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Topics - Biggie Smiles

General Chit Chat / B.I.D.E.N
April 24, 2024, 11:41:48 AM
Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated
All above board bro

they did a recount. They recounted ALL the ballots bro. Even the fraudulent ones!

and they added it up!

and anyone questioning irregularities and/or anomalies is a FASCIST, INSURRECTIONIST GENOCIDAL MANIAC!!!!!!

Tax payer dollars to throw away on people who don't appreciate it


The Octagon / More sound libtard logic
April 19, 2024, 10:19:52 AM
When a liberal vermin democrat is charged with a crime they are actually in the act of committing in a blue shit shithole it's ""political""

when a conservative is charged with some overreaching and untested legal theory which allegedly occurred 8 years ago to produce probable cause in that same blue shit hole it's ""preserving democracy""

and these people wonder why I refer to them as cockroaches?
You can't say Gay in Africa!!!

Poor admong is going to shit all over himself now

So now instead of your salary being a multiple of 4 beneath the poverty line it's only 3!!!!

Isn't that great???? Now all you'll need to do is find the stamina and will power to work 16 hours a day and 6 days a week to afford to live behind someone's dumpster

and hey, who knows, with a little endurance and some wild luck you might even be able to buy yourself a hoopty with gas spitting out of the radio to sleep in!!!!

that is of course, until they ban all gasoline guzzlers in favor of electric Teslas you can never afford.

so you better get cracking brah
When we controlled the senate we allowed the impeachment of one our own to be heard

But when it's one of yours and the tables are turned you don't even hold a trial

Scumbags.  That tells any normal and honest minded person everything they need to know about you rodents
The Guest Nest / The logic of the libtarded left
April 16, 2024, 11:08:04 PM
When protestors target the scumbags in government who are actually responsible for the various things that lead to protests in the first place you rodents want them locked away for a gazillion years for the high crimes of putting feet up on desks and making karens who weren't even there fear for their lives. 

but when protestors target normal everyday citizens that can have NO impact on whatever cause you are crying about this time and just going about their lives you cheer these deranged criminals on and root loudly for them to keep up the bad work

you vermin cocksuckers and your flagrant hypocrisy disgust me. *Spits

Welcome aboard!
Lobotomized Leftist - Fuck the Zionists, they are trying to drag us into war with the mighty Iran!

Intelligence interjection - The same mighty Iran who got their asses whooped by a country we flatlined in 8 days?

also Lobotomized Leftist
- we have to go to war with a nuclear armed superpower to defend Ukraine

Intelligence interjection - The same Ukraine you didn't know existed until the democrat propaganda machine began telling you Putin is Yellow man bad? Why should we go to war with Russia over this, so your corrupt vermin democrat party can continue to launder money through a corrupt puppet government to our own industrial war machine?

Aren't you the same peace loving junkie lowlives who believe all funding to defense programs should be discontinued ?
Or should it be ignored because there are 330 million ppl in the country?
Pay higher taxes, more on basic necessities, try to dodge the high crime and stench of homeless bums shitting in the street and if that doesn't thrill you to the point of climax

sit in traffic while some brats take out foreign government policies on commuters who have nothing to do with the situation