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Topics - Skippy

The Flea Trap / Memebee
September 08, 2023, 07:54:31 PM
Is memebee down for everyone? Icant access it
The Guest Nest / A message from trump supporters
November 04, 2020, 06:52:22 PM
We will not go quietly into the night!

We will not vanish without a fight!

We're going to live on!

We're going to survive!

Today, we celebrate our Victory

And Welsh Americans and Australians too
The Flea Trap / The horrors in china
December 06, 2019, 03:45:41 PM
Police in China have offered a reward for information leading to the arrest of a woman suspected of gouging out a six-year-old boy's eyes.

The attack happened in Fenxi, Shanxi province, on 24 August.

The boy went out to play and hours later was found by his parents with his eyes removed and covered in blood.

The boy is now recovering in hospital. Police have offered a reward of 100,000 yuan ($16,340) for information linked to the case.

"The boy was lured by an unknown woman on Saturday evening into a field, where she gouged out his eyes," state news agency Xinhua reported.

The boy's parents are said to be farmers. His mother said her son told them he was walking outside when a woman attacked him, state media reported.

Police found the boy's eyeballs at the scene. Local reports initially said the corneas were missing, potentially pointing towards organ trafficking.

Police now say, however, that the corneas were not missing and they have yet to establish a motive for the attack.

"We are still working on it so we cannot offer any comment or make any assumption on the motives," a police officer in Fenxi told the AFP news agency.

The boy was initially taken to a local hospital but was transferred to Shanxi Eye Hospital in the provincial capital, Taiyuan, on Sunday.

Local television footage showed family members trying to comfort the heavily-bandaged child.

"We had no disputes with anybody," state news agency Xinhua reported quoted his mother as saying.

Doctors at the hospital say his condition is stable but he will be blind for life.

"He asks why the sky is always dark... and why the dawn still hasn't come," Beijing Youth Daily quoted an uncle of the boy as saying.

"We could only tell him that his eyes had some injury and have to be bandaged.

"It is such a difficult question to explain to him. It is the most heartbreaking thing."
The Flea Trap / Mels forum is locked
November 23, 2019, 05:09:10 PM
Blurt and his brother have been trolling it recently
The Flea Trap / Scomo wins Australian election
May 18, 2019, 08:07:31 PM
Climate issue rejected – Historic win in Australia after Labor loses 'unlosable' election

Given the rejection, this may be the last Australian election where "climate" is used as a key issue.

Australia's Liberal National coalition government under Prime Minister Scott Morrison has won a historic victory, taking his party for a third term in government against all expectations.It is still unknown if Morrison will form a majority or minority government, but swings to the coalition across large Australian states, especially Queensland, have ensured he will remain prime minister.

In a triumphant speech Saturday night, Morrison said he had "always believed in miracles.""And tonight we've been delivered another one," he told jubilant supporters in Sydney who chanted Morrison's nickname "ScoMo."

After losing an election which many analysts described as "unlosable," Labor leader Bill Shorten conceded and announced he would be stepping down as head of the party.

Climate change to be decisive issue in Australian election

Energy and global warming debates have dominated Australia's election campaign, with many voters calling for change.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison's centre-right Liberal-National Coalition is seeking a third-straight term in power, but polls have shown Bill Shorten's opposition Labor Party clinging to a narrow lead. The left-wing Greens Party is expected to remain the third force in the country's politics.

"Australia doesn't solve climate change by itself," Morrison insisted last week during the final party leaders' election campaign debate.

"It actually does its bit in concert with other countries.

But Australia is one of the world's largest per capita emitters – producing some 1.3 percent of global carbon emissions in 2017 with only 0.3 of the world's population.

"Climate change is shaping up to be a number one issue in this federal election," said Kelly Albion, the head of campaigns at the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, attributing this to "young people as a moral voice for action on the greatest issue facing our generation".

Climate change set to be major issue in Australian election

Looks like voters have rejected "climate change" as an important election issue, much like we've seen in the USA with the election of Donald Trump in 2016, who promised and delivered on exiting the Paris Climate Accord.
The Flea Trap / DATW is gone
May 11, 2019, 09:06:48 AM
Another piece of forum history bites the dust. Forumvancouver has also been canned. Mandy and Milqtoast are out of a job
The Flea Trap / Did Germany lose ww1
November 11, 2018, 07:42:57 AM
In my opinion in was a draw, Germany wasn't invaded and the front lines stayed pretty much where they were for 4 years of the war despite the Americans coming in. So there's nothing to celebrate here