
The Flame Pit => The Guest Nest => Topic started by: Bricktop on December 06, 2015, 06:44:04 PM

Title: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 06, 2015, 06:44:04 PM
Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2015, 06:45:46 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

I have been accused of hating China..

As long as they over one thousand missiles pointed at Taiwan I don't object to that label.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 06, 2015, 06:48:52 PM
They must be pretty small missiles, then, if they need a thousand.

Are they afraid Taiwan will invade??

Personally, I think it would be great for China to re-unify, as long as those components that live in a free and democratic community continue to do so (such as Hong Kong). But not in the way the PRC wants it to happen.

I think Taiwan could offer some valuable help to the PRC to further develop economically and socially.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2015, 06:51:45 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"They must be pretty small missiles, then, if they need a thousand.

Are they afraid Taiwan will invade??

Personally, I think it would be great for China to re-unify, as long as those components that live in a free and democratic community continue to do so (such as Hong Kong). But not in the way the PRC wants it to happen.

I think Taiwan could offer some valuable help to the PRC to further develop economically and socially.

That is the pan blue position Mr. Crowley..

My father was in prison as a very young man, tortured and beaten for his opposition to Chiang Kai Shek's regime, but more importantly, because of his support for a democratic independent republic of Taiwan.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 06, 2015, 07:00:40 PM
Well, maybe one day the PRC will see the light and benefit of joining hands in peace.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2015, 07:02:26 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Well, maybe one day the PRC will see the light and benefit of joining hands in peace.

I don't care what China does, but I under no circumstance do I want my country Taiwan to be a province of any other nation.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Anonymous on December 07, 2015, 12:13:59 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Well, maybe one day the PRC will see the light and benefit of joining hands in peace.

I don't care what China does, but I under no circumstance do I want my country Taiwan to be a province of any other nation.

What you wrote is heresy to mainland Chinese. I don't have a problem with Taiwan becoming independent.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Renee on December 07, 2015, 05:20:42 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

"Accused"???? Using that word and starting this thread, indicates that you might want to dispute the accusation. ac_unsure

IMHO I think "accused' is the wrong word. It was more like a statement of fact. Accusations tend to be charges that require proof of guilt. In your case no proof is required. Your hatred of the US simply comes with the territory of your persona.

So are you going to deny the "fact" that you are a rabid hater of the US and that you will capitalize on any and all opportunities to spew your venom? Because if you aren't, I don't see a need for this......discussion. :laugh:  :001_rolleyes:
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 07, 2015, 05:40:34 PM
You will get no denial from me, meatsack.

After all, you personify all that is contemptible about your fetid and fragmented coagulation of fools that you call home.

Big mouth, big girth, small brain.

Your country is a dysfunctional, hypocritical mess. You deem yourself the world's greatest democracy. You call your President "the leader of the free world". Where do you get the ego to make these pronouncements? You believe your own bullshit and hype, obviously.

America is not difficult to hold in contempt. Your country committed a clear and blatant war crime in invading Iraq. Will you send Bush to the Hague?

Your country believes in truth and justice. Will you release those held without trial in Guantanamo?

Fuck, if you were truly the leader of the free world, I'd join the other team.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Renee on December 07, 2015, 05:48:12 PM
Just as I thought, another Crowley/Spectre/Leopardsocks anti-US masturbatory thread.

Move along folks.....nothing new to see here. Just an old bitter Aussie jerking off.

Try some prune juice or maybe a high colonic, it might help with your disposition, old man.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 07, 2015, 05:50:48 PM
My disposition is fine, Auntie Sam.

How's yours?
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Renee on December 07, 2015, 06:24:44 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"My disposition is fine, Auntie Sam.

How's yours?

Never better, Skippy. Can't you tell?
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 07, 2015, 06:32:03 PM
No. Your default mode is petulant and rancorous at the best of times.

I do not blame you for that. If I lived in a basket case of a country like yours, I would be generally churlish as well. But I don't, and I'm not.

If you lived in Australia, where gun crime is relatively low, racial disharmony is tepid at worst, there are no other countries sharing our land and people are affable and friendly more often than not, you would be far more content and less irascible.

In fact, I was wallowing in my pool last night on a balmy summer evening, looking over a wonderful vista of Australian bushland down to the coast, and thinking how glad I was not to be you.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Renee on December 07, 2015, 08:45:16 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"No. Your default mode is petulant and rancorous at the best of times.

I do not blame you for that. If I lived in a basket case of a country like yours, I would be generally churlish as well. But I don't, and I'm not.

If you lived in Australia, where gun crime is relatively low, racial disharmony is tepid at worst, there are no other countries sharing our land and people are affable and friendly more often than not, you would be far more content and less irascible.

In fact, I was wallowing in my pool last night on a balmy summer evening, looking over a wonderful vista of Australian bushland down to the coast, and thinking how glad I was not to be you.

"Wallowing" is about right for an old warthog like you. I couldn't have picked a better word to describe a favorite activity for you myself. I hear the mud is good for ridding yourself of parasites.  :laugh3:

As for wonderful vistas, well I suppose red clay and a sky filled with biting flies is paradise to some but I'll take the Atlantic seaboard over a dusty land full of freaky animals that have more cultural identity than than its rude, arrogant, drunken, people.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 07, 2015, 11:36:11 PM
Jealous, Twinky?

My pool is rather beautiful, crystal clear, and overlooks a beautiful view.

The ocean here is quite all Australian beaches. It has the added bonus of not being coated in BP's oil.

I love that you call us rude, arrogant and drunken. Would you like me to point you to a site that is full of drunken brawls and melees that take place in America? Black Americans seem especially prone to street fighting and wild behaviour.

Just ask for the URL.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Renee on December 08, 2015, 05:26:18 AM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Jealous, Twinky?

My pool is rather beautiful, crystal clear, and overlooks a beautiful view.

The ocean here is quite all Australian beaches. It has the added bonus of not being coated in BP's oil.

I love that you call us rude, arrogant and drunken. Would you like me to point you to a site that is full of drunken brawls and melees that take place in America? Black Americans seem especially prone to street fighting and wild behaviour.

Just ask for the URL.

Look dumbass, don't go there.. If I sat here and posted all the links to articles regarding drunk Aussies brawling in the street, at weddings, funerals and other social events. I would run out of time in the day.

In the US which is a nation of 350 million people odds are you can find lowlife scum fighting somewhere at anytime. It just comes along with the territory when you are dealing with that number of people. So whatever link to whatever website you think you can post is no great feat, old man.

As for your pool, I'm sure it full of swamp water just the way an old snake like you enjoys it..... I'm also sure a slimy fucker like you floats nicely on the surface with the rest of the pond scum.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 08, 2015, 06:46:59 PM
Well, sugarbuns, at least I can swim in it safe from the clutches of Greenpeace or Whalewatchers. And I don't touch all the sides of the pool simultaneously.

Of course, you're talking crap about American street crime. Your AA's are at it 24/7. You sure have a LOT of low life scum. I've seen South Central Los Angeles, with the car bodies rusting in the street, and a 1970's sofa on every porch.

On the other hand, I don't know of any place in Australia I'd fear to stroll through.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Wulf on December 08, 2015, 07:55:10 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Well, sugarbuns, at least I can swim in it safe from the clutches of Greenpeace or Whalewatchers. And I don't touch all the sides of the pool simultaneously.

Of course, you're talking crap about American street crime. Your AA's are at it 24/7. You sure have a LOT of low life scum. I've seen South Central Los Angeles, with the car bodies rusting in the street, and a 1970's sofa on every porch.

On the other hand, I don't know of any place in Australia I'd fear to stroll through.

Really, you must be a brave guy.

Some of the suburbs around Sidney like Blacktown or Saint Mary's are none too nice. At least by my standards.

I wouldn't walk around at night because I may have to beat the fuck out of some dumbass bogan who tries to rob me with a tennis racket or a pointed stick.  :laugh3:
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 08, 2015, 10:09:42 PM
See, this is what I mean...more American ignorance.


Would you walk around equally assured of having to beat someone in South Central LA? They'd put a cap in your white ass without blinking. Compared to the ghettos, Blacktown and St Mary's are a walk in a pleasant park. I've even walked through Brixton in London many times without feeling the slightest intimidated.

Now, Renee on the other can probably go wherever she likes. Just like Godzilla, really.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Renee on December 08, 2015, 10:39:44 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"See, this is what I mean...more American ignorance.

Its SYDNEY!!! .

Who gives a fuck? It's Australia.

Take away the kangaroos and the koalas and no one would even know or care if it exists.

Isn't that how the place was started in the first place? All the unemployed criminal dregs from British society were dumped there to forget about them? :laugh3:

Really dude, you guys need to stop taking yourselves so seriously. Just enjoy wallowing in your mud hole and STFU.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 09, 2015, 12:16:28 AM
On the other hand, without the violence, murder, military interventions and loud mouths, America would be just another basket case nation like Afghanistan.

You need to be rather careful about citing our origins.

Your beginnings are not exactly noteworthy, unless you're a Sioux or Black Nose or whatever.

Formed from the disaffected dregs of every other country on earth, built on British sweat and ingenuity funded by slaves. Hardly meritorious.

And then told by your ruling class how fucking wonderful your country is, when by any measure it reeks of corruption and lawlessness and is led by the most inept political class on the planet, bar none.

In fact, when you mention the Brits dumping the persecuted poor here for stealing a loaf of bread, it reminds me of Cuba.

I laughed my ass off when Castro dumped his psychos and crims in your lap.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Renee on December 10, 2015, 10:59:08 AM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"On the other hand, without the violence, murder, military interventions and loud mouths, America would be just another basket case nation like Afghanistan.

You need to be rather careful about citing our origins.

Your beginnings are not exactly noteworthy, unless you're a Sioux or Black Nose or whatever.

Formed from the disaffected dregs of every other country on earth, built on British sweat and ingenuity funded by slaves. Hardly meritorious.

And then told by your ruling class how fucking wonderful your country is, when by any measure it reeks of corruption and lawlessness and is led by the most inept political class on the planet, bar none.

In fact, when you mention the Brits dumping the persecuted poor here for stealing a loaf of bread, it reminds me of Cuba.

I laughed my ass off when Castro dumped his psychos and crims in your lap.

Before you go throwing that slavery garbage around I think you and your buck toothed Brit kind need to be reminded of the history that until recently has been shuffled under the rug.

"That geographic distance made it possible for slavery to be largely airbrushed out of British history, following the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833. Many of us today have a more vivid image of American slavery than we have of life as it was for British-owned slaves on the plantations of the Caribbean."

How exactly do you think the British Empire made millions if not billions with the West India company? You fucking tea baggers from across the pond are just as guilty of the atrocious practice of slavery as the US was in the 17th and 19th centuries. Where the hell do you think the American colonies got the whole concept from? In fact if you want to get technical, Britain's legacy of slavery goes all the way back to pre-Roman times.  

Now I know you will pull the "I'm an Aussie" card just like you pull the "I'm a Brit card" when things get too hot for you but the fact remains that you hold dual citizenship and your "mother country" condoned and actively engaged in the slave trade just as much if not more than we did. How exactly do you think many of the slaves in the US arrived here? Do you think Americans went to Africa with butterfly nets and ran thru the jungle capturing darkies? No they didn't. Many, if not the majority of them came through the British slave trade in the Caribbean.

When the British finally abolished slavery in 1838 there were 46,000 British slave owners, owning 800,000 current slaves. That number doesn't reflect the millions of slaves that came before them, who lived and died under British slavery.

Hypocrite much?

As for your claim that the Brits dumped the poor in Australia for stealing loaves of bread well that might be the partial truth BUT you have the American Revolution to thank for that. Once friendly relations with the American colonies ceased to exist, the Brits needed a place to dump their unemployed poor because the Carolinas and Georgia were no longer available as debtors penal colonies. So in a large part, you own the whole beginning of your fly infested, pile of goanna shit, you call a country to the fiery birth of the United States. Maybe you should show a little gratitude instead of the sour grapes you are so grotesquely famous for.

Furthermore your accusation that the US was built on British sweat and ingenuity; that is only partial correct as well. The sweat and ingenuity was provide for the most part by the colonists themselves. You forget or maybe you are just plain ignorant of the fact that many of the early colonies where founded by Brits that were basically ejected from Britain because they were considered trouble makers, subversives and undesirables. They received little or no funding or support from the British government or the inbred fucking crown. But the British crown was all to happy lay their greedy shit hooks on them and claim ownership over the colony that these disaffected, displaced people built. They also had no problem taxing them and demanding trade goods in the form of heavily one-sided trade agreements that favored the British economy so that they could fund their continuous, ludicrous, ego driven, war with the French .  

So eat shit, old man. Your insecurity and massive inferiority complex where it comes to America is glaringly obvious.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 10, 2015, 10:00:26 PM
Double. Stupid forum software.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 10, 2015, 10:03:05 PM
AGH!!! Stupid moderators
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 10, 2015, 10:04:44 PM
God, how much DUMB can you fit in that meat sack?

The Romans used slaves. The Egyptians used slaves. The Greeks used slaves. The AFRICANS used slaves. England did not invent slavery (but did forbid it to be practiced on their shores). That does not make it right, nor does it in any way change the fact that America built its wealth on slavery. Have you heard the cliche about two wrongs. It does apply to 3, or 4...or as many as you like. But, where the US differs is that it engaged in a CIVIL war in an effort to maintain slavery.

In other words, it would rather kill its own people than relinquish massive profits. Sound familiar?

Then, when the people upon who's back you built your fortunes were emancipated, you basically engaged in an apartheid policy of co-existence well into the 1970's.

Now, will no doubt point out the Australian's treatment of aborigines was no better, and you'd be right. The difference, however, is we own and accept our misconduct, and have done a great deal to repair the damage done. Thus, our existing relationship with our aboriginal forbears is reasonably amicable, although there is still some inequities that are being addressed.

But they were never used as slaves, nor held the status of slaves.

America was a British colony. It was colonised by British people, who used British money, know how and toil to build your towns and cities, and defend them against the French invaders (whom you subsequently paired off with, such is the hypocrisy of America). It was thus entitled to tax the citizens as it did the citizens of England. Where England went terribly wrong is letting a horde of ill-bred, disaffected, dumb and barbaric Irishmen to travel to the colony, who then merely carried on their rebellious attitude and ungrateful conduct.

And all this adds up to an amalgamation of dimwitted, violent, greedy and undisciplined minions that now form the foundation upon which your carnival of clowns performs. I'm sure it is no coincidence that your seat of power, the White House, resembles a circus tent.

A drug addled, violent, aggressive and disingenuous gaggle of holier-than-thou cardboard christians who believe in their own deceptions, and fail to see what a fucking squalid and fetid mess they really infest with their gimme-gimme culture.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Renee on December 11, 2015, 07:58:02 AM
Spoken like a true British wanker. Justify your past atrocities and point a dirty shit stained finger at others who follow your lead. That way it takes the attention off you. Quick shuffle the skeletons into the closet because God forbid the world should dig too deeply into your history of crimes against humanity.

You are ridiculous to say the least.

No wonder one by one your colonies demanded release from your grubby grasping claws. Hypocrisy was and still is the name of the game with you tea bags.

Typical British bullshit = Oh never mind that we were biggest slave owning nation in the world. The Americans are the real evil ones. Cherrio and all that faggot crap :laugh3:

Christ, you're such fucking hypocritical little shit stains.

As for your Aussie side, you my not have used your aboriginal people as slaves; at least not in the traditional sense. BUT we know that you just tried to eradicate them through various means of genocide. Does the phrase "breed the color out of them" ring a bell? How about the "White Australia Policy". What about all the untold number of children of mixed white and aboriginal blood that you ripped from their homes and placed them in what amounted to labor camps; where they could be trained as domestic help or ditch diggers or whatever job you white elitist fuckers didn't want to do. All in the name of making them into good little WHITE Australians? Some say it still goes on to this very day.

I'm not even going to attempt to open that can of worms regarding your treatment of your fauna. Your nation's national symbol the Kangaroo, used for fucking dog food????? Are you fucking kidding me? What kind of inbred savages do something like that in the 21st century? I would expect that kind of behavior from the monkeys in some third world shit hole but from a nation of nose in the air, white bread, elitist, know-it-alls, it's hard to accept and believe. As bad as you may think we Americans are, I'm pretty sure we would never roast bald eagles like chickens and then feed them to the cat.  ac_sothere

You Aussies are so full of shit that you float. You're nothing but the crap that ran down the legs of a bunch of petty criminals and sheep fuckers and you think you have the right to criticize other nations like the US.....what a fucking bad joke. Take a good look in the mirror for a change, that is if it does crack in the process. You bastards all remind me of a bunch a little shits all trying to be Dorian Gray. You look all neat and clean and white as hospital sheets but somewhere, hidden away in your attic, there is a portrait that shows your real character and it ain't pretty.

Your deep seated angst towards the US is tried and tedious and in the face of historical really, it is nothing but a rash of hypocritical tripe.

You know Old Man, sometimes I think you are in the throws of Alzheimer's disease and if so, I feel bad for you. But there is good news, they now have meds that can slow the progression of that tragic affliction. At least for a time for your befuddlement can remain at current levels. That way we can all make allowances for your irrational and bratty outbursts.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: kiebers on December 11, 2015, 11:30:45 AM
Now in all fairness Renee, you have to remember that the Brits were also taken as slaves.
QuoteCicero noted in about 54 BC that the 'British' enslaved by Julius Caesar 'were too ignorant to fetch fancy prices in the market'.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Twenty Dollars on December 11, 2015, 11:43:29 AM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

I'm new here. This thread is off base. Which America do you speak of?
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Anonymous on December 11, 2015, 02:43:16 PM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

I'm new here. This thread is off base. Which America do you speak of?

Hey TD, don't worry about it bud. Think of Aussies as having collective little man syndrome.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Twenty Dollars on December 11, 2015, 06:05:21 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

I'm new here. This thread is off base. Which America do you speak of?

Hey TD, don't worry about it bud. Think of Aussies as having collective little man syndrome.

Cool assumption. I do worry about it. Wanna know why?
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Anonymous on December 11, 2015, 09:01:29 PM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

I'm new here. This thread is off base. Which America do you speak of?

Hey TD, don't worry about it bud. Think of Aussies as having collective little man syndrome.

Cool assumption. I do worry about it. Wanna know why?

Why do you worry Twenty Dollars?
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 11, 2015, 09:29:11 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

I'm new here. This thread is off base. Which America do you speak of?

Hey TD, don't worry about it bud. Think of Aussies as having collective little man syndrome.

There's NOTHING little about this Australian.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 11, 2015, 10:47:32 PM
Quote from: "Renee"Spoken like a true British wanker. Justify your past atrocities and point a dirty shit stained finger at others who follow your lead.

Well, at least that is an admission of sorts.

But here's your problem, Martha Stewart (oh wait...didn't she do time for tax evasion?).

MY country, either one of them, does NOT profess to be the "greatest nation on earth", and our political leaders lead no other nation but their own.

I just watched another execrable example of American mass media self aggrandisement, "American Sniper". All you need to know about your suppurating cess pit is evident in the first 30 minutes. A dad teaches his kid that violence is an important part of growing up, some fuckhead wants to join the army "because this is the greatest nation on earth", and away he goes slaughtering Iraqi's in their own country courtesy of a deranged President and his fascist administration. His first kill was a teenage girl and a child of ten.

Says it all. I don't know where it went from there because I could watch no more without nausea setting in.

What marvels me is the way you call ME a hypocrite. American hypocrisy is legendary and knows no bounds. Assad is a vicious dictator. The Shah of Iran supported by America was a great leader, yet he acted no differently to Assad. The only difference is the Shah kow-towed to "American interests".

America decried South Africa's apartheid policy, but is oddly silent about Israel's identical national policy. Would that be because there of lots of jews in America jerking your strings, perhaps?

America gets cosy with China, Russia and Vietnam...but until very recently, Cuba was embargoed and left to rot in the sun.

So don't even think about accusing ME of hypocrisy, toots. Your two faced, self centred, greed focussed nation of nutjobs wrote the book.

And if bald eagles tasted good on the Weber, you would have shot them to extinction decades ago, along with your buffalo.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Twenty Dollars on December 12, 2015, 07:54:34 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

I'm new here. This thread is off base. Which America do you speak of?

Hey TD, don't worry about it bud. Think of Aussies as having collective little man syndrome.

Cool assumption. I do worry about it. Wanna know why?

Why do you worry Twenty Dollars?

The populas of the Americas is nearing 954 million people. Just seems stupid to group all Americans together. Seems short sighted.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Anonymous on December 12, 2015, 10:36:57 AM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

I'm new here. This thread is off base. Which America do you speak of?

Hey TD, don't worry about it bud. Think of Aussies as having collective little man syndrome.

Cool assumption. I do worry about it. Wanna know why?

Why do you worry Twenty Dollars?

The populas of the Americas is nearing 954 million people. Just seems stupid to group all Americans together. Seems short sighted.

Ah, so a technicality.  Canadians are Americans, Brazilians are Americans, but if you say Americans, I think USA citizens.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: @realAzhyaAryola on December 12, 2015, 11:01:44 AM
That's okay, Mr. Crowley! America don't love you eitha! Just AKS dem brovas and sistahs!  :laugh3:
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Twenty Dollars on December 12, 2015, 12:32:13 PM
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

I'm new here. This thread is off base. Which America do you speak of?

Hey TD, don't worry about it bud. Think of Aussies as having collective little man syndrome.

Cool assumption. I do worry about it. Wanna know why?

Why do you worry Twenty Dollars?

The populas of the Americas is nearing 954 million people. Just seems stupid to group all Americans together. Seems short sighted.

Ah, so a technicality.  Canadians are Americans, Brazilians are Americans, but if you say Americans, I think USA citizens.

Yes, yes and yes. Canada exists in N. America, as does the U.S. Some believe Mexico is part of N. America. Yes Brazil Peru, etc. is South America. Might as well call Cemteral America S. America. They might not like it. Is this new to you?
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: kiebers on December 12, 2015, 01:13:04 PM
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"That's okay, Mr. Crowley! America don't love you eitha! Just AKS dem brovas and sistahs!  :laugh3:

Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: @realAzhyaAryola on December 12, 2015, 09:02:51 PM
:laugh:  ac_biggrin  :cowboysmile:
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: J0E on December 13, 2015, 12:48:15 AM
...I don't hate America...but they sure are havin' a 'midlife crisis' as of late.

I don't exactly the know what they need to do to revive themselves.

Perhaps shed the image and goal of being the World's Superpower.

They're losing it.

If I was them, I'd scale back the Empire, cut back the military, make other nations subsidize it, pay attention to their interests/problems at home & then build that damn pipeline ta Canada. That way the hardliners'd have no excuse to start all these wars 'round the world cuz then they'd have all the oil they'd ever need. Wouldn't even need ta be in the Middle East. And it would probably cut their national debt in half.

Actually Venezuela and Canada have most of the world's oil & centuries/lifetimes to supply America with its oil needs forever.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 13, 2015, 12:52:35 AM
Gee, Joe.

Have you thought of running for their President.

Its not like there's a lot to beat at the moment.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: J0E on December 13, 2015, 01:03:36 AM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Gee, Joe.

Have you thought of running for their President.

Its not like there's a lot to beat at the moment.

...but I caint, Mr Crowley...I jes' caint!

You see, I'd have to get a fake birth certificate, like the current inhabitant of the White House.  :icon_wink:


Like Mr. O, I tried to buy mine, but the cutoff time was reached. And they said, too bad, we aint got no more.

Since no one born outside the USA can run fer prez, well I guess I'm outta the runnin'.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Twenty Dollars on December 13, 2015, 10:50:23 AM
Quote from: "J0E"...I don't hate America...but they sure are havin' a 'midlife crisis' as of late.

I don't exactly the know what they need to do to revive themselves.

Perhaps shed the image and goal of being the World's Superpower.

They're losing it.

If I was them, I'd scale back the Empire, cut back the military, make other nations subsidize it, pay attention to their interests/problems at home & then build that damn pipeline ta Canada. That way the hardliners'd have no excuse to start all these wars 'round the world cuz then they'd have all the oil they'd ever need. Wouldn't even need ta be in the Middle East. And it would probably cut their national debt in half.

Actually Venezuela and Canada have most of the world's oil & centuries/lifetimes to supply America with its oil needs forever.

I see Joe. You don't hate Brazilians, Mexicans, Nicaraguans, USAers? America covers lots of territory.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Anonymous on December 13, 2015, 12:17:07 PM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "J0E"...I don't hate America...but they sure are havin' a 'midlife crisis' as of late.

I don't exactly the know what they need to do to revive themselves.

Perhaps shed the image and goal of being the World's Superpower.

They're losing it.

If I was them, I'd scale back the Empire, cut back the military, make other nations subsidize it, pay attention to their interests/problems at home & then build that damn pipeline ta Canada. That way the hardliners'd have no excuse to start all these wars 'round the world cuz then they'd have all the oil they'd ever need. Wouldn't even need ta be in the Middle East. And it would probably cut their national debt in half.

Actually Venezuela and Canada have most of the world's oil & centuries/lifetimes to supply America with its oil needs forever.

I see Joe. You don't hate Brazilians, Mexicans, Nicaraguans, USAers? America covers lots of territory.

I have worked in many countries in Latin America. I had a lot of fun there when not working.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: @realAzhyaAryola on December 13, 2015, 02:02:52 PM
USA is not perfect but it rocks.

American soldiers are not perfect either but these Iraqi soldiers sure were happy not be shot on the spot.

I found a video years ago in which the senior George Bush was shown getting emotional over this video. It got me emotional too even before I saw the video of the Senior Bush. It just touched me how awful war can be and here are these men kissing the shoes of American soldiers because they are being spared. They came so close to losing their lives.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: @realAzhyaAryola on December 13, 2015, 02:15:23 PM
Fast forward to today. I'm sure you have heard what drones can do. Too bad for Uncle Sam's enemies. These little warriors can find them. There will be no need to surrender.

Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 13, 2015, 06:08:40 PM
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"USA is not perfect but it rocks.

American soldiers are not perfect either but these Iraqi soldiers sure were happy not be shot on the spot.

I found a video years ago in which the senior George Bush was shown getting emotional over this video. It got me emotional too even before I saw the video of the Senior Bush. It just touched me how awful war can be and here are these men kissing the shoes of American soldiers because they are being spared. They came so close to losing their lives.

This is a brilliant example of how America uses propaganda, and how utterly duped and beguiled they are by "emotive" images, particularly those that re-inforce the myth of American kindness and philanthropy.

It simply does not occur to Americans to challenge and examine this kind of evidence of their "humanitarian" demeanour.

Here's a clue; you are watching it because there just happens to be a CAMERA present. Just a fluke coincidence? Watch the vidoe closely...

Now, it may be that the event was recorded live and is a true testimony to that occurrence. Now, juxtapose that with Abu Ghraib. Which is the true reflection of American kindness? Or perhaps Guantanamo? How about Kunduz hospital? Most of you are too young to remember My it.

When I see such petty propaganda as that, I just wonder at America's self deception. Does it coo at the kindness of its soldiers but forget that they should never have been there in the first place? That their nation committed, by any measure, a major and significant war crime with consequences still being felt throughout the region? Does it remember how wrong they managed a post-war Iraq by dismantling much of its infrastructure and military backbone?

Nope. A soldier was recorded NOT shooting frightened Iraqi conscripts, and America is thus the greatest nation on earth.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: J0E on December 13, 2015, 09:57:40 PM
...Yeah, but Mr Leopardsocks Crowley, what you've failed to mention is how Australia is up to its knees (necks?) in this War on Terror as well. They're buddy buddy with America. Australians were one of the first to jump feet first into the Middle Eastern conflict beginning with Iraq back in 2003. And your countrymen are still there.

At least I hope Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau makes good on his promise to pull out of the Middle East asap.

This is a War without End. Anyone who stays, gets caught in that quagmire and many never come back.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 13, 2015, 10:43:10 PM
I have mentioned it frequently.

It disgusts me.

However, our problem is that we are in a military alliance with the US, and if they call, we have to answer...they know how to get their hooks into other countries.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Hobart on December 20, 2015, 01:19:06 AM
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: cc on December 22, 2015, 02:41:57 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Or so I've been accused of by the less rational and enlightened members.

So, in the spirit of maintaining decorum in the general forum areas, I shall facilitate a more earnest discussion about my American detestation here.

Is there any septic with the bollocks to step up???

Naw. It's more fun sitting back and watching  you make a fool of yourself on your own
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Bricktop on December 22, 2015, 05:47:39 PM
You're not a seppo.

You're an Australian. A turncoat, but still Australian at heart.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: cc on December 22, 2015, 07:33:54 PM
You are correct that I am Aussie at heart even though I left it quite young. I'm also a good Canuck. Still, I have lived in the US for a total of maybe 14 years, all 4 corners of it. Also lived in Asia.

I have lived the plastic Hollywood in my early 20s and even found many good people there, the Gulf Coast of Florida where I found the Crackers exceptionally friendly and fine people, Ohio not as flamboyant but full of nice people, Washington State a people not quite as open but still nice.

For me it's real people I saw and heard, worked with and played with, not read or heard about.

I have lived Canada, Ontario in my youth, the Prairies and the West Coast including Vancouver Island.

While there are good people everywhere, the consistently nicest people I have encountered are Americans, and by a very large margin ... far warmer, far more friendly to strangers or locals.  

I won't argue on about it as that serves no purpose. I'll just state my experiences based completely  on how I was treated and leave it at that.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2015, 09:22:53 PM
Quote from: "cc la femme"You are correct that I am Aussie at heart even though I left it quite young. I'm also a good Canuck. Still, I have lived in the US for a total of maybe 14 years, all 4 corners of it. Also lived in Asia.

I have lived the plastic Hollywood in my early 20s and even found many good people there, the Gulf Coast of Florida where I found the Crackers exceptionally friendly and fine people, Ohio not as flamboyant but full of nice people, Washington State a people not quite as open but still nice.

For me it's real people I saw and heard, worked with and played with, not read or heard about.

I have lived Canada, Ontario in my youth, the Prairies and the West Coast including Vancouver Island.

While there are good people everywhere, the consistently nicest people I have encountered are Americans, and by a very large margin ... far warmer, far more friendly to strangers or locals.  

I won't argue on about it as that serves no purpose. I'll just state my experiences based completely  on how I was treated and leave it at that.

You have lived all over the place cc la femme..

I lived in Taiwan, Kazakhstan for one year and most of my life in Calgary.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Odinson on December 24, 2015, 04:45:39 AM
Not hating america but if we are gonna ally with some1, let that ally be Russia..

Southern-europeans and americans have nothing to offer except "1st black president, 1st homo president"...
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Twenty Dollars on December 25, 2015, 09:27:04 AM
(//%3C/s%3E (//http)

This is the Americas.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: cc on December 25, 2015, 10:34:33 AM
Most everyone knows that 20 cents

But if you feel you must make a fool of yourself posting what everyone knows, please do so and show us your priorities and how you tick.

At the same time people of the US or of any country  arefree to refer to any term they wish

Between you and our pet Joe, we have plenty of useless posts
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Twenty Dollars on December 25, 2015, 10:52:32 AM
Quote from: "cc la femme"Most everyone knows that 20 cents

But if you feel you must make a fool of yourself posting what everyone knows, please do so and show us your priorities and how you tick.

At the same time people of the US or of any country  arefree to refer to any term they wish

Between you and our pet Joe, we have plenty of useless posts

You don't seem to know the difference. Why the big chip on your shoulder? Clear?
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: RW on December 25, 2015, 11:23:11 AM
There is only one country in "America" that refers to itself as "America" and that's the United States of America.

I don't believe for one second that anyone here was unclear of what country was being referenced.

I also think that map meme is wrong.  There are two continents on that map - North America and South America.  That would make it the AmericaS.  The United States is actually the United States of AMERICA.  I just figure something should be correct if it's going to chastise people for not knowing the difference.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Odinson on December 25, 2015, 01:11:11 PM
Seamajor is trolling.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Twenty Dollars on December 25, 2015, 02:08:15 PM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"(//%3C/s%3E (//http)

This is the Americas.

The concept of the Americas was taught in my 5th grade class, then again in World History in the 12 grade. California public schools. Is this new stuff, or lazy way to say USA?

Folks in Brazil, Chile, Panama, are and represent America as well. N. Americans are short sighted when it comes to the potential of resources, people, wealth of the Americas. Americans need nothing more than the Americas.
Title: Re: I hate America!
Post by: Twenty Dollars on December 25, 2015, 02:11:16 PM
Quote from: "RW"There is only one country in "America" that refers to itself as "America" and that's the United States of America.

I don't believe for one second that anyone here was unclear of what country was being referenced.

I also think that map meme is wrong.  There are two continents on that map - North America and South America.  That would make it the AmericaS.  The United States is actually the United States of AMERICA.  I just figure something should be correct if it's going to chastise people for not knowing the difference.

Thank you RW. The United States of