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Messages - Bonesaw2

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Bonesaw"I said Fashionista was useless in a flaming context, as in she would not be able to insult anyone, creatively or otherwise.

Obviously she's not useless as a human being.  In fact, she seems too nice for the internet.


On the forums?

I enjoy chatting and online socializing....some political talk too..

If you mean a flaming sub, I could stay off of it if you like..

Sometimes there's a discussion here that interests me.

Huh?  What?  No, no.  I think flaming is fun because everyone can enjoy it as either a participant or a spectator.  It's not as grandiose as something like MMA or professional wrestling, but you still get to see colorful characters (probably in spandex, truth be told) beating the snot out of one another.  And besides, you kind of run the site...

Don't listen to BEnzo.  He apparently thinks everyone who flames or trolls is a psychopath who'd be willing to slash their mother's tires for a bitcoin.  He also admitted to enjoying being peed on, so he's not one to question others' behavior.
I said Fashionista was useless in a flaming context, as in she would not be able to insult anyone, creatively or otherwise.

Obviously she's not useless as a human being.  In fact, she seems too nice for the internet.

Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "seoulbro"This sub has really changed this forum.

It has, but that is a positive thing..

Over the last few months I've started to understand flamers..

It's all entertainment......these insults are not personal..

I've chatted with some flamers privately, and they are very different people when they are not flaming..

I am never going to be a flamer, but they enjoy it and who am I to judge.

I am not convinced the barrage of insults is not personal. And frankly, I wonder about the mental state of some of these flamers. But, it is contained to this sub, so it does not disrupt discussions on the rest of the board. Carry on.

Oh, you'd be right on the money that flamers have ... issues.  Most of the ones I've met anyway.  I'm certainly not the picture of mental health.  As for taking the insults personally, there have only been a few occasions where forum flaming entered real life (workplaces called, pizza delivered, etc.).  

You know, on second thought, considering how few times things like this have happened in the past 20 years, maybe we're not as mental as all that.

Still pretty bad though.  What kind of a person does this shit for fun?
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Bonesaw"Apparently I, too, have been breaking the rules according to Rotwang himself in Exhibit A:">

.... unless I'm missing something.

Fat Danny can have the last word as far as I'm concerned.  I've already proven that he couldn't find his ass with both hands.

Leaving so soon?  ac_lmfao

Then why don't we migrate this shit over to FT and we won't have to worry about it?

Fuck it. I might do it anyways, and you can choose stay here and act like a fucking knob for all I care.

Nah.  You don't seem to realize that I already don't have to worry about it.  Save the mental effort and physical toll it takes on you to drum up another paragraph storm that I can almost guarantee nobody here or anywhere else is reading - mostly on account of it having nothing to do with anything anyone here cares about in the slightest.  For all these people know, you could be telling the truth (but you're not).  So "Do it anyways".  I won't be reading it.  You couldn't answer any of my left hooks to your oversized waltermelon head, so you probably thought more = more better, and I'm much too savvy at this game to be drawn into a long-winded quote war with a desperate Brawl Hall throwback.  Maybe in 2005, or even 2010, but I don't have the time nor the inclination to pile drive you through a burning table for every little excuse you leave behind you like so many rat droppings.

"It wasn't a Pokemon forum, it was a Yu-Gi-Oh forum! :001_rolleyes:   Here's a photo I took of some porn on Discord that proves nothing in particular - oops, better delete it before I get put in a box again!"

"A podcast says you have scripts that steal users' info, so it must be true."

"FLEA!!!!111 acc_angry  acc_angry  acc_angry "

"cun`T did it too! :t1929: "

Of course, none of your logic-failing has halted the flow of traffic between the two forums, because I figure if you're not here for anything else, you're here to try and get people back to Flame Truth or stop people here from participating in a much hated rival's festivities.  LOL!  Yeah, that ain't happening either, because seriously, who the fuck are you?  Who died and made you the usher of Flame Town?  Tell someone not to do something and they're much more likely to go and do it anyway.  I'd be willing to bet you've had at least one dream where you're choking Flea to death for putting your feels through a cheese grater.  Maybe she turned you down.  Don't know, don't wanna know.

I had all I needed to bury you on page 3, but you're like some kind of retarded zombie, screaming for brains like you hope to restock your supply simply through character count.  Unless you're just trying to impress me, which you haven't.  Brevity... wit... you get the idea.

Last question: why does your face in your famous photo look like the last thing a teen runaway sees before her body is discovered under a tree 6 weeks later?  Have you been in your cave so long that you don't know what a smile looks like, but you've heard about them on 8Chan?
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Bonesaw"Apparently I, too, have been breaking the rules according to Rotwang himself in Exhibit A:">

.... unless I'm missing something.

Fat Danny can have the last word as far as I'm concerned.  I've already proven that he couldn't find his ass with both hands.

Maybe we should have slightly different rules for a flaming sub.


Let me know if you do.
The Guest Nest / Re: Flametown's "content-a-thon"
August 09, 2019, 05:08:12 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "sasquatch"Ladies, Gents, or whatever made up gender/mental illness you self-identify as...We need to help a fellow old fart out for the good of the flame game and for the good of a certain poster.

As we all know, we know of a certain old geezer that has been using content from Mr. Pickles for some quite time now, and it appears the content for the mentally defunct old fuck appears to be drying up.

Now, unlike the other telethon where poofer tried to get a gigolo for two unfuckable fatties, this one won't cost anybody a single penny. All you gotta do is donate a little bit of content to keep some old bastard going for a little while longer. Now, there will be some who will say "fuck that useless bastard. i'm not giving him shit", but please look into your heart and give a little to the mentally disabled who can't create original content. even if it is just 1 word, every little bit helps the flaming needy.

Now, you still have some time. the actual content-a-thon doesn't start until sunday August 11th.So please take a look at your old dusty flames that you haven't used, and decide to give yourself some good karma and pass them down to the less fortunate.

Just 1 teeny tiny flame is all it takes to make a world of difference to the less fortunate.

August 11th, folks. mark it on your calenders!

What a colossal failure yUo are. Why don't yUo try something more yUOr competitive eating.

Apparently, "hooked on phonics" wasn't yours. ac_lmfao

So with material like this, I take it you won't be donating any quality flames in your new comp.

Even the flame-challenged would pass over your offerings.  Actually, they can do better.
What's with the unnecessarily stacked quotes?  Isn't there some way of turning it off or do people here prefer to see, in every subsequent post, what was said 30 pages ago?
Apparently I, too, have been breaking the rules according to Rotwang himself in Exhibit A:">

.... unless I'm missing something.

Fat Danny can have the last word as far as I'm concerned.  I've already proven that he couldn't find his ass with both hands.
Quote from: "sasquatch"said so[/u] (even though he has no access to the backend), and that I ran away from you because I dropped a thread.  By the way, if I had run from you, I wouldn't have resumed posting immediately after you were unceremoniously relieved of your duties as mod and, more importantly, representative of Flame Truth, the latter being the only problem I had with you... not your totes awesome flame skills, of which there are none.

You do see how these examples are not conclusive, don't you?  What am I saying?  Of course you fucking don't, because you have a head full of shit and it interferes with your thinky parts.

You admitted to having handles at Flea's forums under which you were too much of a stinking yellowback to post your true identity, using the forum for research purposes so you could go back to where you were safe to post screenshots and then flame them.  LOL

AND we know you posted on a Pokemon forum for raiding purposes, which suggests ie: that you have no issue flaming children, and that your raiding targets reflect how big of a coward you really are.  You can say I ran from you until you're blue in your fat fucking face, Porky Pig, but I never beat up grade school kids for their shiny Pikachus.  LOL again.

Then you came here and within 50 posts, were put in the corner with all the other spastics.  I'm all out of lulz, but between that and getting thrown out on your ass from modding FT for goderating, it's clear you have deep-seated impulsive behavioral issues and if you're not seeing a therapist already, you should really consider it.

Lastly, stop namedropping Flea, dunce.  I don't care what Flea did or didn't say, and I'm not here on her request; I'm here because you flamed me - and accused me of the hilarious crime of adding malware to two different forums, one of which I have no backend access to but was conspiratorially whispering inbox nothings to Joo so that we could steal all teh IPs.

"Bu-bu-but I have a 3-year-old screenshot!"  I was wrong.  I'm wasn't out of lulz.  Your screenshots are as full of shit as you are.

Frankly, none of your quote dissecting, rambling, trademark Fat Danny yawnfests makes a lick of sense, but you keep trying.  However, unlike most people, the more you try the less you learn and the stupider you look.  Try working on that between Pokemon Go and pie eating contests, limpdick.
The Guest Nest / Re: Flametown's "content-a-thon"
August 09, 2019, 01:49:29 AM
You think that because I dropped a thread where I'd already said everything I intended to, that you ran me off?  You didn't see me posting much prior to that either, did you?

What, is this 2005 Brawl Hall where dropping a thread means surrender?  And you wonder why people like those at BC have a dim view of flaming...

I actually found the thread quite amusing to be honest, and as evidenced by my self-deprecating posts, didn't take it at all seriously.  Sue me for not attending to your every little whimper at my heels.
I see a lot of false bravado, salty tears and word salad, but I don't see any proof that there's malware on any of Flea's sites or that I had anything to do with it if there were.

You can't prove it... can you?  The best you have is a podcast made by a TROLL and some screenshots you made in MSPaint.  Oh I know all about the character assassination attempts you've made on Flea/Erica and your humiliating bitter streak.  Word gets around, Danny boi.  No matter what you post or how many times you dissect one of my posts, you'll never get anyone to believe SG is a dangerous security risk.  The worst I've seen is some out-of-date scripts that are low risk at best. Hell, the people on this very forum come and go there as they please, without a single problem.

A real limp dick entry in your catalog of flame forum flops, but like Sisyphus, you doggedly continue to roll that huge boulder of stupid up a steep hill and watch helplessly as it gets away from you time and again.  Where did you first start banging on about malware anyway?  TRF?  Earlier than that?  Did you do it on CO too in some lame attempt to keep people from doing what you didn't want them to do, ie: registering at a site owned by someone who ruthlessly made fun of you?

Yeah, there's no way you could be lying.  Except that you are.  And I know the real reason you never joined PO or SG.  It starts with the color yellow at the top of your head and streeeeeaks all the way to your ass, you fucking coward.

Show of hands.  Who believes Flea's forum is haunted by spooky scripts, and furthermore, who gives a flying shit either way?  Do you really think that anyone would believe you over me without a hint of evidence that couldn't have been concocted by your pirated 2000's version of PhotoShop, Scatsquash?

You haven't convinced anyone to stay off her sites.

You haven't stopped me from using your mouth as an ash tray.

You haven't even gotten more than a few pity posts in your poorly-named "Content-a-thon".  Doesn't really roll of the tongue you understand.  Oh, and TWAP was a better promoter than you'll ever be and he's literally a thousand years old.

In fact, what HAVE you managed to do right lately?

It couldn't have been when you called the Pokemon forum thing a "lie", because we all saw you admit to going there for the purpose of flaming, defending your decision because adults posted there too.  Maybe I'll do you a solid and dig it up from FT where you curled into a fetal ball while Reaper (of all fucking knobs) kicked you around like a hacky sack until you bled crisco.

I liked the part where you claim to have run me off most of all.  Do it again.  Laughter is the best medicine they say.

PS: Good job having the staff tell you to behave in less than a hundred posts.  Reminds me of your false cries of CP at FT when you got shitcanned because you're a gun-jumping modern day Tardicus.  LOLZ
The Guest Nest / Re: Flametown's "content-a-thon"
August 09, 2019, 01:15:45 AM
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Bonesaw"
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I'm not a flamer either.


That's ok. neither is most of SG. As a matter of fact, the lucky recipient might actually be from there  :smiley_thumbs_up_yellow_ani:

And you're a flamer?  That's funny because all I ever see you do is make excuses and be forced to explain all the bad decisions you've made ad nauseam.

To what fucking reality can you point me that contains even the bare minimum of a flame coming from you?

Link 'em if you got 'em. ac_drinks

What's your excuse for being such a crybaby and running the hills if all I do is "excuses and be forced to explain all the bad decisions I've made"

Are you admitting you have ran from a "non-flamer"cockmaw?

No one is ever going to believe I ran from you.  I don't need to explain shit the way you do, nor would I try to explain shit that didn't happen.

Your "contest" idea is DOA by the way.  I saw you selling it at FT to a crowd of 2 where you got slapped around by cunt some and used the word 'implore' incorrectly while trying to sound intelligent.  Fail much, Baby Huey?

And this bollocks.

QuoteLadies, Gents, or whatever made up gender/mental illness you self-identify as

Can I cringe any harder?  At least not until your next offering.
The Guest Nest / Re: Flametown's "content-a-thon"
August 08, 2019, 11:44:13 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I'm not a flamer either.


That's ok. neither is most of SG. As a matter of fact, the lucky recipient might actually be from there  :smiley_thumbs_up_yellow_ani:

And you're a flamer?  That's funny because all I ever see you do is make excuses and be forced to explain all the bad decisions you've made ad nauseam.

To what fucking reality can you point me that contains even the bare minimum of a flame coming from you?

Link 'em if you got 'em. ac_drinks
Yo Danny.  How's it hanging, fat boy?  Did you really make the mistake of mentioning me twice in the past couple days?  Because I think you did.  Tsk.

Now, having seen my name, I know you're shitting your fucking pants and I don't blame you, because I'm going to ride you like the squealing pig that you are and lay bare all of your logical flaws and, as a bonus, this being my very first post and all, all the shady shit you've pulled that your new buddies might just not know about.  'Kay?

First of all, the joke that is the ooohh, scary malware troll.

Before anyone goes any further, I'll address Poofer's podcast.  The one rule I make sure everyone who gets into this game understands is to NEVER, EVER believe a word of what Poofer says.  The guy is here to entertain, and if lying is entertaining, that's what he'll do.  You know it.  I know it.  Poofer sure as shit knows it.  But what you don't seem to know is that you look like a twat when you point to a podcast as evidence that only ever guesses at something that could potentially be explored as maybe one outcome, ie: there was no malware so shut the fuck up about it.  I've never once seen a malware pop up under 3 different browsers running miles worth of code in apps.  And neither have you, because it never happened.  I'll tell you why.

Joo Dog never had access to the backend at PO.  But I did.

I never had access to the backend at SG.  But Joo did.

Now EITHER we go with your supposition and believe that two people on two different forums, one of which (that would be me) has no clue about hacks of the kind you're bandying accusations about, those two people having never communicated off the forums, in fact installed said hacks that siphon users' information.

OR.... and here's where it gets tricky, so pay attention you rabid fuckwit -


You're full of shit as usual.

See, if you're going to try and be a logic flamer, you're going to have to do much, much better investigative work than linking to a podcast, you stupid fat fuck.  I love rubbing your nose in all of the stupid horse shit you so readily blow out of that cheeseburger vacuum of yours.  And did you really think Poofer would go back to Mod a forum he JUST accused of farming people's info if he A.) cared about it or B.) actually believed it?  No, moron, he wouldn't.  Everyone caught on but you.

So that's done.  Now onto the other shit.

I'm not going to touch on the dildo grandson crap, because frankly, it's not within the rules here and I would hate to break said rules on my cherry popping debut in which I hand you your empty fucking skull on a platter and make you eat it.  That's just plain polite.

What I will remind people of are the photoshops you've created involving a poster's dead son in all kinds of raunchy situations.  

Or the time you raided a Pokemon forum knowing full well that little kids posted there.  Vulgar, sexual, disgusting posts in nature that, sure, we're used to seeing every day but something that MOMMY might not want junior reading.   "Mummy, why is Pikachu using Tackle on Bulbasaur's bum bum?"  In all the years I've posted, I never had to worry about someone saying "Bonesaw is a scumbag because he did _______", because I never went so far as to cross the line just to win some flamer brownie points or pats on the back from vermin like you.

You're a shitty poster.  Always have been, and you'll never improve.  You're not mean enough, you're definitely not smart enough, and you leave a slug trail behind you that anyone with 20 minutes and Google could follow.  The fact that your face looks like what would happen if you turned a porcupine inside out is just adding insult to injury.

I know you'll attempt some massive quote dissection dick flopping yadda yadda, but I couldn't care less.  You're done.  You mentioned the boogeyman, and sometimes that's all it takes.

To the rest of you: Hello!