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Messages - Moonpie

Quote from: "Murdock"What friendship actually looks like ~ the tard explanation:  

Murdy: Moonie, is Reaper ok?

Moonie: Murdy, I'm friends with you both and I don't want to get involved.  

Murdy:  It's all good.  No worries.

You are a true nutbar.  Take care of yourself.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 11:16:10 PM
Quote from: "reaper"
Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"Don't get me started on being dragged into shit... you're not innocent in any of this btw

So if you would like to continue down this path I will... and I've got the screen shots from before you ever even signed into SG.

Moonie is one of the nicest and kindest people you could ever met on these forums.And all you have done to her for the last six months is treat her like a pos.So now you can't get your own way with her the threats and intimidation come in to play.*wow* with friends like you who needs enemies.You really are a low life sack of shit Murd.And this is a recurring theme with you isn't it Princess.You couldn't get your own way with Dovey so you start spreading malicious rumors about her behind her back.You couldn't get your own way with me so you start spreading malicious rumors about me behind my back.And now Moonie fells your wrath just because she wouldn't buy in to your b/s and didn't want to be caught in the middle of anybodies fall out and be made the scapegoat.You're nothing but a fucking user Murd and people are seeing right through you.Take a break form the internet girl because to be quite honest with you here you are making a fucking exhibition of yourself once again.

To put the record straight in why I left mmp.

I left mmp because I fundamentally disagreed with this anonymous posting malarkey.I've seen it used on several forums before and it always descends in to a cluster fuck of PI being posted and good posters being run off of the forums for good.When I noticed Fash had opened this place up I told her personally what might happen and that I thought it was a bad idea.I then saw a thread at mmp where you wanted to employ the same idea.Now I'd just spent the best part of a day telling Fash that it was a bad idea, and I go on to mmp and notice you want to do the same.It was then I came to the conclusion that it was best that I just deleted my account and leave.Had I stayed it would have just descended in to row after row about this `guest` posting thing.And I would have looked like a total hypocrite continuing to admin and promote a board when I did not agree with the direction the owner wanted to take it.

So I walked.NO drama.NO fuss.NO major melties.I just deleted my own account and went.I've ignored most of your insane ramblings and I will once more continue to do so after this post but you've gotta get it through that thick head of yours that NOBODY is conspiring against you.Nobody gives two fucks what b/s you come out with.You have your own fucking forum fgs.Put your energy in to trying to make a success of that.And stop blaming everyone else for your mistakes.And fucking well leave Moonie out of this.It has nothing to do with her you goddam nut job.I'm not even mad with you Murd.In all honesty your behaviour has done nothing but make me laugh at you  :MG_216:

Let these petty vendettas go Murd..................

Peace out bitches .

I appreciate you my friend.   acc_hugz
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 10:02:12 AM
I agree get help murdy.  It's concerning.  I think we all really care in regards to that. After listening to that podcast especially.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 09:51:03 AM
All because murdy can't bully me anymore.  Wow speaks volumes.  Im
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 09:48:14 AM
You are a nut bag hon bun.  No one believed that.  And to think I spent all those night listen to you cry and mourn Dovey for you to be such a bitch.  Fuck off.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 09:39:36 AM
Oh do you're going to post more private pms??? And texts???

There are no paths I want to go on with you.  Trust that.  So nah I'm done.  You win.  Cool.  I'm a awful person murdy no one should trust me.  If that means my private info stays away from here.  I'll give in to you.  I have no idea what u wrote you if it has my kids in that or what I shared with you..
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 09:37:51 AM
That's not what you said.  So stfu already.  Let's agree to disagree.  I'm done with this merry go round already.  Time for your next victim.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 09:23:31 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"I just wanted to say that it was my pleasure meeting the BC community.  However, returning online after a 5 year retirement to save SG was the worst mistake I've made in a longtime.  I have watched my friends endure horrific abuse on SG that is unsettling.  I've also ruined longterm friendships in the process of trying to piece this community back together... and it's simply not worth this level of effort or frustration.  I will not be remaining in contact offline with anyone except for Dove & Big and the friends I have maintained on FB.  

I wish you all the best and hope you have fun and figure this out before the forum community dies.  But I'm going back to my single, carefree life.  

Xoxo Purdy Murdy

I really wasn't going to respond to this.  You deleted me from FB over online drama.  Which is completely ok.  I really do hope you're ok.  It's not worth your sanity, yanno.

Just stop with the doe eyed Bambi gaslighting act already....  

I deleted you off Facebook when you didn't respond to my texts while Reaper was falling off the rails... clearly a line was drawn and sides were chosen.

Why would I answer texts about someone else?  It had zero to do with myself.  That's how people get their noses stuck where it doesn't belong.  You know this and reaper didn't deserve you to do that to him. And you know I haven't been online to know what you were talking about.  Get a grip.

... but... but... it's because of something else you initially claimed...

No one with any sense is buying your story after that last gaslighting attempt.

No way you can ever be accountable for your own shit, you always have to drag others in.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 09:18:45 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Compton's Most Wanted"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"I just wanted to say that it was my pleasure meeting the BC community.  However, returning online after a 5 year retirement to save SG was the worst mistake I've made in a longtime.  I have watched my friends endure horrific abuse on SG that is unsettling.  I've also ruined longterm friendships in the process of trying to piece this community back together... and it's simply not worth this level of effort or frustration.  I will not be remaining in contact offline with anyone except for Dove & Big and the friends I have maintained on FB.  

I wish you all the best and hope you have fun and figure this out before the forum community dies.  But I'm going back to my single, carefree life.  

Xoxo Purdy Murdy

I really wasn't going to respond to this.  You deleted me from FB over online drama.  Which is completely ok.  I really do hope you're ok.  It's not worth your sanity, yanno.

Just stop with the doe eyed Bambi gaslighting act already....  

I deleted you off Facebook when you didn't respond to my texts while Reaper was falling off the rails... clearly a line was drawn and sides were chosen.

Moonpie is part of the SG gang now, you ogre ass skank. You know, the spot where everyone except you can play  :roll:

You can have her... and Reaper..... and Oak...  whheeeeeeeee  

Think about renaming your forum the MMP REJECT haven... bwahahahhahah

And Joo and Dovey....lmaooooo.  Get help lady.
Quote from: "Guest"I think racial and gay hate posting is as disgusting and vile as threatening physical violence or any of the other tasteless antics used on strictly shitposting forums.  

I just brought back one of the best original yahoo message board trolls to ever play this game on MMP.  I'm trying to get back to our fun troll roots.... even though I've been shown ZERO loyalty.  

Sorry ya'll so enthralled with SG drama that you can be bothered with my site.... but you are now free to kiss my ass and eat my dust.

Really yeah you're so loyal to people like myself eh???

You attack my character how many times now?  You removed me from admin from your board for no reason.  That's loyalty.  Lol.  Anyhow, don't talk to me about loyalty.  It's only about what others can do for you and anyone with half of a brain knows it.
Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"Moonie, you can make whatever excuses you want for not responding to my text.  My point is that it's an EXCUSE.  As I have said before, it was clear that a line was drawn and sides were taken.... that is why I deleted you.

No excuse.  I intentionally ignored your texts about reaper.  You're correct.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 29, 2020, 11:16:54 PM
It's dumb really is.  I'm done with  it though
As far as the racist slurs I have said my fair share myself and hold myself accountable as well.  We all play and say things we can't take back ...remember that.
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Murdock"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Murdock"Exhibit "B":

Moon aka Arabprincess on BC endured a plethora of racist slurs doled out by the SG owner...

Holy shit. Did I do that when I was drunk off my ass? If you are talking to Moonie, tell her I don't mean the goofy shit I say when I am hammered. Tell her I am sorry. would of been in fun anyway.  Thank you though.

That's a relief. I like you kid.

How could anyone not like Moonpie.

Thanks Fash,  I've made lots of mistakes.  There are many in the real world that do not like me.  I'm not sure why.  It happens though.  Beliefs, politics, whatever it will be.  I'm who I am but I know how to not throw someone under the bus because I'm not getting what I want.   It's sad really.

You're passive aggressive and play possum when someone calls you out on it.  Passive aggressiveness is a blatant form of disrespect and is easily identified by anyone with the slightest intelligence level.  

Also, you have major issues with accepting fault and instead run to everyone else for protection and to complain.  

I hope you and Reaper enjoy a lifelong friendship.

What's it with you?  I'm friends with your friends too you weirdo.  You're the control freak who if it doesn't go her way, freaks out on people.  So what, I ignored your texts.  I also lost my 16 year old cousin, not that you give a shit about anyone but yourself.

I was trying to figure out how someone in mourning would notice that I removed you from FB when I haven't posted there since early December & I just checked the FBTV group and you found time to remove yourself from that too.    

I'm not sure I really believe anything you say anymore... But I wish you the best & hope you enjoy enduring the religious/race assaults and death threats against your family.  I'm SOOO jelly she won't let me back *tear*

Excuse me??? My cousin has a mourning page on FB private of course.  What's it to you?  I don't care what you do with your FB.  You're the one saying you kept your friends on their "tear".  I could give a flying shit about being off yours.  Remember I got rid of you after you told me to fuck off in the group text with Oak.  Anyway, take care of yourself Murds.
Quote from: "Murdock"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Murdock"Exhibit "B":

Moon aka Arabprincess on BC endured a plethora of racist slurs doled out by the SG owner...

Holy shit. Did I do that when I was drunk off my ass? If you are talking to Moonie, tell her I don't mean the goofy shit I say when I am hammered. Tell her I am sorry. would of been in fun anyway.  Thank you though.

That's a relief. I like you kid.

How could anyone not like Moonpie.

Thanks Fash,  I've made lots of mistakes.  There are many in the real world that do not like me.  I'm not sure why.  It happens though.  Beliefs, politics, whatever it will be.  I'm who I am but I know how to not throw someone under the bus because I'm not getting what I want.   It's sad really.

You're passive aggressive and play possum when someone calls you out on it.  Passive aggressiveness is a blatant form of disrespect and is easily identified by anyone with the slightest intelligence level.  

Also, you have major issues with accepting fault and instead run to everyone else for protection and to complain.  

I hope you and Reaper enjoy a lifelong friendship.

What's it with you?  I'm friends with your friends too you weirdo.  You're the control freak who if it doesn't go her way, freaks out on people.  So what, I ignored your texts.  I also lost my 16 year old cousin, not that you give a shit about anyone but yourself.