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Messages - ELPHUPPHY

The Flea Trap / Re: The Pulse
April 07, 2016, 08:58:16 PM
The Flea Trap / Re: The Pulse
April 07, 2016, 08:49:15 PM
Quote from: "RW"So...

What do you want to bet that a good number of the Canadians who have money in these accounts haven't declared it to CRA as income?

That seems to be a safe bet. After all, the average Joe has no need nor use for an offshore account. They haven't got resources to hide from the gummint.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"I have NEVER in my life paid a dime when eating or dining with a millionaire.

Neither do the first four people who have been drinking off the rich guy.

Have you ever talked to a "rich" person about paying taxes?

I am the consultant. I deal with wealthy contractors every single day I am on the lease. I was part owner in a swabbing outfit in the early 2000's.  ELPHUPPHY's characterization of wealthy people is so ignorant and wrong I do not even know where to begin.

Tsk tsk, there Herrmie. While you may not agree with me, it's rather harsh to characterize my comments as ignorant. Shame on you. I thought this board was a bit more polite than that.

Herman is a nice guy and has had an interesting work career..

He's a little rough around the edges..

But what you wrote about rich people is the no different than saying poor people are all lazy, drug and alcohol addicted.

I didn't think so at all. It certainly wasnt meant that way. I said, I think, that the few rich people I know tend to pick up tabs because they might have felt sorry for me because I earn less then they do. I make, by the way, a touch under $60,000, so I'm not indigent. I think picking up the tab is something rich folks do as a friendly kind of thing, not as something meant to demean us lowlies. To say my comment was ignorant would, on another board, be grounds for a war. There's no reason to insult me because my statement is not agreed with. I'll over look it because I'm not here to fight with anyone.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"

Well then that proves my point. Mr. PK had help and support from his parents, no doubt, and coaches and equipment managers and such. I doubt he was born from a hockey puck with his skills intact.

He has natural skill, that is unquestionable. And he takes good care of his parents. I have no doubt they see what he has become as a good investment of their time and money.

What is questionable is why he should pay millions of dollars to the CRA and Quebec? Did they buy his skates and drive him around when he was in junior? Why should they get more than his family who sacrificed for him?  He is a wealthy guy, so he can pay a little more, but there is no way he should be given a multi million dollar bill for services. Nobody should. Remember, like so many wealthy people he donates a lot to charity. One million dollars alone in 2015. What a waste that would be for Canadian society if that money went into general government coffers to buy votes with.

I don't disagree that in many countries, the rich pay much more than their fair share. Especially since any government makes poor use of the taxes they do collect.
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"I have NEVER in my life paid a dime when eating or dining with a millionaire.

Neither do the first four people who have been drinking off the rich guy.

Have you ever talked to a "rich" person about paying taxes?

I am the consultant. I deal with wealthy contractors every single day I am on the lease. I was part owner in a swabbing outfit in the early 2000's.  ELPHUPPHY's characterization of wealthy people is so ignorant and wrong I do not even know where to begin.

Tsk tsk, there Herrmie. While you may not agree with me, it's rather harsh to characterize my comments as ignorant. Shame on you. I thought this board was a bit more polite than that.
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"I see a few old friends are on here, like Peaches and Dove. This seems not to be a troll board, but rather one where issues are discussed, mostly politely and with knowledge.

For you who know me, this will be a stretch for me not to troll, but I will give it my best shot.
Dawwww ♡

Hiya, Dovey dear. I hope life is good to you today!
indeed it is! And likewise ♡

Life is always good for an old reprobate such as I. I'm above ground, gainfully employed, still able to enjoy a beautiful woman at my age, and a hell of a good cook. What more could I ask for?
The Flea Trap / Re: Awwwnimals!
April 07, 2016, 07:58:55 AM
Awwwwww... that's cute
The Flea Trap / Re: The Pulse
April 07, 2016, 07:39:44 AM
Also HUGE fan of Joe Satriani

The Flea Trap / Re: The Pulse
April 07, 2016, 07:37:42 AM

LOVE Mr. Mister...and that song especially.

My new fave is Ella Eyre, though...

The Flea Trap / Re: Laughter Lounge
April 06, 2016, 05:36:48 PM
Quote from: "shin"Try to keep a straight face while listening to this. I couldn't.


OMG!!! This is hilarious!!
The Flea Trap / Re: They keep dropping.
April 06, 2016, 05:08:36 PM
Quote from: "Peaches"Zaha Hadid, groundbreaking architect, died yesterday at 65 years of age.  Not a musician, but hugely important as a feminist and architect.  First woman recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. She won the prestigious Sterling Prize twice, The Royal Institute of British Architects gold medal, and countless other prizes and awards.">

Zaragoza (Spain) Bridge Pavilion...29,000 triangles

I don't get this crap about she's a woman and so it's amazing she can be an excellent architect. I just don't get it. Women are people, just like men. All of us have skills. As a man, should I be able to build a house, or even frame a window or door? Well, I damn well can't. Should it be surprising because the woman down the road from me can? Hell no. If I need some windows installed and she is willing to do them, I'll cook her a damn fine meal for when she's done.

I'd even give her a very nice bath if she'd like, but I guess that's another topic...
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"Or Daddy's money when he pffffffts. Any really rich person made their money off someone else's labor and sweat.

Name one possible instance where that did not happen?

I thought I just did.

Not sure who PK is, but God-given talents don't make you rich. You still need a lot of help from the less fortunate, whether you are a businessman or an athlete.

Hockey player for the Montreal Canadiens.

Well then that proves my point. Mr. PK had help and support from his parents, no doubt, and coaches and equipment managers and such. I doubt he was born from a hockey puck with his skills intact.
Quote from: "RW"Nice to see you phuppy!

Very nice to see you as well
Quote from: "RW"I have NEVER in my life paid a dime when eating or dining with a millionaire.

I know a few very rich captains of industry, as it were. They invariably pick up the tab when dining or drinking. I think they do it because they feel bad that I make such a pittance compared to them.