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Topics - Aryan

The Flea Trap / She's Back......
September 05, 2017, 10:51:22 AM
..... and yes it works.    ac_biggrin

Are we seeing the early stages of whites fighting back against their Judeo Communist oppressors?  

The term 'Globalism' has already become a dirty word, so (((they))) are going to have to come up with another name which describes their anti-white, open borders agenda.  

If whites revolt in large enough numbers, and the Jew is exposed, it will be 1933 all over again. Thanks to the internet, the masses are learning the truth, as opposed to only being fed lies by the mainstream media.  Interesting times ahead, watch this space....
The Flea Trap / R.I.P. Ernst Zundel
August 07, 2017, 08:55:10 AM"> ... -1.4237598">

Another great one bites the dust, this guy was persecuted horrendously by the Jews for daring to question the Holocaust.

Here is his greatest interview back in 1996 with an Israeli reporter where he blows holes in the official tale of WW2....

The Flea Trap / The Coudenhove Kalergi Plan
July 14, 2017, 07:41:51 AM
This is a minor extension of my White Genocide thread. Due to my reference to this matter being overlooked yet being hugely important I thought it deserved a thread of it's own.

Here I reveal the architects of the attempted extinction of the white European in their homelands via the policies of mass immigration and racial mixing.  


Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi (16 November 1894 – 27 July 1972), was a freemason from Austria of mixed European-Japanese origin. He was the founder and president for 49 years of the Paneuropean Union.

His ideological views contributed to the creation of the European Union and expressed support for race mixing and Jewish supremacism.

''The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals''">">"> ... ve-Kalergi">
The Flea Trap / What???
July 11, 2017, 07:46:58 AM">

This has to be a joke?  Or are the degenerate perverts in the LBGT community trying to push pedo rights again? They've tried this in the past but it failed, I guess it was only a matter of time until they tested the water again.....

">"> ... avile.html">"> ... n_Exchange">
The Flea Trap / White Genocide
July 09, 2017, 07:13:53 AM
I originally posted this thread on VF and it has proven to be popular so I thought I would share it on here.  It is basically a summary of my findings on how white people are being displaced across the globe.

The terms "white" and "European" are, in this context, synonymous. Though there is some disagreement amongst scholars and anthropologists about particulars, it's broadly agreed that "white" means all white-skinned, non-Jewish people native to Europe and their descendants throughout the world: in the Americas, Australasia, and southern Africa. Language and religion doesn't come into it. I've seen arguments from some people who say groups like the Finns, Hungarians and Basques are not racially European, because they don't speak an Indo-European language. I've seen people who say Bosnians aren't racially European, because they practice Islam. Linguistically and religiously, Finnish, Hungarian and Basque are not European languages, and Islam is not a European religion. By the same token, I've seen people claim Armenians, an Asiatic people, are racially European because they are Christians. All of these arguments don't hold much water with me; are English-speaking Christian Africans or Spanish-speaking Christian Amerindians racially European, because of their language and religion? Are Indians and Pakistanis, who do speak Indo-European languages, white? The answer to all of these questions is 'no'.

The best and most concise definition I can offer you, then, is this: people of exclusively native European ancestry. The white race does not include Jews, Turks, the Sami/Lapps, Roma gypsies, Armenians, Azeris, Kazakhs, Tatars, Chechens, or Latin American mestizos. I am undecided whether Cypriots or people from the Caucasus Mountains are white. It does, however, include Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Maltese, and every other Euro-Mediterranean group - to say otherwise is divisive, baseless, nefarious nonsense, designed to disassociate Northern Europeans from the glorious civilisations of Greece and Rome, and thus to denigrate them as little more than barbarian savages.

Now that is out of the way without getting bogged down in too much technical detail, I'll present to you my evidence that white people are on the way to extinction, if current trends continue.


Short and simple, here Vladimir Putin addresses the crux of the matter. Think what you like about Putin, at least he is openly acknowledging the problem. This also helps to dispel the notion that talk of white genocide is some sort of "far-right fringe lunatic conspiracy theory" - this is the President of Russia, the world's 3rd most powerful country, recognising that white people are on the road to extinction!
I think its time the sheer volume and amount of posts which RW makes that makes you facepalm and feel like throwing something in her general direction are quoted and merged into a single thread...... She's been on a fucking roll recently.  

Here I'll start it off, feel free to add to them....   :laugh:  

Quote from: "RW"What's damning?  They said they're not going to publish because he's a private citizen and he apologized.

WTF has become of reading comprehension these days.

English Jesus wept.

In response to the CNN scandal where she's basically implying that they did nothing wrong.  :oeudC:
Or is it just a myth?  The resident salad dodger on here is probably the most unpleasant person on the board....    ac_wot
May 20, 2017, 11:27:58 AM
This article is too much.  ac_lmfao  

"The very real specter of radical Islamic terror in the United States has existed alongside an equally serious threat of terror from right-wing extremist groups and individuals," the report says, attributing the lower awareness in part to events that take place outside of large urban centers and often draw less, or less sustained, media coverage. "Both movements have generated shooting sprees, bombings, and a wide variety of plots and conspiracies. Both pose threats so significant that to ignore either would be to invite tragedy."

"The ADL does not believe that a horse race between different types of terrorist threats helps anybody," Pitcavage says. "Both domestic Islamic extremism and right-wing extremism are serious, real threats in terms of producing violence and terrorism and to ignore either would be very harmful. It would be to invite catastrophe.

"My hope is that with a report like this people can take more seriously the threat of right-wing extremism," he adds, "which does not mean they have to take less seriously any other threat."

Read more at:"> ... ive-612492">

Mark Pitcavage, Jewish Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith (ADL)[">">

Jew off you annoying vermin.   :001_rolleyes:
I knew this sort of thing goes on but it certainly does hit home when someone who is clearly telling the truth exposes it all. :shock:

Shame these rich fucks will never be brought to justice for any of it.

Better dead than Red.   ac_biggrin

The Flea Trap / Watch
April 09, 2017, 12:19:56 PM

The Guest Nest / Post pictures
April 05, 2017, 03:31:40 PM
Who can guess which one is a recent photo of Renee?  ac_lmfao">">">">
The Flea Trap / KAM
March 27, 2017, 09:39:38 PM
#76"> ... 401615.jpg">[/img]">

All it needs now are machine gun turrets and you can blast whatever you like, zombies, Jews, Muslims, Semen, or whoever.   ac_biggrin"> ... lypse.html">
The Flea Trap / Behold the Commie Crusher : Stickman
March 07, 2017, 10:50:24 PM">

On Saturday a Trump supporter dressed in black with a USA shield, a gas mask and a stick attended the pro-Trump rally in Berkeley, California to defend the Trump supporters.

"Based Stick Man" marched with the Trump supporters and when the violent Democrats began to riot Stick Man was there to defend the pro-Trump crowd.


Take that Antifa  :laugh3:"> ... upporters/">
The Flea Trap / Member Sightings Thread
February 27, 2017, 12:14:40 AM
I think there is one somewhere but I can't find it so here we go.




Homero and Semen">
The Flea Trap / New Tattoo Ideas........
February 23, 2017, 07:40:44 PM"> ... -183228272">

''For decades far-right extremists have used well-worn symbols like the swastika and the white cross to signify their affiliation to racist causes.

But as right-wing US hate groups have risen in prominence over the past year, their members have found themselves looking for new ways to show their allegiance without being spurned by society.

That means creating new, secret methods of communication, Mark Pitcavage, a senior research fellow at the Anti-Defamation League, told CNN.''">

Variations on the Norse Othala rune, which is replacing the swastika as the main symbol for neo-Nazis. Previously it was used (with legs, as on the far left) on an SS infantry flag in WWII">

These dice have the numbers 1, 4 and 8 (5+3). The code 1488 is a common one in neo-Nazi circles and represents a white separatist ideology and the phrase 'Heil Hitler'

I just don't know which to choose from, I feel like a kid in a candy store!!!!   ac_lovestruck
The Flea Trap / Will Globalism Be the Cause of WW3?
February 23, 2017, 04:11:38 PM
We are already seeing the start of a backlash against the elite's agenda of globalism. Brexit, Trump and the general rise of the right throughout much of the west are obvious signs, but how far is it going to go?

Will the clash between both competing ideologies of right wing nationalism and Jewish globalism be the spark which starts another world war, just like what happened in WW2?  

The idea of merging all nations together and open borders is not very appealing to many people, so why are we having it forced on us?  The implication has been that change is necessary, and 'progressive', and those who wish to keep things the same are dinosaurs who belong back in the dark ages, but we have seen the mess that globalism or multiculturalism can wreak  on a country. Islam of course being quite possibly the biggest issue which ultimately has caused the opposition.  
