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Topics - Biggie Smiles

The Guest Nest / Stomping Groundz is back
August 26, 2022, 09:04:09 PM
Everyone except Seamajor should consider themselves welcome

We even have a big Pig Pen we can throw Oak in when she starts complaining

I heard needle dick -- ahem -- I meant needle mover says he's afraid to register there

lolz -- puss">
I don't give a fuck how vile this is but can we please pray for seamajor to muster up the courage to off himself in the most vile, painful and dishonorable way imaginable?

seriously -- the world would be so much better off without his filthy child chasing presence
The Guest Nest / Juicy stuff in the pipeline
August 03, 2022, 12:49:09 PM
Pigs get slaughtered
For those of you who don't know.. lily, aka Oak proclaimed I was "declaring war" on CBT when I said I was going to have one of my research minions go and read some pubic posts about me over there.

anyway, that's when the WAR started and I was just wondering... considering all the brave emojis and fonts which lost their lives in this conflict if it was okay if I post about it here

In memory of them of course
I just paid a 669.03 bill for my May electric usage  

That said, I live in a 4200 sq foot home with 6 bedrooms, a private office, 2 living rooms, an Olympic size swimming pool and an 8 person whirlpool spa  -- so I can afford it. But how does the average soul make ends meet under these outrageous prices?

went to Applebees yesterday after shopping for deck screws at Home depot and do ya'll remember the 2 for 20 deal? It's now 2 for 28 WITH portion sizes reduced!

and those deck screws? In November of 2020 when I built the deck for my whirlpool spa they were 6.58 for a 1lb box --- yesterday those same screws were 9.98
#387"> ... n-arrested">
Something those CBT fucktards are all for while they are on all fours

Cause that would be a neat trick if I was

no dear, you're ruining your own little circle jerk by forming pets out of certain posters who can do what the hell they want while people you have no allegiances to get banned and moderated for not even a fraction of what you pets pull.
#391"> ... ho-remain/">

... 3347d61ada">
It was like totally whoa


if it happens again tomorrow should I call someone?
Yes, I'm a hoodlum and I love rap

go figure

Old Skool, baby

And these animals wonder why conservatives seek to outlaw it

I'm inclined to be more of a moderate on this matter myself thinking it's up to the woman if she wants to have a child UNTIL there's a heartbeat. Then it's all bets are off

and I don't buy none of that but what if she's raped or doesn't know she's pregnant. bitch, in our day and age if there's no way you can enlighten yourself as to the fact that you are pregnant after 15 fucking weeks YOU fucking need to be aborted.

But with shit like this they're pulling I'm leaning towards saying fuckem... ban the shit all together.

animals"> ... ntil-birth">
The Guest Nest / Look at this fucking shit
May 05, 2022, 01:45:06 AM
And tell me liberalism isn't a mental disorder

Menstrual Dignity Act"> ... -colleges/">
Seriously, what did you people do to that decrepit old innocence thief?

He can't stop crying about you.
Or any reference to homosexuality whatsoever.

Libs are freaking the fuck out over it and DIsney is throwing a conniption

7 pages worth of reading is all it takes to get the truth on the matter and dumb liberals cannot even do that"> ... ext/er/PDF">
And haven't had enough time to enjoy some quality time with YOU -- my conservative brethren

How the fuck are you peoples?

is Seadusky still trying to get in and make a spazz of himself?
The Guest Nest / Free speech is one thing
August 15, 2021, 01:55:05 AM
But letting loser spam queens like Edward decay your forum from the inside out is another thing entirely

Give me the reigns so I can take out this fucking trash and be done with this shit once and for all

seriously, your forum is dying due to untalented spam merchants like this dipshit

Make Blue Cashew great again.
When trump wins the electoral and popular vote?

Get ready you fucking douche bags, the pain train is coming  ac_dance