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Messages - KM

The Flea Trap / Re: R Kelly
June 30, 2022, 10:31:47 AM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=462120 time=1656599124 user_id=2845
Quote from: KM post_id=462116 time=1656598920 user_id=3370

It's 100% bullshit.

Granted, RKelly liked little girls. Everyone knew that. But he sure as shit wasn't kidnapping and trafficking them then locking them up in some dungeon.

RKelly probably made more money yesterday then his record label did.

The parents need to be locked up with him. Everyone knew what R Kelly was about. Same as if TI or any other rapper/artist wants to hook up. Hell, he wasn't called the Pied Piper of RnB for nothing.


It's only a problem when your not giving the labels what they think you owe them.

Michael Jackson was busting in little boys asses for years but it only became an issue when he started buying up the catalogs of every important artist. Same thing here.

RKellys one song is worth hundreds of millions of dollars....well, it was.

Why do labels want in on SoundCloud? This is a money thing, it has nothing to do with anything else.
The Flea Trap / Re: R Kelly
June 30, 2022, 10:22:00 AM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=462111 time=1656598648 user_id=2845
Some of my children were conceived while listening to R Kelly.

The media can miss me with their bullshit.

It's 100% bullshit.

Granted, RKelly liked little girls. Everyone knew that. But he sure as shit wasn't kidnapping and trafficking them then locking them up in some dungeon.

RKelly probably made more money yesterday then his record label did.
The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
June 30, 2022, 10:17:50 AM
The Flea Trap / Re: What is wrong with Benzo
June 30, 2022, 10:10:51 AM
No worries.

I'll drop the nuke on that fucktard that will make him log off for good one of these days.......

The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
June 30, 2022, 10:09:00 AM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=462098 time=1656596924 user_id=3287
Quote from: KM post_id=462090 time=1656596187 user_id=3370


I kind of want the SNK collection.....

Are you getting the genesis mini 2 if it comes out here? I just saw the second batch of 11 and outside of an arcade port of Outrun, I'm not impressed. The first 11 had a couple bangers but unless they release the Lunar pair I'm keeping the 80 bucks in my pocket.

And the fanbois crying for Snatcher need to grow up. It's not happening

Cuphead DLC today, plus OMORI. I got PSN golden penis or whatever that top tier is called so can stream all those japanese PS3 games.

Was going to get The Quarry instead watched TheBrad play it on youtube instead since those interactive movie games have zero  replay value.

The three free this month are actually kind of solid.

I never played that Crash and the horror game slipped thru my interest when it came out but looks decent.

I'm still waiting for the "300" classics they promised. Might be waiting awhile.
The Flea Trap / Re: What is wrong with Benzo
June 30, 2022, 09:40:46 AM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=462092 time=1656596298 user_id=3287
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=462045 time=1656560297 user_id=2845

Older than me, but not older than poppy and Blandscape

You are dumber than a bag of potatoes.

The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
June 30, 2022, 09:36:27 AM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=461921 time=1656523063 user_id=3287
We will no longer be posting at BF after today unless KM posts again, since there is a bet going on that KM will be the first to post again at BF, and if he is, we receive a free KM coffee cup; if we post first, we must purchase KM any steam game he chooses.


I kind of want the SNK collection.....

Are you getting the genesis mini 2 if it comes out here? I just saw the second batch of 11 and outside of an arcade port of Outrun, I'm not impressed. The first 11 had a couple bangers but unless they release the Lunar pair I'm keeping the 80 bucks in my pocket.

And the fanbois crying for Snatcher need to grow up. It's not happening
The Flea Trap / Re: R Kelly
June 30, 2022, 09:20:15 AM
I was waiting for this thread.

No. Seriously.

As somebody who has met RKelly on more then one occasion bartending,I can tell you with complete confidence;

Everyone in this city knew the shit he was into. There is no way a responsible parent would have been "oh, ok" if their daughter would tell them they were going to hang out with 12 play. None.

This dungeon he supposedly had has never been filmed or photographed from the inside.

What all this was about, was his catalog. RKelly owned all his publishing. He had a stake in AAliyah too and a few others. He owned all the music. There's a rumor that when he signed his contract he brought shooters with him and signed his deal and not the labels.

They wanted that song for the space jam remake. He didn't want to give it up for 50%. They had that mini series already made long before it was released.

Think about it- when he had that meltdown on camera in that interview, a guilty person does not act like that. A guilty person isn't taking interviews, they are keeping their mouth shut. When they had him pissing on girls, was he giving interviews? Nope, cuz he was guilty.

Remember when all the streaming services took RK off their platforms? Then a couple days later he was back on them without any media mentioning it?

If RKelly were to give up half his publishing he would be out of jail within minutes.

And that's the realest shit your gonna read today.
The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
June 28, 2022, 11:42:20 AM
Quote from: BEnzo post_id=461772 time=1656428938 user_id=3222
Quote from: KM post_id=461765 time=1656427535 user_id=3370

Don't get it twisted, Fash.

BF isn't a flame forum. It's an old ppls home for semi-literate morons who don't have anywhere else to go.

BF, the owner, is a cool ass dude, he's way too fucking chill. I know 100% he wants a popping forum, but he's a prisoner to the morons there because every time he makes a change, they cry like babies then throw the donations in his face like he owes them something he doesn't. He owns a forum that actually has potential but the inmates run the asylum.

If SSS and Bland came here I'd completely delete that link off my phone.

PS- why haven't you banned DependZo yet?

Another unstable member of my fan club^^


What's wrong Martini, pissed BF didn't give you another panel to fail at for a second time?

Personally, I don't give a shit who becomes a mod over there any more than I give a fuck about what you think of the place.

Fan club? More like your master who enjoys victim sharing, you pathetic punching bag.

Who the fuck do you think your trying to influence when you wear my shoestring out your ass like a furries buttplug, you dilapidated dust bunny? You have that shit boxers have yet you never stepped into a boxing ring.

This idiots been flamebanged so much he swipes up and his ass starts to bleed before the screen fully loads. So put your clapper activated android down before  I force you to start having a stroke in installments. You need to go back to the cheap seats before this Nike swoosh on my foot tramp stamps a permanent face tattoo on your forehead, gramps.
The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
June 28, 2022, 10:45:35 AM
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=461756 time=1656425202 user_id=3254
Quote from: BEnzo post_id=461750 time=1656420443 user_id=3222


So are you saying Shen and yourself are separate individuals who don't pretend to be each other?

As far as 'flaming' goes, it's dead and has been that way a very long time.

Bricktop said as much right here like five years ago.

Some former 'flamers' just refuse to give up the ghost.

These remaining dead, nutty 'flamers' also seem to be the angriest and most unstable of the old bunch.

I find it best just to ignore them-

So are you saying that we are.


If flaming is dead than why do you want people to join you on a flame forum?

I thought you said you enjoyed BF.

Don't get it twisted, Fash.

BF isn't a flame forum. It's an old ppls home for semi-literate morons who don't have anywhere else to go.

BF, the owner, is a cool ass dude, he's way too fucking chill. I know 100% he wants a popping forum, but he's a prisoner to the morons there because every time he makes a change, they cry like babies then throw the donations in his face like he owes them something he doesn't. He owns a forum that actually has potential but the inmates run the asylum.

If SSS and Bland came here I'd completely delete that link off my phone.

PS- why haven't you banned DependZo yet?
The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
June 28, 2022, 05:51:11 AM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=461726 time=1656399224 user_id=1676
Quote from: KM post_id=461724 time=1656395761 user_id=3370

Actually, I've been saying for a long time that quality content has a monetary value and if message boards are going to be a continuing entity the board owners are going to have to pay for it.

That, is what killed flaming. There's no reason any more for anybody to create dynamic content for a message board if you aren't getting paid for your effort.

Shit posting is the norm, now and moving forward. If I can hide in a gas station bathroom playing fortnite on stream and get a dollar dono, that's more money then creating an elaborate flame post will get me on any forum.

I'm sorry, your time has value. There isn't a fag laming crew creating master class flames filled with adjectives and gifs any more and instead your struck dealing with invalids who would be better off being placed in chemically induced comas then wasting bandwidth.

And until somebody builds an algorithm where great content is rewarded, message boards will keep on dropping off.

I made one tiktok about ghislane maxwell that has over 250k views and 2k replies. That's almost two grand in my pocket in less then an five hours.

And I should post on these types of forums for free? Nah

The Influencer phenomenon only came about at the mid to late 2000's.... before that, it was a labour of love (or cheekiness or hate).

Monetisation broke the art of flaming and trolling eventually.

Who knew that Ruthless1's push for cash for flames (aka a small pittance every comp cycle of 100-150 bucks in early 2000 indexes for his insider competitors could have pre-shadowed what happened in the social media world.

There was no social media world to speak of at the time.

It was exactly that.....then and now more so, which doesn't tug on my creative writing skills. It's like a really dystopian episode of "Black Mirrors" spread out over decades.

YET... with the advent of "woke" ideology, flaming and trolling has a natural inroads back.... should online netizens be emboldened.

Artists of various genres don't get into art in order to get rich.... few do and mostly after they've breathed their last breath and fed their last casket worm.

So the monetisation thing might be an aim for the few remaining in a dying art, but if they want to grow it..... they have to treat it as a calling or hobby... a "love" first.

Otherwise, freedom of speech dies.... and good laughs and yarns die with it.

The glue which keeps us aging stirrers and debaters will come undone because there's nobody to make another batch....

The whole "influencer phenomenon " hit its apex in 2016 on YouTube. That year was the golden age of YouTube because you could say and do whatever you wanted without fear of "cyber bullying, hate speech " and all the red flag drivel that's handed out nowadays and still make a ridiculous amount of money.

Why are all the banned YouTube trolls who were making videos with either a black screen or behind generic gameplay footage still relevant? They were making hundreds of thousands of dollars back then. A million views in 2016 equaled 15 thousand dollars back then. Now, a million views nets you a grand if your lucky your video even gets monetized. That's why complete marble brains like Boogie2988 still do everything in their power to stay relevant , they think it's going to go back to the hood ol days but, just like flaming, those days are long past.

I find it hilarious when morons on these forums try and use the fact I'm happily making content on tiktok as some sort of insult. I really am. Tiktok is at its apex currently and if you have 100k followers, which I do, the money is excellent. It's like bartending with a positive cash flow coming in every single day while they are on these forums doing nothing but wasting their time trying to get attention. Whoopsie

And one thing you touched upon that doesn't get enough notice, is that the old flame forums, just like RuthlessColonCancered1, were more influential on social media then those writers back then get credit for. FilthyFrank was obviously influenced by Cun't and there's a couple parodies he made where he ripped off Cunts material to the word. I wrote a wrestling storyline once at FC that was basically copied by WWE. That could have been coincidental, but I doubt it. TDM's material was used in those old insult generators that were once popular back in the day. Hell, the Summer of Poofer has been copied by YouTubers.

That's impact. Who right now outside of the four or five of us on these forums can create content that infects social media? Who at BF can think outside the box not something bigger then typing out "faggot" or "sucking cocks"? None?

The morons here who whine like animals with their genitals ripped off over absolutely nothing are all that this community has. I should know, I was the one who shepherded them to the BG to watch my big event.

This community should pay me for keeping them entertained
The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
June 28, 2022, 01:56:01 AM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=461561 time=1656259893 user_id=3287
KM speaks truth, you need stronger and taller wading boots merely to slog through all the garbage you find posted in "the Community" these days. If the greatest moment of your day is signing into the Bastard Factory to read an elderly man exclaim "boom" as his prostate collapses to the ground as if it had just been punched out by Mike Tyson, then your life is probably very miserable.

Because forum influencers no longer work for free and because there are many better places to post "content" that are not populated by the cast of "The Hills Have Eyes," Websites like BF will have to start paying individuals if they want "content." However, most of the "content" would be lost on the shitposting old geezers and losers on "troll forums."

Not all of you can be like the cool kids, deal with it.

Actually, I've been saying for a long time that quality content has a monetary value and if message boards are going to be a continuing entity the board owners are going to have to pay for it.

That, is what killed flaming. There's no reason any more for anybody to create dynamic content for a message board if you aren't getting paid for your effort.

Shit posting is the norm, now and moving forward. If I can hide in a gas station bathroom playing fortnite on stream and get a dollar dono, that's more money then creating an elaborate flame post will get me on any forum.

I'm sorry, your time has value. There isn't a fag laming crew creating master class flames filled with adjectives and gifs any more and instead your struck dealing with invalids who would be better off being placed in chemically induced comas then wasting bandwidth.

And until somebody builds an algorithm where great content is rewarded, message boards will keep on dropping off.

I made one tiktok about ghislane maxwell that has over 250k views and 2k replies. That's almost two grand in my pocket in less then an five hours.

And I should post on these types of forums for free? Nah
I licked my gf's c-section scar and told her "I wuv you my little ziplock bag"

The Flea Trap / Re: Did you noticeā€¦
June 26, 2022, 11:13:57 AM
I should point you all towards Flynn's Twitter.

I won't, but I should
I finally found a translated adaption of the 1994 mini series of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel.


One of the greatest stories ever told and so far it is epic.

The remake they made in the 2000s was a lot more polished then this one, but this one has that grimy camera feel to it and the acting is a lot less over the top.

I'm a sucker for anything RotTK