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Topics - Blazor

Well we all saw the Kanye thing, him trying to expose them. ADL (Jews) is using THEIR powers to cancel him best they can.

Then Kanye doubled down, and his been sharing actual facts, a spreadsheet even, highlighting all the Jews in powerful places, but still not listing them all.

"Oh hes mental!" THEY say.

Then along comes Dave Chapelle. Im sure some of you saw the video the other day, of his SNL skit, calling out the Jews.

ADL wants him cancelled. The MSM has been quiet so far about it though, because THEY are afraid of more Blacks joining them.

Get this, in order for Dave to come out and say what he did, he had to trick the SNL producers, by giving them a fake monologue during dress rehearsal!  :laugh:"> ... rehearsal/">
The Flea Trap / Anyone like dressing up in costumes?
October 13, 2022, 01:36:10 PM
I do!!!  ac_dance

Share some pics, and I'll do the same lol.
The Flea Trap / Blazor's Fun House
June 08, 2022, 09:16:15 PM
This is my lil piece. You see this shit Erica.... I just OWNED it! Im laying claim to this property!!!

....... and you're welcome to join in on the fun  ac_dance

So pop a Modelo! Or a whiskey! Only fun is allowed in here! The Lady of the House has my back in this, DONT TEST THIS!!!

Now, begin....

The Flea Trap / Where my Purebloods at!?
December 26, 2021, 04:29:15 PM
I know y'all out there. Deadskin, Dinky, Seoulbro. Oerdin vax free I think. Am I missing anyone?

Ol' Bricktop a good guy on refusing this mandate bullshit, I count him in. I know he was just fearful in his old age to get the jab.

Kiebers has that Texan blood, it prolly spit that vax out like snake poison, pa-too! He cool too.

Anymore Purebloods here!?

The Flea Trap / Put this in your pipe and smoke it
December 21, 2021, 12:10:20 PM
Pfizer is Buying a Cardiovascular Biopharma Company for $6.7 billion."> ... for-6-7bn/">

Golly jeepers, why in the world would clot shot makers do such a thing  ac_umm

Its as if, they knew something.....">
The Flea Trap / How y'all gonna get back to normal?
October 13, 2021, 02:18:11 PM
Now that pilots are walking off the job, you aint gonna be able to fly anywhere.

Now that train conductors for Amtrac are walking off the job, you aint gonna be able to ride a train anywhere.

Now that nurses are walking off the job, you aint gonna be able to get proper healthcare.

Now that firefighters are walking off the job, you aint gonna be able to put out a house fire.

Now that police officers are walking off the job, you aint gonna be able to protect yourself.

Now that restaurant employees are walking off the job, you aint gonna be able to eat out anywhere.

Groceries? Good luck with that too. Too many employees to list that are involved in the food supply chain. Namely truckers.... that are striking as well.

Now how exactly are y'all gonna get back to normal?

Im sure this will make you guys and gals much much angrier.

"If I simply comply, I'll be able to get my hair done again!" ...... NOPE!!!!

Welcome to The SUPER DUPER NEW Normal. Where the anti-vaxxers make a stand. And believe me, there is a lot of us. "Our body, our right".
The Flea Trap / No wonder y'all so angry
October 11, 2021, 02:54:53 PM">
The Flea Trap / What's your number?
October 11, 2021, 12:58:35 PM
No one seems to be able to answer this  :roll:

How many jabs are enough? When will you say your limit is? When are you finally protected hahahahaha?
...lets enjoy this kitty getting down on some sick beats  ac_dance

The Flea Trap / How Southern are you?
November 02, 2020, 10:45:49 AM
Lol, I got a score of 22 possibly 24  :laugh:

Funny enough, part of my email address is in that score hahaha.">
The Flea Trap / Officers are quitting in droves
October 21, 2020, 12:10:49 AM
You heard me say this months ago, let me say it again, OFFICERS ARE QUITTING IN DROVES!!!!

They are tired of this crap, especially here in the states, in the big cities. Their hands are tied, and the violence towards them gets worse.

This is especially alarming, with the coming election. I believe the officers know this as well, and are getting out while they can.

Imagine the scenario, either way, I FEEL something is gonna happen. Especially if Trump wins, the riots are gonna go berzerk. The police aint gonna wanna deal with that crap, they have already had enough.

Im just speculating, but I feel Martial Law may be enacted or something if things get bad. No officers means troops will be needed.

The news just announced tonight about getting supplies, more than they did last week or two. So be prepared, I've seen cart fulls again of crap like mac and cheese and such, folks know, and now that its on the news, its gonna be bad again, like during the TP crisis.

I hope all of you are prepared. And I will leave you with this message from an officer out of Richmond Virginia.........">

Today, I officially consider myself done. Today is the last time I wear a badge and uniform to work after 9 years. I wish I could say it took a fancy job or a substantial pay raise to bring me to leave a career in law enforcement, but that simply isn't the case. I'm done being randomly flipped off, cursed at, attacked, and hated based on what I wear to work. The tension is exhausting. I'm done being forced to watch lawlessness and savage behavior while it's being normalized and used for political gain. I'm done dealing with the horrible things that take place every night while people go about their lives clueless and judging those who do face those evils. The willingness to serve the community like I once believed in is gone. The way society is becoming and the war on police make the sacrifice no longer worth it. Seeing parts of the city look like a third world country while excuses are made to normalize it just isn't something I can maintain restraint and witness take place anymore, especially after the recent chaos. The fact cities and departments have to plan ahead knowing the normal behavior is to expect more lawlessness and riots regardless of the outcome of the election is something I'm no longer going to be a part of. It'd be a different story if these same cities allowed police officers to be police officers and maintain order. The physical restraint is gone after these last several months and I'm to the point I'm going to react, I'm not going to stand there another night shaking in frustration while I'm taunted, having things thrown at me, or attacked. A warranted reaction that almost anyone would have in a given situation isn't something there is room for as an officer since we can't rely on our localities or departments to back and support us. They've literally stripped police from having the ability to effectively do their jobs and maintain law and order. I struggle to understand how the masses find this safe for any American citizens. It's made coming to work an uncomfortable and miserable feeling which is draining. It makes me feel like sacrificing my peace of mind to maintain peace for the community isn't worth it anymore. I didn't join to bring terrible shit home with me at the end of the night. I didn't join to fight anyone or make everything a pissing match. I didn't join to always feel tense and under attack. I didn't join to babysit adults who don't know how to act civilized. I didn't join to be painted as the bad guy while we bend and cater to criminals with no sense of accountability. I damn sure didn't join to lose myself and become syndical while dealing with all the worst things our world faces. I sacrificed time with loved ones, friends, a normal life, and my overall health. I lost sleep over things that while encountering them, I related to in a way or was affected by. After 9 years of wearing a badge, I quit. I quit prioritizing the safety and needs of strangers in the community while sacrificing my own. I quit being a pawn to be put in the middle of current affairs and made out to be the enemy to the people I encounter and keep safe every night. I quit being away from my loved ones to be there for yours in time of need. Those who seem to be the most opinionated also seem to base opinions and actions on emotion rather than educating themselves with facts or having first hand experience. There is a lot of ignorance running through our communities and a major lack in accountability. However officers are being hung out to dry for doing their jobs. I've seen coworkers treated unfairly in the court system and internally in the department they work for purely to appease the citizens and make an unwarranted example of an officer. However there remains a level of expectation to be a police officer with your hands tied behind your back. It's building hesitation and distrust, which is an even more unsafe dynamic. I've seen officers put out of work while acting in good faith and doing their best in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Regardless of an individual's feelings and beliefs, pushing hatred and acting aggressive towards another person without any cause other than their profession or race is wrong and common sense should tell us that. Common sense should also tell us that an asshole is an asshole and just because an encounter involves people of different races, doesn't mean it was racially motivated. We should also take into account the differences between unfamiliarity, discomfort, or biases towards a person or group that someone may not understand or necessarily have a good memory of vs racism. You want to remove police, I'll remove myself happily. An officer that's volunteered with underprivileged youth, one who instead of issuing drug charges sought help and got placement in a halfway house program for strangers, one with good community relations and one as capable in any situation as any other officer. I will worry less, stress less, and cry less. I will sleep better, smile more, and feel better overall. I will be another civilian but I will always stand for what I believe in and I will stand behind those who continue to hold down our communities and keep this country in tact while it's being ripped apart from all directions. I just won't be representing a department or put in an impossible position that risks my life, my freedom, or my ability to provide for my family. Simply put, Ima do me and take my talents elsewhere ✌🏼

P.S if you think there aren't officers trying and ready to leave law enforcement across the country, better think again. A lot of people are behind the scenes finding a way out while lowering their standards as to what it'd take to bring them to leave. Officers are beginning to hear from former co workers how much better they feel after getting out of law enforcement and can relate to the areas which are impacted and matter most to many. Officers are tired of being targeted and silenced while sacrificing more than most can imagine, including peace of mind which can't be bought. They're tired of their family life being affected or entirely stripped from them because of this job. Officers are congratulating those who do find their way out of the profession, that's how unhealthy of an environment it is becoming. Keep pushing because I look forward to seeing people live better and feel better when they stop burdening themselves with everyone else's bullshit and get on with their lives. I'll hold my loved ones down and keep my household safe and then when shit hits the fan and there's nobody to call or cry to, will you?
The Flea Trap / In honor of Lynyrd Skynard today
October 20, 2020, 10:55:44 PM
It was today, just roughly a year after I was born, in 1977 that the plane carrying several band members crashed causing several fatalities. Post your Skynard songs here ladies and gentleman.

I'll start with this one. Surprisingly I've never heard it, but it is a damn good song that I think everyone would appreciate.">
The Guest Nest / Shen Li's baby picture
October 19, 2020, 01:41:08 PM
Just stumbled upon this  ac_biggrin

The Flea Trap / Cooter could use some help
October 11, 2020, 08:36:18 PM
Ben Jones, aka Cooter from Dukes of Hazzard, has the Liberal hand of oppression waged against him. His cart host, has deemed him "offensive", even though he is a descendant of a slave. All of his Confederate items have to be removed by tonight from his site, or the cart host will shut him down. This is temporary, as he is switching cart hosts, but the sale is very impressive.

Dinky, get you a mask half off, $5, worldwide shipping.

Flags are pretty much half off too, Im gonna get a nice embroidery one. $20 instead of $40.

Im not spamming, Im trying to show support for someone who is not an offensive person, a good person. As well as let folks know of the good sale lol.

Here is the message from Cooter....

Hey Y'all,

My daddy used to tell me, "Don't put your business in the street..." He was an old-school railroad man. He mostly kept his opinions to himself, and he had a traditional sense of what should be private.

But in show business and in politics, two careers I've had in which I'd like to think I have been reasonably successful, what you do and think becomes public, and even the things that should be private have a way of "getting out there."

So as much as I like to keep my business "close to the vest" we have suddenly found ourselves in a position in which I must speak out and also ask for the support of our friends and fans. For the last few years, our online business has been handled by a company called "Shopify", which is based up in Canada. Its a big internet outfit and works in many countries. But like so much business in the digital age, it does not have a personal touch.

Out of nowhere, totally unexpected, an unsigned e-mail arrived from Shopify which informed us that we were in violation of their "hateful content" policy, and if we didn't remove everything with the Confederate Battle Flag on it within 10 days, they were going to pull the plug on our business, basically putting our internet shop out of business.

 You can probably guess what my response is. We have a really distinguished attorney, a man of character and intellect. He is dealing with that aspect of it, letting them know that this is a punitive action on their part and an unexpected body blow to our company. We will be pursuing this as a legal matter, while at the same time telling "Shopify" to "fold it four ways, tie a ribbon around it, and put it where the moon don't shine!" That is nicest way I can put it.

For we are Christian people. The Flag is a Christian Cross, the Crucifixion Cross of St. Andrew, who was thought to be Christ's first Disciple. It is a symbol which has been used for 2,000 years in his honor and memory. We honor the spirit and sacrifice of all of the South's people, and I share the blood of my African brothers and sisters. The Dukes of Hazzard has a huge African-American following, and that audience has enjoyed the sweet nature and good fun of our show as much as anyone in the 40+ nations where our show has been seen, for over 40 years now.

As one who was deeply involved in the Civil RIghts Movement of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and as one who is descended from a slave, and as one who personally knows and cares about hundreds of our African/American fans, I am offended close to the point of rage at this latest example of narrow minded sanctimony and political correctness. It is dividing our nation on a daily basis. It is wrong, and the people behind it are wrong.

 So we are transferring everything to another internet web host. But that is an enormous job and will take some time. In the meanwhile, we've put all our merchandise with images of our beloved flag on sale. The sale will last through Monday, Oct. 12th. By then we'll say goodbye to Shopify.

The truly intolerant and narrow minded bigots are those who have no idea about the good hearts and the undying love of those of us who side with Uncle Jesse rather than George Soros. What kind of people would we be if we just caved to these self-righteous and narrow minded people?

Unlike these boneheads, we understand our culture, our heritage, and the great and colorblind television show that has made millions of friends around the world, who understand that our show is about people looking out for one another, regardless of their color or age or politics or whether or not they are poor or are millionaires. Hazzard Nation is a loving bunch of people who are not impressed by the latest political idiocy.

Hang in there,

Ben Jones aka "Cooter"


Now, here is how Shopify defines "Hateful Content".

Hateful content: You may not use the Services to promote or condone hate or violence against people based on race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, medical condition, veteran status or other forms of discriminatory intolerance. You may not use the Services to promote or support organizations, platforms or people that: (i) promote or condone such hate; or (ii) threaten or condone violence to further a cause.

Does that sound like us to you?? Seems to me that we do is the opposite of "hateful content".">

If you love Dukes of Hazzard, or the South, you have to support this guy.
The Flea Trap / Whats your WAP?
October 08, 2020, 08:30:39 PM
Im sure most y'all heard of WAP by now, a term coined by a popular modern song. Its an acronym for something, Im sure most you know....">

Anyway, I wanna know, whats "your" WAP?

Is it White And Proud

Widdle Asian Person

Worthless Asslicking Pissant

Witty Amazing Poet

Wanted Australian Prisoner

You get the idea lol, whats your WAP?
Thought some of y'all might find this interesting.....

Did you know this nation cornerstone was made possibly by Southerners?

The Fourth of July, we celebrate today,

Could not happen without Lee's


Our Independence was not the product of the Declaration of Independence signed by John Hancock on July 4, 1776. On the contrary, the Declaration of Independence was the product of our Independence!

On June 7, 1776, a delegate from Virginia by the name of Richard Henry Lee proposed the "Lee Resolution." The Lee Resolution was the 3 step process of declaring independence from our then government of Great Britain. The first clause of the Lee Resolution proposed:

"That these United Colonies are, and of right out to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved;"

On July 2, 1776, the Lee Resolution was brought to the Continental Congress floor. It was debated, voted, and ratified into law by 12 of the 13 colonies, New York abstaining because the delegates claimed they were unsure of how their constituents wanted them to vote. Upon ratification of the Lee Resolution, our 13 colonies, became 13 independent sovereign governments. We were from that day forward no longer colonies, each State was then and there independent.

 Our independence was a legally created legislative act, just as binding as anything our Congress does today that is Constitutional.

Without the passing of the Lee Resolution, there would have been nothing to declare in the Declaration of Independence. As a matter of fact, the Declaration of Independence does not even claim to be the source of our independence, it merely boasts to be its declaration:

As you celebrate this nation's freedoms today

Remember the very cornerstones of this nation was possibly by two Southern Brothers


The only brothers among the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence From Virginia

COLONEL HENRY LEE, also known as "Light-Horse Harry" — Cavalry leader during the Revolutionary War, one of the war's heroes, winning praise from General George Washington.

He also was the Father of

General Robert E. Lee

Happy Independence Day

The Flea Trap / My poor dog :(
June 16, 2020, 09:18:07 PM
....might be a Democrat lol  ac_toofunny

The part about Hillary at the end had me ROLLIN!!!! hahaha  :roll:

The Flea Trap / Who'll stand with me!?
June 09, 2020, 11:45:44 PM
Y'all know Im from the South, and I know the truth! Im under attack by Yankees here in Virginia! This Sunday is Flag day, and I wanna send a message to governor blackface, who wants to remove Confederate monuments, such as the honorable General Lee, that despised slavery, and fought for the defense of Virginia from an invasion. Who will stand with me!!! Show me your colors!!!">
The Flea Trap / April is Confederate History Month
April 14, 2020, 11:59:42 AM
And while my state governor is ignorant, and trying to destroy our history, I would like to bring awareness to truths. Not the stuff that is crammed down our throats in the public school system and the media. I'll be updating this thread over the next couple weeks.

I would like to start with the reason for secession. It was NOT over slavery. It was because the North was greedy, and overtaxed the South.

If it was over slavery, why is it that all of these folks that never even owned slaves, fought? Less than 3% of Southerners owned slaves. Believe it or not, freed blacks owned slaves as well. Of those freed blacks, over 25% of them owned slaves as well.

Slavery was bad, but it was not as despicable as what the books in school taught us. Most worked alongside their masters, and ate with their masters, treated fairly. Blacks would actually apply to be a slave and choose their master. This was because they could not support themselves. To free a slave, you had to go before someone in the court, and pledge that the slave was a good person, and could support themselves. Slaves were also needed during the early creation of America. There wasnt enough manpower to do the work, not enough people here. Why is Slave the word most often used, when Indentured Servant was closer to the truth of what many blacks were, employees.

I would also like to point out that not one slave ship landed at a Southern port. They all landed up North, and they were sold to the South. While flying the American flag.
The Flea Trap / "Who was that masked man!?"
April 07, 2020, 06:59:05 PM
"The Lone Ranger!!!"  :laugh:

Some of y'all might remember that from the show. So it got me thinking of starting a "masked" thread. Hoping some of y'all will participate. We wont be able to see your face so no worries lol.

In keeping with forum etiquette, I shall go first....">