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Messages - Garraty_47

The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 01:55:19 PM
Quote from: JOE on Today at 11:41:47 AMActually I can't figger out why Left & Right in America hate each other so much.

Then either you haven't "actually" thought about it or you're not "actually" being honest.

It's not a mystery. It's not a puzzle. It's not even hidden.

Just say you don't "actually" care and aren't going to "actually" waste any time looking into it. That's not against the law anywhere that I'm aware of. Ignoring something then pretending your ignorance is the result of that thing being complicated or obscure is essentially telling a lie.
Quote from: Herman on May 30, 2024, 09:32:44 PMiden and the Democratic Party are doing everything they can to appease the radical pro-Palestine, anti-Israel wing of the left.


That's not even close to being true or you wouldn't be seeing so many protests and #GenocideJoe's polling numbers wouldn't be so abysmal. Biden and the democrats are trying to both-sides the issue and have only managed to piss off everyone while doing absolutely nothing except ensuring the executives at Raytheon and Northrup-Grumman get big fat bonuses this year.


"Invading Rafah is a red line."

Israel: <invades Rafah>

"No wait, I meant if they invaded in a *different* way. This is fine."

Politics / Re: US election 2024
May 29, 2024, 09:37:46 PM
The DNC apparently forgot Ohio needs the party to declare a candidate by August 8th in order to make it onto the Ohio state ballot so the DNC geniuses scheduled their convention for August 19th.

Instead of saying "mea culpa" and moving their convention up to late July or very early August they tried to make Ohio give them an exemption and are now talking about having a "virtual roll call" nomination to ensure Biden gets onto the Ohio ballot.

That's right... the Chicago convention will be meaningless because they will have already declared Biden the nominee in a Zoom meeting or what the fuck ever.

Is there *anything* the democrats AREN'T going to fuck up this election cycle?

Quote from: DKG on May 28, 2024, 10:07:25 AMCornel West is a good communicator, but Bernie? He is a sound bite at best.

The size of Bernie's rallies (especially in 2016) would beg to differ. Yes he consistently brought up a handful of issues but that's part of what made him appealing: his rhetorical consistency. It was only when his rhetoric was exposed as hollow and insincere that it lost much of its power to energize people.
Quote from: Thiel on May 27, 2024, 09:22:02 PMHe is indeed cut from the same cloth as Bernie.

Both gifted orators whose presidential campaigns exposed them as unsuitable to lead a movement (or the country) but for different reasons. Bernie, at the end of the day, proved to be little more than an agent of the democrat party and unwilling to expose their corruption even when it was maliciously aimed directly at him. West turned out to be too entitled and imperious; thinking it was everyone else's job to make it possible for him to simply stroll into the white house on name recognition alone while lashing out at anyone who dared question or make demands of him.

They do have similarities though... careerists who, no matter what rhetoric they spout, will never fundamentally change the systems that have benefited them for all these years.
He should have stayed in his ivory tower; this so-called presidential run has exposed him as someone who not only can't win the election but someone who *shouldn't* win.

He's lost the faith and respect of the very people he claims to speak for.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 18, 2024, 09:04:50 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 18, 2024, 07:00:28 PMA contest for the snowflakes to vote on who kicked them in the feelZ the hardest?


What's the prize for the winner ?

I honestly don't recall if there is one or what it might be.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 18, 2024, 06:01:25 PM
Quote from: Sloan on May 18, 2024, 04:05:33 PMCookie Moron exposes himself as a stupid fuck who doesn't know the different between mute and moot.

MajorStoopid is still crying about Biggie's kitchen and will probably rape another child later this evening to make himself feel better about it.

The nude holiday is proud of being illiterate because he won a prize in a box of cereal that read you are now a licensed poet.

Admin still cries whenever Prowler posts pictures of his car and Lily is fat and belligerent as ever.

Some guy named Atomic Punk is making lotusbud look like a jackass with verifiable facts.

You forgot to mention the 'Whiny Bastard of the Month' poll that has "reaper" listed as an option about a half dozen times. lulz
Quote from: DKG on May 16, 2024, 09:39:14 AMThe IRA is a present to the far left.

That's just rhetoric. It doesn't reflect reality. It's full of half-measures (at best) and poison pills and only serves as a deceptive talking point for fundraising and campaign ads.

No serious leftist thinks it's anything but a sick joke, just like the infrastructure bill.

Congress, as usual, started out with a package that had a few decent things in it but, as usual, they split the bill into the good stuff and the stupid performative shit then passed the latter while letting the former wilt on the vine.

There are no leftists in the democrat party.
There are only con artists and liars who appropriate leftist language and trappings to sell their voters horrible policies and legislation by pretending they're "progressive". That way the voters can feel smug and happy about supporting horrible policies and legislation while telling themselves they're the "good guys" but they're really only useful idiots brainwashed by a wholly corrupt party that hates them for being inconvenient peasants.
The democrats don't have a "far-left base".

Anyone who could accurately be described as far-left abandoned the democrats by now, if they ever considered themselves democrats in the first place.

The idea that #GenocideJoe is pandering to leftists damn near had me choking from laughter.

That's simply partisan dreck.
I have an appointment I need to keep but I'll check back when I return.
Quote from: Erica Mena on May 15, 2024, 12:32:53 PMAdmin posting gay porn. What a shocker

I'm not clicking on that shit.
Is it actual porn?
Politics / Re: US election 2024
May 14, 2024, 12:27:42 AM
Quote from: Herman on May 13, 2024, 11:01:28 PMGeorge Clooney and Julia Roberts are headlining a big fundraising thing for Jim Crow Joe in LA in June.

Jim Crow Joe has a lock on the rich entertainer and super rich donors. But, Trump leads by a landslide among small donors.

"We're getting pwned! We need to do something!"

Advisor #1:
"We could adopt policies that people are clamoring for."

Democrats (cringing):
"Eww no."

Advisor #2:
"This won't win an election but we could make a shit ton of money if we got celebrities to hold fundraisers for us. We could charge whatever we want for tickets and the sky's the limit for tickets that include photos with the candidate and celebrities."

"I like it! Good thinking that man!"

Advisor #1:
"But the voters..."

"Would you shut the fuck up about voters? Nobody cares! Who hired this dipshit anyway?"
Quote from: Herman on May 13, 2024, 10:17:40 PMI am staring to think you aint a member of her fan club.

That's a diplomatic way to put it. LoL
Quote from: Herman on May 13, 2024, 10:11:07 PMBrother don't hold back. What do you really think of old Hillary.

Thanks for reminding me:
She's also soulless, malicious, corrupt as fuck, and a war criminal.

I think that pretty much covers it now.