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Messages - caskur

The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 06:52:24 PM
Quote from: Frood on Today at 06:48:22 PM^^^ FOS

Yes you are full of shit.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 06:47:37 PM
Quote from: Frood on Today at 04:37:14 PMAt least people in America can get decent healthcare... should they be willing to mortgage their houses.

No such luck in Australia.

Well WA is richer than your side. I spent 16 days in the southern hemisphere newest most modern hospital in my own room and it cost me zero...

And after that a few shorter days at no expense to me either.

Maybe you could run your side much better. Go put your hand up to be elected and see if you can do a better job.
I should have said partially digested instead of partially decomposed...after rereading it.

The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 04:07:32 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 09:44:41 AMThis is standard democrat scum operating procedure. Tout a costly bill which has 5% to do with what the bill claims it's for and 95% for personal pet projects. It's called "pork" -- and democrat scum are masters at using the process to their own advantage.

why? Because they know their idiotic fuckwits like Admong and Pig will not even attempt to read the actual text.

 pulling dirty tricks like this serve to not only get whatever ridiculous project they want to engage in funded, but also helps them bad mouth their opponents in front of the masses of lemmings for voting against it.

So yeah, Health Care for All. And those evil republicans are not for it!

no, evil republicans are not for charging someone a 8,000.00 a year tax penalty for the crime of not being able to afford the 10,000.00 a year shitty coverage plan that didn't cover jack shit anyway.

but see, you'd have to actually read the text in the bill to understand all of that.

That is pure evil. But so are private health companies sometimes. It's like we are all victims of the health care system... people in America having to sell the family home just to get and pay for cancer treatment.

Of course illegal immigration is the worst stress on our health system IMHO.
Quote from: Dove on June 24, 2024, 05:26:20 PMYep. Sometimes my daughter (the 18 year old) grabs my vape. I smack her in the head and yell about how she doesn't need a nic addiction.

Lol,... just reading that reminded me I once craved nicotine and still do but will never have it again....

Let's not talk about nicotine
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 09:18:28 AM
Quote from: Shen Li on June 24, 2024, 11:46:56 PMSingapore has mix of public and private health care. It is mostly private companies delivering health care. It's sooooooo much better than Canada's government only no private competition universal health care. And guess what, it costs less and has better results. Singaporeans live longer than Americans and Canadians.

The US is the worst example of for profit health care. Canada is the worst example of government run universal health care. Watch what North America does, and don't do it.

Australia to has a mix of private and public healthcare but every tax payers has to pay for Medicare.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 09:11:10 AM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 24, 2024, 02:18:27 PMremember when peepoll who couldn't afford health care insurance were fined by the IRS at approximately 80% of the purchase price  of the shitty health insurances providers on that stupid exchange which never worked?

So essentially you either found a way to pay for shitty health care which you couldn't afford OR you had the very benevolent courtesy of paying 80% of that cost to Uncle Sam for absolutely NOTHING instead

wasn't that awesome?

Unbelievable racket.

Quote from: Lokmar on June 23, 2024, 06:51:09 PMThe very last frame displays "SPOOKIES". Is that Aussie for "NIGGER"?  :popcorn:

If you can find somewhere (a streaming service) that has that movie documentary it's worthwhile viewing because of the bizarre practices of different cultures.... also they killed a Great White Pointer and emptied the contents of its stomach and there was a partially decomposed 16 year old girl swallowed whole.

Another native culture when a female had the first pregnancy would jump out of a tree and kept doing that until she miscarried and then they would take the dead fetus and bury it and sew a seed of a tree on top and forever that tree represented their baby. REALLY BIZARRE practices... another African tribe would get a dead body, build a pyre in the sun, put the dead body there, wait until it oozed fluid and then they would all drink it.

You know, young people today know nothing about other cultures and there is this HUGE cover up about their practices.

India is pretty repulsive. What is amazing to me is they survive it all.

This ....This Violent World 1976..

It'll freak you out.

There is a movie... it is more documentary than a movie and it is called This Violent World or Our Violent World and my mother and I were watching it... and section a very young Sth American man had looted some wooden chairs and maybe some picture frames or something and the police had him tied to a chair and shot him in the head and that absolutely freaked my mother out.

That was sad.. the old doctor with dementia is very unfortunate. Sad? Definitely for the family.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
June 23, 2024, 04:39:36 PM
Quote from: Dove on June 23, 2024, 11:02:33 AMDude, here in Michigan a shit ton of elderly people got booted off Medicaid.

What the actual fuck?!

But least we didn't get Tutor, who clearly would have zeig yeeted all the abortion doctors to guantonamo bay.

Why did your elderly get booted out of Medicaid?
Quote from: deport_liberals on June 22, 2024, 02:28:09 PM

Liberals have become a parody of themselves.

I only read part of that story.... I got to the pride month and got all angry.

Why do they get a month?

Every other celebration from mothers day, 4th of July, Christmas Day, veterans day are all 24 hours long and yet homosexuals feel entitled to have a whole month and nobody says it's not OK.

Anyway tattoo plus a severe haircut is not a good look.

She needs to go on the carnivor diet before she suffers... you cannot get away carrying that much weight when you are older.

She is eating too many carbs..

The thing is, carbs are cheap.... and very very addictive.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
June 23, 2024, 04:19:57 PM
According to the New Amsterdam cancer is caused by racism.

[img src=""]


You cannot make this stuff up... it is incredible someone did  the short video does explain.


No you aren't seeing double I can't be bothered trying to find where 1 image starts and the other image stops.
General Chit Chat / Re: Derek Chauvin Stabbed
June 23, 2024, 03:58:08 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on June 23, 2024, 12:50:18 PMOpinions vary.

Mine, is that all the other cops knew they were fucking up when Floyd went limp. At that point, any and all of them should have interceded and pulled Chauvin off Floyd, rolled him over, and started to administer first aid. Chauvin is much more culpable because he was the man in charge at that point and I think he refused to get off Floyd to spite the crowd. There were several minutes that he should have acted after recognizing he fucked up. Yes, I believe he recognized he fucked up and willfully refused to assist Floyd. Thats 2nd degree murder IMO.

None of them should ever be cops again. Chauvin should do 7 to 10 years at least and the other cops should do no more than 1 year, maybe 2.

I do not believe any of them willfully intended to end Floyd's life. That means 1st degree murder is off the table.

Just from the very little I know about sentencing because I have an interest in it, America is far too harsh and Australia is the absolute pits being too lenient.

You would absolutely laugh how pathetic Australia is...

Anyway, thanks for telling me more about Chauvin. That is unfortunate he has that harsh attitude.