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Politics / Green Grift
July 27, 2023, 06:20:22 PM
Public green money makes some folks really frickin rich, but the middle class poor. Most of it is a waste of money to reward rich prog political allies.

Politics / Progtards Hate the Working Class
July 25, 2023, 05:00:48 PM
My old man voted socialist when he became a Canadian citizen. He would not today. Socialism is for rich elities who hate blue collar workers.
News & Current Events / India's Rice Export Ban
July 25, 2023, 04:49:59 PM
Is causing countries like Canada to stockpile rice supplies.
I have always been skeptical of conservatives being the new champions of the working class since socialist parties and candidates in North America are now controlled by woke globalist billionaires with an agenda that benefits one tenth of one percent of the people.

Landowners in small towns in eastern South Dakota who are losing their land to the globalist Agenda 2030 green energy companies funded by China and Biden's Green New Deal subsidies,

The governor of South Dakota is just one example of conservatives working with not against prog money.  Red states are not really red and why we continue to have policies in support of biomedical tyranny, green energy, transgenderism, and illegal immigration in deep red states.

It is the same in Canada. I will propbably vote for Pierre Pollivere, but he aint really the champion of working men and women and protecting kids that he pretends to be. The chickenshit would not disavow gender mutilation for kids for Christ sake.
What the hell did Trudeau expect would happen when we add the equivalant of a Saskatchewan in one year. Demand for everthing rises, but especially housing and pushing up interest rates.

How immigration could be impacting the Bank of Canada's efforts to bring down inflation

Influx of newcomers could be adding to factors keeping governor Tiff Macklem up at night, one economist says,are%20a%20part%20of%20that%20story%2C%E2%80%9D%20she%20said"> ... she%20said">,are%20a%20part%20of%20that%20story%2C%E2%80%9D%20she%20said.

Demand created from a record influx of immigrants could be one factor keeping inflation higher for longer than anticipated, some economists say, though Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem doesn't appear overly worried about it.

Sticky inflation prompted the Bank of Canada on July 12 to raise interest rates by 25 basis points to five per cent — the highest level since 2001. Though the inflation rate has fallen off its peak of 8.1 per cent last summer to 3.4 per cent in May, prices of more than half the goods in the consumer price index, such as meat, bread, coffee and rent, continue to rise, Macklem said in a press conference following the decision.

An increase in immigration could be one complicating factor keeping inflation higher for longer and stoking demand, Bank of Nova Scotia economist Rebekah Young said.

"There is more risk that inflation may be sticky in months and quarters ahead, versus it coming down faster than we thought and newcomers are a part of that story," she said. "They are certainly adding to what could be keeping (Macklem) up at night."

Canada welcomed more than one million immigrants in the past year as the federal government sought to address high job vacancies and labour shortages. Young said the country has traditionally used population growth through immigration as a means to increase workers and enhance supply, especially as "massive surges" of inflation haven't been something policymakers have worried about for decades. But things have gotten more complicated.

He said that while newcomers filling job vacancies has been good for company margins, easing inflationary pressures, new entrants are also increasing demand for housing, helping boost rent and home prices. It's "hard to know exactly" the net effect on the economy, he added, but the main message is that immigration is adding to both demand and supply.

"If you start an economy with excess demand (and) you add both demand and supply, you are still in excess demand," Macklem said. "What we're seeing is that the excess demand in the economy is more persistent than we thought and so we've raised rates in June and July."

Douglas Porter, chief economist at the Bank of Montreal, said he agrees with Macklem's assertion that high immigration adds to both demand and supply. But there's another element the governor "didn't talk about much," he said, and that's a matter of timing.
You see how frickin inclusive we are. We have special folks here. ac_toofunny
These prog pieces of shit hate average people. This was a Freudian slip for sure.

Kamala Harris declares US must 'reduce population' to combat climate change in yet another gaffe"> ... ing%20News">

Vice President Kamala Harris made yet another gaffe during a speech about green energy on Friday. In Kamala's latest slip-up, she accidentally said the United States needs to "reduce population" in order to combat climate change.

Harris gave a speech about "building a clean energy economy" at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Maryland.

Harris touted President Joe Biden's "ambitious goal" of reducing America's greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 and having the U.S. economy reach net zero emissions by no later than 2050 — with or without approval from Congress.

Harris told the audience, "When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water."

Many immediately interpreted the faux pas as a Freudian slip revealing a conspiracy theory that the government plans to carry out population control to fight climate change.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) asked, "Are you the population she wants to reduce?"
What is a "woman"? That question, the title of a now well-known documentary, has stumped Supreme Court justices and prime ministers alike. The reason for the confusion stems, perhaps, from society's conflation of the terms "sex" and "gender."

Sex is a biological trait. Like other mammals, humans fall into one of two sex categories—male and female—that are built for distinct reproductive roles. Each cell in a human being's body is clearly and irreversibly either male or female from the moment of conception.

A minute percentage of the population are born with sex-related chromosomal anomalies or reproductive organs or genitals that present or develop atypically. But these differences of sex development do not contradict the sex binary. They are the exception that prove the rule. To put it another way, writer Andrew Sullivan has noted that some people may be born with only one arm, but that doesn't change the scientific fact that human beings are two-armed mammals.

Although many people today use the word "gender" when referring to biological sex, the terms have distinct origins and meanings. "Gender" is a sociological term used by 1970s feminists to distinguish biology from cultural expectations about men and women. The statement "only females can birth children" is a biological fact. By contrast, the statement "women are the primary caregivers of children" is a cultural norm based on a "gender stereotype."

A person can challenge "gender stereotypes" and alter the way that he or she expresses "gender" by adopting behaviors, mannerisms, or styles that society regards as either masculine or feminine. But a person can never change his or her biological sex, even with surgery or hormone therapy.

The distinction is important, not only for scientific accuracy but also because when it comes to medical care, safety, privacy, and athletics, biological sex differences matter. Ignoring this reality has serious consequences—consequences for which females often pay a heavy price.

Pretending that sex differences aren't real means eliminating single-sex spaces for women, giving males access to places, such as prisons, locker rooms, and living spaces, where women may be vulnerable. The males seeking transfers to women's prisons may or may not actually identify as women; but many are capable of physically over powering, abusing, and raping the female inmates.

Male-bodied individuals entering locker rooms who expose themselves to women and watch as women and young girls undress in front of them may or may not actually identify as women. But this does not change the fact that many women do not consent to this exposure.

Male-bodied athletes competing in women's sports may sincerely identify as women, but that doesn't make them so. And it doesn't change the fact that they are displacing biological females in their own sports and, in some cases, subjecting them to unwanted male nudity.

We need to protect women by passing the Women's Bill of Rights, which recognizes common sex-based terms and ensures that when the word "woman" is used, it is recognized as referring to biological women.

As a society, we can be kind and strive to accommodate people who identify as transgender, but inclusivity cannot come at the expense of women's safety, security and equal opportunity.

Carrie Lukas is the president at Independent Women's Forum.
The tranny bored has an insane owner who thinks he is a woman. He has banned me, Biggie, and deport_liberals. And those are just the anti-prog folks we know for sure. There are probably many others. But, Apegirl and Hollowgay like it because they are all about free speech.

Butthurt Fagtory's owner is also a screwball. He attacked Flea's kids and when he is off his meds he bans seven folks in one day and cancels the politics sub. But, Apegirl sticks around and Hollowgay still logs in because they are all about free speech

TBC has a sane owner who has never banned anybody. He inherited the Seamidget ban. His forum has a politics section where he encourages folks who disagree with his penny pinching ways to register and challenge the guy. But Hollowgay had a melty, grabbed his purse and left for almost one whole day like the deadbeat dad would because he cannot tolerate the lack of free speech on this forum. His spamtard ladyfriend Apegirl posts here as a guest like a machine because he too cannot tolerate the lack of free speech here.

Two old hypocritical fairies with not a single brain cell between em.
Politics / Government Spending
July 12, 2023, 07:57:47 PM
I aint some minimal government conservative like the Seoul brother. If a man or woman works hard all their lives, they should have adequate health care and some guaranteed income when they retire. They paid for both for a long time.

This is why I liked Trump's working class directed spending. Jim Crow Joe and Justine give trillions of working people's money to woke billionaires and corporations in the name of going green. Remember Justine giving $14 million to the billionaire Weston family of Loblaws to retrofit refrigeration in their stores.

The US and Canada cannot keep spending the way they are. The only folks that are benefitting from all this largesse are politically connected people who do not need help in the first place. While I want this spending to come to a screeching halt, I have a feeling any spending cuts will not come as the expense of prog crony capitalism."> ... ing%20News">

A coalition of 21 Republican lawmakers has drawn a line in the sand, warning House Speaker Kevin McCarthy that they will not support appropriations measures that fail to adequately address soaring government spending.

According to a letter that Fox News has posted, the lawmakers declared that they "cannot support appropriations bills that will produce a top-line discretionary spending level barely below the bloated FY 2023 level (already grossly increased by the lame-duck omnibus spending bill we all vehemently opposed a mere six months ago) and effectively in line with the cap set by the debt ceiling deal that we opposed and was supported by more Democrats than Republicans."

"For unity to exist, we must have a clear mission to actually cut the total discretionary federal bureaucracy to pre-pandemic levels and end the empowerment of President Biden's radical woke and weaponized government," the conservatives explained. "Absent adhering to the $1.471 trillion spending level – and/or achieving significant policy victories such as forcing President Biden to sign H.R. 2 and take the steps necessary to secure the border – we see an impossible path to reach 218 Republican votes on appropriations or other measures."
FBI Director Christopher Wray had barely completed his opening statement at the House Judiciary Committee's FBI oversight hearing on July 12 when Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) began a rapid-fire barrage of pointed questions that culminated in a clash of utterly opposed perspectives.

"On July 4th, we had this explosive, explosive 155-page opinion from a federal court in my home state of Louisiana that explains in detail that the FBI has been indirectly involved in what the court says, and I quote, 'what is arguably the most massive attack on free speech in United States history," Mr. Johnson told Mr. Wray.

"The court ordered the White House, [Department of Justice], and the FBI, among others, to immediately cease colluding with and coercing social media companies to suppress Americans' speech, conservative speech in particular. Director Wray, I find it stunning you made no mention of this court opinion either in your opening statement or in this lengthy 14-page report that you prepared on July 12, which was eight days after the court ruling."

"Have you read the ruling, Sir?"

Mr. Wray replied, "I am familiar with the ruling, and I have reviewed it with our Office of General Counsel."

Mr. Johnson responded, "Are you deeply disturbed by what they've told you about the ruling if you haven't read it yourself."

Mr. Johnson instantly responded.

"Let me tell you what the court concluded because it should be the first thing you think about in the morning and the last thing you think about at night," he said. "The court wrote that 'apparently the FBI engaged in a massive effort to suppress disfavored conservative speech and blatantly ignored the First Amendment right to free speech.'"

He continued reading from the court's opinion, which described in great detail how the FBI's actions had the effect "of suppressing millions of free speech postings by Americans." As an example, the court pointed to the fact that "millions of Americans did not hear about the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 election," as well as a lengthy list of other controversial issues.

"Our emphasis is on malign foreign disinformation from hostile actors who engage in covert actions to subvert our social media platforms, which is something that is not seriously in dispute," a grimacing Mr. Wray said.

At that point, an agitated Mr. Johnson insisted, "That is not accurate; you need to read this opinion because you are in charge of enforcing it."

He also pointed out that an FBI official in charge of the censorship program claimed a 50 percent success rate in getting targeted posts suppressed.

"Well, first off, I am not sure that is a correct characterization, but what I would say is the FBI is not in the business of moderating content or pressuring any social media to suppress or censor." Mr. Wray said angrily.

Mr. Johnson responded, "That is not what the court said."

And thus it went back and forth throughout the lengthy hearing, with Republicans pointing to the extremely detailed July 4 opinion by Judge Terry Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana and numerous similar findings by others on recent FBI actions against free speech, clashing with the embattled FBI director who flatly and repeatedly denied that his agency has done anything remotely like censorship.
Politics / Dang, Progs are Stupid
July 07, 2023, 12:21:36 AM
Frickin idiots.

A bunch of frickin kids were shot in this one."> ... 00029.html">

At least 30 people were injured, two fatally, when a mass shooting erupted early Sunday in Baltimore, turning what had been a festive neighborhood block party into what one witness described as a "war zone."

An 18-year-old girl was found dead at the scene from a gunshot wound and a 20-year-old man was taken to a hospital, where he died, authorities said. Three of the injured people were in critical condition, officials said.

At a press conference held Sunday afternoon, Police Commissioner Richard Worley told reporters that all victims are gunshot victims. They range in age from 13 to 32, with around 14 victims under 18, police said.

"It was a war zone. It was definitively a warzone," one witness, who only wanted to be identified by her initials L.N. because she feels unsafe in Baltimore, told ABC News.

The mass shooting unfolded around 12:30 a.m. in the Brooklyn Homes neighborhood in the southern district of the city. Worley said police officers rushed to the scene when numerous 911 callers reported shots being fired.

Worley said the barrage of gunfire broke out during a large block party at a housing development in the 800 block of Gretna Court. The event was not permitted, he later told the media.

"When officers got here, we located multiple victims suffering from gunshot wounds," Worley said.

Worley said authorities are looking for multiple suspects.

At press time, no suspects had been arrested in the violence Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott described as "a reckless, cowardly act."
The Guest Nest / The Niggar Family
June 25, 2023, 10:55:12 PM
This is classic Dave Chappelle you will not find on youtube."> ... /80609662/">
Folks in this country are going broke paying for Justine's prog bullshit."> ... says_study">

In 2023, the average Canadian family of two or more people will pay $64,610 in total taxes, representing 46.1% of their annual gross income ($140,106).

As of June 19, every dollar Canadians earn this year represents a dollar not pocketed by grubby government bureaucrats.

"If Canadians paid all their taxes up front, they would work the first 169 days of this year before bringing any money home for themselves and their families," said Jake Fuss, associate director of fiscal studies at the Fraser Institute.

In 2023, the average Canadian family of two or more people will pay $64,610 in total taxes, representing 46.1% of their annual gross income ($140,106). Last year, the average family paid 45.2% of its income to the government.

The tax burden compromises more than five months of income — from January 1 to June 18. On June 19, — otherwise known as "Tax Freedom Day" — Canadians start working for themselves.

According to the Fraser Institute, Tax Freedom Day measures the total annual tax burden imposed on Canadian families by federal, provincial and municipal governments. They encompass income taxes, payroll taxes (including the Canada Pension Plan), health taxes, sales taxes (like the GST), property taxes, fuel taxes, carbon taxes, "sin" taxes and more.

This year, it comes eight days later than in 2019, the last year before the pandemic, and four days later than 2021, when it fell on June 15.

According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), Canadians will see 'significant tax changes' in 2023. Their "New Year's Tax Changes" report outlined higher CPP and EI premiums by hundreds of dollars, $445 more in carbon taxes — a second carbon tax — and a 6.3% tax increase on booze.

"Tax hikes will give Canadians a hangover in the new year," CTF federal director, Franco Terrazzano, told Rebel News. "Canadians can't afford gas or groceries, and the government is making things worse by hiking taxes."

"Canadians pay too much tax because politicians waste too much money. The government needs to provide relief by trimming the fat and cutting taxes."

A Leger poll posted earlier this year found over half (52%) of Canadians believe the average family should pay 25% or less of their income to the government. Four in every five support paying the government less than 40% of their income.

According to Statistics Canada, most workers have seen their purchasing power decline in recent years.

"Wages and earnings have not kept pace with price pressures, especially those related to food and shelter," said a StatsCan report Research To Insights: Consumer Price Inflation, Recent Trends And Analysis.

Though weekly earnings typically increased 4.2% last year, rent increased 5.9% over the same period.

"Despite moderate increases in wages and earnings, most workers have seen their purchasing power decline as inflationary pressures ramp up," wrote analysts.

The cost of running a family car rose 13.4%, food prices increased 14.8% and mortgage interest costs jumped 18%.

"Increases in the cost of living are [harming] net saving and wealth, especially for more vulnerable households," disproportionately impacting low and middle-income households.

StatsCan said young adults expressed the most concern over finances, with almost half of those aged 35 to 44 having difficulty meeting their financial needs last year.

The Financial Consumer Agency found that 38% of Canadians borrow money to meet monthly expenses.

"More are borrowing money to cover their day-to-day expenses, including high-cost loans," said an Agency report, Consumer Vulnerability: Evidence From The Monthly Covid-19 Financial Well-Being Survey.

"The percentage of Canadians who borrowed money to cover daily expenses increased from 26% in 2020 to 38% in September 2022," said Consumer Vulnerability. Other findings from monthly questionnaires showed 48% of Canadians used their savings to meet monthly expenses, while 25% routinely spent more than they earned each month.

Forty percent of Canadians surveyed said they were "just getting by financially," while 41% worried they had no money to cover unexpected expenses like car repairs.

Ultimately, three-quarters (74%) believe a family of two or more people is over-taxed by all levels of government.

"There is a large discrepancy between what the average family pays in total taxes versus what Canadians believe the average family should be paying," said Fuss. "It's clear that many Canadian families don't believe they're getting value from their taxes."

Leger said nearly half (44%) of Canadians believe they're getting poor or very poor value from government services.

"Tax relief should be a much higher policy priority given the overwhelming view that average Canadian families are overtaxed coupled with the weak support for the value Canadians receive in government-provided services," added Fuss.
Strict gun laws aint working so well in Chicago and all of Illinois."> ... %20NewsOne"> person is dead and at least 20 people were shot during a Juneteenth celebration in a Chicago suburb, according to authorities.

The mass shooting occurred at a strip mall hosting a large Juneteenth party in Willowbrook, Illinois.

Battalion Chief Joe Ostrander with the Tri-State Fire Protection District said around 12:30 a.m., gunfire rang out at a strip mall on Route 83 near Honeysuckle Rose Lane, about 20 miles southwest of Chicago.

There were reportedly "at least 200 teens and young adults" gathered in a parking lot for a Juneteenth celebration when as many as 30 shots were fired.

Witness Markeshia Avery told WLS-TV, "It was supposed to be like a Juneteenth celebration. We just started hearing shooting, so we dropped down until they stopped."

"We were all just out, and, next thing you know shots just kept going off; everybody ran, and it was chaos," witness Craig Lotcie said.

Witness Zaviar Sheikh added, "We just heard gunshots; at first it was one, but then it was a whole bunch of gunshots. After then we started running like, 'yo.' I looked at my friend, and we took off, running like crazy."

Eric Swanson, deputy chief at the DuPage County sheriff's office, explained, "There were at least 20 individuals shot. One victim is deceased. The motive behind this incident is unclear. ... We transported numerous victims from the scene. Others just walked into area hospitals."

Two of the people who were shot are in critical condition, while others suffered "graze wounds," fire department officials told WBBM-TV.

Police did not reveal a motive for the shooting.

Police were still at the crime scene as of Sunday morning conducting the investigation into the deadly shooting.

The DuPage County Sheriff's Office asked that anyone with information call 630-407-2400.

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At least 20 shot, 1 fatally, in Willowbrook, officials say">
We owe a debt of gratitude to old Flea for keeping this place going. What the hell are you doing wiping out Flea Trap. Do you know how ungrateful you look by doing that.
Politics / Jim Crow Joe
June 14, 2023, 07:33:03 PM
Inflation has risen faster than wages for twenty six of twenty seven months under his administration.

Bread, cereal, and eggs are between twenty three and thirty percent more expensive since he became president.
The Flea Trap / Rich Prog Shit
June 09, 2023, 11:58:17 PM
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded group trying to bury video of twisted interviews with little kids about sex and masturbation: 'Do you play with your ****?'"> ... ing%20News">

A Dutch organization funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is facing scrutiny over one of its videos featuring children as young as four being asked wildly inappropriate questions about sex and masturbation.

While the Rutgers Foundation is desperately trying to deep-six the video, the right-wing Dutch populist party Forum voor Democratie has drawn attention to its contents in an effort to expose what the group is really up to, reported Reduxx.

Rutgers, like Planned Parenthood in the U.S., claims to be in the business of educating and supporting young people in sexual matters but also advocates for gender ideology and abortion appreciation in schools with the help of other activist groups.

The group states on its website, "We want young people to be free to enjoy their sexuality and relationships, while respecting the rights of others in an inclusive society," admitting to advocating "for progressive language and norm-setting on sexuality education."

Rutgers kicked off an initiative targeting children on March 20 called "What do I like?" as part of a national "Spring Jitters Week" campaign to expand sexual education in primary schools.

"Learning about your body, talking about what you like and a positive self-image. This is the focus this year during the Week of Spring Jitters, an annual project week about relationships, sexuality and resilience in special and primary education," Rutgers wrote on its project page. "We want to make children think about what they like and teach them to express their wishes."

The specific video that piqued the interest of Dutch anti-groomer groups was entitled "Wat vind ik fijn," or "What do I like?"

Reduxx reported that the video features children as young as four being asked about their sexual proclivities.

In one scene, a 6-year-old boy named Loek appears alongside his gay guardians, one of whom asks, "Do you like it when someone is petting you?"

The boy shakes his head no, then the adult male asks, "And what about being tickled?"

After the boy answers in the affirmative, the man says, "Oh, we'll have to do that every night then before you sleep."

A 4-year-old boy is pressed about his masturbation routine in another scene.

His alleged mother, asks him, "What about you? Do you ever play with your dick? Do you ever touch your willie?" ... How does that feel? And when do you do that?"
This is hilarious.
