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Messages - Brent

Joe Scarborough is pissing his panties about the special counsel report about Biden.

Axxording to MSNBC reporter Ken Dilanian who spoke with Justice Department officials, the details about Biden's memory are necessary because robert Hur has to justify why he is not prosecuting Biden despite uncovering evidence that Biden broke the law.

"If Rob Hur is saying, 'I have evidence that Joe Biden willfully retained classified information,' then, in fact, [Biden] didn't just find those documents in 2022 as we all thought. He actually found them in 2017, and he's recorded saying that to his ghostwriter," Dilanian explained. "So why isn't [Hur] charging him? Well, he has to explain that. So the explanation is Joe Biden said he didn't remember.

"He was recorded saying, 'I found classified documents in my house in Virginia,' to the ghostwriter. He's recorded disclosing classified information to the ghostwriter, according to this report," he continued. "But he says he forgot that. So Rob Hur has to explain that, in fact, the larger context here is that Mr. Biden has forgotten a lot of things."

Quote from: Lokmar on February 07, 2024, 07:38:33 PM"It is prohibited for a person to promote a fossil fuel, a fossil fuel-related brand element or the production of a fossil fuel," reads the act.

That fucking asshole needs flayed alive...and I VERY rarely advocate for torture.

Another good example of how superior America's form of government is. This would be tossed out on legal grounds so fucking fast, it would make your head spin.
He spends a lot of time flying. His words are not saying it, but his actions are saying fossil fuels are the cat's meow.
Quote from: Conservative Perspective on February 09, 2024, 12:19:51 PMNew California Democrat bill would ban all plastic bags at grocery stores

A California bill proposed Thursday would ban all plastic shopping bags in the state come 2026. Democrat proponents argue that previous bans were not effective enough.

Source: New California Democrat bill would ban all plastic bags at grocery stores
I don't know if any province in Canada still has plastic shopping bags.
The Flea Trap / Re: Putin
February 09, 2024, 07:31:25 PM
MSN had groups?
Charlie Angus should never get on a flight again.

QuoteC-372, also known as the Fossil Fuel Advertising Act, was tabled Monday as a private member's bill by Charlie Angus, the MP for Timmins-James Bay and a longtime member of the NDP caucus.

"Today, I am proud to rise and introduce a bill that would make illegal false advertising by the oil and gas industry," Angus announced in the House of Commons.

He added that the oil and gas sector was trafficking in "disinformation" and "killing people." Angus also twice framed his bill as the dawn of the industry's "big tobacco moment" — an apparent reference to Canada's blanket federal ban on tobacco advertising.

But C-372 goes well beyond merely banning advertising by oil and gas companies.

As a private member's bill introduced by the member of a party with only 25 seats in the House of Commons, Bill C-372 has almost zero chance of passing. But as written, the act would technically apply to any Canadian who is found to be speaking well of the oil industry, or of oil generally.

"It is prohibited for a person to promote a fossil fuel, a fossil fuel-related brand element or the production of a fossil fuel," reads the act.

Violate this as a regular citizen, and the act prescribes summary conviction and a fine of up to $500,000. Violate it as an oil company, and the punishment could be as strict as two years in jail or a fine of $1,000,000.

Angus defines "promotion" so broadly that it could technically apply to something as simple as a Facebook post or even an "I Love Canadian Oil and Gas" bumper sticker.

Promotion, according to Bill C-372, means "‍a representation about a product or service by any means ... that is likely to influence and shape attitudes, beliefs and behaviours about the product or service.�"

The act also criminalizes a laundry list of common pro-oil and gas arguments, even ones that have a reliable basis in fact.

Section 8 of the act makes it a crime for "a person" to argue that a fossil fuel is "less harmful than other fossil fuels."

Natural gas, for instance, generates energy with far fewer emissions or pollutants than diesel, coal, bunker fuel or any number of "dirtier" fuels. This is why the federal government taxes natural gas at a lower benchmark than higher-emission fuels.

Nevertheless, according to C-372, anybody making such an argument should face a jail term of up to two years or a "fine not exceeding $500,000."
Quote from: Lokmar on February 07, 2024, 09:33:20 AMIts disgusting that this didnt result in an automatic expulsion from government! After all, he's basically been convicted of abuse of power!

It is disgusting, my former party, the NDP, didn't immediately withdraw support for Trudeau and trigger an election.
On Sunday, Biden raised eyebrows when he told a crowd in Las Vegas that he spoke with François Mitterrand after winning the presidency. But that's impossible because Mitterrand, the former French president, died almost 30 years ago in 1996.
Politics / Re: US election 2024
February 07, 2024, 06:33:06 PM
Nikki Haley won 30.8% of the vote. "None of these candidates" secured over twice as many votes, receiving 62.9%. :crampe:

What is Nikki Haley still doing in the race.
Musk claimed in a tweet on X that the goal of the bipartisan border security bill is to let illegal immigrants vote — not to protect the border.

"The long-term goal of the so-called 'Border Security' bill is enabling illegals to vote!" Musk wrote on X. "It will do the total opposite of securing the border." One hundred percent.
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
February 07, 2024, 06:18:53 PM
In 2022, over 100,000 motor vehicles were stolen in Canada and car insurance payouts totalled more than $1 billion. That raises the insurance bill for you, and every single driver in Canada.
Politics / Re: Senator Penny Wong
February 07, 2024, 05:50:46 PM
Quote from: caskur on February 07, 2024, 04:58:27 PMIf that was true then the world would be perfect.

The UK, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Neatherlands, Spain, Belgium, all have a Constitutional Monarchy and all those countries are well run and better than anywhere. And omg white.

Now China who breeds like flies aren't doing so well at the moment. Spare a thought or 2 for their poor.

If you watch the video I posted towards the end are the photos of some of the beautiful women and girls who were murdered by Hamas.

Another person that clearly has never travelled. Sweden, Netherlands, and Belgium are crime ridden Muslim holes.
Former Republican governor of Montana and RNC Chair, Marc Racicot urged the Supreme Court to disqualify Trump.

The former governor proceeded to endorse some Democratic candidates in the 2022 election cycle, and voiced support for Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's U.S. Supreme Court nomination.

He says January 6 was an attempted insurrection and Trump lead it. But, none of these elitist hypocrites even mention the destructive riots across the US that were encouraged by Kamala Harris among many others.
Trudeau government doesn't know how much its carbon tax reduces emissions

So how can Canadians possibly know if they're getting good value for the money they're spending on the carbon tax?

QuoteGiven that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's carbon tax is costing the average Canadian household hundreds of dollars annually when factoring in its negative impact on the economy, how much is it lowering Canada's greenhouse gas emissions?

The answer is the Trudeau government doesn't know.

In response to an order paper question by Conservative MP Dan Mazier last week (hat tip to commentator Spencer Fernando for reporting it), Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said:

"The government does not measure the annual amount of emissions that are directly reduced by federal carbon pricing. Retroactively attributing specific GHG reductions to a specific action, such as carbon pricing, a discrete regulation, or a specific incentive, is difficult given the multiple interacting factors that influence emissions, including carbon pricing, tax incentives, funding programs, investor preferences and consumer demand. The National Inventory Report, which reports annually on historical GHG emissions, does not include this information."

Given that, how can Canadians possibly know if they're getting good value for the money they're spending on the carbon tax?

Mazier posted on X that, "Trudeau's radical Environment Minister admits the government DOES NOT measure how many emissions are 'reduced' by their costly carbon tax. Why? Because the carbon tax is not an environmental plan – it's a tax plan."

Parliamentary budget officer Yves Giroux reported last year that 60% of Canadian households paying the federal carbon tax (in all provinces except Quebec and B.C., which have federally-approved carbon pricing plans) are paying more in carbon tax than they receive in climate action incentive rebates, when factoring in its negative impact on the Canadian economy.

The PBO says this will increase to 80% in Nova Scotia in 2025, 80% in Ontario in 2026, 80% in Manitoba in 2029 and 80% in Alberta and P.E.I. in 2030.

Here are the PBO's estimated net costs for people living in provinces under the federal carbon tax regime. The first figure is the estimated average household cost this year, with the carbon tax at $65 per tonne of emissions, the second in 2030 when it will be $170 per tonne:

Alberta $710, $2,773; Ontario: $478, $1,820; Saskatchewan $410, $1723; Manitoba $386, $1490; Nova Scotia $431, $1,513; P.E.I $465, $1,521; Newfoundland and Labrador $347, $1,316.

The PBO's calculations did not include New Brunswick because it joined the federal carbon tax system after it did these estimates.

As for the carbon tax's effectiveness as part of what the Trudeau government says is its $200 billion plan to address climate change, Canada's emissions in 2021 increased by 1.8% to 670 million tonnes compared to 2020.

The Trudeau government's goal is to reduce Canada's annual emissions by 40% to 45% compared to 2005 levels in 2030.

In 2021, they were 8.5% lower than 2005 levels.

We won't know Canada's 2022 emissions until April, because the government reports them two years after the fact.

The PBO says Canada's emissions – 1.5% of the global total – are too small to materially impact climate change.
Quote from: Lokmar on February 04, 2024, 05:13:58 PMWhen I find myself in line with Louis, it makes me all the more worried.
That makes two of us.
The Flea Trap / Re: Ukraine
February 04, 2024, 06:33:52 PM
Quote from: Odinson on February 04, 2024, 04:54:46 PMThey have been mothballing ships for years now.

Two landing ships are the latest.

They mothball them and transfer the personnel to other ships.

The UK sends 25k troops to a joint military exercise.

Thats damn near all of their combat troops... From the total of 73k army personnel.

And the UK is supposedly the 2nd strongest NATO country.

Its not due to lack of funding, they just dont have enough people enlisting.
I read the British military has become so woke that working class Brits are embarrased by it.