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Messages - fleamailman

repost from elsewhere, new, in defense of the forum

whereupon the goblin saluted those trolls who kept coming back form elsewhere, saying "...but why would you care to post to a forum that you don't wish to be part of, for surely that just means that the forum you claim to be so much better does not meet all your needs, whereas me, I am only upon those forums that I feel one can advance one's persona upon, so yes you can rant as much as you like about this forum not being as good as somewhere else then, but as long as you remain here, your evident contradiction becomes all too apparent and speaks far louder than any of your barbs might...", so the PO here, just like the rest of visiting trolls too, had simply painted himself into a corner by his remaining to rant, for who could have it both ways where no one was asking those who didn't like being here to remain here, smiling "...thanks for showing up in mass, yet your raid is falling apart don't you think..."">

("...back to editing then..." went the goblin)

repost from elsewhere, the "what are the benefits of writing" thread

"...well I suppose it's just passing the essence of one's existence through the focus of one's pen then..." replied the goblin suspecting that sounded slightly better than daydreaming away over a laptop in a bistro to a coffee, and then the music started where that solemn captain kirk unmistakable voice commenced "...imagination, that final frontier, to boldly daydream where no other goblin has ever daydreamed before...", the music together with his coffee propelled his now warped mind at warped speed, just the goblin's imminent escape opened up before him once more where the nigh impossible conquest of forumland was there too, smiling "..ah no, the futility of it is never an issue where one's escape is concerned, for all that ever matters is one's trying to escape still..."">

repost from elsewhere, conversing with an author who had writer's block

whereupon the goblin landed fresh form fending off yet another hoard of stomping mummies on his "last post" thread somewhere else, saying " of the most overlooked and simplest ways to overcome writer's block is to engage oneself in rapport with someone else, so share your stuff a bit more, mix the plot into the post, bring the plot to life in your posts and it will live for you as you to yourself, plus try out writing tricks and styles too in your posts, but remember one thing if you don't enjoy what you write, then something is probably wrong and back that writer's block will return, so look to your posts now, because if you yourself aren't looking at your post, then your readers certainly are, where if you narrate, illustrate and genuinely become more imaginative too, who knows what you'll posts you'll make with a mind that seems on fire for its ideas anew, from posts the practice, from practice the book then, good luck..."">

("...ah I remember that film I think..." went the goblin not really sure though, so his work day it was then, yet he still had time to slip in the odd post while waiting, the music was queen's "somebody to love" with memories of a different time drifting back in london with that competing rat race again and his not wanting to compete in it, a loser with the wish to be lose instead, sighing "...naah, my youth didn't let me be youthful long enough, I would have liked to innocent longer, I'm not angry but I won't go back neither, still a coward towards my past then...")


repost from elsewhere

"...perhaps one never sees one's final "self" until one's final moment then, all being like a "journey to self" till one reaches "self" by it, why, because each time you look back you say "yes, that was then but now I know myself better", or conversely you say "I'm no longer sure of myself anymore" meaning either way then you're ahead of your previous self as if only by that gained understanding therein, thus it's a progression of selves on a journey to death perhaps even if I prefer to call it one's "journey to self" instead." ventured the goblin in this his late reply and down with hey fever too, adding "...yes it's always been a journey to self like this, and wasn't that just one's reality all along, this living on yet dying still, so I agree one can't win outright against this by neither the lessons of the past, nor by the lessons of now, nor even by those of the future too, for in truth this life was ever  just this winning the unwinnable while one still could, where perhaps only the dead have won this game outright now, where the rest of us it's merely "dying on a reprieve of borrowed time while it lasts" yes but it's still "winning the unwinnable" in this moment for one is here still...", where no one had any more tomorrow than anyone else then">

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"I avoid images with dark messages, favoring lightness to darkness.
I like fleamailman.

" to be liked then..." smiled the goblin on his dayoff still, while the bistro at this point seemed alive with imposing womenfolk, their snappy dogs, and those toddlers playing in their corner, and where the communication between them was so constant enough as to have to goblin place headphones firmly over his ears in full escape mood, yes the music was just whatever could take him out of himself in what he was writing instead, perhaps he could write about politics again, asking himself " will trump trump the swamp or will the swamp swamp trump, who knows, and either way why is the witch still there in our midst, I mean why hasn't haiti issued an arrest warrant for her if less then 1% of what she collected on their behalf after the earthquake got to them now, thus the clinton foundation makes a laughing stock of the american judicial system, where both the CIA in its intransigence and the mainstream media in its acquiescence, tells you all you need to know about the stink of capital hill today..."">
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"I avoid images with dark messages, favoring lightness to darkness.

"...that's like pulling one's punches a bit, as if all that one writes was somehow sugar coated meant to please stuff, pass, I'll leave disney to corner that approach there, I'm more for leaving the reader guessing now..." mentioned the goblin suspecting that it was a matter of personal choice though, then restarting " I only have to get the post right to myself really, meaning that the reader comes along for the ride somewhat, not that I'll know what I'll write next really only that my benchmark is ever "me to myself" by it...", the morning was fast flooding in from the east, the goblin on his day off imagined that he would go to the bistro again, sighing " I not happily insignificant in dailylife here, yes a life of king log as it were mixed in with madame bovary perhaps not that I'm tempting fate to have it otherwise though, only that this old age holds little youthful adventure and thus I'm thrown back to my own devices such as being online each time, I read the posts with a passion yet I know that being online is all about conversing with people one doesn't know who aren't really there neither, no only words on my screen in front of me it is then...", "...naah, it's just all in your mind goblin..." voiced the slot in the growing light now">
repost from elsewhere, just sharing

the goblin sits in the bistro again, readying his brain for "take off" that is, "...ah, just a little more imagination and I will be out of here in my own world once more...", though meanwhile he just looks at the group of middle aged men chatting and drinking away next to him, dismissing them as somewhat old school,  "...ah now, there but for the grace of forumland goes me then..." he types into the slot observing them still, while the white wine remains ever their preferred medium of escape it seems, adding "...their choice I know, and perhaps it's the same escape we all seek too, our escape from dailylife, though tomorrow they'll just be back here once more, while I'll be editing this portrayal of them I guess, this is, of their drowning in their drinks only to be flung back onto some shore of sobriety afterwards in some senseless repetition, at the same altar again, that same ritual, with exactly the same result too...", not that this shore of sobriety was very forgiving for that matter, for what did it ever offer one instead now "...and besides, what does this life owe anyone anyway..."asked the goblin once more as he escaped away onto forumland in his turn">

Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"This fellow looks like Peyman Maadi. He first caught my eye in Camp X-Ray. He could have been in other films I've seen before but I only took notice of him in Camp X-Ray.

"...I didn't know that was what it was or who it was, no I only picked the picture because visually it matched the sentiment of the text there..." mentioned the goblin who often found out that the reader saw something quite different because they knew the background of the picture, adding "...yet most folks are unaware like me, so the picture works in its underlining...")

repost from elsewhere, an american "last post" thread(written years before trump came to power)

"..still making me think there..." said the goblin loving the reply, adding "...but what if there were a slippery slope here, where it simply starts off as something innocent and acceptable enough but then descends as something more sinister...", of course the goblin was now thinking about the swiss in their recent "no" vote to minarets, thus banning minarets from being built in switzerland, "...for example, an analogy then, what if some forum were to first throw out all its trolls, then to move to those who used bad language, from there to those who posted nudity in any form, on to the those whose opinions were too radical, etc., on until only the admin and his or her clones remained, in short what a "narrow minded" forum it would then become by it, albeit one that might well have reached those aims through a consensus of democratic means as in this case...", simply the goblin was thinking back now, to how correct and enticing those same type n*zi messages must have sounded to mr average during the pre war depression years to those who, when faced with the twin burdens of a hyper inflation on the one hand and political impotence on the other, wanted something to be done about it, so the goblin merely concluded "...lets pray then that this minaret vote here was just a "one off" then, or conversely let's start to worry about who might be next then on their list now..."">

Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"Once someone declared this to me, "let me speak plainly now..." only to find their message confusing. How can plainly speaking be confusing?

("...the difference between style and content perhaps, where the style has been dropped but where the content remains complex..." ventured the goblin guessing then but not knowing really, while outside the day seemed one of clearing clouds over wet cold ground, the goblin for his part on his day off would head to the bistro shortly, merely he was killing time till tomorrow then, asking "...what does one do on one's day off...")

repost from elsewhere, the lupusbot's forum, the last post thread

Quote Lupusbot is back! Pain is still hanging around but it needs to go away...perhaps if I quit over using it on this keyboard might help! I'm so glad you didn't forget this board. I'm bringing everyone back here from xxxxx website as they will start charging in July.. Now I'm last.. I won!

"...yes you won there too but do not win for my sake alone, just come whenever post whatever as I really wouldn't have it any other way now..." replied the goblin grateful to admin for her kindness towards him and her effort towards herself, adding " see, this thread is really only meant for winners, and what I mean by "winning" is just not giving up, nor or giving in, to one's dailylife there...", so the goblin knew that if he posted only to please queenlupus now, it would be so fake that he would just fail, no, so he too was on his journey to self here, saying "...elsewhere I am either a famous livewriter or just that notorious troll depending on who reads me I guess, yet here I am just your friend again, so win through now and I will be here whenever you post too, and here when you don't post even..."">

repost from elsewhere, the troll's forum

"...nah, a troll never has the initiative, always he has to cling to the shirttails of others here, so years pass and looking back he has nothing to show for it bar his trolling, becoming much like the donkey in pinocchio with only himself to blame..." mentioned the goblin well aware of the tally-benchmark of one's posts was something that would catch up with everyone eventually, adding "...thus I feed to read here humans, where your reading me means nothing, but at some point something snaps within you and then one stops trying to emulate the others around you for some bland acceptance by them, instead one thinks "no, I'm going to post for myself now", and then one's posts change, for one starts writing for oneself, yet how does one know when this has come about, because it's about then that the trolls start clinging to one's shirttails, that's how one knows..."">

Quote from: "Fashionista"Good morning fleamailman. ac_hithere

("...hithere then..." replied the goblin hoping that Fashinista didn't mind Wambo Allwrong first attempt at trolling there, suspecting too that he'd get the hang of it eventually, meanwhile though the rest of us would have to hide our embarrassment out of politeness, but then the goblin restarted turning to more important matters, asking simply "...what do you want for your time here, how does this forum serve you too, and how do you see your posting in the future..." whereupon the goblin turned back to his posts, yes he had so many that needed hewing still, somehow he understood that it was a defiance towards his dailylife in that his dailylife wanted him either to focus on the rat-race or to distract himself with pastimes, but the goblin knew the score, sighing " easy to lose sight of the real goal of figuring out the bigger picture, part of which is their agenda no doubt, and yet who hasn't an agenda now, only the question is can you figure it out before it occurs...", as his finger pressed the post button)

Quotewhat kind of a person keeps this up for so long?

"...someone who can make 100hits a post in the end..." replied the goblin, adding "...just someone who can do this repeatedly across many forumland too, where I'm just toying with them till they can match me now, why, because when they can match me is when I get something worth reading in return, no I had this type conversation with xxxxx yesterday, and xxxxx the day before that, that simply the point of this is not what results as in what gets written down, instead it's the practice of posting which counts, so choose wisely your next question, or you can join them others in missing that point there, simply I am sharpening my pen in the practice of posting here, where I only have three goals by it, a writer's way with words, an illustrator's eye, and an credible person, none of which will come about if I sit idly by or waste my time trolling like they do..."">
Quote from: "Wambo Rong"
Quote from: "fleamailman"(" question at a time then..." suggested the goblin thinking Wambo Rong had the right idea in posting, even it lacked coherence, but then added "...remember it's think it up, write it down, then hit the post button too, you can thank me later if you like once you've mastered the process then..." and with that the goblin posted another one now...")nice try fleabag but you don't even get half me. I don't flood with text. See Me
nice try fleabag but you don't even get half me. I don't flood with text. See Me

("...not trying, all this comes naturally to me now, though that's not your question I hope, so why did you ask a whole bunch of incoherence if none of what you asked before you care to repeat in order to get an answer now..." inquired the goblin with only Wambo Rong's welfare in mind here, adding "...remember, it's think it up, write it down, then hit the post button too, not too hard once you get the hang of it...")

repost from elsewhere

how strangely it seems now, that the goblin and the mommies went so far back together then, "...ah, those women and that realm of women's interests forums, one which is always so strange to anyone uninitiated, as I was at the time I remember..." ventured the goblin, adding "...but they're avid readers and a force in their own right on their boards...", outside now, those relentless wheels of passing cars just crushed the fallen water of the wet road in that unmistakable sound of light monotonous rain, and inside too, the bistro resembled the goblin's props of a "last post" thread, or whatever would equivocate to that in his dailylife to a "last post" thread that is, till the goblin just added "...a creature of habit I am too, though part of me always rebels against this course of least resistance that I always choose for myself within dailylife, for folks, I will never be that meat and two veg writer, that all this meat and two veg existence is about, no that's just not me here...", and it almost seems now that the mommies had somehow taught the goblin to rebel like this, for certainly a debt to them was heartfelt">

(" question at a time then..." suggested the goblin thinking Wambo Rong had the right idea in posting, even it lacked focus, any coherence, and intention too, good for a first attempt perhaps, but then goblin in his benevolence added "...remember it's not too hard to post intelligently if you keep at it, it's just think it up, write it down, and hit the post button too, no, you can thank me later if you like once you've mastered the process then..." and with that the goblin posted another one now)

repost from elsewhere, chatting with the christians on their forum again

QuoteANYHOW- back to angels. Open your bible- look at the description of "Angels". Please observe the following: 1)They are always male- their names clue you in to their sex. 2)Human females find them desirable as sex mates (the reason for the flood with Noah- how timely this topic would show up with the new movie coming out) 3)They are always sent by G-d on a very specific mission to accomplish. Might be something as simple as delivering a message ("For this day a Savior has been born in the City of David" the Angels sang) or violence (An Angel sent by the Lord G-d to kill Moses because he hadn't circumsized his boys- which his first wife got angry and threw the foreskin/liberal brains at Moses and said "You have made me a bloody wife")

"...quite so, god's angels are just as you state there, true enough..." mentioned the goblin thinking upon it now, then continuing "...but to me what I call "life's angels" are something day to day here, more simply they're those trials and tribulations that one wrestles throughout one's life, and how they seem legion don't they, with names like "death" "poverty" "pain" "rejection" "depression" "addiction" "old age" "loss" and "failure" together with so many others that escape my recollection here, yet without battling them we'd have no real humanity to speak of really, no way to find our own strengths and compassions per se, for our eyes would be as closed, and our understanding would be as warped too, as those pharisees who thinks that god can somehow be duped by reciting scriptures while following lookgood rituals alone, where instead it's proper to learn from those angels there, and where if a man doesn't subdue those angels then those angels are somehow wasted upon him in the confrontation, so I repeat myself in saying life's angels are not there to be nice they're there to help one shine in their reflection..."">
repost from elsewhere, the "what are things that you should be allowed to kill people for?

"...perhaps those who didn't believe that the end was coming deserve to die by that arrogance therein..." ventured the goblin reflecting upon the turn for the worse in the economic collapse today, with its growing unrest, coupled with the ongoing climatic change, and that spectre of war still, adding " other words those who think that things still are as they were then, those who simply look the other way each time, or distract themselves with petty games, or preoccupy themselves with the rat race instead, just those who blindly think that their government will somehow save them, or worse, those who try god to the hilt by becoming unquestioning sheep, yes those types for sure, for these are not the generous times of yesterday anymore, ah no, now more than ever one is on one's own to witness whatever comes next...", in fact, the goblin didn't know if he deserved to live neither but while he lived he would try to be worthy of that privilege perhaps">

repost from elsewhere

QuoteI don't know how to post in the way you are writing.

"...think of a victorian journal then, or one of those musical jam sessions, where you either join in the topic directly or contributes something you feel others would appreciate now, or even something you feel should be related anyway, where adding pictures, writing in third person, or anything else for that matter is just optional here..." mentioned the goblin again, continuing "...with me, it's three goals always, "a writer's way with words", "an illustrator's eye" and "an internet-self", so I just choose words, add pictures, and mold a persona of myself here, nothing to it really but very rewarding though...", at which point the goblin would then look at the text and wonder which picture it resembled now, something which if anything had actually grown harder, not easier, over these years now">