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Biden announced a 10-year bilateral security agreement with Ukraine to help the country "defend itself now and to deter future aggression." The agreement also reaffirmed the Biden administration's stance that "Ukraine's future is in NATO," a position that experts believe is a red line for Moscow. In fact, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday the war could end if Ukraine renounces plans to join NATO.

This is British Columbia MP Laurel Collins. Her base salary is $167,000 per annum.  :crazy:
By any measurement, Canada is performing poorly under Trudeau. Falling Canadian living standards are the price we all pay for his ideologically driven recklessness.

Sweden's parliament has dumped its 100 per cent renewable target amid ongoing concerns about short-term energy security as it looks to join several European nations to build new nuclear plants.

The country's three operational nuclear power plants with six operational reactors generated around 30 per cent of Sweden's electricity production in 2022.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has forced Europe to turn its focus on energy security has it has tried to wean itself away from Russian gas exports. The EU has positioned itself as a leader in climate policy, targeting a 55 per cent cut in greenhouse gas emissions on 1990s levels by 2030 and net-zero by 2050.

Swedish Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson said the current circumstances had created conditions for nuclear power, despite a decision 40 years ago to phase out the technology.

"We need more electricity production, we need clean electricity and we need a stable energy system," she said.

Vattenfall, Sweden's state-owned utility, plans to build at least two small modular reactors and extend the lifetime of the country's existing nuclear reactors.

The country has among the largest uranium reserves in Europe but has banned uranium mining since 2018. Today its uranium is imported from Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan. The government will also attempt to overturn a ban and several legislative hurdles over where it can build new plants.

The International Energy Agency has consistently warned a steep decline in nuclear energy capacity would threaten climate goals and power supply security unless advanced economies found a way to extend the lifespan of their reactors

Environmental campaigners, including Greens MPs, have criticised the recent changes to Sweden's energy policy, saying it clashes with the country's previous identity as a climate leader.

The Swedish government has promised generous loan guarantees because it believes new reactors are essential to power the shift towards net-zero emissions.

Throughout Europe, there has been a pause on the rush to unreliable wind and solar. Sweden is blessed with an abundance of hydroelectric capabilities. Nuclear can safely and reliably supply the remainder of the nation's electricity needs whereas wind and solar cannot.
During breaks from his deployments in the Afghanistan war, Craig turned to smoking cannabis to alleviate stress, just as he had done as a teenager. However, one evening, things took a turn when he barricaded himself and his two young daughters in the master bedroom.

"He thought the house was surrounded by terrorists," Jennifer Thomas, the girls' mother, recounted while speaking to The Epoch Times. "That night was bad; he said they were under attack. The other times before that were mostly him seeing auras and aliens talking."

Military police took Craig to a psychiatric hospital, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 26.

he Cannabis–Psychosis Link
New UK research shows adults who consumed high-potency cannabis between ages 16 and 18 are twice as likely to experience psychotic episodes like hallucinations and delusions by their mid-20s compared to those using low-potency strains or abstaining. The longitudinal study, published in Addiction, highlights cannabis' risks to adolescent brain development.
"Young people using higher-potency forms of cannabis are twice as likely to have experiences associated with psychosis, such as hallucinations and delusions," lead author Lindsey Hines, a professor from the University of Bath Department of Psychology with a doctorate in epidemiological psychiatry, stated in a press release.

Over the past several decades, illicit marijuana products have become significantly more potent. The concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)—the psychoactive compound in cannabis responsible for the "high" sensation and one linked to psychotic experiences in some people—increased from around 10 percent in 2009 to roughly 14 percent by 2019, according to a scientific review published in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.

"This is the problem," Yasmin Hurd, director of the Addiction Institute at Mount Sinai in New York, told The Epoch Times. "Many people don't realize that the cannabis that is consumed today—the majority or all of it—is high-potency."

Food for thought. But, not edibles.
It might seem even strang to see Justice Samuel Alito splashed across the top of Politico's Playbook and the New York Times morning newsletters for the high crime and misdemeanor of flying a nerdy Revolutionary War flag.

But it is part of a deliberate strategy to try to try to combat virtually the only check remaining on the Democrat Party's political power. While Congress and the White House cannot outright remove judges, they can bring real pressure to bear, cast national doubt on rulings, and reform the court even to the point of expanding it.

The reason for all this is the Supreme Court sometimes says no to things Democrats want. Already this year, the court has batted down Trump v. Anderson, in which a state official tried to block Republican candidate Donald Trump from the Colorado ballot for treason. They are currently considering two other cases that could decide what immunities a president has from prosecution for official duties and whether a law designed to prosecute Enron executives can be used to put Jan. 6 rioters and trespassers in prison for years.

"Democrats' Supreme Court Strategy is fourfold," a senior Republican Senate aide told Blaze News: "First, incentivize justices to defect and change their rulings. Second, delegitimize the Court's outputs. Third, provide political cover for aggressive ethics reforms that are stalking horses for bureaucratic controls to kneecap the Republican majority, such as mandatory recusals on the basis of unevenly applied ethical standards. And fourth, create the political conditions necessary for court-packing."

We've watched modern Supreme Court intimidation for years now. President Barack Obama famously broke decorum at the State of the Union, scolding justices to their faces during his 2010 State of the Union. But now it's different.

Democrats are attacking the USSC because it is the only branch of government they cannot control. The independence of the top court was not a problem until they made some decisons the Democrat mafia did not like. Now it's war on the jusicial branch.
The Biden administration's $5 billion rural aid package includes many of the same restrictions that have sent prices soaring and led to shortages throughout the continent. We can't let it happen here.

Throughout history, when food production is radically changed or when agriculture is disrupted, the results are catastrophic.

Europe has been doing this ever since the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015. The United States would be exactly where Europe is now, but Donald Trump disrupted the entire shift. Today, European farmers are so fed up that they are spraying government buildings with manure in protest.

Have you heard about any of these protests in any real detail on the news? Remember the yellow vest protests? The coverage was everywhere, and it was 24/7. Why such sporadic reporting in comparison on these farmer convoys and protests?

No one is asking the farmers why they're leaving their fields to protest in the city. It gets minor mention, or you see articles like this from the Guardian, which, in the writer's "expert" opinion, claims the farmers are "being exploited by the far right."

It surely isn't about Europe's crazy Agenda 2030 plan. It isn't about diesel prices blowing through the roof or fertilizer becoming more expensive and less available. Or how about the fact that government regulators are more concerned with globalist climate goals than the economic wellbeing of the people they claim to represent? That's what happens when you are governed by unelected bureaucrats beholden only to the globalist elites.

Less land, less food
The European Commission published its plan to completely upend food production. It's masked in words like, "to increase the resilience of agriculture and forestry against climate change." It points out that agriculture accounts for 10% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. The next line lays out its plan for a quasi-nationalization of every industry and means of production in Europe.

It says farming emissions come behind energy, transportation, residential, commercial, and finally, agricultural industries. It wants direct government interference in basically every industry until there's no private industry left. This is 21st-century fascism, and it has nothing to do with climate. This is a power play. It's about seizing control.

But the problem for these neofascists is that farmers are not the type to let anyone push them around. That's why we're seeing farmers protesting all over Europe right now.

The EU's agriculture climate document discusses cracking down on two major "greenhouse gasses": methane and nitrous oxide.

Methane emissions come mainly from livestock. Cutting those emissions could entail anything from culling herds to mandating different kinds of feed. This alone radically alters how much food is available, and it incurs new expenses atop already sky-high operating costs.

Nitrous oxide is a major component of fertilizer. We all know where this leads: a full-on ban. Two years ago, a ban on nitrous oxide led to the absolute collapse of food production in Sri Lanka. One rice farmer told Reuters: "Last year, we got 60 bags from these two acres. But this time it was just 10."

The European Commission's plan for farmers includes "Green Direct Payments." These are effectively bribes for anyone who bends the knee. To get these bribes, farmers and ranchers must "maintain permanent grassland" — in other words, farm less land. That means less food.

They must also "undertake crop diversification." This is the European government telling farmers what to plant. How on earth did farmers survive thousands of years without "experts" in their government telling them how to do their job?

Finally, they must "dedicate 5% of arable land to ecological focus areas." This also means fewer crops and less food.

Keep in mind, in Europe, these are not suggestions. This document describes the "monitoring process" that will be employed, and how it is all backed up on a "legal basis."

If the media bothered to ask the farmers in Europe what they're protesting about, here is what they would tell them: These restrictions not only entail less food for the people but also the inability of farmers and ranchers to make a living for their own families.

Biden wreaks havoc
This has nothing to do with the climate. It's about forcing the agriculture sector into a partnership with the government. This used to be called fascism, but now it's just called Build Back Better, the Great Reset, or whatever else they plan to rebrand and rename it in the future.

But this is not just happening in Europe. It's just further along than we are. Joe Biden has stated that farmers under his administration are "thriving," but if you talk to any of them, they will tell a much different story.

One Kansas wheat farmer told Fox News that he and his family are in "survival mode." He cited the volatile market, out-of-control diesel costs, and the rising price of fertilizer as the main contributors to their financial woes. Sound familiar?

They want farmers in a no-win situation where partnership with the government is the only option left. Just like the EU, Joe Biden announced a bribe method to reel in farmers and ranchers.

Biden in November announced a $5 billion package for rural communities. It includes many of the same regulations pushed by the European Commission. All that's missing is the compliance checks and legal framework for punishment, but how long before that gets added?

Donald Trump halted our disastrous trajectory that Europe has already embarked on, but how long until Europe's war on food is adapted and implemented by our own government? Do you want a government that can tell farmers what to grow and what not to grow? Do you want to be ruled by unelected bureaucrats who are more concerned with climate goals than whether the American people have enough food?
Most technology that would be knocked offline by an EMP is supplied by China
The effects of an electromagnetic pulse are far worse than most Americans can imagine, a leading space policy expert has warned.

With foreign adversaries like Russia and China officially classifying the EMPs outside of the purview of nuclear arms treaties, the infrastructure-shattering weapons could be used against Western nations with little to no direct casualties.

Space policy expert and former Trump administration advisor Greg Autry told Blaze News that EMP technology and its effects have been known for over 50 years.

"EMP is an electronic, magnetic pulse weapon and it's usually initiated with a large nuclear blast, typically at high altitude outside the atmosphere in space," Autry explained. "You basically detonate a nuclear bomb, it ionizes or charges atoms in the atmosphere and it creates a large electrical field on the ground that can basically destroy all the electronics in a city or a wider area."

"We know this works because the Russians and the United States both actually detonated a lot of nuclear weapons in space in the early 1960s, particularly during the Cuban Missile Crisis to kind of show each other we could."

The disturbing history of the EMPs included testing the nuclear arms off the southwest coast of Hawaii. This caused measurable effects in Honolulu such as auroras in the sky and the disabling of portions of the electric grid and radio systems in the city.

The real worry for a modern society is our vast reliance on electronics, Autry warned.

"If somebody did one of these today, your phone would be a brick. Anybody with a pacemaker would drop dead, instantly. Every piece of your electronics... your laptop computer, your internet router, would be gone, and most of the relays in our power grid would be gone so there would be no power."

What makes the threat even more dire is the likely inability to replace some of the serviceable parts that would be destroyed during such an attack.

"Guess what?" Autry asked rhetorically. "The people most likely to have sent that EMP to us are the Chinese, and they're not sending you any more iPhones or letting anybody ship them. Guess what? They make all of our electrical transformers, or if they don't, they make the steel that's required to make the electrical transformers. There's only one U.S. company left that can make that steel," Autry continued.

Electrical vehicles could be turned into "fireballs" the space expert noted, while "every internal combustion car on the road is going to be dead because they're all run by computers and electronic ignition system."

"We are instantly transported into the Stone Age," Autry described before laughing that in his book "Red Moon Rising," he joked that "Gen Z is gonna learn how to make a fire and sharpen spears" without the help of a YouTuber.

"It's going to be a really bad day."

Classification workaround and preparation
"The thing that scares me more," Autry piled on, was the way America's enemies have avoided classifying EMPs in the same category as nukes.

"Both Russia and China have classified these weapons not as strategic nuclear weapons but as cyber weapons, and they've made it clear that they consider the use of them not to impinge upon any obligations they may have made, or any treaties involving nuclear weapons. They can just use these things as cyber tools."

Autry revealed that he sees previous cyber attacks from the aforementioned nations as possible acts of war, but he prefers to focus on solutions rather than pontificate about past occurrences.

The policy expert said that the "Space Force is not unaware" of the possibilities of an attack and that the government agency's job is to "develop defensive systems against such an attack" that would defend assets on the ground.

"We could do a lot better at the state level, and the federal law could help mandate that our critical infrastructure be protected from EMPs. It's not actually super hard to do. You need to put these things inside what we call a faraday cage, which is a metal box or or even a mesh box."

Faraday boxes exist commercially, and while somewhat pricy for larger units, companies like Defender Shield and SLNT have popped up to sell products for a few hundred dollars. Phone sleeves, laptop carriers, backpacks, and duffle bags that block magnetic waves and RFID signals are suggested for the average consumer.

Another concern of Autry's was the United States being dragged into a conflict by another nation using an EMP. Providing examples like Russia against Ukraine or China against Taiwan, Autry said the countries could act as if it wasn't a real attack on the population because there would be limited casualties.

One thing he was certain of is that both the state and the individual could stand to be a lot more prepared.

My knowledge of EMP is limited. I do know China is the global leader in this type of warfare. I have read from multiple sources is this how they would force Taiwan to surrender.
On April 20 & 21 of 2024, beginning each day at approximately 1:00 AM CDT and lasting for approximately 4 hours.
News & Current Events / Trudeau's latest budget
April 17, 2024, 04:04:44 PM
It keeps the deficit capped at $40 billion, but introduces new taxes that largely offset billions in new spending. Here is what the economists say about changes to the capital gains tax.

Canada's federal budget 2024 means high-worth individuals, corporations and trusts will pay more in capital gains taxes , which some economists say will be another blow to Canada's already dismal productivity .

"Canada's productivity is in crisis and the best way to get it back up is to attract new investments," said Renaud Brossard, vice-president of communications at the Montreal Economic Institute in a statement after the budget. "And few are those who have been able to lure investments and job creators with promises of higher taxes.
"With this budget, the Trudeau government is shooting us in the foot."

The inclusion rate increases to 66 per cent, up from 50 per cent, on capital gains above $250,000 for individuals and on all capital gains for corporations and trusts. The change is expected to yield an additional $19.4 billion over four years.

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce said not only did the tax changes add to businesses' burden, the budget also lacked a clear plan to promote productivity and economic growth.

"We oppose any measure which will increase the costs for businesses and Canadians when both are currently experiencing challenging economic headwinds," said Jessica Brandon-Jepp, senior director of the Chamber's fiscal and financial services policy.

"Throttling the success of Canadian businesses with new taxes will limit opportunities and employment for Canadians, putting economic growth and productivity even further out of reach," she said.

Canada is in the midst of a "prolonged slump" in capital spending and in that environment the capital gains tax changes are "at best unhelpful in promoting capital investment that Canada desperately needs," said economists at Toronto Dominion Bank.

"Consider the decision of an entrepreneur deciding where to locate their start-up," said the team led by chief economist Beata Caranci.

"We oppose any measure which will increase the costs for businesses and Canadians when both are currently experiencing challenging economic headwinds," said Jessica Brandon-Jepp, senior director of the Chamber's fiscal and financial services policy.

"Throttling the success of Canadian businesses with new taxes will limit opportunities and employment for Canadians, putting economic growth and productivity even further out of reach," she said.

Canada is in the midst of a "prolonged slump" in capital spending and in that environment the capital gains tax changes are "at best unhelpful in promoting capital investment that Canada desperately needs," said economists at Toronto Dominion Bank.

"Consider the decision of an entrepreneur deciding where to locate their start-up," said the team led by chief economist Beata Caranci.

Canada is facing a productivity crisis. This budget only exacerbates the problem.

The Bank of Canada is warning that waning productivity growth in the country is an "emergency" that can force higher interest rates and limit rising wages for Canadians.

Senior deputy governor Carolyn Rogers gave a speech in Halifax on Tuesday in which she sounded the alarm on Canada's lagging productivity rates.

Rogers argued that productivity is a way to "inoculate the economy against inflation," while sustaining "faster growth, more jobs and higher wages." An economy with strong inflation also does not need to rely as much on interest rates when price pressures start to get out of hand, she said.

But Canadian productivity rates have fallen in six consecutive quarters despite signs of an uptick at the end of 2023, Rogers said, citing Statistics Canada data.
"You've seen those signs that say, 'In emergency, break glass.' Well, it's time to break the glass," she told the crowd.

Productivity can be measured in a few ways, but in general it's the level of economic output per hour worked. Improving productivity doesn't necessarily mean Canadians working harder, but rather equipping them with the tools they need to accomplish more in the same amount of time, Rogers said.

One of the main issues dragging down Canadian productivity rates is a lack of business investment. Canadian businesses routinely lag their global counterparts when it comes to investment in machinery, equipment and intellectual property, she noted.

Rogers pointed to a lack of competition across Canada's industries as not driving companies to invest.

Businesses also need more certainty in the Canadian policy environment to be able to invest confidently in their operations, Rogers added. Canada is also "too often" failing to make proper use of skilled newcomers joining the labour pool, she said, which has major implications for productivity rates.

"And too often these people wind up stuck in low-wage, low-productivity jobs. Doing better at matching jobs and workers is crucial to the future of Canada's economy," she said.

The Bank of Canada is set to make its next interest rate decision on April 10. Annual inflation has cooled to 2.8 per cent, according to the latest report but the central bank has said it wants confidence that inflation will cool all the way back to its two per cent target before it eases the policy rate from its current elevated levels.

I have been warning about this for years. The problem has been exacerbated in the last ten years by Trudeau's anti investment policies.

We either change this or we accept reduced and continuously declining living standards.

Punjabi music is taking the world by storm and its new sound is based in Canada

Over the past few years, a new generation of Punjabi performers has emerged from Canada with a unique fusion of cross-cultural influences that could've only come from this country.

The Punjabi wave, as some call it, is a blend of the Indo-Aryan language with elements of global hip-hop, R&B and trap music. In Canada, its popularity is led by an array of names including AP Dhillon, Karan Aujla, Gurinder Gill and producer Ikky.

These artists, helped by a tight-knit community of music professionals, have scaled India and Canada's charts, launched major tours and left some in the industry wondering if Punjabi music is on the cusp of its breakout moment akin to what "Gangnam Style" and "Despacito" did for Korean and Spanish-language pop music.

This weekend, two rising stars of the Punjabi-Canadian music scene head to Halifax for the Juno Awards, where they vie for the fan choice prize alongside pop's biggest names, including the Weeknd and Tate McRae.

Karan Aujla, whose track "Softly" certified the British Columbia-raised singer as a hitmaker last year, will compete with rapper Shubh, a Brampton, Ont.-based artist known for his streaming hits "One Love" and "Cheques." The fan choice award is handed out at the end of Sunday's CBC Junos broadcast.

This is a pivotal moment for the Punjabi genre, which has never been represented in the marquee Junos category, which aims to capture the zeitgeist. Aujla holds a second Juno nod for breakthrough artist this year.

All of this comes as the genre's profile continues to rise in Canada.

Outside the country, the Punjabi music industry has taken notice. Next month, India-based performer Diljit Dosanjh launches an arena and stadium tour that rolls through five Canadian cities, starting in Vancouver and ending in Toronto.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg," said Toronto rapper AR Paisley, who appears on "Drippy."

"With what's happening, we're going to see a lot of young and talented artists on the come up."
Joe Biden's brother James testified that he sent Joe a $40,000 check with funds originating from Chinese conglomerate CEFC.

James Biden testified in February for the House GOP's impeachment inquiry into President Biden and admitted the $40,000 check he and his wife Sara wrote his brother in September 2017 used money that came from CEFC, according to a transcript released by the Oversight and Judiciary Committees.

The string of transactions resulting in the $40,000 check began in August 2017 when Hunter Biden's Owasco account received a $400,000 payment from Hudson West III, a joint venture CEFC launched with Hunter and James Biden at the time, bank records show. Hudson West III began in August 2017 with a $5 million cash infusion from a Chinese firm and the Bidens agreed to make $165,000 per month combined from the venture.

A memo written by IRS investigators in 2022 summarizing an interview with James Biden indicates Hunter Biden touted CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming as a "protege" of Chinese Communist Party Ruler Xi Jinping.
South Korea currently has the world's lowest fertility rate, with women having less than one child on average.

The drop in South Korea's fertility rate over the past few years results from the "4B Movement," with the B's representing the Korean words bihon, bichulsan, biyeonae, and bisekseu for marriage, childbirth, dating, and sex respectively.

The 4B Movement: South Korean Women Rejecting Traditional Expectations

In 2019, the 4B Movement emerged in South Korea, it's been getting a lot of notice on TikTok, gaining more traction and sparking debate.

This movement's central tenets challenge deeply ingrained societal norms, advocating that women should reject the following:

Bihon: Heterosexual marriage
Bichulsan: Childbirth
Biyeonae: Dating men
Bisekseu: Heterosexual relationships
Unraveling the Roots of the 4B Movement

The 4B Movement stems from a complex mix of social, economic, and cultural factors that have created a climate of deep-seated discontent and also rage among many young South Korean women, including:

Persistent Patriarchy & Misogyny: Despite South Korea's position as a developed, modernized nation, patriarchal structures are deeply embedded in its society. Women often face discrimination in the workplace, are pressured to conform to unrealistic beauty standards (Korea is the #1 country for plastic surgery procedures), and carry a disproportionate burden of domestic labor and childcare.
Economic Hardships and Disillusionment: South Korea's hyper-competitive economy and the skyrocketing cost of living have made it increasingly difficult to form families and raise children. Many young women feel disillusioned with the lack of opportunities and the expectation that their primary role should be as wives and mothers.
The #MeToo Reckoning: The global #MeToo movement had a significant impact on South Korea, exposing widespread sexual harassment and violent assault with little reprehension or justice by authorities. This ignited a broader critique of gender inequality and inspired women to demand greater autonomy and bodily agency.
Online Feminist Communities: Social media has empowered feminist movements in South Korea. These platforms raise awareness, help share personal experiences, and organize around common causes. The 4B movement has found fertile ground in these spaces with people around the globe.
The Evolution of South Korean Feminism

The 4B movement can be understood as part of a broader trajectory within South Korean feminism.

Previous feminist movements, like the Escape the Corset movement, focused primarily on challenging unrealistic beauty standards and the objectification of women.

The 4B movement expands on this, taking a more radical stance against the entire institution of heterosexual marriage and the traditional family structure within South Korean society.

Criticisms and Concerns

The 4B movement is not without its critics of course, with detractors arguing that it:

Is Too Extreme: Some argue that the movement's total rejection of heterosexual relationships and reproduction is too extreme and unrealistic.

Contributes to Low Fertility Rates: There are concerns that the 4B philosophy could further contribute to South Korea's alarmingly low birth rate, posing demographic challenges for the country.

Oversimplifies Complex Issues: Others find its stance overly simplistic, ignoring the diversity of women's experiences and the potential for positive partnerships with men.

Implications of the 4B Movement
There are valid concerns related to the plummeting birth and fertility rates namely the drastically changing demographic makeup of the country.

As South Korea's population ages, there is no younger generation to balance the population demographics.

This trend is what led to the projection that over half of Korea's population will be over the age of 65 by 2065.

This has serious implications related to Korea's economic and military capacity.

Other countries have echoed South Korea's "birth strike" – making it a transnational feminist movement.

Women in China have started their own "four nos" movement, causing the population to start shrinking, and Japan is also experiencing a drastically lowered birth rate because of women's reluctance to marry and have children.

Korea, like Japan and Taiwan will be a nation of old people in the not too distant future. Singpaore has immigration to maintain a working age population, but other Asian nations are reluctant to change demographics.
The Guest Nest / File this under C for crazy
February 19, 2024, 10:48:30 AM
A British government health agency declared that drug-induced milk from "trans-women" – which would be biological males – is just as healthy for babies as breast milk from a female mother, according to a leaked letter.

AHarvard professor published a study that found no evidence of racial bias in police shootings – then "all hell broke loose," and he needed police protection.

In 2016, Harvard Economics Professor Roland Fryer published a study to explore racial differences in the use of force by police.

The study examined racial differences in non-lethal uses of force, such as "putting hands on civilians (which includes slapping or grabbing) or pushing individuals into a wall or onto the ground." The study found that Hispanics are more than 50% more likely to have an interaction with police that involves any use of force than whites.

The study found that blacks are 21% more likely than whites to be involved in an interaction with police in which at least a weapon is drawn.

However, when it came to police-involved shootings, minorities were found to be less likely to be shot at by an officer.

The research revealed that blacks are 23.5% less likely to be shot at by police than whites. Meanwhile, Hispanics were 8.5% less likely to be shot at by police compared to whites.

The paper stated, "Partitioning the data in myriad ways, we find no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings. Investigating the intensive margin – the timing of shootings or how many bullets were discharged in the endeavor – there are no detectable racial differences."

During a recent interview, Fryer revealed that there was tremendous outrage over the findings of the study – to the point he needed police protection for his family.

Fryer – who became the youngest tenured black professor at Harvard at age 30 – noted that the researchers in the study collected millions of observations on non-fatal use of force and thousands of observations on lethal use of force.

Despite the vast research, some people were furious over the findings.

"I realized, people lose their minds when they don't like the result," Fryer said during a sit-down conversation with journalist Bari Weiss.

He hired eight fresh researchers to ensure the results were correct, and the results remained the same.

"All hell broke loose" immediately after the 104-page economics paper with a 150-page appendix was published, according to Fryer.

Within four minutes of publishing the paper, Fryer received an email that read: "You're full of s**t."

He explained, "I had colleagues take me to the side and say, 'Don't publish this. You'll ruin your career.'"

The hostilities toward Fryer were so intense that he required police protection for about a month, including his then-7-day-old daughter.

"I was going to the grocery store to get diapers with the armed guard. It was crazy. It was really, truly crazy," Fryer said during a recent episode of "Honestly with Bari Weiss."

Fryer is the author of more than 50 papers.

The Free Press said of the professor, "At 34, he won a MacArthur Genius Fellowship, followed by a John Bates Clark Medal, which is given to an economist in America under 40 who is judged to have made the most significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge."

In our society, there are consequences for exposing the truth.

As production of cattle has plummeted to its lowest levels in decades, a rancher is warning that Americans are "going to pay the price" for the beef supply hitting a crisis point.

"This is a bad situation for America's cattle farmers and America because we're producing 1 billion pounds less beef than we were in this country, just a year ago," John Boyd, Jr. – president of the National Black Farmers Association – said during a Thursday interview on "Fox & Friends First."

Boyd has been farming and producing beef for 41 years, and he stressed, "I'm telling you, this is a time when we should be investing in America's cattle, and we're not doing it."

"We're not investing in America's beef and cattle farmers, and Biden policies are hurting America's cattlemen, such as myself," he continued. "They should be invested in America's cattle farmers and making sure that we have the tools needed to stay on the farm."

American Farm Bureau Federation Economist Bernt Nelson told the Southern Farm Network, "The combination of higher input prices and drought drove farmers and ranchers to market more cattle, and not just more cattle but more female cattle that are responsible for replacing the beef herd. Now, we're looking at a beef herd of about 28.2 million head. Amongst that we have a calf crop that is 33.6 million. Now this is down two percent, but it's the smallest calf crop since 1948. That's in 76 years."

Nelson said the current pipeline for beef supplies is "strong," but cautioned "as that supply begins to dry up, that's when we are going to see beef supplies start to get tighter and tighter, and this could lead to the record prices that I think are going to occur in 2024 and 2025."

Beef sold for an average of $5 per pound last year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Deliberately increasing the price of diesel has had an inflationary impact on the price of food throughout the Western world where our obsession to lower emissions has forced people to food banks.

You have countries like the Netherlands and Canada artificially inflating the price of fertilizer. First they came for your F-150, now they are want to control what is on your plate.
The D.C. Circuit's opinion on presidential immunity from criminal prosecution based on official acts was wrong. It should, and likely will, be reversed.

First, the D.C. Circuit opinion is almost impossible to square with the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity from civil lawsuits based on official acts, Nixon v. Fitzgerald. That case granted former presidents absolute immunity from civil lawsuits for acts within the "outer perimeter" of their duties of office.

The D.C. Circuit didn't hold that the former President's alleged criminal acts were beyond that "outer perimeter." They held that there is no such immunity from criminal prosecution, period.

That creates an enormous amount of tension between civil and criminal immunity. For example, under the rule in Fitzgerald, former President Obama cannot be sued by the family of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, the 16-year-old American citizen Obama killed with a drone strike in 2011, for wrongful death. But under the logic of the D.C. Circuit, he could be criminally prosecuted for that same act, even absent impeachment and conviction by the Senate. The fact that Obama was acting as the President and commander-in-chief wouldn't matter: His official acts as commander-in-chief would be "constrained by and subject to 'criminal statutes of general application," and he could be prosecuted.

It also rejects most of the logic of the Fitzgerald opinion, which spends ample time discussing the unique nature of the presidency and how important it is in our constitutional structure. It also explains how liability can jeopardize the functioning of a President who both is commander-in-chief of the armed forces and has the responsibility to "take care" that the laws are faithfully executed. The D.C. Circuit tries to analogize immunity for the President to immunity for judges, jurors, Presidential advisors, and prosecutors. But Fitzgerald holds that the Presidency deserves unique solicitude when it comes to civil immunity. It's hard to imagine that the Supreme Court wouldn't extend that solicitude to criminal immunity.

The D.C. Circuit tries to distinguish criminal from civil liability on two further fronts. First, they suggest that the criminal justice system can't so easily be used to harass a former president due to the need for the Department of Justice to seek an indictment and for a grand jury to issue one. But given how politicized DOJ has become, and how trivial it is to get a D.C. grand jury to indict a Republican, this is hardly persuasive.

Second, they suggest that because this is the first time that a former president has been criminally indicted in our nation's history, there is little likelihood of future partisan prosecutions of former presidents. There are two obvious answers to this point: First, that the lack of such a history suggests there is a settled understanding that presidents have immunity from prosecution for their official acts. Second, the unprecedented bout of lawfare against former President Trump—four criminal indictments in four different jurisdictions in a little over four months—augurs a future that will be full of partisan presidential indictments.

I suspect that the Supreme Court is going to agree with President Trump's lawyers and ultimately hold that a former president has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts, save those for which he is impeached and convicted by the Senate. The lawfare against President Trump should stop, and it very likely will be stopped.

Will Chamberlain is Senior Counsel at The Internet Accountability Project and The Article III Project.

I hope so. Biden cannot be allowed to win a second election without campaigning.
Green Bay Packers offensive lineman David Bakhtiari recently put Democratic Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi on blast about a curious trade that was brought to the public's attention. The star Packers player has a history of calling out politicians who make profits in the stock market while in office.

Bakhtiari used his X platform to highlight a trade made by the late Senator Dianne Feinstein, whose net worth grew to over $200 million during her 30-year career in public office. Feinstein's family has been in the news for years because of money they've made in unusual trades. Bakhtiari asked how US citizens can be "cool" with actions from politicians like Feinstein, who can use information from committee briefings to make smart trades in their respective portfolios.

Bakhtiari pointed out another trade on his X account this week. Unusual Whales posted a Tweet on a trade Pelosi made. The account alleges Pelosi bought millions in stock of Nvidia and has millions in stock of Microsoft and Google.

Bakhtiari doesn't seem pleased with how Pelosi is putting herself in a position to make money by investing in private corporations that the government is backing.

"Dope..Nothing to see here," Bakhtiar wrote on X.

The trades Pelosi and other politicians have made on Nvidia, Microsoft, and Google are legal. However, many people responding to Bakhtiari's post feel those trades cross ethical boundaries.
It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of Farrakhan or Trump, Frarrakhan makes some interesting comments about the former president.