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Topics - Love Blob

The Guest Nest / Jesus Christ!
July 05, 2016, 05:52:44 AM
I just found another ex-bitch on POF...

Pics are from years ago, and hide her fat fucking arms!

Another cunt looking to do nothing more than ride cock, pop out more kids, and find Mr. Moneybags!

What a fucking joke!

I'm actually quite shocked!
The Guest Nest / Vanilla Ice? I've Gotta Admit...
July 05, 2016, 04:44:04 AM
...he did OK.  Watch this few minute clip.  Could be worse!

...which I think is a good thing.

I remember when people didn't, and you'd walk along, and then almost like you hit and slipped on banana peel...  SHIT!  Shit in the tread of the shoe!

Also I remember, sometimes you wouldn't know you stepped in shit, until you were at the checkout counter at the store...  Then you'd smell the shit!  Was it me?  Did I shit my pants?  Did the guy behind me shit his pants?  Who shit their fucking pants?

Only later, do you realize that your shoes are caked with shit!

Tracking shit into the house, not knowing the shit is hiding in the tread...  Tracking shit all over the carpet.

You know, I think it's a very good idea for people to pick up their shit.

I also know the havok just one individual could create, by placing shit in just the right locations...  SINISTER!
The Guest Nest / Both Forums Are Done
July 04, 2016, 05:45:24 AM
You hags can all go suck Oscar's dick (he's an 80 year old alcoholic), when all is said and done!

Suck it long and hard.

Learn that you fucked up both forums.

Too bad!

Enjoy death!
...browsing POF.

If you twats are fat, please don't check that you are "average," "thin" or "athletic."

MY body style allows me to choose these options.  Yours does not.

Fucking groce!  Lying bitchez!