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Messages - Hell on Wheels

I have a new-found respect for Ice!

The guy seems successful enough doing what he's doing now!

I guess if someone paid me millions to dress up in Day-Glow, walk around saying 'yep-yep' and 'word to yo mutha,' I'd do it also!

Seems he invested his quick cash wisely (real estate, I believe?), and is living comfortably now!

He's like me, as he ages well also.
Quote from: "RW"My daughter stepped in shit and didn't notice then proceeded to get into the car and tucked her foot under herself on the seat.

Shit was lost that day and not the pile my daughter stepped in either.

Did you rub your daughters nose in the shit, just so she understands not to ever do that again?
Quote from: "RW"No one wants to be slobbered all over by a potato face while working out.

Stop it.  Just because I didn't angle the camera like a pro, and since any image I take to post on these sites usually happens after I've consumed about 12 brews, I think I can be cut some slack.
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 06, 2016, 02:37:35 AM
I want to live in the future now!  A modern man, with an oldschool twist!
The Guest Nest / Re: Jesus Christ!
July 06, 2016, 02:29:47 AM
Quote from: "JOE"Hey Mel! Honest Question: Have you ever hitched up with anyone on POF?

If so, what was your experience(s)? long have you belonged as a member on that site?

POF (as well as all other dating sites), is not a good way to meet women.  First off, Males on these sites outnumber females like 10-1.

So, fat females with a dozen kids still get their inboxes filled by men just looking for a stinky pussy to stick their dicks into.  This gives the female an ego boost, but never leads to long-term anything.  I'm sure half the men on these sites are married.

So, the fatties get an ego boost, due to this.  THIS is why a 3/10 fatty often won't even respond to a 7/10 male...  It's simply a matter of numbers, and married guys looking for some snatch.

I know what I look like, and what I have.  I know realistically well how I "stand" in the pecking order.  Only one chick ever replied to my profile, who I would deem as "acceptable" material.  Solid 7/10 or so.  Bitch started quizzing me like a police interrogation when we PM'd.  First off, we don't even know each other, and now you're interrogating me?  I told her to stuff it, and never heard from her again.

The vast majority of women on there, are just on there for the ego boost.  They quite often post pics that are 10+ years old, angle their pics to hide their fatness, and the odd few (my age at least), that don't have kids yet, WAN'T kids!  Their clock is ticking.

Many of the others?  They're just looking for Mr. Moneybags.

My advice?  Online dating seems to work better for females.  If you're a male?  I'd stay away, because unless you look like Brad Pitt and have a six-figure income, you will ONLY find a fat whale with half a dozen kids.
Quote from: "Blurt"Well, I have not fathered any children either, so I am also in a position to demand certain things.

I demand that you either go get yourself laid or get off the Whiny Train.

I try...

Where are all the fit women my age, without kids?  I know they exist, but they're as elusive as the fucking Sasquatch!  Have a camera handy if you see one, 'cause it'll be hard to prove many exist without proof!
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 06, 2016, 02:14:04 AM
Quote from: "Blurt"Suggestions for Mel's next handles:

- Rock Bottom

- Sour Kraut

- Vazek Tummy

- Cry 'n' Grumble

- Gunther Standthis

- Juan Percent

- Hag Hag Gag

- Naggy Pamby

- Felix Mortis

- Seymour Bawdles

- Hal Üsinaten

- Sturm und 'Stang

- Salton Pepper

- Mein Kampy

- POF 'n' Puffin

Oh, that Blurt!

I'll try to keep this current handle going for a while...  It'll be my "real" handle, for now.  That's why I liked Mikey's DV.  There was no registration!  People could be whom they wanted to be, at any given time.  The cranky hags didn't like that, though...
Quote from: "Renee"Honesty the racial make-up of the dick has little or no meaning to me.

Quote from: "Hell on Wheels"I'll take that long, drawn out reply to my question, without actually answering it, as a "yes."

It was answered but of course you won't read it because it leads to an accurate condemnation of what you are. You don't like that because it slams everything you try to avoid in life, right your red rummy, gin blossomed, face.

Your whiny psycho act is no longer a viable form of entertainment for anyone here.

So do us all a favor and fuck off.

BTW, you're not supposed to be here so I'm just going to fuck with you at my leisure until I get bored and there is nothing you can do about it. Don't like it.......go stuff a whiny complaint in the box. In other words you can moan and cry until your asshole caves in.......oops I forgot, it already did. :laugh3:
The Flea Trap / Re: Worst Medical Procedure
July 06, 2016, 01:55:49 AM
Quote from: "Annie"When I had my brain tumor removed.  At first the surgeon said they would have to go in by the top of my head, by cutting the top of my skull off. I freaked, had a panic attack, started crying.   The next morning he came to my bedside and said that he and another doctor were going to figure out another way. I worried for a few days until they said they would go through my nasal cavity while using a device that was measured and fit around my head.  They got it all after a week in hospital with meds to get the brain swelling down and then another week until I went home. it took over 3 months to recover.  Oh two days after surgery the nurse had me sitting up when a clear fluid started draining from my nose. It was my spinal fluid and I was not to be sitting up for at least a few days.  My tumor was called a Pituitary Adenoma and it was right in the middle of my brain behind my eye sockets.


Well, at least they didn't have to cut the top of your skull off!  Christ!

Did you, or your friends and family, notice any behavioural changes in you after they dug through your brain?