What really happened....
Fucking US and Israeli governments....
Quote from: Frood on December 12, 2024, 12:50:35 AM
What really happened....
Fucking US and Israeli governments....
No country has had more friendly fire incidents than the US.
Quote from: DKG on December 12, 2024, 10:55:27 AMNo country has had more friendly fire incidents than the US.
When your beggar friends keep returning to try to finish the job, with friends like that, who needs to be a souvergn country anymore....
Quote from: DKG on December 12, 2024, 10:55:27 AMNo country has had more friendly fire incidents than the US.
Or more consistently tries to lie about them...
Quote from: Frood on December 12, 2024, 12:50:35 AM
What really happened....
Fucking US and Israeli governments....
I can only hope Israel paid the families fairly. I dont believe it was intentional. That doesnt make sense.
Quote from: Lokmar on December 12, 2024, 02:33:58 PMI can only hope Israel paid the families fairly. I dont believe it was intentional. That doesnt make sense.
Of course it don't make sense.
Quote from: Herman on December 12, 2024, 08:54:10 PMOf course it don't make sense.
The allegation is it was intentional. Thats nonsense.
Quote from: Lokmar on December 12, 2024, 09:00:40 PMThe allegation is it was intentional. Thats nonsense.
It was not intentional just like the Tarnak Farm incident was not intentional.
It was intentional.
Quote from: Frood on December 12, 2024, 09:44:24 PMIt was intentional.
A lot of folks in this country said Tarnak Farm was intentional.
Quote from: Herman on December 12, 2024, 09:48:49 PMA lot of folks in this country said Tarnak Farm was intentional.
In the interview the sailor details how repeatedly coming back to bomb, torpedo, napalm, shoot the life rafts full of injured was definitely intentional.
That failed false flag was meant to drag the American people into a war.
Quote from: Frood on December 12, 2024, 10:44:24 PMIn the interview the sailor details how repeatedly coming back to bomb, torpedo, napalm, shoot the life rafts full of injured was definitely intentional.
That failed false flag was meant to drag the American people into a war.
The Israelis mistook it for an Egyptian ship. Some of the US servicemen said it was deliberate. That is just like the Tarnak Farm incident.
The Israeli government acknowledged they made a mistake. They paid a lot of restitution at the time for their fuck up.
Quote from: Herman on December 12, 2024, 09:48:49 PMA lot of folks in this country said Tarnak Farm was intentional.
Why would anyone want to intentionally smoke some Canadians?
It was clearly the fault of the incompetent Mountie who ordered a live-fire exercise at night.
Under Justine everybody except the Davos gang hates us.
Quote from: Herman on December 12, 2024, 10:52:58 PMThe Israelis mistook it for an Egyptian ship. Some of the US servicemen said it was deliberate. That is just like the Tarnak Farm incident.
The Israeli government acknowledged they made a mistake. They paid a lot of restitution at the time for their fuck up.
Watch the interview.
The Israelis knew exactly what they were doing and the US government aided.
Quote from: Frood on December 12, 2024, 11:07:50 PMWatch the interview.
The Israelis knew exactly what they were doing and the US government aided.
I know some of the servicemen think it was intentional. But, it was an obvious case of mistaken identity. It's like in the first Gulf war, a U.S. Air Force A-10 during attacked British Warrior MICVs, resulting in nine British dead and numerous casualties.
This reminds me of the Hainan Island incident. Few people on this side of the world are buying the Americans mid-air collision explanation. Even in allied countries they think the Americans did it intentionally.
Quote from: Herman on December 12, 2024, 11:14:49 PMI know some of the servicemen think it was intentional. But, it was an obvious case of mistaken identity. It's like in the first Gulf war, a U.S. Air Force A-10 during attacked British Warrior MICVs, resulting in nine British dead and numerous casualties.
No it was not mistaken identity.
The Israelis knew the ship, had ID'd it the day before...even the pilots waved back and forth to the crew..then the next day, sent out black jets and systematically destroyed their multiple antenna arrays, napalmed the deck, put a 4ft x 4ft torpedo into the hull at the waterline, and exterminated the injured sailors on floating life rafts.
It is beyond question that the US sent that ship in to be sacrificed by their Israeli partners in order to blow up the 6 Days War, and take the Middle East.
Have any of you ever searched to see how many USS liberty incidents the US has caused. It's hard to say what is more lethal, being an ally or enemy of the US.
Quote from: DKG on December 13, 2024, 09:58:35 AMHave any of you ever searched to see how many USS liberty incidents the US has caused. It's hard to say what is more lethal, being an ally or enemy of the US.
The list is sizeable and goes as far back as the firing on Fort Sumter..
Quote from: DKG on December 13, 2024, 09:58:35 AMHave any of you ever searched to see how many USS liberty incidents the US has caused. It's hard to say what is more lethal, being an ally or enemy of the US.
I have looked at the number of FF incidents. There are shitloads.
The second half tho, if you're America's enemy, more than a few will die. We fuck enemies up by the THOUSANDS!!!
Shit happens in war. In many of these incidents, some hot dog asshole gets target fixation and starts blowing shit up trying to be a hero. Sometimes, people in the wrong place at the wrong time set off a chain of fucked up events.
A good comparative example to figure out if America is ACTUALLY targeting you purposely to FUBAR your asshole to hell is Ras-Putins Mercs in Syria a few years back. They thought they'd lob some shells at American troops so we sent in the attack helicopters and started mowing em down. Once about 300 were cut to pieces, they figured out that firing back was only getting more of them killed.
I imagine if Cucknadians in Afghanistan had ACTUALLY been shooting at our planes, the entirety of Cucknadia would be dead AF!! :crampe:
As far as THA JOOOOOZ! go, maybe some crazy cunt in the IDF did purposely target our ship. The Israeli government sure as fuck didnt sanction that shit tho anymore than the American government sanctioned any attack on Brits, Aussies, or Cucknadians. FACT!
Patriotism is a disease for the weak minded. It clouds their judgement.
Quote from: Frood on December 13, 2024, 11:06:56 AM:facepalm:
Patriotism is a disease for the weak minded. It clouds their judgement.
Not being patriotic is far more dangerous. Thats how you get intentional fragging like that filthy shitgod allah worshiping cunt at Ft. Hood. Pig piss, pig cum, and pig shit be upon allah, satans prophet muhammed, and the anti holy koran for all eternity!!!!
Quote from: Frood on December 13, 2024, 03:39:35 AMNo it was not mistaken identity.
The Israelis knew the ship, had ID'd it the day before...even the pilots waved back and forth to the crew..then the next day, sent out black jets and systematically destroyed their multiple antenna arrays, napalmed the deck, put a 4ft x 4ft torpedo into the hull at the waterline, and exterminated the injured sailors on floating life rafts.
It is beyond question that the US sent that ship in to be sacrificed by their Israeli partners in order to blow up the 6 Days War, and take the Middle East.
The Israelis say they thought it was Egyptian. That is the only explanation that makes sense.
Quote from: Herman on December 13, 2024, 07:12:47 PMThe Israelis say they thought it was Egyptian. That is the only explanation that makes sense.
Listen to the full interview of the leader of the USS Liberty survivors group. It will dispel these notions you have.
Quote from: Frood on December 13, 2024, 10:59:07 AMThe list is sizeable and goes as far back as the firing on Fort Sumter..
The firing on Fort Sumter!!!! Was caused by Lincoln!!!!!
And yes y'all, the Jews did acknowledge it was an American ship, was told to fire on it, and leave no survivors. Much more to it than all that, but Im sure a lot is in the vid Frood posted, because he already summed it up for y'all, he speaks the truth. I don't even need to watch the vid to know, but I love Candance, and want to watch it when I have time lol. She is smart, in the know, and is beautiful inside and out, an awesome Woman worthy of Presidency after Trump's 4 years are over in my opinion. THEY hate her, and that makes me love her more too.
Quote from: Lokmar on December 13, 2024, 11:01:46 AMAs far as THA JOOOOOZ! go, maybe some crazy cunt in the IDF did purposely target our ship. The Israeli government sure as fuck didnt sanction that shit tho anymore than the American government sanctioned any attack on Brits, Aussies, or Cucknadians. FACT!