The man was once a medical doctor & now he's losing his mind to dementia:
Quote from: JOE on June 22, 2024, 12:26:55 PMThe man was once a medical doctor & now he's losing his mind to dementia:
Sounds like he has a great family who loves and cares for him. Bravo to them!!!!!
Put him in a room with Biden and see how quickly they confuse each other.
That's not sad, Joe. That man is alright. Living with his family and finishing off his life with no worries.
That's a good thing!
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on June 22, 2024, 10:42:17 PMPut him in a room with Biden and see how quickly they confuse each other.
Perhaps they would speak a language only they can understand.
Quote from: DKG on June 23, 2024, 09:29:55 AMPerhaps they would speak a language only they can understand.
Yes, the language is called tardese.
There is a movie... it is more documentary than a movie and it is called This Violent World or Our Violent World and my mother and I were watching it... and section a very young Sth American man had looted some wooden chairs and maybe some picture frames or something and the police had him tied to a chair and shot him in the head and that absolutely freaked my mother out.
That was sad.. the old doctor with dementia is very unfortunate. Sad? Definitely for the family.
This ....This Violent World 1976..
It'll freak you out.
Quote from: caskur on June 23, 2024, 04:54:49 PMThis ....This Violent World 1976..
It'll freak you out.
The very last frame displays "SPOOKIES". Is that Aussie for "NIGGER"? :popcorn:
Quote from: Lokmar on June 23, 2024, 06:51:09 PMThe very last frame displays "SPOOKIES". Is that Aussie for "NIGGER"? :popcorn:
It looks like a Faces of Death type film.
Quote from: Lokmar on June 23, 2024, 06:51:09 PMThe very last frame displays "SPOOKIES". Is that Aussie for "NIGGER"? :popcorn:
If you can find somewhere (a streaming service) that has that movie documentary it's worthwhile viewing because of the bizarre practices of different cultures.... also they killed a Great White Pointer and emptied the contents of its stomach and there was a partially decomposed 16 year old girl swallowed whole.
Another native culture when a female had the first pregnancy would jump out of a tree and kept doing that until she miscarried and then they would take the dead fetus and bury it and sew a seed of a tree on top and forever that tree represented their baby. REALLY BIZARRE practices... another African tribe would get a dead body, build a pyre in the sun, put the dead body there, wait until it oozed fluid and then they would all drink it.
You know, young people today know nothing about other cultures and there is this HUGE cover up about their practices.
India is pretty repulsive. What is amazing to me is they survive it all.
Quote from: caskur on June 23, 2024, 08:09:03 PMIf you can find somewhere (a streaming service) that has that movie documentary it's worthwhile viewing because of the bizarre practices of different cultures.... also they killed a Great White Pointer and emptied the contents of its stomach and there was a partially decomposed 16 year old girl swallowed whole.
Another native culture when a female had the first pregnancy would jump out of a tree and kept doing that until she miscarried and then they would take the dead fetus and bury it and sew a seed of a tree on top and forever that tree represented their baby. REALLY BIZARRE practices... another African tribe would get a dead body, build a pyre in the sun, put the dead body there, wait until it oozed fluid and then they would all drink it.
You know, young people today know nothing about other cultures and there is this HUGE cover up about their practices.
India is pretty repulsive. What is amazing to me is they survive it all.
I miss the days when swimmers were protected by nets full of dead sharks and dolphins. Fuk em!!!!
Dots are dirty AF. I love to hear em talk about the holy shit polluted Ganges River or "The Ganga" as they call it.
Every sub-saharan nigger country that isnt Christianized is a shithole. They hang all over their dead even when they died of Ebola. Disgusting unclean animals!
Whites were nearly as craven, unclean, and disgusting until we were Christianized. Just read about ancient Celts and German barbarians! The blessings upon us from the Jew God is the only thing that civilized us.
BTW, God says the dead are unclean and should be buried ASAP and NOT touched.
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on June 22, 2024, 10:42:17 PMPut him in a room with Biden and see how quickly they confuse each other.
Beijing Biden would end up calling him a dogfaced pony soldier and threatening to take him behind the shed.
Then he'd pull a Monty Burns and call in Smithers to make good on the cheque his own mouth couldn't even pronounce, much less cash.
What Alzheimer's reduces even the best & brightest to:
I should have said partially digested instead of partially decomposed...after rereading it.
Quote from: JOE on June 24, 2024, 11:57:18 AMWhat Alzheimer's reduces even the best & brightest to:
Jabbed. Multiple times. In his butthole with AIDSman gobbing on his fleshy tap.