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Topics - Lynn.F

The Guest Nest / Online Poker Tournament
November 03, 2019, 01:32:25 AM
When: Sunday, November 3rd.

Time: 4:15pm PDT

Would love to have all of you play. Even if you are new.

To make it simple I will be the WPT Poker App as most of you use tablets and phones. If you are on a laptop or desktop, sorry.


1. Go to the Playstore and download WPT Poker by Captiveplay.

2. Create your profile.

3. The tournament cost is 10k. I think you get that amount starting out.

4. I will set up the tournament @ 4pm. The tournament will start 15 minutes after I create the tournament.

5. I will post the code here @ 4pm.

6. After you open up the app go to the tournaments. Select private and enter your code.

Hope to see you all there!

P.S.-Please use your handle from SG or TBC or close to it.

P.S.S.-To get your 10k in chips you do have to validate your email.
The Guest Nest / Where are my Regs?
October 23, 2019, 09:29:30 PM
I need to see:


No Okie


King Martini

The SG regs are scared No Okie will start flinging his excrement at them. Though, No Okie's turds are like rabbit pellets it's still gross. So, I have promised them you'll wear a diaper and keep your hands visible at all times.

Okay guys. We totally can kick the shit out of the SG regs.
I have discovered new talent. Raw, old untapped greatness. I have brought together a group of the most powerful flamers alive today. We, challenge you big fat SG pussies to a flame match. Your regs vs TBC regs.

Look at my powerful roster:

No Okie



King Martini

I understand if those at SG pretend not to see this. I wouldn't want to get fucked up by that crew either.
The Guest Nest / Can I be a Reg here?
October 19, 2019, 11:54:27 PM
Hello. Tis I Flynn. I just wanted to pop in here and ask, "we're cool right?" I mean all Asian derogatory remarks aside. I really like some of you "people." Some of you "people" make me laugh. Like, Shen Li better known as the Wombat-Fighting caped crusader, "The Iron Chink." This person is very funny. They throw a hissy-fit because someone called them, "stupid." People call me "stupid" all the time. I don't get mad. Only 1/2 of them are right, though. This Shen Li is one of my favorite posters.

I really like this guy named "Soul bro." Have you seen him try to partake in "flaming?" It's like watching ice melt. On a winter day. Like baby birds trying to fly. Soul bro tentatively steps one foot out of the safe "nest" only to be blitzed upon by posters posting curse words! Oh my God! According to Soul bro that is not, "flaming." Because up till 9 months ago you had no idea what "flaming" was. Here you are with your little cute chubby-cheeked face thinking you're an expert on something. How very quaint! I see you commenting, always putting your "two-cents" worth in. Yet. You make it a point everytime to disclaim any enjoyment or fun from hanging out in your "flame" area. So your cutie-pie self only posts about the "flame" forum? Never fully participating, just always watching? I noticed you had quite a bit to say about the Dovey Vs Martini Hell in a Cell match. I like you. You are a neat guy.  You make total sense. You are not a fence sitter like some people. You are one of my favorite posters.

There is a new sheriff in town. Hello Rotwang. I like you Rotwang. You are very fair and impartial about everything. I like how you look at the logical side of things. It is amazing you have not won a Nobel Prize in Ethics. I like that about you. You are very humble. You never like talking about yourself. I have never heard of you bragging or doing rotten things to people you have never met. The thing I like the most about you Rotwang is that you shower on a daily basis. You are clean. You always look presentable. You are a dapper dude. Did you know? That you are one of my favorite posters.

There's this hella cool gal by the name of Fashionista. She is so polite, she makes sugar taste sour. What I like the most about Fashionista is her self-reliance on only herself. I like how she is so strong that nothing makes her bend in the winds of the typhoon of madness that sometimes swirls around us. She is also ultra polite. It makes me want to choke an old lady out. Thank goodness there are more smart, strong, and kind people like Fashionista. She is the reason I started posting here. Everyone said, "yeah, she cool." You are lucky to have a capable and strong woman as a poster. Fashionista is one of my favorite posters.

Then, there's the rest of you "people." Most of you are really super smart. I read a conversation that was 23 pages long about the Time Zone differences in Canada and the USA. You "people" are sure interesting, that's for sure! I wish that you guys would like me. I just want to ask how your day was and read heartfelt posts full of emotion and spirit. That's all I want. Do you think you guys could accommodate this lost gal? I just want to post positive vibes. I have changed. I have turned over the proverbial "new leaf." Will all 6 of you posters at The Blue Cashew please take my hand and help me walk down this new path of enlightenment? You guys are one of my favorite posters.

So with all that being said. Can I be "Reg" here?
The Guest Nest / Interview with Flynn.
September 28, 2019, 03:33:09 PM">
The Guest Nest / This is getting redundant
August 12, 2019, 03:29:30 PM
Guys. Seriously? All this trouble for a "flame" forum? Instead of making it more complicated. Look, I understand how some BC members might be turned "off" at the idea of "flaming". Okay, I get it. It's not for everyone.

But to make up a rule in the "flame" forum about not bringing up "old grudges" and what one can or cannot "flame" about; is just plain silly.

Now, Rotwang, Fat Danny all these guys guys know what the deal is. If you had your "flame" forum open for 5 years, there will be "grudges" by BC members, because that's how people are. It's human nature.

But don't sit on the fence. You either are going to let flamers flame, or you're not. But make up your minds. Also, if people don't like the flame content, they don't have to set forth into the forum.

What really amuses me, are the people who don't post in the "flame" forum except to point out they "don't understand it". Yet, why are they in the flame forum in the first place?

Does not make sense for people so against it, yet they're obviously reading. I don't know why TBC has so many uptight posters?
The Guest Nest / Hiya Peaches...
August 09, 2019, 06:48:10 AM
...YuO little bitch.

Like I didn't read yUoR little gem about, "wanting to drop the hammer" on me. That's why yUo'Re not a moderator, that and yUo sucked at it.

Are yUo still denying what yUo called Rotwang?


The Guest Nest / Shut up Fat Danny. Fuck yUo PervyWang
August 09, 2019, 05:33:24 AM
As much as I love watching Fat Danny also known as Dim365, do the doggie-paddle all over the Blue Cashew, pontificating about crap aka Rotwang; while just generally sucking overall. It gets old watching Fat Danny floundering around like some newly reeled in junk-fish, while trying to be a wicked-Kewl-"flam@r".

Unfortunately, for Fatty D, he picked a fight with Rotwang, who could dismantle him in his sleep, then when he wakes up; that's when Fat Danny's head gets separated from his meaty shoulders. Matter of fact fucking Hello Kitty could outflame Flat Danny on his best day out.

Then we have this old gizzard by the name of Rotwang. This over opinionated Australian dickhead, hobbles up and down the forums, giving everyone his opinion; like anyone gives one flying Dingo fuck about what yUO think. Rotwang, yUo'Re such a fucking bitch, that yUo run and hide under Fashionistas cock; and whine about how all the "flamers" are picking on yUo. Wasn't there a time when yUo used to do the same thing?

Rotwang is nothing more than a perverted, verbose; piece of fucking trash. Rotty, if yUo have a problem with any of the truths I have outlined, feel free to jut yUoR fucking big, crooked, bulbous nose in here; and set me straight. What I gather might happen is yUo'll go running off with tears flowing trying to have me "banned" on a technicality, isn't what yUo do? That's what yUo tried to do to me last time I visited this fucking dump.

Rotty, yUo'Re pretty smart hiding out here, hows that saying go? Fat fish is a in a really, really, tiny pond.