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Topics - Angry White Male

The Guest Nest / RW, do you look like her?
July 14, 2016, 04:57:50 AM">
The Guest Nest / My Honest Opinion, Fash?
July 14, 2016, 04:31:06 AM
Ditch all the current Mods.

The ONLY one that stands out is Herman.  I don't particularly like him, but I don't mind him either.

There's a very slim pool here, of people that can do the job...

This isn't a busy forum, and Herman is probably the best for now.

Herman also should understand that you should never Mod under the same handle that you post under.  You create another account for Modding purposes, and you keep them very separate.

I also want Herman to know, that you NEVER listen to the blabber of middle-aged hags, when deciding upon a subject.

ALWAYS look at anything and everything with a clear view.
The Guest Nest / I Have Very Few Friends Left...
July 13, 2016, 08:35:15 AM
That are still 'cool' with me.

Many of the others have come and gone, for various reasons.

Lately, the fact that I have come into some money (I wasn't exactly poor before), has further divided things, it seems.

I haven't changed.  The others have.

I am still the same asshole that I always was!  Money doesn't change people as much as you think it does...

I surround myself with real, good people.  Not trash, like many others do.
The Guest Nest / From 1987...
July 12, 2016, 08:22:48 AM
The Guest Nest / From 10 years ago?
July 11, 2016, 07:27:36 AM
Ex is still trying to jock my cock...

Ace always leaves a lasting impression!">

Understand, this is an ex from 10 years ago...
The Guest Nest / Lose Two or Three More Posters...
July 11, 2016, 06:55:12 AM
...and this place dies.

It's done.

Thank me now, or thank me later, but the advice stands true regardless.

My generous offer to purchase the domain, however, doesn't apply anymore at that point.

I thought I'd seen it all at DV.  And I did.

I have NEVER seen such stupidity anywhere, as I have here.  Right from the top down...  From Admin, to Mods, to posters...

I'm sorry...  Your "clique" is a joke!

I can't wrap my head around this...  My mind is blown.
The Guest Nest / Hey Berry!
July 11, 2016, 05:58:41 AM
Ever had a ride in a fast car?

You don't live far!

I'll take you for a ride in my GT!

Purely a courtesy ride, since I don't date chicks with kids...
How to wipe your ass 101.  Pay attention people (females especially).

Toilet paper is white.  Your shit is brown (or it should be.  See Doctor if shit isn't brown).

Now, you pull off enough god damned paper, and run it into your ass crack, until the paper comes out white.  Got it?

If the paper is still shmeared with the shit, you are NOT done, OK?

If you have to use two god damned rolls, you use two rolls, got it?

You do NOT pull up your panties, until the paper is totally white when pulled from your ass.

Don't thank me for the advice.  Just be grateful that I've now taught you something that your parents obviously never did!
The Guest Nest / Who Here is Cold Sore Free?
July 10, 2016, 10:13:44 PM
I know the prevalence of lip Herps is rather high (around one third or more is infected).

I am Herps free.  Brothers and sisters, raise your hands if you too are lip herps free!
The Guest Nest / Sunday Night Sex Show
July 10, 2016, 10:09:59 PM
Sunday Night Sex Show with Sue Johanson.

Anyone remember this?  Did it help you with any sexual problems?">
The Guest Nest / Just so ya know!
July 10, 2016, 05:18:58 AM
Uncle Ace is just like you!

I keep a clean house.

I let the tub go further than I should have, but I'm on it now!~">
The Guest Nest / I'll state this for the record...
July 10, 2016, 03:31:12 AM
I'm a Kraut.  TD is a Jew.

We owe nothing to each other.

Nonetheless, how the entire battleship here ganged together, mega-clique style, and banned him NOT for what he posted here, but for what was rumoured.

How easily people fall into a state of "follow the leader."


If there's proof...  If he's a registered sex offender.  If he has a criminal charge for said offenses.  This would be proof.

I have only heard innuendo.  Doesn't cut it for me.
...seeing as how cranky some posters are now, for really no reason.

Fash, if there is a problem, I'll reimburse you up to $5,000.

That's a bank draft in hand, guaranteed.

You get the money, I'll deal with the domain.
