
General Discussion => The Flea Trap => Topic started by: cc on October 24, 2012, 08:23:54 PM

Title: Re: Alberta Oilsands Benefit All Provinces, Think-Tank Says
Post by: cc on October 24, 2012, 08:23:54 PM
Of course "Alberta Oilsands Benefit All Provinces". And, big time!!!

Lol, On this very issue, I just got asked by a usual suspect on mb what means "BC types"  (as said by good old Sparty)  means .... only reply I could think of was "if you have to ask ...."

So sad that so many people are clones of one left god in the sky that never have a thought of their own, at least on anything remotely political or contentious. Under my remarks to them, I do find it incredibly sad that the potential of a brain to think can be ignored ... usually for life