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Topics - KM

The Flea Trap / Wait, my post got deleted?
July 19, 2022, 06:53:17 PM
Because of the word cold cocked?">

Are you morons that stupid?
The Flea Trap / Reinventing History
July 18, 2022, 06:46:37 PM
Only on Fleas "politics free flame zone" forum that doesn't want flaming can this post happen.

Honestly, I rarely read these forums and most of the rabble within them. But something odd came up that I was notified of.

Bonesaw is crying that I put his mother obit on a forum? Nice try sympathy seeker, but it wasn't me who did it. It was KH. Your "full name" was common knowledge and I'm pretty sure everyone who has spent a few years at this shit knows it. leave out the FACT it was you who passed around Cunts pic behind the scenes to AW. Because that's how I got it, and she sure as shit never lied to me.

See Bonesaw, your fucking problem is you are a forum owner seat sniffer who either sucks up to get a panel or posts you don't like deleted. What's your laundry list?





Funny how all of them had admin privy's, huh? So don't sit here and act like you were above the bullshit. You wernt. You were the one having nervous breakdowns over the flaming community and writing blogs about it.

Speaking of blogs. I remember vividly how big, righteous Bonesaw wouldn't post at Beavers Blog on account of one of its random sponsors was a site called "rape stories" yet, at his blog, where he went on a four episodic rant about flaming, one of his random sponsors was indeed "rape stories". Funny how that one worked out, on top of being a what was it, 50k post spam bot at BH where there was beasty porn.

So plz, don't try and soak in being some pleb victim. You can fool the fucktards here with your woe is me story but your not fooling anybody who's been in this shit longer then a few years, scrabbler.

It's funny, but the supposedly great "flamers" are the biggest pussies now a days.
The Flea Trap / Dearest Fash
June 05, 2022, 09:40:14 PM
If you are sharing handles, as a forum owner, that's a bad look.

Is it you or Chink who's having the melty over at BF?
The Flea Trap / This is my exit for a bit
June 05, 2022, 07:38:31 AM
New season of Fortnite starts in a half hour.

I won't be on the boards.

See you guys in a couple months once it gets stale.
The Flea Trap / I have returned
June 02, 2022, 04:19:50 PM
I would like to thank Fash for... how do you say it...going..that extra mile for the betterment of this forum.

I would like to thank Flea, while behind the scenes was putting up an illustrious campaign for yours truly and did indeed threaten to leave if I, the GOAT, did not return.

I would like to thank CW, the patriarch of this community, for having the strength to rise up and... be like Poofer, claiming her much well deserved panel.

I would like to thank Looney, for stepping up and being the man of the people. There might be hope for you yet.

But most importantly, I would like to thank all of you, the readers and fans of this humble content creator. I do not know what you idiots would do without me.

Blessed are you all.


Ladies and gentlemen;

With a tear in my eye, I cannot post at this forum no longer.

It has come to my attention that the manifestation of failure, a horrible curse that was passed down from the greatest failure in this communities history, The Wise and Powerful, has received a panel within this site.

As some of you know, TwaP passed away from a horrible one sided victory by the ominous Covid-19. From what I was told, it entered thru his anus from unprotected sex with a fire hydrant. One day he was moderating one of the 25 forums he mods and wham, he started leaking like a sprinkler. Covid ate him from the inside out.

Before he passed, thru the Darth Vader hissing from either his defribillator or his one working lung, he reached out to us thru a Zoom call and begged that we honor him and to pass on his legacy within these forums.

Little did we know....">

RIP- The Wise and Powerful

And because somebody has taken twaps mantle for fail, I cannot stick around.

It has been an honor creating content for you all thru out the years.

Thank you.

thepoofer/King Martini/Kevin

Chicago, Illinois

The Flea Trap / Sorry, Flea
June 01, 2022, 08:14:42 PM
Not sticking around.

As the last great content creator left, I want no part of a forum some clown shoe wearing gimlet has a panel at.

Last post
The Flea Trap / Now we need Murdoch
June 01, 2022, 12:47:00 PM
Now that Bland is on his way, we need murdork here.

Lil help, Oak?
The Flea Trap / Misheard song lyrics
June 01, 2022, 10:56:15 AM

When I was young instead of " hold the line" I thought he said "eat the lime"

To this day I still sing it that way
The Flea Trap / King Martini’s official statement
June 01, 2022, 07:28:26 AM

Yesterday night, a knuckle dragging moron was cucked by this forums admin over a troll that happened three years ago.

Real men, ladies and gentlemen, don't get cucked.

Now, before we can "move forward", we have to delve back into the past a bit for the umpteenth time for the geriatric Neanderthals present.

Many of you morons here, we're not privy to flame forums.

And because of this, many of you wouldn't have survived being on a flame forum. What happened three years ago was "creating content". A landmark in verbose "next level" thinking that the flotsam to this day is still posting about it, and over on another forum, are trying to recreate it.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am a great content creator, and proud American. When Lincoln freed the slaves, did idiots not try and talk shit about him? When George Washington killed all the Nazi's, we're their not those of limited brain functionality who tried to take that away from him?

You are hating on moi, not because I am the greatest influencer in this community, but because I am American.

(Places hand over heart)

Oh mother liberty, for this back woods scum of igloo and hockey pucks knows nothing of being a patriot. For their jealousy of three robust colours, red, white, and blue blinds them into being the wretched villains nothing short of Russian, Putin cock suckers.

I am the embodiment of American pride. And I will keep fighting the good fight of quality, American content for I love my country.

God bless King Martini, and by golly, god bless America 🇺🇸
The Flea Trap / Dearest Flynn
May 30, 2022, 08:52:52 PM
I, like many, have no intentions of going back to BF.

Card trick has been dead for over five years, EB is done with this, OJ is an elderly man, and most of the ppl you want there won't go because you are there.

Hope that helps.