Our min today was 3 C, our Max is supposed to be 21 C. Tomorrow another storm will attack us. Our winter welcome
I snapped these sunsets recently. I'm a storm chaser addict. It's growing hobby.


What's your weather like today?
The high is supposed to be 22 and the overnight low was 11. Sporadic rain showers today, so no golf today.
Great pictures caskur..
I think it's twenty degrees right now at twelve thirty pm..
We're supposed to have a couple of hot days in the high twenties this week.
It's 10 here now, 23 expected max and rain. They've pushed forward the storm to tues and wednesday. Great. I was really looking forward for something interesting to do today to get me out of chores... UGH!~
This was our storm last week that washed away the beach....
It was very hectic...
This is where I live....And why I'll never leave..
Quote from: "caskur"
It's 10 here now, 23 expected max and rain. They've pushed forward the storm to tues and wednesday. Great. I was really looking forward for something interesting to do today to get me out of chores... UGH!~
This was our storm last week that washed away the beach....
It was very hectic...
This is where I live....And why I'll never leave..
Oh my goodness caskur.
This is the little stretch of beach that was washed away the day before...

Quote from: "caskur"
This is the little stretch of beach that was washed away the day before...

What a shame to see it go.
Nah, it'll restore... trust me.
It'll get fixed.
Quote from: "caskur"
Nah, it'll restore... trust me.
It'll get fixed.
How long does that take?
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Nah, it'll restore... trust me.
It'll get fixed.
How long does that take?
Not long... when the tied goes out and the sand dries, the wind will blow the sand back. But what I'll do periodically keep an eye out. I'm going down in a minute. The is no wind atm... I'm getting two messages about the storm... late tonight... and tomorrow depending on whether I listen to this mornings news, or check the the Bureau of Meterology on the net.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Nah, it'll restore... trust me.
It'll get fixed.
How long does that take?
Not long... when the tied goes out and the sand dries, the wind will blow the sand back. But what I'll do periodically keep an eye out. I'm going down in a minute. The is no wind atm... I'm getting two messages about the storm... late tonight... and tomorrow depending on whether I listen to this mornings news, or check the the Bureau of Meterology on the net.
Okay, thanks for explaining that..
I live so far from the ocean that I don't get to see these things.
We're going to be whacked in 2 hours but I don't know for how long.
I think I'll stay inside. I really want to go out though. Yesterday was a public holiday in WA and if it had come yesterday, I'd have been happier with my husband being home. Today he's at work....bumma.
Quote from: "caskur"
We're going to be whacked in 2 hours but I don't know for how long.
I think I'll stay inside. I really want to go out though. Yesterday was a public holiday in WA and if it had come yesterday, I'd have been happier with my husband being home. Today he's at work....bumma.
We had a good storm blow through. Small hail.
16 max here today...
we're freezing our arses off.
Quote from: "caskur"
16 max here today...
we're freezing our arses off.
That's late spring weather here..
We had a lovely day with a high of twenty four and a low of eight.
We have a third front headed our way...Rain tonight and apparently thunderstorm Saturday and Sunday but they always say that and we don't get much lightning for me to photograph.
It's cold here... But then its winter and to be expected.
Quote from: "caskur"
We have a third front headed our way...Rain tonight and apparently thunderstorm Saturday and Sunday but they always say that and we don't get much lightning for me to photograph.
It's cold here... But then its winter and to be expected.
We have a different definition of cold than Western Australia..
Do you get lots of rain in the winter caskur?
We get more rain than London apparently but it comes down in winter and then we get 9 months of dry... whereas London's rain is spaced out through the entire year.
This morning...
This morning, was cold, and windy, dark and dingy. There better be lightning tonight or I'll be very testy.

There were roughly 5 rainbows today. They were popping up everywhere I went...
Yesterday storm chasing I managed to capture fairy terns at Cottesloe Beach Perth. Fairy terns are endangered. There are only about 5000 around.
This is my bird page...And they can be viewed her. It's 19 c, freezing and raining at times.
Quote from: "caskur"
Yesterday storm chasing I managed to capture fairy terns at Cottesloe Beach Perth. Fairy terns are endangered. There are only about 5000 around.
This is my bird page...And they can be viewed her. It's 19 c, freezing and raining at times.
They are a bird of prey and look to be rather large.
I'm wondering if you're talking about the Osprey....
the terns are about the size of sea gulls.
I hope you saw the right pictures... they've mucked around with the format of those pages.. Hang on, I'll go check.
Quote from: "caskur"
I'm wondering if you're talking about the Osprey....
the terns are about the size of sea gulls.
I hope you saw the right pictures... they've mucked around with the format of those pages.. Hang on, I'll go check.
Oops, you might be right.
I just use that fb spot for my bird pictures. I do a few in Autumn when we have no weather. From time to time I point people there.
Quote from: "caskur"
I just use that fb spot for my bird pictures. I do a few in Autumn when we have no weather. From time to time I point people there.
You must have some kind of weather in the fall caskur.
Our weather 9 months of the year is probably like your summer... then we have 3 months of hell.
Quote from: "caskur"
Our weather 9 months of the year is probably like your summer... then we have 3 months of hell.
Your three months of hell are not that much different than our summers.
We had a perfect day yesterday. I watched surfers. Nights are a tad chilly though.
End of wave. I thought the lady was posing Thai dance style with her hands.
Quote from: "caskur"
End of wave. I thought the lady was posing Thai dance style with her hands.
Were these pictures taken close to where you live caskur?
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
End of wave. I thought the lady was posing Thai dance style with her hands.
Were these pictures taken close to where you live caskur?
5 minutes if I get all green lights, ten minutes if I catch red lights...lol
The red dots are where I photograph. This is my stomping grounds. North Fremantle and Cottesloe are the beaches I go to... My North Fremantle beach is closed due to our recent storms. I guess they're worried sand dunes may collapse on people or something. Perth is apparently the most isolated city on the planet and these days, one of the most expensive. I just wished I could turn back the clock 30 years and got more involved in stopping development. It's criminal what they're doing to my city... The greed is disgusting.

Quote from: "caskur"
Perth is apparently the most isolated city on the planet and these days, one of the most expensive. I just wished I could turn back the clock 30 years and got more involved in stopping development. It's criminal what they're doing to my city... The greed is disgusting.
Vancouver is similar. Not a nice place anymore. Expensive, congested, with too many fucking people flooding into the area. Not sure where the fuck all these people are coming from, but many are rich Asians from Hong Kong.
Not a day goes by when I don't think about moving outta here to some small town that doesn't have all the big city problems, and just relax surrounded by peace and quiet without so many fucking people around me.
Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "caskur"
Perth is apparently the most isolated city on the planet and these days, one of the most expensive. I just wished I could turn back the clock 30 years and got more involved in stopping development. It's criminal what they're doing to my city... The greed is disgusting.
Vancouver is similar. Not a nice place anymore. Expensive, congested, with too many fucking people flooding into the area. Not sure where the fuck all these people are coming from, but many are rich Asians from Hong Kong.
Not a day goes by when I don't think about moving outta here to some small town that doesn't have all the big city problems, and just relax surrounded by peace and quiet without so many fucking people around me.
I hear you and concur... there are far too many people on the planet. It got all stupid all of a sudden.
Some guy (American) wrote on my Youtube channel he hasn't seen a seagull where he lives for two whole years and he's on a coast somewhere... He doesn't know WHY there are no seagulls... He wants to move inland somewhere. He thinks the spot where he lives is toxic.
Quote from: "caskur"
The red dots are where I photograph. This is my stomping grounds. North Fremantle and Cottesloe are the beaches I go to... My North Fremantle beach is closed due to our recent storms. I guess they're worried sand dunes may collapse on people or something. Perth is apparently the most isolated city on the planet and these days, one of the most expensive. I just wished I could turn back the clock 30 years and got more involved in stopping development. It's criminal what they're doing to my city... The greed is disgusting.

Nothing is happening here... no storms, mild temps.. Nothing really to report.
Fine weekend ahead and a kids party tomorrow.
Quote from: "caskur"
Nothing is happening here... no storms, mild temps.. Nothing really to report.
Fine weekend ahead and a kids party tomorrow.
That will be fun caskur.
It was OK, the party,... tiring but good just the same. Rain on Wednesday... nice sunset last Sunday night....Which you haven't had yet...lol. Time zones.
Nice conditions.
Beautiful pictures.
Thank you... It was a pleasant outing. No wind.
Quote from: "caskur"
Thank you... It was a pleasant outing. No wind.
That's rare here.
It was 3 last night... in fact, it's probably still 3 now.
Even the birds waking up, their vocal cords sound frozen.
We are in the middle of a heat wave. It's thirty four degrees right now and feels like forty plus. We are surrounded by fresh water, so it's muggy as hell.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
We are in the middle of a heat wave. It's thirty four degrees right now and feels like forty plus. We are surrounded by fresh water, so it's muggy as hell.
It's pissing down wonderful wonderful rain in Perth,,,
And tonights very winter sunset... like, there wasn't a very colourful one.....lol
It's absolutely FREEZING here...
39 F outside and 62 F inside....
Now its 7.3 C apparently and it'll be 18 C today. All I want to do is dive under the doona and merge in Spring...lol
And you're sending it our way...after balmy Britain, this is an ice chest!!!
Quote from: "caskur"
Now its 7.3 C apparently and it'll be 18 C today. All I want to do is dive under the doona and merge in Spring...lol
Anything around 20C is perfect for this White Boy!
I like it between 18 - 27 tops...
I'm all caught up in the Thai cave drama at the moment... these types of gripping events really get to me.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
And you're sending it our way...after balmy Britain, this is an ice chest!!!
It's bloody chilly alright...lol
It's been bitterly cold for us this past fortnight in Perth and I haven't really got any interesting weather news. We're supposed to be getting rain.
Here is a picture from last week. Driving along the road at Port Beach north Fremantle. It's 6.33 am right now and if I was a dedicated sunrise enthusiast, I'd go out and brave the cold. ac_blush
Quote from: "caskur"
It's been bitterly cold for us this past fortnight in Perth and I haven't really got any interesting weather news. We're supposed to be getting rain.
Here is a picture from last week. Driving along the road at Port Beach north Fremantle. It's 6.33 am right now and if I was a dedicated sunrise enthusiast, I'd go out and brave the cold. ac_blush
What do you consider bitterly cold caskur?
Anything under 8...lol...
Anything under 18.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Anything under 18.
lol, yep pretty much.
Actually, on the way home from Pt Walter, I hit a bloody curb. I can't believe I did that.
I promised Fash a picture but today the White Faced Heron flew off and now my miserable cold day is worse.
Swan River an hour or so ago.. And yes, I realize this is a shocking picture..
You used P, or Auto mode, didn't you?
Quote from: "Bricktop"
You used P, or Auto mode, didn't you?
I went to take weather shots, landscapes, so my setting was on 'Distant Scenery'... But I tried sneaking up on that bloody heron and it flew off. I'm shocked I didn't have to straighten the horizon.
I use my Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ300 Digital Camera ... it's got pretty flash factory settings.
I got some exposed roots for the tree group... someone in Canada there has a fascination or concern rather, with tree root exposure from storm erosion..
Quote from: "caskur"
I got some exposed roots for the tree group... someone in Canada there has a fascination or concern rather, with tree root exposure from storm erosion..
I didn't know that caskur.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Anything under 18.
lol, yep pretty much.
Actually, on the way home from Pt Walter, I hit a bloody curb. I can't believe I did that.
I promised Fash a picture but today the White Faced Heron flew off and now my miserable cold day is worse.
Swan River an hour or so ago.. And yes, I realize this is a shocking picture..
Very nice photo caskur..
I guess I would consider anything below -15 to be bitterly cold.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Bricktop"
You used P, or Auto mode, didn't you?
I went to take weather shots, landscapes, so my setting was on 'Distant Scenery'... But I tried sneaking up on that bloody heron and it flew off. I'm shocked I didn't have to straighten the horizon.
I use my Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ300 Digital Camera ... it's got pretty flash factory settings.
The problem with these programmed settings is that the assess the subject in terms of deriving the best shot from AVERAGING the light.
This in turn leads to average shots...which are fine for snapshots, holiday images and generally well lit images. But I suggest you move on from those settings to either Aperture priority, or full manual, and try to add creativity to your image. No matter how clever the manufacturer is, none have thus far been able to include a "creative" mode.
Try metering on different parts of the scene and see what you get. For example, metering on sunlight will give you a decent picture of the sun, but the surrounding clouds will be darker and far more ominous.
To use the light properly, you must construct the image in your head first, then meter and shoot with the light available to get what you want, and then finish in post production.
You have an eye for a good image. Your camera only manages light.
There isn't anything wrong with the images from the camera UNTIL I send them to paintshop pro to downsize and write my name in the corner and then when I save it, I get serious lossy... but I save it as PS123456 a... I always have the original untouched and stored on an external hard drive.
I cannot do manual... my vision isn't great. I'm getting old.
I use light and I go AGAINST using light... I play around. I experiment.
I bought this latest camera for landscapes... the beauty of this camera is the 4K feature... it's water and dust proof (huge, huge, plus). Also, it records footage BEAUTIFULLY...
I just learned the 4K feature. Do you know about 4K? Scroll down and watch the 4K video. IT"S BRILLIANT FOR BIRD SHOTS.
My camera is a bridging camera. Due to failing vision, I most likely will never advance further than what I do with the bridging camera ...
I recorded lightning last November on it and extracted stills but I'm frustrated from lack of practice from lack of storms.
Your camera is perfectly capable of aperture priority and full manual, and offers the usual three metering modes.
It is a quality piece of kit, and my ardent recommendation is that you ignore the programmed modes, manually set exposure using different metering modes, and explore its fullest potential.
I note that in reviews, some say the camera is overly complex for its target market, which is essentially point-and-shooters. In your case, it gives you the best of both worlds.
Pfft, the bloody thing takes moon crater shots....lol
I'll pm you the links.. Or I could put them how much bandwidth am I chewing using this sites attachments?
Go through those Albums on caskur.
I'm trying to record as much as I can before our beautiful country is totally devastated by sickening greed and grab for the almighty dollar.
I've got people all over Australia fighting for the conservation cause....
I'll put a rocket up their arses for their money grubbing troubles.
But that is your camera taking those photos.
Not you.
True... But if it wasn't for me paying for that camera's charge, that camera couldn't do squat!~
And it wouldn't care either way.
You have the eye...your photos would improve enormously if you broke free of the shackles of automation.
Well I'll try and listen closely to your instructions because manual isn't my forte.
Not instructions.
Just advice.
If you're happy with your results, that's OK too.
Some parts of Oz right now....brrrrrr.
Freezing my ass off.
Meanwhile the kinfolk in the UK are roasting alive.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Freezing my ass off.
Meanwhile the kinfolk in the UK are roasting alive.
LOL... they roast alive at 24 C.
Did you watch Fours Cornors last night?
They roast alive at 20C!!!!
If you ask Siri for the temperature here, she will say "Hot" at 28. In the UK she says "Hot" at 21!!
But its touching 30 in some parts...for them its hell on earth. The problem is they do not possess cooling resources. They don't even open windows!!!
I never watch the ABC. If I want leftist propaganda, I'll visit The Guardian. The ABC needs to be shut down or sold off.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
They roast alive at 20C!!!!
I never watch the ABC. If I want leftist propaganda, I'll visit The Guardian. The ABC needs to be shut down or sold off.
Go watch Four Corners on iview about the rescue of the Thai boys... IT'S BRILLIANT.
I don't watch Q & A anymore because of the lefturds propaganda... But I'm anti-politics.
I crave the high standards of bygone days.
My great-grandfather was secretary of the railway union back in the old days and got a state funeral when he died.
I have no problem with freedom of speech, and differing political perspectives.
I have a MASSIVE problem with the ABC being categorically biased to the left on MY money.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
I have no problem with freedom of speech, and differing political perspectives.
I have a MASSIVE problem with the ABC being categorically biased to the left on MY money.
I briefly saw the guy who hosts Q & A shutdown false allegations of calling a pollie, "racist" twice... so I think people have been complaining about the ABC and they're adjusting.
But all the stations are lefturds... channel nine is the worst.
You should be more worried pollies work in warm air conned buildings while most of the ES peons are suffering under astronomical electricity bills.
Whose idea was it to privatize our phones giving arseholes overseas our telephone numbers? We had a good country and we lost control of it. I am VERY angry about that.
The political class is slowly destroying what we had at all levels.
Yep and on that sad note, I better go visit my step-father...
It's raining which is absolutely fantastic. I went on a big 6 hour round trip yesterday and got great shots...
This is coming back to Perth from a sunny location....lol
If our weather looked like this once a week, life would be perfect.
Quote from: "caskur"
It's raining which is absolutely fantastic. I went on a big 6 hour round trip yesterday and got great shots...
This is coming back to Perth from a sunny location....lol
If our weather looked like this once a week, life would be perfect.
That is heavy rain caskur.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
It's raining which is absolutely fantastic. I went on a big 6 hour round trip yesterday and got great shots...
This is coming back to Perth from a sunny location....lol
If our weather looked like this once a week, life would be perfect.
That is heavy rain caskur.
Yes, we get dumped on during winter then 9 months of begging for more!
But North oh that (I'm heading south up there) this was our day...
Looked at the sign, and questioned whether daytime running lights are required on vehicles sold in Australia. It appears not! Am quite surprised, since they are required in Canada on cars built after December 1, 1989...
My car lights go on automatically.... I'm not sure if the lights on the crewman I was in were on... I was too busy taking pictures but I made my husband drive under the speed limit which was 100 kms... we were driving at 85... It was so dangerous.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
It's raining which is absolutely fantastic. I went on a big 6 hour round trip yesterday and got great shots...
This is coming back to Perth from a sunny location....lol
If our weather looked like this once a week, life would be perfect.
That is heavy rain caskur.
Yes, we get dumped on during winter then 9 months of begging for more!
But North oh that (I'm heading south up there) this was our day...
It was your day because the weather was pleasant North of Perth?
Yes, the city was wild and woolly but north of Perth was lightly cloudy and lovely... I did try to post the pictures but it seems I no longer can post attachments... my allowance is up..
I'll PM you the fb pictures instead...
Quote from: "caskur"
Yes, the city was wild and woolly but north of Perth was lightly cloudy and lovely... I did try to post the pictures but it seems I no longer can post attachments... my allowance is up..
I'll PM you the fb pictures instead...
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Yes, the city was wild and woolly but north of Perth was lightly cloudy and lovely... I did try to post the pictures but it seems I no longer can post attachments... my allowance is up..
I'll PM you the fb pictures instead...
Yes, isn't it?
Am I wrong?
I hope I'm wrong.
Overcast and rainy here but really lovely.
See if attachments work for me today...
last night's rear view of sunset over our Swan River.
Didn't work out, oh well.
Quote from: "caskur"
Didn't work out, oh well.
I don't know why that is caskur..
I apologize and I'll see if I can figure it out.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Didn't work out, oh well.
I don't know why that is caskur..
I apologize and I'll see if I can figure it out.
Let me try and downsize the picture and see if that helps.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Didn't work out, oh well.
I don't know why that is caskur..
I apologize and I'll see if I can figure it out.
Let me try and downsize the picture and see if that helps.
I need to see what sizes are allowed and increase it.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Didn't work out, oh well.
I don't know why that is caskur..
I apologize and I'll see if I can figure it out.
Let me try and downsize the picture and see if that helps.
I need to see what sizes are allowed and increase it.
It worked, with me downsizing... I'll just downsize them from now on.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Didn't work out, oh well.
I don't know why that is caskur..
I apologize and I'll see if I can figure it out.
Let me try and downsize the picture and see if that helps.
I need to see what sizes are allowed and increase it.
It worked, with me downsizing... I'll just downsize them from now on.
It looks like I have to hit the enhance features as well... just testing...(just in case Bricktop takes another shot at me...).
Quote from: "caskur"
It looks like I have to hit the enhance features as well... just testing...(just in case Bricktop takes another shot at me...).
We're in-between storms in Perth WA. This is what the ocean looked like yesterday after all the seaweed washed up.
VVVV ac_hithere
Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached.
Has now. I should delete my other picture.
OK there is no "delete attachment" in edit either. Oh well. Tinypic will have to do.
Quote from: "caskur"
It looks like I have to hit the enhance features as well... just testing...(just in case Bricktop takes another shot at me...).
Nice improvement.
Now you need to bone up on The Rule Of Thirds.
Looks thirds to me...

Seaweed Soup, Port Beach North Fremantle
Quote from: "caskur"
Looks thirds to me...

The HORIZON should be on a third.
Not if you're talking pictures of the sky for weather.... the feature is the clouds...
Quote from: "caskur"
Not if you're talking pictures of the sky for weather.... the feature is the clouds...
Yes, I agree.
Fake lake... tonight's sunset... just trying a new image host.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/h0nwTo/29072018.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
Fake lake... tonight's sunset... just trying a new image host.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/h0nwTo/29072018.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
We are having a WONDERFUL storm here on the 1st of August 2018 and apparently it was only 8 today... surely they're mistaken, it never get that low during the day. I've got the split system on, throwing warm air over the house.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/kpAwWK/P1190587.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
We are having a WONDERFUL storm here on the 1st of August 2018 and apparently it was only 8 today... surely they're mistaken, it never get that low during the day. I've got the split system on, throwing warm air over the house.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/kpAwWK/P1190587.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Very nice colours caskur.
I just wanted to say, EVERY damn time I see this thread title, I ALWAYS think "Weight Watchers Thread" :laugh:
Quote from: "Blazor"
I just wanted to say, EVERY damn time I see this thread title, I ALWAYS think "Weight Watchers Thread" :laugh:
I had a Weight Watchers thread at 3rd Rail.... it went of 20 pages.... maybe 30 pages.
People like talking about stuff that affects them... Weight/Health, Weather, are fairly safe subjects... Favourite TV show maybe.
I find that people would rather shoot themselves in the head than talk about politics. Personally I'd like politicians shot for being a-holes.
Weather threads are more popular on Australian boards...
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Blazor"
I just wanted to say, EVERY damn time I see this thread title, I ALWAYS think "Weight Watchers Thread" :laugh:
I had a Weight Watchers thread at 3rd Rail.... it went of 20 pages.... maybe 30 pages.
People like talking about stuff that affects them... Weight/Health, Weather, are fairly safe subjects... Favourite TV show maybe.
I find that people would rather shoot themselves in the head than talk about politics. Personally I'd like politicians shot for being a-holes.
Weather threads are more popular on Australian boards...
Lol, we have a weight loss thread at another forum Im on too.
You're right!
On whole minute of wonderful rain... trust me, here where I live, this is exciting stuff....lol
Quote from: "caskur"
On whole minute of wonderful rain... trust me, here where I live, this is exciting stuff....lol
I does seem lovely, at least in Western Australia.
I had a GREAT weekend... I went into the wheatbelt... Bricktop would love my pictures I'm sure.
Last night's sunset with the fake lake. It's the only way I can drown the neighbours without going to jail.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/ngDKve/05082018.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
I had a GREAT weekend... I went into the wheatbelt... Bricktop would love my pictures I'm sure.
Last night's sunset with the fake lake. It's the only way I can drown the neighbours without going to jail.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/ngDKve/05082018.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
It doesn't look like a lake or even water at all.
It used to have more ripple.. there is no ripples now.
Quote from: "caskur"
It used to have more ripple.. there is no ripples now.
We definitely need more ripple.
Tonight's sunset off my husbands iPhone camera... not bad. It's very very chilly and stormy where I am tonight.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/ep0QbU/20180809_172839_2_a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
And from my camera...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/hf7DwU/P1200172.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Does Perth have a big centre for international trade caskur?
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Does Perth have a big centre for international trade caskur?
I don't really know... We're a mining state... most of the iron ore is coming out of my state now. ..
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Does Perth have a big centre for international trade caskur?
Do you mean a port?
I think people should get an atlas out if they need to know things like that. I have an Iraqi on my fb group.. I had to look up his terrain recently to get a handle on what I'm talking with.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Does Perth have a big centre for international trade caskur?
Do you mean a port?
Yes, I meant a harbour..
I looked it up and it's at Fremantle.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Does Perth have a big centre for international trade caskur?
Do you mean a port?
Yes, I meant a harbour..
I looked it up and it's at Fremantle.
Yes... I didn't realize you didn't know that.
WA has a number of deep water harbours for exporting raw material to other countries to utilise in manufacturing...while we sit and twiddle our thumbs because there's no work.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
WA has a number of deep water harbours for exporting raw material to other countries to utilise in manufacturing...while we sit and twiddle our thumbs because there's no work.
Don't extract and sell natural resources and see how many fewer jobs there are. Trust us, we know all about that. OPEC is happy to supply the world.
I gotta my kit out...I've been lazy since we got back from the UK.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
WA has a number of deep water harbours for exporting raw material to other countries to utilise in manufacturing...while we sit and twiddle our thumbs because there's no work.
Absolutely un-bloody-believable isn't it?
I can't I blurred the shots...
Oh well, it rained today which was WONDERFUL...
and a pretty sunset tonight...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/dPiDRU/16082018.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
John Arbuthnot biography (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Bricktop"
WA has a number of deep water harbours for exporting raw material to other countries to utilise in manufacturing...while we sit and twiddle our thumbs because there's no work.
Absolutely un-bloody-believable isn't it?
We can't get our resources, mostly oil to international markets and it's causing a lot of problems for this country.
Calgary was covered in smoke from forest fires in neighbouring British Columbia yesterday. .
I have never seen anything quite like it.
On the Tree Group on fb I gave you a link to are pictures of the fires. One of my members is Canadian... A few are but he posts the most.
I think all the fires are deliberately lit. No doubt in my mind.
Quote from: "caskur"
On the Tree Group on fb I gave you a link to are pictures of the fires. One of my members is Canadian... A few are but he posts the most.
I think all the fires are deliberately lit. No doubt in my mind.
Or drunken carelessness.
My friend said lightning started some and that would be true too.
Quote from: "caskur"
My friend said lightning started some and that would be true too.
That's true.
I got to work out my camera last night...
Plently of lightning inside a cloud... not much got out.
How do you like my new swimming pool? lol

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/kPbYNe/An_olympic_sized_pool_Copy.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
I got to work out my camera last night...
Plently of lightning inside a cloud... not much got out.
How do you like my new swimming pool? lol

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/kPbYNe/An_olympic_sized_pool_Copy.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
I can't tell that it's a swimming pool.
It's a fake one... my backyard is diabolical... with stupid sheds everywhere.
I had to blot them out.
Tonight's gem... Rain tomorrow. Beautiful warm day today too. Spring is almost here.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/cOCeOU/tuxpi_com_1535366037.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Arthur Albert Dawson Bayldon poems (//https)
Nothing more, and nothing less.
Sad that he needs a two bit shitty forum like this to prove it...
You're sick, Steve...
Get help, buddy!
Lightning and weather shots from the 9th of Oct... You have to the photos to see the other pictures.
Perth western Australia is warming up. Today our ocean was brisk...
There were plenty of wind surfers...
tonight's setting sun...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/k6gXLq/P1220685-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/neBJRV/P1220717-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
Perth western Australia is warming up. Today our ocean was brisk...
There were plenty of wind surfers...
tonight's setting sun...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/k6gXLq/P1220685-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://preview.ibb.co/neBJRV/P1220717-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Very beautiful sunset caskur.
There was some nice cloud earlier but it blew over, still I was quite happy tonight...
We are having a storm around the 3 rd of November I am looking forward to.
Check out my night shots of Perth
Just click arrow for the next image. 25 in total.
1st picture
Earlier this evening.
Quote from: "caskur"
Earlier this evening.
:sad: Next Saturday it's going to be 39 C in Perth...
Quote from: "caskur"
:sad: Next Saturday it's going to be 39 C in Perth...
It will be -3 in Calgary.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
:sad: Next Saturday it's going to be 39 C in Perth...
It will be -3 in Calgary.
3? OMG, that's a heatwave there isn't it?
Fridges are 5 or less (recommended).
No white Christmas for us this year.
30C or thereabouts.
Perfect for the pool!!!
Quote from: "Bricktop"
No white Christmas for us this year.
30C or thereabouts.
Perfect for the pool!!!
They've changed the forecast!!!
It will be 35-37C.
Ho ho ho...

Hot hot hot.
Yes, and we still all eat a traditional English roast dinner with all the trimmings.
Quote from: "caskur"
Yes, and we still all eat a traditional English roast dinner with all the trimmings.
You're having roast beef for Christmas caskur?
Quote from: "caskur"
Yes, and we still all eat a traditional English roast dinner with all the trimmings.
We're doing a bbq.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Yes, and we still all eat a traditional English roast dinner with all the trimmings.
You're having roast beef for Christmas caskur?
My sister is having it at her place so no doubt it'll be lamb and pork.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "caskur"
Yes, and we still all eat a traditional English roast dinner with all the trimmings.
We're doing a bbq.
Did you ever meet a guy on msn boards calling himself RedChillicrabclaws?
He wrote a GREAT description of Christmas day once... Roast Pork dinner, sleeping on the lounge after watching all the women do the dishes after.... It was such a great little story...
I'll never forget the 117 degrees F roast dinner my grandmother was cooking on a wood stove in our crayfishing shack when I was 10. ... that's dedication for you.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Yes, and we still all eat a traditional English roast dinner with all the trimmings.
You're having roast beef for Christmas caskur?
My sister is having it at her place so no doubt it'll be lamb and pork.
That would be different for us....we always have turkey.
Turkey is horrible HOWEVER, my Step-father bought a little roast turkey piece last year.. and it was yummy.
Turkey isn't really traditional here... Roast Pork with Apple sauce (or Hams) was always first choice, lamb, very popular. I don't know anyone who has beef but I am sure some do.
People went for what's in season because, 1. It's fresh and 2. cheap.
Fash, you want to see Cannabis?
Quote from: "caskur"
Fash, you want to see Cannabis?
The guy they charged has a Korean name.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "caskur"
Yes, and we still all eat a traditional English roast dinner with all the trimmings.
We're doing a bbq.
Did you ever meet a guy on msn boards calling himself RedChillicrabclaws?
He wrote a GREAT description of Christmas day once... Roast Pork dinner, sleeping on the lounge after watching all the women do the dishes after.... It was such a great little story...
I'll never forget the 117 degrees F roast dinner my grandmother was cooking on a wood stove in our crayfishing shack when I was 10. ... that's dedication for you.
Yeah well those days are done...especially sleeping on the couch while the women do the dishes. :mad:
Sunset 8th of Jan 2019 Perth
from the burbs.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/k9R3CWD/P1230799.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/x6DwrZS/P1230803.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/W5KwMYq/P1230805.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
Sunset 8th of Jan 2019 Perth
from the burbs.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/k9R3CWD/P1230799.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/x6DwrZS/P1230803.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/W5KwMYq/P1230805.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Superb shots.
Quote from: "Gaon"
Superb shots.
I made my husband get on the roof... I cheated.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Gaon"
Superb shots.
I made my husband get on the roof... I cheated.
He did that?
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Gaon"
Superb shots.
I made my husband get on the roof... I cheated.
He did that?
Yep but he wouldn't tonight...
I cursed him... he didn't care...lol
41 C tomorrow... no sea breeze
Quote from: "caskur"
41 C tomorrow... no sea breeze
How do you cope with that heat caskur?
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
41 C tomorrow... no sea breeze
How do you cope with that heat caskur?
In refrigerated air-conditioning.
I don't go outside or travel in a car...
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
41 C tomorrow... no sea breeze
How do you cope with that heat caskur?
In refrigerated air-conditioning.
I don't go outside or travel in a car...
I feel sorry for people who must work outside in that kind of heat.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
41 C tomorrow... no sea breeze
How do you cope with that heat caskur?
In refrigerated air-conditioning.
I don't go outside or travel in a car...
I feel sorry for people who must work outside in that kind of heat.
Well it's the school holidays so children are at home... Kids go back to school in Feb.
The unions say no work after the temp hits 35 C.... but my husband has never been in a union.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
41 C tomorrow... no sea breeze
How do you cope with that heat caskur?
In refrigerated air-conditioning.
I don't go outside or travel in a car...
I feel sorry for people who must work outside in that kind of heat.
Well it's the school holidays so children are at home... Kids go back to school in Feb.
The unions say no work after the temp hits 35 C.... but my husband has never been in a union.
School break here is July and August.
It went over 42 in Perth yesterday...
We are getting some weather this week, I hope it involves lightning.
See, what's good about Perth, we might get these EXTREME temps for a few days in a row but you just know the temp drops down to a more sane ones...
this week... maybe rain where I am... I HOPE...
It won't let me post the full link..

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/7Nqw3H9/weather.png%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
See, what's good about Perth, we might get these EXTREME temps for a few days in a row but you just know the temp drops down to a more sane ones...
this week... maybe rain where I am... I HOPE...
It won't let me post the full link..

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/7Nqw3H9/weather.png%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Some days highs are in the low twenties..
What a difference in temperatures in such a short time.
Yep... All I can think of is solar flares. No one ever talks about how the temps go from 42 down into the twenties like that but it's probably cloud cover... on a 42 degree day there are no clouds.
Today there is a possible thunder storm. It's 4.30 am now... I'm going off to catch a sunrise.
Quote from: "caskur"
Yep... All I can think of is solar flares. No one ever talks about how the temps go from 42 down into the twenties like that but it's probably cloud cover... on a 42 degree day there are no clouds.
Today there is a possible thunder storm. It's 4.30 am now... I'm going off to catch a sunrise.
We have something in Southern Alberta called chinooks that can raise temperatures ten degrees or more in a few hours..
They are strong winds that melt snow quickly.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Yep... All I can think of is solar flares. No one ever talks about how the temps go from 42 down into the twenties like that but it's probably cloud cover... on a 42 degree day there are no clouds.
Today there is a possible thunder storm. It's 4.30 am now... I'm going off to catch a sunrise.
We have something in Southern Alberta called chinooks that can raise temperatures ten degrees or more in a few hours..
They are strong winds that melt snow quickly.
Yes, wind is another important factor.
this morning... I'm back.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/Tgyrh8s/P1240052-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
This was too grainy but I'll put it in anyway.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/6vspnJw/P1240045-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Great stuff Caskur ... what a beautiful place
Quote from: "cc"
Great stuff Caskur ... what a beautiful place
I'll give you the fb link to the series I took...
Look how the Swan River estuary is so calm this morning. I am pretty sure there was lightning too... I thought I saw the cloud light up...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/WPYxyBW/P1240076a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Perth is a very beautiful city, surrounded by beautiful scenery.
Yep and awash with bird life too...
This morning on the Swan River at Bicton. I got so many great shots this morning.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/nDfdhm8/P1240112-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/wMMTwK7/P1240115-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Opposite direction...from the Point Walter native reserve.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/cxfjFHw/P1240118a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Beautiful pictures caskur.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Beautiful pictures caskur.
So yesterday I woke up and looked at the clock it was 4.30 am and then went, nuh -uh turned over and went back to sleep. Sometimes it is better to quit while ahead.
I'm not going today either. I have a children's party to attend.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Beautiful pictures caskur.
So yesterday I woke up and looked at the clock it was 4.30 am and then went, nuh -uh turned over and went back to sleep. Sometimes it is better to quit while ahead.
I'm not going today either. I have a children's party to attend.
Have fun caskur.
I did Fash and the only thing I can show was it was 27 and absolutely beautiful under the Gazebo, under a Jacaranda tree..

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/dMdvxVg/P1240160.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
I did Fash and the only thing I can show was it was 27 and absolutely beautiful under the Gazebo, under a Jacaranda tree..

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/dMdvxVg/P1240160.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
That's nearly perfect weather.
It was, it was lovely.
The Morning Glory Cloud phenomenon
Quote from: "caskur"
I did Fash and the only thing I can show was it was 27 and absolutely beautiful under the Gazebo, under a Jacaranda tree..

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/dMdvxVg/P1240160.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
The high is -11 today. No golf for me for a while.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "caskur"
I did Fash and the only thing I can show was it was 27 and absolutely beautiful under the Gazebo, under a Jacaranda tree..

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/dMdvxVg/P1240160.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
The high is -11 today. No golf for me for a while.
There is a golf course at Point Walter, Bicton.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "caskur"
I did Fash and the only thing I can show was it was 27 and absolutely beautiful under the Gazebo, under a Jacaranda tree..

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/dMdvxVg/P1240160.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
The high is -11 today. No golf for me for a while.
I saw Southern Ontario got lots of snow and cold recently.
We have a cyclone up north called Cyclone Riley but down south where I am, not a cloud in the sky in any direction...
Sunrise this morning from Point Walter Bicton.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/DKn6qpH/P1240207-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
28 today... pretty much perfect. but the temp is gong up again to 35 in a few days.
My niece got back from holidaying in South Australia... one day it was 52.5 or something.
Anyway, they drove through locusts... blocked up their radiator on their new car and had to get a new engine.
Moral to story, don't drive through a plague of locusts.
Quote from: "caskur"
28 today... pretty much perfect. but the temp is gong up again to 35 in a few days.
My niece got back from holidaying in South Australia... one day it was 52.5 or something.
Anyway, they drove through locusts... blocked up their radiator on their new car and had to get a new engine.
Moral to story, don't drive through a plague of locusts.
In Southern Alberta, cars get covered in grasshoppers in late summer..
I've never heard of them causing mechanical problems though.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
28 today... pretty much perfect. but the temp is gong up again to 35 in a few days.
My niece got back from holidaying in South Australia... one day it was 52.5 or something.
Anyway, they drove through locusts... blocked up their radiator on their new car and had to get a new engine.
Moral to story, don't drive through a plague of locusts.
In Southern Alberta, cars get covered in grasshoppers in late summer..
I've never heard of them causing mechanical problems though.
Probably the drivers were smart enough to stop while they plague on by.
It's a sight to behold...billions of bugs like a cloud...
Quote from: "Bricktop"
It's a sight to behold...billions of bugs like a cloud...
Well I've never thought about that so now that I realize radiators can clog causing your motor to blow up, I'll make sure to stop.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
It's a sight to behold...billions of bugs like a cloud...
Grasshoppers in Southern Alberta can turn the front of your car green.
Last night a bit of a thunderstorm swept through. I finally got something...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/3rjt5bB/P1240595b.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Super Snow Moon, boring I know.
Quote from: "caskur"
Last night a bit of a thunderstorm swept through. I finally got something...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/3rjt5bB/P1240595b.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Look at that, incredible.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Last night a bit of a thunderstorm swept through. I finally got something...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/3rjt5bB/P1240595b.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Look at that, incredible.
It's an EXTREMELY exciting hobby... I love it.
I'm addicted to the thrill of it...
It's a unique hobby caskur.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
It's a unique hobby caskur.
It's getting popular in Australia since we have digital cameras... flat landscapes and nice thunderstorms..
Once you capture your first picture, you get hooked.
I took so many beautiful photos tonight, finally another decent sunset...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/S5rSq41/P1250203-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/Tm5CC7p/P1250214-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
I took so many beautiful photos tonight, finally another decent sunset...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/S5rSq41/P1250203-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/Tm5CC7p/P1250214-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
I love that first picture caskur.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
I took so many beautiful photos tonight, finally another decent sunset...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/S5rSq41/P1250203-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/Tm5CC7p/P1250214-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
I love that first picture caskur.
Are you viewing that on a iphone or larger screen?
I'm viewing them on one of those big LG TV sets.
Last sunset on the Swan River was lovely. No wind, beautiful cloud and a few dogs and their owner having fun...

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/kmvJxwk/P1250257-aaa.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/M7mJhsN/P1250251-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
No photo imitates the actual awe of standing in perfect conditions where everything is calm and wrapped in warmth and everything is OK today.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/5vdGQ8r/P1250253-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/VVT0KNt/P1250240-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
50/50 chance generator (//https)
All I know is it's going to be 39 here today completely wrecking what has been a pleasant long weekend...
Rain on Wednesday, (so they reckon,...HA) If all goes to plan, maybe some lightning shots (fingers crossed)
Quote from: "caskur"
All I know is it's going to be 39 here today completely wrecking what has been a pleasant long weekend...
Rain on Wednesday, (so they reckon,...HA) If all goes to plan, maybe some lightning shots (fingers crossed)
What's the long weekend holiday?
Today is a public holiday. I don't know what its for unless I look it up. We get PLENTY of long weekends in Australia...
I've been waiting for the palm next door to flower... it's starting to open this morning. Too bad I didn't do a movie of it... Time lapse.
I'm too lazy in hot weather.
Rain coming our way... today 39, tomorrow 35....

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/K6knT71/P1250311-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/zFpnPPT/P1250349-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
This one blurred on me.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/Xj70X1V/P1250368-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/bQxjmG0/P1250351-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
Even blurred, very nice pictures caskur.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Even blurred, very nice pictures caskur.
The blurred one is good bc there were clouds over my head that didn't fit in my pcture that were the same colour....
We are known for our sunsets and about 18 months ago our news bragged about them and ever since they did that we've suffered a good 80-90 % less events to brag about. So anytime the mere hint of clouds sends us all out to see if we can get something.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Even blurred, very nice pictures caskur.
The blurred one is good bc there were clouds over my head that didn't fit in my pcture that were the same colour....
We are known for our sunsets and about 18 months ago our news bragged about them and ever since they did that we've suffered a good 80-90 % less events to brag about. So anytime the mere hint of clouds sends us all out to see if we can get something.
I love sunsets over water..
I live a very long way from a large body of water.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Even blurred, very nice pictures caskur.
The blurred one is good bc there were clouds over my head that didn't fit in my pcture that were the same colour....
We are known for our sunsets and about 18 months ago our news bragged about them and ever since they did that we've suffered a good 80-90 % less events to brag about. So anytime the mere hint of clouds sends us all out to see if we can get something.
I love sunsets over water..
I live a very long way from a large body of water.
I do to... from my files 2011... With my old camera. This one really shows water reflection.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Even blurred, very nice pictures caskur.
The blurred one is good bc there were clouds over my head that didn't fit in my pcture that were the same colour....
We are known for our sunsets and about 18 months ago our news bragged about them and ever since they did that we've suffered a good 80-90 % less events to brag about. So anytime the mere hint of clouds sends us all out to see if we can get something.
I love sunsets over water..
I live a very long way from a large body of water.
I do to... from my files 2011... With my old camera. This one really shows water reflection.
The song Almost Paradise by Mike Reno and Anne Wilson comes to mind..
That is beautiful caskur.
Last night was good.
Terrific shots caskur.
It doesn't get better than this. Seriously lovely with no wind.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/G05vVBH/P1250427-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
three sided dice roller (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/yfsXyLG/P1250458-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/3fSYLp8/P1250453-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/vkm4dM3/P1250483-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
That is great.
This is just amazing.... I think I'll go and see ours this morning.
Quote from: "caskur"
This is just amazing.... I think I'll go and see ours this morning.
Very colourful.
Autumn sunrises and sunsets are gorgeous.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Autumn sunrises and sunsets are gorgeous.
They sure are...
Anyway, we have weird humid conditions here... Driving was actually dangerous this morning. My window were fogging on the OUTSIDE... I had to use my wipers all the way home.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/3Bjf55n/P1250533-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
dungeons and dragons dice app (//https)

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/0qJ1MTg/P1250547-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
And first light before sunrise... Sooooooo calm and still absolutely sensational.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/t3zTgTT/P1250501-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
I'm glad I went. I nearly didn't.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/7G6wcWZ/P1250535-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
host pictures (//https)
Quote from: "caskur"
I'm glad I went. I nearly didn't.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/7G6wcWZ/P1250535-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
host pictures (//https)
Quote from: "Velvet"
Quote from: "caskur"
I'm glad I went. I nearly didn't.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/7G6wcWZ/P1250535-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
host pictures (//https)
Ha, thanks Velet but today we have a VASTLY different sunrise.. No sun today just wonderful, wonderful desparately welcomed drizzle. That dampebed all the dust down. I was hoping for a colourful sunrise though.

(//%3C/s%3Ehttps://i.ibb.co/R3cQbVG/1000016-a.jpg%3Ce%3E) (//https)
toss a coin online (//https)
Perth's autumn looks like our summer....minus the beaches.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Perth's autumn looks like our summer....minus the beaches.
It was lovely tonight and early this morning, got this but tonight I am going to bed early...g'nite
by a friend.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Perth's autumn looks like our summer....minus the beaches.
It was lovely tonight and early this morning, got this but tonight I am going to bed early...g'nite
by a friend.
No Black Shouldered Kite this morning but STUNNING atmosphere and lighting when the sun came up.
After the storm comes the calm..It's 4.00 mins long but relaxing I hope.
Quote from: "caskur"
After the storm comes the calm..It's 4.00 ,ins long but relaxing I hope.
Very relaxing.
From me
Fantastic pictures.
Awesome images! Wow, this thread started last year and I am only discovering it now. I've really missed a lot in this forum.
I'd love to see any pictures you have... especially weather pictures.
I have Canadian guy on my weather group...
he posted this a few weeks ago.
I posted these...
Quote from: "caskur"
I'd love to see any pictures you have... especially weather pictures.
I have Canadian guy on my weather group...
he posted this a few weeks ago.
I posted these...
The West coast.
Sadly, forest fires occur in Alberta, Canada.

Very recently, there was hail here that caused damages.


Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Sadly, forest fires occur in Alberta, Canada.

I have tree group.... I even have Iraqi on it.
This is a subject for that group. In Western Australia, we have what they term as "Controlled burns"... these days I am against them because we have too many of them.
Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Very recently, there was hail here that caused damages.


Hail is hell. Perth had a whooper of a hailstorm one time that made international news...otherwise where I live is the bottom of the earth...lol
Very good pictures.
thank you.
After waiting months and months, finally a week of thunderstorms with some rain.. I managed to get a bit of lightning and lots of rubbish shots.
Pretty clouds... we had a ripper storm or two or three.
Before sunrise.
Harder to get, day time lightning.
Beautiful pictures caskur.
It's been too long between events..
tonight some colour finally...
A very beautiful sky.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A very beautiful sky.
Thanks Fash... it was quite nice...
we did have a storm. It lasted a whole 2 minutes at my place... My backyard...It rained so hard I was driven inside after being soaked...lol
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A very beautiful sky.
Thanks Fash... it was quite nice...
we did have a storm. It lasted a whole 2 minutes at my place... My backyard...I rained so hard I was driven inside after being soaked...lol
What kind of ride does rain have?
Maserati or golf buggy? ac_dunno
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A very beautiful sky.
Thanks Fash... it was quite nice...
we did have a storm. It lasted a whole 2 minutes at my place... My backyard...I rained so hard I was driven inside after being soaked...lol
It's mid spring and parts of this province got snow last night.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A very beautiful sky.
Thanks Fash... it was quite nice...
we did have a storm. It lasted a whole 2 minutes at my place... My backyard...I rained so hard I was driven inside after being soaked...lol
It's mid spring and parts of this province got snow last night.
Must be that damn man made global climate change warming freezing monster...
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A very beautiful sky.
Thanks Fash... it was quite nice...
we did have a storm. It lasted a whole 2 minutes at my place... My backyard...I rained so hard I was driven inside after being soaked...lol
It's mid spring and parts of this province got snow last night.
Must be that damn man made global climate change warming freezing monster...
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A very beautiful sky.
Thanks Fash... it was quite nice...
we did have a storm. It lasted a whole 2 minutes at my place... My backyard...It rained so hard I was driven inside after being soaked...lol
What kind of ride does rain have?
Maserati or golf buggy? ac_dunno
IT RAINED SO HARD.... I made a huge typo so what else is new?
Stormy here still..
This was me being driven in by rain coming in on what looks like a 45 degree angle. Should I go to the beach right now... decisions, decisions!!!!
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A very beautiful sky.
Thanks Fash... it was quite nice...
we did have a storm. It lasted a whole 2 minutes at my place... My backyard...I rained so hard I was driven inside after being soaked...lol
It's mid spring and parts of this province got snow last night.
I think the seasons are a month out.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A very beautiful sky.
Thanks Fash... it was quite nice...
we did have a storm. It lasted a whole 2 minutes at my place... My backyard...I rained so hard I was driven inside after being soaked...lol
It's mid spring and parts of this province got snow last night.
I think the seasons are a month out.
It's mid spring here.
I have some beautiful pictures of an event. The event was a red sun from controlled burn offs the Pyromaniac Brigade are doing. It started off orange and then went red but the camera doesn't pick it up... the reflection on the ocean is picked up.
Bathers Beach Fremantle.
The Maritime Museum Fremantle.
Very beautiful caskur.
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=449354 time=1652035965 user_id=3254
Very beautiful caskur.
TY fash, in 2 days we are going to be hit by a storm.
I can't wait.
Quote from: caskur post_id=449475 time=1652083871 user_id=2156
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=449354 time=1652035965 user_id=3254
Very beautiful caskur.
TY fash, in 2 days we are going to be hit by a storm.
I can't wait.
You can't wait?
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=449488 time=1652092933 user_id=3254
Quote from: caskur post_id=449475 time=1652083871 user_id=2156
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=449354 time=1652035965 user_id=3254
Very beautiful caskur.
TY fash, in 2 days we are going to be hit by a storm.
I can't wait.
You can't wait?
we have had constant blue skies since December... nothing worse than a lack of rain....storms are invigorating. I love them.
Quote from: caskur post_id=449641 time=1652176847 user_id=2156
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=449488 time=1652092933 user_id=3254
Quote from: caskur post_id=449475 time=1652083871 user_id=2156
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=449354 time=1652035965 user_id=3254
Very beautiful caskur.
TY fash, in 2 days we are going to be hit by a storm.
I can't wait.
You can't wait?
Farmers will appreciate the rain too.
we have had constant blue skies since December... nothing worse than a lack of rain....storms are invigorating. I love them.
We've had so much rain in the Eastern states that it's almost impossible to mow the lawns. We need some a break. My vegetable garden is rotted and I even had to pull my special plants early because of mildew. The drizzle and wet is so bad that it's reminding me of Pommy Land. I can't stand relentless rain and I'm a horticulturalist. Fungus and rot everywhere. Ruined crops everywhere. Oh well...can't be worse than the flooding we recently copped.
Quote from: Bonkerfist post_id=449844 time=1652352188 user_id=3358
We've had so much rain in the Eastern states that it's almost impossible to mow the lawns. We need some a break. My vegetable garden is rotted and I even had to pull my special plants early because of mildew. The drizzle and wet is so bad that it's reminding me of Pommy Land. I can't stand relentless rain and I'm a horticulturalist. Fungus and rot everywhere. Ruined crops everywhere. Oh well...can't be worse than the flooding we recently copped.
That's the problem with semi tropical lands.......heavy rains.
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=449845 time=1652354890 user_id=3254
Quote from: Bonkerfist post_id=449844 time=1652352188 user_id=3358
We've had so much rain in the Eastern states that it's almost impossible to mow the lawns. We need some a break. My vegetable garden is rotted and I even had to pull my special plants early because of mildew. The drizzle and wet is so bad that it's reminding me of Pommy Land. I can't stand relentless rain and I'm a horticulturalist. Fungus and rot everywhere. Ruined crops everywhere. Oh well...can't be worse than the flooding we recently copped.
That's the problem with semi tropical lands.......heavy rains.
Yeah...we're warm temperate bordering on sub-tropical. Very good girl...I'm impressed! Anyhoo...it's not the best of times for particular crops here in Oz; at least my state.
The mozzies are thick and the leeches have been ridiculous. I replanted ten plants last week and came out with more leeches for my effort.
I had over ten varieties of rare South American Chili that didn't make it. I managed to get seed off 5 strains at least before the doom and gloom. The ducks are having a great time currently.
Parts of the states got their entire annual rainfall in three days. It's not good weather at the moment.
Giant earthworms are spotted rising from the floodwaters as torrential rain continues to lash Australia and wreak havoc on wildlife


Quote from: Thiel post_id=449931 time=1652407189 user_id=1688
Giant earthworms are spotted rising from the floodwaters as torrential rain continues to lash Australia and wreak havoc on wildlife


They are the size of snakes in Southern Alberta.
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=449935 time=1652407553 user_id=3254
Quote from: Thiel post_id=449931 time=1652407189 user_id=1688
Giant earthworms are spotted rising from the floodwaters as torrential rain continues to lash Australia and wreak havoc on wildlife


They are the size of snakes in Southern Alberta.
These worms look distinctively penile! :laugh3:
Quote from: Thiel post_id=449931 time=1652407189 user_id=1688
Giant earthworms are spotted rising from the floodwaters as torrential rain continues to lash Australia and wreak havoc on wildlife


That chick's grin says it all! Lol
We had a wee bit of fog this morning. It was pretty thick around the coast...


Quote from: Bonkerfist post_id=450091 time=1652528390 user_id=3358
We had a wee bit of fog this morning. It was pretty thick around the coast...


Is that Brisbane?
You said you live in Queensland.
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=450103 time=1652530569 user_id=3254
Quote from: Bonkerfist post_id=450091 time=1652528390 user_id=3358
We had a wee bit of fog this morning. It was pretty thick around the coast...


Is that Brisbane?
You said you live in Queensland.
That's the Sydney Harbour bridge covered in fog! Lol. I live further up north from Sydney. I couldn't even see the waves properly this morning.
It looked like the Sydney Harbour Bridge, but you said you lived in Queensland which made me think it was Brisbane.
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=450106 time=1652531626 user_id=3254
It looked like the Sydney Harbour Bridge, but you said you lived in Queensland which made me think it was Brisbane.
No...I've never lived in Queensland. I spent 13 years in Western Australia and now over 16 years in New South Wales. I would love to move to Queensland when I'm nearing retirement.
We had a lighning event last night.
Mark and I got photos...
Marks are brilliant but then again Mark has a Go Pro...
that is what I need too.. Does this link work?
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=449965 time=1652450536 user_id=3358
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=449935 time=1652407553 user_id=3254
They are the size of snakes in Southern Alberta.
These worms look distinctively penile! :laugh3:
Those earth worms look even larger than the so called giant earthworms of the PNW in western North America. It is amazing there is an ecological niche for such a large earth worm.
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=450109 time=1652531904 user_id=3358
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=450106 time=1652531626 user_id=3254
It looked like the Sydney Harbour Bridge, but you said you lived in Queensland which made me think it was Brisbane.
No...I've never lived in Queensland. I spent 13 years in Western Australia and now over 16 years in New South Wales. I would love to move to Queensland when I'm nearing retirement.
I have always heard that NSW or Tasmania were the nicest parts of Australia climate and geography wise but I can understand some people prefer warmer locations.
Quote from: Oerdin post_id=483741 time=1669196215 user_id=3374
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=450109 time=1652531904 user_id=3358
No...I've never lived in Queensland. I spent 13 years in Western Australia and now over 16 years in New South Wales. I would love to move to Queensland when I'm nearing retirement.
I have always heard that NSW or Tasmania were the nicest parts of Australia climate and geography wise but I can understand some people prefer warmer locations.
NSW is a warm temperate climate. The winter can get chilly down to -5'C, but the summers are balmy and it averages around 30'C, the hottest spells around 40'C at most.
Tasmania can get a tad frosty!
Tasmania would have a climate similar to Southern Vancouver Island I think.
Quote from: DKG post_id=483752 time=1669202232 user_id=3390
Tasmania would have a climate similar to Southern Vancouver Island I think.
I've never been there. They have a reputation for inbreeding, sheep-shagging and serial killing...
but they also have an insane wave called Ship Stern's Bluff:


Quote from: DKG post_id=483752 time=1669202232 user_id=3390
Tasmania would have a climate similar to Southern Vancouver Island I think.
I want the tey those freshwater lobsters they have there. While we are at it the giant saltwater crabs would also be taste.
The crabs.
The yabbies.
The first one is bigger than Alaskan king crabs.
My neighbour's dock and mine on a calm, foggy day.
I forgot we had this thread. You got some good videos of the Perth area.
Quote from: Herman post_id=493567 time=1675742850 user_id=3396
I forgot we had this thread. You got some good videos of the Perth area.
Thanks Herman
Quote from: Rancidmilko on January 22, 2025, 12:51:43 PM(https://i.postimg.cc/Pf3m1KJ5/IMG-20250121-183457.jpg)
Look at the sky in the first picture.
Quote from: Brent on January 22, 2025, 01:26:44 PMLook at the sky in the first picture.
Crazy beautiful and that's what caused that storm a bit later
Quote from: Rancidmilko on January 22, 2025, 02:53:44 PM(https://i.postimg.cc/QtjpJycH/IMG-20250121-183640.jpg)
Where is this?
Quote from: Thiel on January 22, 2025, 03:11:50 PMWhere is this?
That's where I live, Brazil
Same location, right now
Quote from: Rancidmilko on January 22, 2025, 03:33:07 PMThat's where I live, Brazil
Same location, right now
Jo Jo and I have discussed a trip to Rio. It is supposed to be a gay friendly destination. Jo Jo is always very concerned about his personal safety.
Quote from: Thiel on January 22, 2025, 03:40:59 PMJo Jo and I have discussed a trip to Rio. It is supposed to be a gay friendly destination. Jo Jo is always very concerned about his personal safety.
LOL just make sure you guys get a beachfront hotel, never go to the beach with valuable belongings and eat only delivery.
People are dying there because they made a wrong turn and entered a favela.