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Topics - J0E

I thought this tune appropriate for this forum since a number of you have stated that you have experienced Difficult Times in your Life:

Someone made indirect mention of this nation's status as being #1 in oil reserves.

Other studies, links appear to back this up as this nation shot up suddenly in the oil reserve rankings.."> ... _Venezuela">">

....but how authentic are these claims? I've heard from someone that they include heavy oil deposits, but at the same time this is barely usable oil.

Alberta could make similar claims that it has twice that amount of its current proven reserves sitting in the tarsands, but of course, much of that is difficult to recover. And of course there are billions more barrles sitting in the Arctic sitting under the ice.

So does anyone here know how valid Venezuela's claims are? Are they widely or generally recognized?
The Flea Trap / My Father Passed Away Today
October 17, 2015, 07:58:05 PM
I saw and heard him breathe his last breath of life around 10 am and he was gone.

It's sad but we all have to go some day.

But he lived a long and fulfilling life.

God Bless him.
The Flea Trap / For some reason She reminds me of RW
October 12, 2015, 06:58:53 PM
#45"> ... ice=mobile">">

Things aren't so rosy these days in the Land of sun, sand and Carnaval.

Brazil has lost over 1 million jobs in 12 months.
The split was a result of the American parent refusing to an Ontario Court Order to pay benefits to former employees:"> ... ice=mobile">

So bids will be undertaken for the Canadian branch without the American one participating.
The newly announced TPP has been hailed as a win for Canadian businesses and large corporations.

Question is, is it a win for Canadians and Americans with respect to their own personal health and well-being?

In Canada, the Harper government announced a $4.3 billion compensation for Canada's dairy farmers to offset the competition which will likely close down this nation's less efficient producers.

The concern of these coming cheaper dairy imports is - are they safe?

There've been dairy products from Asia which in the past have contained melamine. What about the other possible additives? And especially, how does this impact the health and safety of our children and newborn and unborn infants? Are the health inspections carried out in these nations up to an acceptable standard? Do they exist at all?


Has the government asked this question? Have Canadians? Have you?
The Flea Trap / Where do the Children Play?
October 05, 2015, 01:24:59 PM
There's an old Cat Stevens song where he expresses his concern for the world we're living in now, and whether there'll be anything left of it when the children grow up:

That was just 40 years ago, when the world's population was half of what it is today. Like any other period in history, we've seen our share of pandemics, epidemics, wars, famines, etc. But its a bit different this time round with the planet at a break-even point. What is questionable now is whether there'll be enough land, water, resources and jobs for our children.

Never mind where they will play, but where will they work, earn a living in a world with reduced expectations? All the labor saving technologies are sure to displace millions, leave them with fewer options.

Perhaps I'm more pessimistic than most, but it think it'll be a difficult time for our children. Same time what do you folks think? Are you more optimistic about our children's future? Or less so?

Where to the Children Play?
Any concerns we have that & the Global Economy are headed for a slowdown can be confirmed by recent economic data coming out of China & Europe:"> ... ice=mobile">
....societal norms seem to dictate that this is not possible.

This was especially a long held belief before women's lib came along.

There was always this stereotype of the goodgirl and badgirl image in advertising, literature and the movies.

But even with the advent of feminism, men today seem to be told that lust and love are defintely not and cannot the the same or confused with one another.

But is this true?

Can a man love and lust after a woman at the same time?

Or is this not possible?
....I've been accused of trolling in other forums by stating this.

However, seeing how our secular North American society is going & how men are becoming marginalized, I don't see that there's much in it for us anymore. I'm even thinking of moving to a predominately Catholic nation. For all its flaws, at least Catholicism seems to guarantee a guy something. I admire a religion which denounces same sex marriage and tries to uphold the family unit. Contrast this with an anything goes credo of the increasingly politically correct society where the purveyors of this ideology grab everything for themselves under this guise of pursuing equality.

We didn't really become freer by throwing of the yolk of religion and tradition. We just exchanged one master and set of values for another. The pc crowd wanted in, so they have stepped on everybody else to get their way.

And since the New is no better than the Old, why not just go back to the Old? It seem to work just as well or better than the New.

Anyways, just my 2 bits.
.....according to the experts:"> ... ice=mobile">">

....but it doesn't feel like it.  Its difficult to see how this is possible given that there is hardly any industry here.

It must all be due to real estate speculation.

Since it isn't very good elsehwhere, maybe they park their money in real estate while the world economy is in a slump?
The Flea Trap / When do you want to die?
September 17, 2015, 06:19:29 AM
I know this is a somewhat morbid topic.

However, I've been confronted with this reality because someone close to me may pass on soon.

I've been seeing them suffer as they slowly decay due to effects of Old Age.

While they have every right to live as long as they want, I've begun to ask myself whether its worth it.

Personally, I have no desire to die anytime soon, but I think I don't want to live too long on this earth either.

When it becomes too difficult to perform even the most daily functions, such as putting on one's own clothes, taking a bath, eating, going to the bathroom unassisted, walking, is it worth it to keep on living? I think if I get to that point, I'd just snuff my own life out, no questions asked. No extended suffering, just go rather than outlive one's usefulness or ability to enjoy living.

I feel very lucky to have lived even this long as I've nearly died a violent death a couple of times and I'm still alive and healthy. I guess all a person can ask for is to have loved and lived a good life, but when the time comes, don't live too long.

I dunno, that's just the way I see it. Others may have a different opinion, though.
Many moons ago I read HG Wells classic, the Time Machine, in which a scientist invents a unit which enables him to travel in time to the future or past. During his first adventure, he ends up in England several centuries in the future and encounters a race of beautiful blond race of people called the Eloi. All seems well in their world until it occurs to the scientist that they are the diet of a hideous race of creatures called the Morlocks. The morlocks frequently devour the Eloi, yet the latter is powerless to stop them and they are under the spell of their predators:

It got me thinkin', this sure reminds me of modern day Scandanavia, where a blond race is subjected to terror and rape of its women at the hands of its immigrant Islamic fundamentalist population.

Perhaps Wells subconciously feared the coming of immigrant races flooding into Europe and destroying its culture and people. Anyways, there's a strong parallel between the novel & the situation in Modern Day Europe, particularly Scandanavia.
The Guest Nest / The Blue Cashew vs. the Other forum
September 07, 2015, 04:49:21 PM
...I have to admit, this has become the better one.

M could be an awesome forum, but unfortunately its been taken over by the trolls.

Every 3rd post seems to made by a troll. Any attempt at a serious topic gets derailed by one.

And it's always the same people who sign up for another trolling account pretending to be somebody 'new' making the same nasty responses. And the mods don't wanna do anything about it, when they should have a dumpster like this or most other forums out there. I can understand why many of you left that place.

BC has come a long way from its acc days and is much better moderated than the other forum
The Flea Trap / Why I avoid Asian Food
September 06, 2015, 06:03:44 PM
...3 letters - MSG.

I always get a reaction to many Asian foods after consuming them.

And its always the same.

Tightening of the skin muscles around the face as if its being pulled

Temporary pain in the joints, hands and sometimes feet which feels like the onset of arthritis.

Sometimes upset stomach as if something didn't go down well.

...which is unfortunate because I often like the food and taste of many of their dishes.

However, I feel its not worth it because of the side effects.
Since others have brought up the subject & some are accusing you of the latter, which one is it?

Please, come clean, clear the air, your conscience will thank you for it.

In addition, others will feel more comfortable with your presence in the forum and be more accepting of you.

A direct answer would be appreciated.

Thank you.
The Flea Trap / The BlueCashew's new mascot
September 04, 2015, 07:12:07 PM

...bear with a Blue Head.
The Flea Trap / Some folk shore miss RW ....
August 31, 2015, 10:41:55 PM
...that's all they write about! Threads everywhere about RW.

"Where is she, that Missing Woman?! She's nowhere to be seen!"

"Caint git enuf of 'er!" cries another.

Sheesh. I thought they had euf of her.

Heck, I just saunter over to Blue Cashew and she's here ALL the time.

Its pracitically like someone I'm married to.  :wink:

Anyways, for all those deprieved souls, she's always here