists that evolution slowly changed bacteria into humans when the fossil record shows that all forms of life came onto the stage very quickly. Eventually science will catch up with this Biblical claim just as it did with The Big Bang. Of course what it will never do is acknowledge that this was first stated in The Bible.
God is the only thing that always was and always has been. We cant relate because we are part of the Big Bang Universe which has a beginning and theoretically, will have an end. IMO, it will all implode on itself eventually. Black holes demonstrate to us the opposite of The Big Bang. God exists outside of The Big Bang.
As far as being humble, none of what I've ever said regarding these things comes from me. I am humble enough to submit to God and acknowledge that He and His Word is always right and its up to man to follow His path to understanding and the betterment of humanity.
personally, i don't think earth is that old.... maybe 15 or 20 thousand years at most.... if yall looked at how unreliable and flawed carbon-dating actually is, i think yall would agree.... but 1 day in Gods time is approximately 1000 years in mans time....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 28, 2023, 10:19:33 AMpersonally, i don't think earth is that old.... maybe 15 or 20 thousand years at most.... if yall looked at how unreliable and flawed carbon-dating actually is, i think yall would agree.... but 1 day, in Gods time is approximately 1000 years in mans time....
I agree about how old the earth is but the Bible says 1000 years is like a day to God...not that it is.
I think that time is something we don't really understand and I just accept that there are things we aren't capable of understanding.
Quote from: Dove on September 28, 2023, 10:23:19 AMI agree about how old the earth is but the Bible says 1000 years is like a day to God...not that it is.
I think that time is something we don't really understand and I just accept that there are things we aren't capable of understanding.
i agree with you.... there are and always will be things we don't understand.... i'm okay with that.... i'm open to any ideas but ultimately i try to tie them back to the Bible....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 28, 2023, 10:19:33 AMpersonally, i don't think earth is that old.... maybe 15 or 20 thousand years at most.... if yall looked at how unreliable and flawed carbon-dating actually is, i think yall would agree.... but 1 day in Gods time is approximately 1000 years in mans time....
Agreed on the carbon dating. Its well documented that heat and pressure skews the numbers greatly.
None of us were around to see any of this so its not like anyone has 100% knowledge. I would highly recommend watching Gerald Schroeder's videos. You may be quite surprised and enlightened.
High level overview of who he is and his qualifications along with the theory 5 minutes:
The nitty gritty:
It's a gaggle of God bothereds :Doh2: ..
Quote from: Frood on September 28, 2023, 02:00:56 PMIt's a gaggle of God bothereds :Doh2: ..
Yeah, when the discussion/debate reaches the point of:
"Everything in the bible is 100% true and accurate."
"How do you know that?"
...I'm out. lulz
that would be fine were that actually the argument being made.... its not.... i have never used the Bible as a universal truth.... I BELIEVE IT WHOLEHEARTEDLY.... however, i do not present it as factual evidence.... its my own personal reference point and a litmus test for things i'm divided over.... thats all.... i don't push the Bible on anyone.... good ideas sell themselves....
The world is 20,000 years old? :s_laugh:
Fundies can't comprehend big numbers, so that means no one can. FFS.
This thread started out so good too...
Quote from: Frood on September 28, 2023, 02:00:56 PMIt's a gaggle of God bothereds :Doh2: ..
They aren't bothering anyone, Frood.
Come on now :drunk2:
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 03:11:36 PMThe world is 20,000 years old? :s_laugh:
Fundies can't comprehend big numbers, so that means no one can. FFS.
This thread started out so good too...
I think it's both and neither.
I believe the planet itself has been here maybe before time was a dimension but life on it isn't that old.
I have reasons beyond the Bible why I think that.
Did we really just drag knuckles across the timeline and then one day just go from no technology to everything we have now in a matter of few hundred years?
It's just weird to me.
I used to be a God botherer, as Freud calls them, and one reason I stopped is because I found myself in the position to either lie or make things up on the spot without even the faintest hope of evidence to back it up to defend the indefensible and it got real tiring real fast. Piles upon piles of excuses like "time is different to God" etc.
You yourself have pre-emptively stated that you believe any alien life we discover is either angels or demons. There's no logical reason to believe that except via an attempt to make science fit the bible instead of the other way around.
I couldn't bend my brain that way anymore.
"i can't believe somebody would believe something is 20,000 years old. thats not science. science says everything is brand-spanking new OR millions of billions years old. just like everything is close enough to touch OR its millions of light-years away".... :crampe:
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 28, 2023, 03:20:00 PM"i can't believe somebody would believe something is 20,000 years old. thats not science. science says everything is brand-spanking new OR millions of billions years old. just like everything is close enough to touch OR its millions of light-years away".... :crampe:
More empty headed excuses made by a desperate Christian.
I'll believe science or the logic presented by agnostics over one of many scriptures, this one claiming "man was created from dirt and/or ribs".
I read the bible, it's 99% nonsense.
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 03:19:36 PMI used to be a God botherer, as Freud calls them, and one reason I stopped is because I found myself in the position to either lie or make things up on the spot without even the faintest hope of evidence to back it up to defend the indefensible and it got real tiring real fast.
You yourself have pre-emptively stated that you believe any alien life we discover is either angels or demons. There's no logical reason to believe that except via an attempt to make science fit the bible instead of the other way around.
I couldn't bend my brain that way anymore.
This is exactly why I make sure anything I believe in coming from the bible remains consistent with the entire theme of the bible and the multitude of passages.
For instance, claiming Jesus is God when there are a multitude of other scriptures you have to completely ignore or pull out of context to maintain overall consistency is a fallacy. Same with this whole once saved always saved stuff. Remaining saved is predicated on enduring to the end. Falling off the wagon is falling off the wagon.
Same silliness trying to prove the authenticity of the bible with just the bible in hand. That's about as silly as believing one of these sexual harassment claimants simply because they say it happened. DECADES ago. no. I wont buy that under any circumstances. Either bring receipts or stay home.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 28, 2023, 03:25:18 PMThis is exactly why I make sure anything I believe in coming from the bible remains consistent with the entire theme of the bible and the multitude of passages.
For instance, claiming Jesus is God when there are a multitude of other scriptures you have to completely ignore or pull out of context to maintain overall consistency is a fallacy. Same with this whole once saved always saved stuff. Remaining saved is predicated on enduring to the end. Falling off the wagon is falling off the wagon.
Same silliness trying to prove the authenticity of the bible with just the bible in hand. That's about as silly as believing one of these sexual harassment claimants simply because they say it happened. DECADES ago. no. I wont buy that under any circumstances. Either bring receipts or stay home.
Bible studiers and scholars have my respect if they look at it from a logical lens. They have to try to make sense of not only the bible's contents, but also that of the many sects and denominations who are constantly at war with one another over some small detail that throws them into conflict with each other's entire belief systems.
Since I wrote this, three more
REAL Christianities have probably popped up somewhere in Utah.
And boy howdy, you're in for eternal punishment if you don't believe the right one.
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 03:24:57 PMI'll believe science or the logic presented by agnostics over one of many scriptures, this one claiming "man was created from dirt and/or ribs".
yeah.... i suppose the FACT that humans have the EXACT same chemical compound as soil is irrelevant.... and the FACT that the human rib is the ONLY bone capable of total regrowth doesn't much matter either.... huh, chief.... lmmfao.... good luck, mr. science.... :crampe:
i've got to go be productive.... see you cats later, i suppose....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 28, 2023, 03:35:25 PMyeah.... i suppose the FACT that humans have the EXACT same compounds as soil is irrelevant.... and the FACT that the human rib is the ONLY bone capable of total regrowth doesn't much matter either.... huh, chief.... lmmfao.... good luck, mr. science.... :crampe:
Jesus Christ, now I know why Biggie likes to pull your pigtails. None of what you stammered is proof of literally anything. You believe the earth is flat and that you're perma-saved by one god out of thousands, now somehow ribs regenerating proves Adam and Eve.
Good luck (another concept that only exists in people's heads) to you, Mr. No-Proof.
You need it more than I do.
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 28, 2023, 03:39:33 PMi've got to go be productive.... see you cats later, i suppose....
Maybe, maybe not. I have other things on my plate than watching someone make a fool of himself.
By the way, I imagine most religious types around here have already heard this argument, but isn't it just the tiniest bit peculiar that depending on where you were born, your geographical place in the world heavily influences your beliefs?
We're talking millions of souls per belief system, simply because they were hatched on a different patch of dirt. And all of them think the religion they grew up with is the true one.
Maybe someone could enlighten me on how that doesn't prove it's all a crock of steaming horse shit. Hell, some of these third world backwaters never even heard of your magical bedtime story and probably never will.
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 28, 2023, 03:35:25 PMthe FACT that the human rib is the ONLY bone capable of total regrowth
Too bad a certain other bone isn't capable of regrowth... that would have rendered our other line of discussion entirely moot. It also would have some interesting hypotheticals, like would some dudes just keep tearing them off so Magic Man wouldn't get mad? How many would save them up until they had enough for a belt or a jacket or something?
I'll bet it's most of them.
Most of them would collect the little leather bits and make something out of them.
Humans are weird.
Oh! Also:
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 28, 2023, 03:35:25 PMthe FACT that humans have the EXACT same chemical compound as soil
Citation needed.
Quote from: Frood on September 28, 2023, 02:00:56 PMIt's a gaggle of God bothereds :Doh2: ..
Call the waaambulance or simply look at the title and stay away.
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 03:11:36 PMThe world is 20,000 years old? :s_laugh:
Fundies can't comprehend big numbers, so that means no one can. FFS.
This thread started out so good too...
Actually, I'm saying the universe is about 15 billion years old. This in no way conflicts with the Bible.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 28, 2023, 03:51:12 PMActually, I'm saying the universe is about 15 billion years old. This in no way conflicts with the Bible.
Sure it doesn't. Even if that statement is true, it puts one Christian at odds with another just on the last two pages alone, based on what they do/do not believe is true about God's perception of time and proves my point that you can't seem to come to an agreement on the one very thing that's supposed to keep us from being tormented for eternity.
I'd be sweating bullets if I had to Russian Roulette my way out of certain damnation going off the fractured beliefs of 5 bazillion different sects who say the other guys got it wrong.
This is important stuff! Tell me the truth.
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 03:55:50 PMSure it doesn't. Even if that statement is true, it puts one Christian at odds with another just on the last two pages alone, based on what they do/do not believe is true about God's perception of time and proves my point that you can't seem to come to an agreement on the one very thing that's supposed to keep us from being tormented for eternity.
I'd be sweating bullets if I had to Russian Roulette my way out of certain damnation going off the fractured beliefs of 5 bazillion different sects who say the other guys got it wrong.
This is important stuff! Tell me the truth.
That tormented for entirety thing is another fabrication found nowhere in the bible.
Again, how could one reconcile a scripture claiming "God is Love" while maintaining a belief that he is going torment someone for trillions upon trillions of years because of activities they engaged in over a span of 60 maybe 70 years
And that is not the only concept one must ignore to run with the idea of fiery torment for all eternity. One must also explain what is the meaning of a resurrection if you've actually been alive in cognizant the whole time burning your ass off in some fire pit. Resurrecting from what? And to what?
And then there's the matter of who created this gallows to begin with? Every thing else which was brought into existence is mentioned in the bible. Why not this place?
And of course, there's this inconvenient little passage one must contend with. Psm 146:4 "His spirit goes out, he returns to the ground; On that very day his thoughts perish."
how does one logically and consistently explain one's thoughts being perished as they are in a state of experiencing unimaginable pain?
now notice how I have not stated any of us/you/them have to believe in any of this? I'm merely pointing out that one book, written by one author has to remain consistent throughout the entirety of the publication otherwise it is complete fabricated bullshit.
And when alleged Christians promote this type of illogical inconsistency with statements such"God works in mysterious ways" or "you just have to believe" when you ask prudent and logical questions they are doing more harm to the system than good. I Completely understand how atheists are born. THey are born out of some of the ridiculous ideas found nowhere in the scripture, which are adopted by many Christian sects and have no basis in fact, truth or basic logic.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 28, 2023, 03:49:01 PMCall the waaambulance or simply look at the title and stay away.
Shush, kiddo... don't embarrass yourself even further.
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 03:42:15 PMJesus Christ, now I know why Biggie likes to pull your pigtails. None of what you stammered is proof of literally anything. You believe the earth is flat and that you're perma-saved by one god out of thousands, now somehow ribs regenerating proves Adam and Eve.
Good luck (another concept that only exists in people's heads) to you, Mr. No-Proof. You need it more than I do.
i'm not sure what you're talking about.... i'm not trying to "prove" anything.... i'm just saying that you should be a little more careful about what you label "nonsense".... God gave us all free will.... what you want to or are willing to believe are part and parcel to that gift.... this is something you need to decide for yourself.... and no matter how outrageous what you choose to believe, i'm certain you can find plenty of "evidence" to support it....
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 03:46:36 PMBy the way, I imagine most religious types around here have already heard this argument, but isn't it just the tiniest bit peculiar that depending on where you were born, your geographical place in the world heavily influences your beliefs?
We're talking millions of souls per belief system, simply because they were hatched on a different patch of dirt. And all of them think the religion they grew up with is the true one.
Maybe someone could enlighten me on how that doesn't prove it's all a crock of steaming horse shit. Hell, some of these third world backwaters never even heard of your magical bedtime story and probably never will.
hmmm.... i wonder what happened a little over 2,000 years ago that was so remarkable that we can universally use it as a marker for a set date to measure time uncontested.... :crampe:
Quote from: Lokmar on September 28, 2023, 03:51:12 PMActually, I'm saying the universe is about 15 billion years old. This in no way conflicts with the Bible.
the Bible never actually establishes a timeline.... they only reference generations.... i think the timeline is irrelevant to the overall message.... i have an opinion of a timeline.... but i don't argue with other ppl over a timeline....
So what....?
Yanks still use Imperial measurement though the rest of the world does Metric.
Soon you will too.... because it can't be contested any longer.
times running out.... yall should get your affairs in order.... or don't.... that chip is coming in hot either way....
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 03:19:36 PMI used to be a God botherer, as Freud calls them, and one reason I stopped is because I found myself in the position to either lie or make things up on the spot without even the faintest hope of evidence to back it up to defend the indefensible and it got real tiring real fast. Piles upon piles of excuses like "time is different to God" etc.
You yourself have pre-emptively stated that you believe any alien life we discover is either angels or demons. There's no logical reason to believe that except via an attempt to make science fit the bible instead of the other way around.
I couldn't bend my brain that way anymore.
There is more biblical narrative of demons and fallen angels than there is any science of aliens.
It's more logical to think my way on THIS particular topic.
Science says....aliens are from other planets. is big.
Come on, Bone. Just because I include the Bible in the way I think about the ancient world doesn't automatically mean I'm wrong or illogical. Hell you don't even have to believe the Bible in order to accept it was written in ancient times about the ancient world.
I don't need science to fit the Bible. Science and the Bible get along well enough and the Bible isn't a science book. And science is always subject to change. There are things in the Bible that we scientifically caught up to. Like springs in the ocean (vents). Dinosaurs. Round earth. Circumcision on the 8th day (because that's when blood clots)...washing hands under running water (microbes).
It's a fascinating topic but it's difficult to have because people have very strong feelings and biases both ways whenever the topic is God.
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 28, 2023, 04:24:03 PMhmmm.... i wonder what happened a little over 2,000 years ago that was so remarkable that we can universally use it as a marker for a set date to measure time uncontested.... :crampe:
I was gonna point that out lol. Christainity is global and didn't start in the west. It's older. It was in Africa before America existed.
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 03:55:50 PMSure it doesn't. Even if that statement is true, it puts one Christian at odds with another just on the last two pages alone, based on what they do/do not believe is true about God's perception of time and proves my point that you can't seem to come to an agreement on the one very thing that's supposed to keep us from being tormented for eternity.
I'd be sweating bullets if I had to Russian Roulette my way out of certain damnation going off the fractured beliefs of 5 bazillion different sects who say the other guys got it wrong.
This is important stuff! Tell me the truth.
You absolutely make a valid point. People get pretty hung up on religion and generally dont question their own beliefs out of fear. "Science" behaves in much the same manner. One only needs to look at covid to confirm it.
The age of the earth and universe has been in constant flux in BOTH scientific and religious sectors.
I realize people's time is important and no one wants smoke blown up their ass, but I encourage you to take 5 minutes and look at the first video I posted. Science and Biblical narratives dont have to conflict. The Big Bang Theory is a prime example. Clearly dinosaurs existed. They werent some absurd prop buried by God or the angels.
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 28, 2023, 04:39:22 PMtimes running out.... yall should get your affairs in order.... or don't.... that chip is coming in hot either way....
Quote from: Dove on September 28, 2023, 04:45:44 PMIt's a fascinating topic but it's difficult to have because people have very strong feelings and biases both ways whenever the topic is God.
Still more interesting to me than politics and further reaching (life AND afterlife). I'm still happy to be able to contribute discourse on at least one major school of thought on this forum, whether or not one thinks I'm full of shit, as some no doubt will.
I fully accept that I'm biased against religions that claim to know everything, but you can't learn burying your head in the sand either. I'm fascinated watching atheists and agnostics debate theists on YT.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 28, 2023, 04:58:10 PM(
Christians have been saying the end times were coming since their religion's beginning times were beginning. No generation has been right so far...
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 05:13:34 PMChristians have been saying the end times were coming since their religion's beginning times were beginning. No generation has been right so far...
What amuses me the most is it's always the same people who impose Israel on the Palestinians, run around starting wars (and rumors of same), etc. who also jump up and down shouting 'See! See!' as if they haven't spent the past half-century and more *creating* conditions that at least superficially resemble their "prophecies".
I'm not sure if they just think we're all really, really stupid or if they honestly don't even know how obvious that nonsense is.
Quote from: Bonesaw on September 28, 2023, 05:13:34 PMChristians have been saying the end times were coming since their religion's beginning times were beginning. No generation has been right so far...
And in their fine print, it says that nobody will know when and should never pretend to know otherwise.
Wonderful escape clause.... like Nostradamus's vague quatrains.. :pardon:
I wonder if I wrote a book with a lot of outrageous bullshit sprinkled with references to current events and famous people if, in a couple hundred years, anyone might start waving the book around and saying things like:
"No look! Right here! He talks about 'Frank Zappa' and we know for certain Frank Zappa was a real person. And in this chapter he talks about New Orleans being flooded by a hurricane and that's a well-documented fact! Therefore the invisible winged ponies who rule the moon *must* be real too!"
That would be awesome.
Oh you know some people's heads would explode if they saw some of the scientific accuracies Muslims claim are in the Quran, like all living things are made of water... not dirt.
No good reason I shouldn't believe that old book instead.
And then there's the fact that the Abrahamic religions all swiped concepts from Zoroastrianism that came hundreds of years earlier, it's just that the latter didn't happen to popularized by one of the greatest empires in history.
But sitting on my high horse of agnosticism, I get to watch people on every side grasp at straws and make science/scripture connections that don't exist or are more likely coincidence written by people who probably got fucking lucky throwing shit at the wall hoping it stuck... and if it didn't someone could just add or edit a few centuries later when people knew better. And then modern day theists just pretend the abhorrent parts are irrelevant, because they just can't hope to sell non-believers on some of the twisted shit to which God gives the "okay", if they truly even believe it themselves...
:facepalm: What a headache.
LOL! I can see none of the science zealots wanna look under the hood. Fear is a powerful thing! :popcorn:
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 27, 2023, 01:16:30 PMWith that context in mind how do you explain Matthew 24:13 "he who endures to the end is the one who will saved" while maintaining consistency with your belief?
Jesus' warning only applies to people who personally watched Him perform miracles under the power of the Holy Spirit. Today, the unforgiveable sin is rejecting Jesus' sacrifice (Hebrews 11:6).
To blaspheme against the Holy Spirit today is to reject God's work, particularly God's work to convince us about Jesus (John 15:26)
Quote from: Lokmar on September 28, 2023, 11:09:14 PMLOL! I can see none of the science zealots wanna look under the hood. Fear is a powerful thing! :popcorn:
I don't care to look under any hoods much. Science and Religion lie constantly. I'd rather not live in fear of things I can not know and maybe even after death, still can never know.
But I believe in the spirit of goodness.... basic goodness... so I thank the Judeo-Christian faiths... and even the Buddhists for their brevities.
My religion is ignorance yet my spirituality is hope and kindness.
Quote from: Frood on September 29, 2023, 06:12:18 AMI don't care to look under any hoods much. Science and Religion lie constantly. I'd rather not live in fear of things I can not know and maybe even after death, still can never know.
But I believe in the spirit of goodness.... basic goodness... so I thank the Judeo-Christian faiths... and even the Buddhists for their brevities.
My religion is ignorance yet my spirituality is hope and kindness.
Dear lord, its 5 minutes......
Quote from: Lokmar on September 29, 2023, 09:11:49 AMDear lord, its 5 minutes......
Yet an orgasm lasts for much less...
i dunno why ppl insist on arguing over "religion" of all things.... organized religion seems to be the one of the biggest creators of this unusual phenomenon.... ppl often like to snap at me over my beliefs also.... mine are fuckin simple as hell.... i've been watching government lie, misrepresent and distort the truth for my entire life.... i just straight-up DON'T FUCKIN TRUST EM.... about anything.... ever.... the Bible even says "don't trust ppl" numerous times.... apart from "be not afraid", its one of the most referenced messages.... if i HAVE to trust something, i suppose i'll choose God, Jesus and the Bible.... because whatever you believe, whether its dinosaurs, aliens, evolution, round earth moon landings and/or big bang.... at some point all of their "evidence" requires a certain amount of trust from you....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 29, 2023, 09:37:41 AMi dunno why ppl insist on arguing over "religion" of all things.... organized religion seems to be the one of the biggest creators of this unusual phenomenon.... ppl often like to snap at me over my beliefs also.... mine are fuckin simple as hell.... i've been watching government lie, misrepresent and distort the truth for my entire life.... i just straight-up DON'T FUCKIN TRUST EM.... about anything.... ever.... the Bible even says "don't trust ppl" numerous times.... apart from "be not afraid", its one of the most referenced messages.... if i HAVE to trust something, i suppose i'll choose God, Jesus and the Bible.... because whatever you believe, whether its dinosaurs, aliens, evolution, round earth moon landings and/or big bang.... at some point all of their "evidence" requires a certain amount of trust from you....
True. As has been demonstrated over and over, knowledge increases on both sides which changes our understanding. Science is constantly finding itself wrong and then having to completely change its theories or declarations. The scientific community doesnt seem to be able to admit its faults.
As far as the Genesis account, I've yet to see where it has been disproven. Science and the Bible align on the order of creation. Now if a bunch of cavemen assembled the Genesis narrative, what are the chances that the would have gotten the order of creation right?
Maybe it so happens that it is what you believe during life that is what will happen to you after death.
It is written in the Big Book of Science that energy cannot be destroyed, only displaced. It is also said that consciousness, you, the soul of the self, is simply an "engram," an electrical pattern in a living brain.
What happens to that energy pattern when the brain stops living? Energy cannot be destroyed, only displaced, right? Doesn't that energy pattern exist, at the quantum level, across all of time and space? Certain theorems of Theoretical Physics seem to suggest so.
So maybe what we believe during life is what gets engraved within our engrams, in the energy patterns of our souls, and that's what happens to us after death across all of time and space.
If you're a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew, your faith in the tenets of Abraham's God will shape the engram of your soul, and after you die that engram will exist across all time and space, and you shall enjoy the joys of Heaven or not according to the tenets of Abraham's God.
If you believe in the Cosmic Wheel, that your soul is returned again and again to the living world until you get it just right, maybe that is what happens to you, again and again, until you get it just right across all time and space.
If you're an Atheist and believe you're just a biological animal and the center of your self is just a series of electrical discharges across the synapses of your living brain, and that once that brain dies "you" go poof into eternal oblivion, maybe that's what happens to you across all time and space.
... and yes, this dispensary weed is really good.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 29, 2023, 11:58:50 AMTrue. As has been demonstrated over and over, knowledge increases on both sides which changes our understanding. Science is constantly finding itself wrong and then having to completely change its theories or declarations. The scientific community doesnt seem to be able to admit its faults.
As far as the Genesis account, I've yet to see where it has been disproven. Science and the Bible align on the order of creation. Now if a bunch of cavemen assembled the Genesis narrative, what are the chances that the would have gotten the order of creation right?
science was pretty cool at one time.... now its become a political tool.... i knew when they took homosexuality out of the DSM, it was the beginning of the end....
Quote from: Reggie Essent on September 29, 2023, 05:59:39 PM<Sigh>
Maybe it so happens that it is what you believe during life that is what will happen to you after death.
It is written in the Big Book of Science that energy cannot be destroyed, only displaced. It is also said that consciousness, you, the soul of the self, is simply an "engram," an electrical pattern in a living brain.
What happens to that energy pattern when the brain stops living? Energy cannot be destroyed, only displaced, right? Doesn't that energy pattern exist, at the quantum level, across all of time and space? Certain theorems of Theoretical Physics seem to suggest so.
So maybe what we believe during life is what gets engraved within our engrams, in the energy patterns of our souls, and that's what happens to us after death across all of time and space.
If you're a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew, your faith in the tenets of Abraham's God will shape the engram of your soul, and after you die that engram will exist across all time and space, and you shall enjoy the joys of Heaven0.
If you believe in the Cosmic Wheel, that your soul is returned again and again to the living world until you get it just right, maybe that is what happens to you, again and again, until you get it just right across all time and space.
If you're an Atheist and believe you're just a biological animal and the center of your self is just a series of electrical discharges across the synapses of your living brain, and that once that brain dies "you" go poof into eternal oblivion, maybe that's what happens to you across all time and space.
... and yes, this dispensary weed is really good.
thats a really good and really well-written take....
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 11:00:36 PMSounds more like disrespect for your maker...
You're basically calling your creator incompetent. :pardon: :dontknow:
Remember, according to these cultists, God created Man in his image. Which in turn means that at some point their god but his own dick on the chopping block and went at it with a meat cleaver or something, because reasons.
Like psychopathy and full blown BDSM malarkey etcetera.
Quote from: Frood on September 27, 2023, 11:35:17 PMHold up...
You don't believe in evolution?
:crampe: :s_laugh:
You have to admit, he's not very evolved. He would tell you god created him in one day. And I would be forced to admit he looked like a rushed job. :crampe:
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 28, 2023, 02:07:46 PMYeah, when the discussion/debate reaches the point of:
"Everything in the bible is 100% true and accurate."
"How do you know that?"
...I'm out. lulz
It's almost that self same fallacious "logic" you get when troons and their supporters have to define what a woman is, aye?
I mean I like God.
I also enjoy BDSM.
So I'm feeling very attacked by this thread :facepalm:
Quote from: Dove on September 29, 2023, 07:52:19 PMI mean I like God.
I also enjoy BDSM.
So I'm feeling very attacked by this thread :facepalm:
"made man in His own image" is as obscure as "based on a true story".... you motherfuckers need help.... :crampe:
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 29, 2023, 08:31:22 PM"made man in His own image" is as obscure as "based on a true story".... you motherfuckers need help.... :crampe:
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 29, 2023, 08:31:22 PM"made man in His own image" is as obscure as "based on a true story".... you motherfuckers need help.... :crampe:
Your mind's best before date is off on that, mate...
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 29, 2023, 09:14:42 PM(
I love old Godzilla movies. Still more realistic than scripture...
I bet they have this on a shirt.
I like old movies from the 30's to 60's.
The 70's were fucked up.
I'm surprised Freud never cosplayed as Dirk Digler
Quote from: Frood on September 29, 2023, 10:40:09 PMYour mind's best before date is off on that, mate...
oh. i'm sorry, buddy.... i didn't explain better.... let me break it down for you.... the claim was that since God made us "in His image", that he also had a little traffic cone on His johnson and that He too must have had to slice it off as well.... i'm no God expert but i doubt "made in His image" means "exact copy".... i think that means God would indentify with humans more than He would a platypus or koala.... i'm not gonna speculate on whether God has a penis or not.... but if He does, i'm sure its fuckin spectacular.... :crampe:
Quote from: Frood on September 30, 2023, 08:28:41 AMI like old movies from the 30's to 60's.
The 70's were fucked up.
my grandkids love old horror movies and old cartoons.... i have a box set of vintage horror and a 8 hour collection of Gumby.... they can't get enough.... we watch that shit every weekend....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 30, 2023, 11:05:45 AMmy grandkids love old horror movies and old cartoons.... i have a box set of vintage horror and a 8 hour collection of Gumby.... they can't get enough.... we watch that shit every weekend....
I usually watch a few movies from that genre in October.
Quote from: DKG on September 30, 2023, 11:18:32 AMI usually watch a few movies from that genre in October.
we do it year-round.... i used to take em camping on the weekend but the safest spots are now occupied by paint-huffing hobos.... so we just build forts in the living room and eat frozen pizzas and bullshit.... they think the black-and-white horror movies are awesome as hell.... its a relief to me because theres no off-color jokes or adult situations.... even todays "kid oriented" stuff is questionable as hell....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 30, 2023, 11:43:38 AMwe do it year-round.... i used to take em camping on the weekend but the safest spots are now occupied by paint-huffing hobos.... so we just build forts in the living room and eat frozen pizzas and bullshit.... they think the black-and-white horror movies are awesome as hell.... its a relief to me because theres no off-color jokes or adult situations.... even todays "kid oriented" stuff is questionable as hell....
That is why you are deadskinmask.
i'm saving Texas Chainsaw Massacre for a special occasion.... the original Evil Dead as well.... they love Night Of The Living Dead so thats our current go-to movie if theres nothing to do.... i have quite a collection of old sitcoms they like too.... but some of them we're too dated with "current events" so they don't really get the humor....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 30, 2023, 12:02:27 PMi'm saving Texas Chainsaw Massacre for a special occasion.... the original Evil Dead as well.... they love Night Of The Living Dead so thats our current go-to movie if theres nothing to do.... i have quite a collection of old sitcoms they like too.... but some of them we're too dated with "current events" so they don't really get the humor....
I might watch a version or two of Texas Chainsaw Massacre this month.
Quote from: DKG on September 30, 2023, 12:11:13 PMI might watch a version or two of Texas Chainsaw Massacre this month.
the original is great.... the remake with jessica alba is okay.... but the rest are trash tbh.... its a very disappointing franchise considering the amount of potential there was....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 30, 2023, 12:15:10 PMthe original is great.... the remake with jessica alba is okay.... but the rest are trash tbh.... its a very disappointing franchise considering the amount of potential there was....
The one I thought was the best was the version with R. Lee Ermey. That cast made two Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies.
Quote from: DKG on September 30, 2023, 12:26:33 PMThe one I thought was the best was the version with R. Lee Ermey. That cast made two Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies.
yeah.... hes in the remake with jessica alba.... its not bad.... but the original is always the "original".... just like trump.... whether you like trump or not, how can ANYONE even attempt to out-maga the motherfuckin maga-king.... :crampe:
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 30, 2023, 12:34:03 PMyeah.... hes in the remake with jessica alba.... its not bad.... but the original is always the "original".... just like trump.... whether you like trump or not, how can ANYONE even attempt to out-maga the motherfuckin maga-king.... :crampe:
Donald Trump is not my preferred candidate for president. But, it's very likely it will be a Biden-Trump rematch. The Dems have become a blatantly corrupt authoritarian political arm of their woke billionaire superpac donors. The Dems should no longer be a consideration for people in the middle.
Quote from: DKG on September 30, 2023, 12:38:29 PMDonald Trump is not my preferred candidate for president. But, it's very likely it will be a Biden-Trump rematch. The Dems have become a blatantly corrupt authoritarian political arm of their woke billionaire superpac donors. The Dems should no longer be a consideration for people in the middle.
in a perfect world, it should be legal to kill democrats in the street.... seriously.... i'm open to "new ideas" but not when they produce such obviously disastrous policies.... these fuckin lunatics are blatantly trying to destroy our entire country....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 30, 2023, 12:42:47 PMin a perfect world, it should be legal to kill democrats in the street.... seriously.... i'm open to "new ideas" but not when they produce such obviously disastrous policies.... these fuckin lunatics are blatantly trying to destroy our entire country....
That is not what I would want. But, I cannot understand why anybody who pays their bills through the sweat of their brow could cast a vote for the Dems. Everything they do when in office means people in the middle have fewer choices of their own lives and they pay more for everything. JFK must be rolling in his grave.
Quote from: DKG on September 30, 2023, 12:50:23 PMThat is not what I would want. But, I cannot understand why anybody who pays their bills through the sweat of their brow could cast a vote for the Dems. Everything they do when in office means people in the middle have fewer choices of their own lives and they pay more for everything. JFK must be rolling in his grave.
i get it, man.... you're probably a "moderate democrat" at heart.... but you have to realize that the democratic party has been hijacked by the mentally ill.... this isn't a "phase".... this is the new reality.... alot of ppl have been forced to abandon the democrats for this reason (evs at VF for example) and the ones who remain are actively and knowingly promoting death, destruction and pedophilla OR they themselves are mentally ill.... just as libertarians have had to embrace the republican party, so will "moderate" democrats.... because "liberalism" is the only alternative.... and that, my friend, is cancer on steroids....
Quote from: deadskinmask on September 30, 2023, 02:56:06 PMi get it, man.... you're probably a "moderate democrat" at heart.... but you have to realize that the democratic party has been hijacked by the mentally ill.... this isn't a "phase".... this is the new reality.... alot of ppl have been forced to abandon the democrats for this reason (evs at VF for example) and the ones who remain are actively and knowingly promoting death, destruction and pedophilla OR they themselves are mentally ill.... just as libertarians have had to embrace the republican party, so will "moderate" democrats.... because "liberalism" is the only alternative.... and that, my friend, is cancer on steroids....
I am a moderate Democrat. I am a true liberal. There is nothing moderate about the party anymore. They have become very illiberal.
All like minded moderates have walked way from the new Dems' authoritarianism. They have gone from being a big tent party to an extremist fringe movement. Backed by billionaires though.
Quote from: DKG on September 30, 2023, 03:06:39 PMI am a moderate Democrat. I am a true liberal. There is nothing moderate about the party anymore. They have become very illiberal.
All like minded moderates have walked way from the new Dems' authoritarianism. They have gone from being a big tent party to an extremist fringe movement. Backed by billionaires though.
i sympathize with you, man.... its gotta be difficult to see your party mismanaged and distorted in such a way.... however, "moderate democrats" weren't who i was referring to in my original post.... and the only way that you could possibly regain control of your group is with extreme measures.... i'm afraid that we have become so "civilized" that we can no longer "fight true evil" with legal means....