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Messages - ELPHUPPHY

Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"Or Daddy's money when he pffffffts. Any really rich person made their money off someone else's labor and sweat.

Name one possible instance where that did not happen?

I thought I just did.

Not sure who PK is, but God-given talents don't make you rich. You still need a lot of help from the less fortunate, whether you are a businessman or an athlete.
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"I see a few old friends are on here, like Peaches and Dove. This seems not to be a troll board, but rather one where issues are discussed, mostly politely and with knowledge.

For you who know me, this will be a stretch for me not to troll, but I will give it my best shot.
Dawwww ♡

Hiya, Dovey dear. I hope life is good to you today!
I see a few old friends are on here, like Peaches and Dove. This seems not to be a troll board, but rather one where issues are discussed, mostly politely and with knowledge.

For you who know me, this will be a stretch for me not to troll, but I will give it my best shot.
Or Daddy's money when he pffffffts. Any really rich person made their money off someone else's labor and sweat.

Name one possible instance where that did not happen?
Reading some of these poasts is entertaining... Cap income tax at $100,000? Really? So that the rich get even richer? What kind of elitist shit is that? I agree that the US and other country's tax structure is befuckered, but tht is easily solved with a flat tax rate. Make it 15% for the sake of argument. Everyone who makes money kicks in 15% to the nasty assed gummint scum for roads, programs, etc. No cap, up or down. Everyone pays that percentage, no loopholes, no exceptions.

Now tell me how that's not fair?
Quote from: "Frank"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Frank"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "priscilla1961"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"I find it very difficult to give a shit about anything Chinese. They are a bunch of lying, crooked communist sheeple who either cannot dredge up an original thought or action, or when they do try, steal from someone else. They will soon kill themselves off due to massively polluted cities.

Why you racialize the Chinese?

I hate the Chinese, generally speaking. It comes from their treatment of their own people, their people being such cowards as to go along with their government policies with, generally speaking, no resistance, and worst of all because in January of '14 I had to put down a beloved dog Georgie, who was not even 3 years old, because of food I was feeding her that was poisoned and made in China. It destroyed her liver and I could do nothing for her, even after spending over $3,000 on treatments and IVs and whatever might work. Fuck the Chinese. you didn't take time to read the label, to see where the food was from, or what the ingredients were?

Anyways, I think you're making up this story in order to justify racist views. If you cared for the dog that much, had that much invested in it, you wouldn't have bought that food to begin with. I don't believe your story anyways. Even if it is true, then you're cheap and you should've spent the extra money to buy dog food with better ingredents. More likely the dog's demise was caused by your own personal neglect or at best natural factors such as aging.

All of which proves to me to me that you are just a loud-mouthed punk who hasn't a clue about what he says. That's ok.. I guess when I was 15, I was like that too. You'll grow out of it if you live that long.

If your actions are any indication and the story is true, then you're a moron.

Any intelligent, caring dog/pet owner would've fed the dog properly.

You say you spent $3000 on treating the animal, and then you didn't have enough money all those years to look for spend on proper dog meat?

If you had, you could have extended your precious animal's life by several years.

If it was my dog, and I cared for it that much, I'd never feed it processed canned food if I didn't know its origins.

Hasn't it occurred to you that many supermarkets or the local butcher has dog meat cut locally available for purchase?

I see it all the time - dog bits/scraps for sale - made out of REAL meat.

Anyway, don't blame China or anyone else for your own stupidity.

The dog's death was your fault and only your fault.

Honestly, some people oughta get locked up to protect themselves and others from their own stupidity.

I don't really expect anyone here to commiserate with me. Your comments simply show your total ignorance of the situation and mean nothing to me, other than as an illustration of what kind of a punk you are.
The Flea Trap / Re: Love
June 30, 2015, 07:31:13 AM
Quote from: "SPECTRE"Roses are red,

Violets are blue

You look hot

So now lets screw.

Thanks for the offer, you saucy swisher, but no thanks.
Quote from: "Frank"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "priscilla1961"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"I find it very difficult to give a shit about anything Chinese. They are a bunch of lying, crooked communist sheeple who either cannot dredge up an original thought or action, or when they do try, steal from someone else. They will soon kill themselves off due to massively polluted cities.

Why you racialize the Chinese?

I hate the Chinese, generally speaking. It comes from their treatment of their own people, their people being such cowards as to go along with their government policies with, generally speaking, no resistance, and worst of all because in January of '14 I had to put down a beloved dog Georgie, who was not even 3 years old, because of food I was feeding her that was poisoned and made in China. It destroyed her liver and I could do nothing for her, even after spending over $3,000 on treatments and IVs and whatever might work. Fuck the Chinese. you didn't take time to read the label, to see where the food was from, or what the ingredients were?

Anyways, I think you're making up this story in order to justify racist views. If you cared for the dog that much, had that much invested in it, you wouldn't have bought that food to begin with. I don't believe your story anyways. Even if it is true, then you're cheap and you should've spent the extra money to buy dog food with better ingredents. More likely the dog's demise was caused by your own personal neglect or at best natural factors such as aging.

All of which proves to me to me that you are just a loud-mouthed punk who hasn't a clue about what he says. That's ok.. I guess when I was 15, I was like that too. You'll grow out of it if you live that long.
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Shen Li"In some ways I like the Confederate flag. I sure as fuck don't mean the white trash KKK lunacy. To me it represents rebellion. Basically giving the middle finger to the massive beast we call the state.

I agree with you 100 percent on that.

Couple in the fact that slavery wasn't a real issue for succession after all other avenues were exhausted and the North still wanted to economically benefit from slavery prior to Civil War outbreak, the finger should ALWAYS remain.

Fuck the State.

The gummint has been corrupt for many many years. They turn their back on those who deserve to be supported, and support those who don't deserve to be supported. All the time, looking for a way to make themselves richer, more powerful, and to look better in the world viewpoint.
Quote from: "RW"A bullet is a lot cheaper than prison.

Amen. Two in the back of the head works for me.
The Guest Nest / Re: Peeppel stawing.
June 29, 2015, 07:40:43 AM
Quote from: "Odinson"Dontcha just hates it.

I see how you define this term. In my day, we called these people assholes.
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "priscilla1961"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"I find it very difficult to give a shit about anything Chinese. They are a bunch of lying, crooked communist sheeple who either cannot dredge up an original thought or action, or when they do try, steal from someone else. They will soon kill themselves off due to massively polluted cities.

Why you racialize the Chinese?

I hate the Chinese, generally speaking. It comes from their treatment of their own people, their people being such cowards as to go along with their government policies with, generally speaking, no resistance, and worst of all because in January of '14 I had to put down a beloved dog Georgie, who was not even 3 years old, because of food I was feeding her that was poisoned and made in China. It destroyed her liver and I could do nothing for her, even after spending over $3,000 on treatments and IVs and whatever might work. Fuck the Chinese.

Excuse me, I don't see Westerners protesting the increasing theft of their hard earned money(taxes). Chinese would storm zhonghanhai if we were had to surrender the amount of money you fools do to your governments. Anytime, governments spend your money, they are taking away some of your freedom. Keep that in mind genius next time your property taxes go up(another tax China does not have).

China may not have taxes, and they also have few freedoms, slave wages, a totalitarian government, few health standards, filthy air in most major cities, and no the citizens would not storm anything anywhere. They would be gunned down by the army and you know it.
Quote from: "Gay Boy Bob"Just back after a short break from work. Fabulous city is Portland - friendly people, nice weather (at least this time of year) probably the most liberal state in the whole of the USA. PORTLANDIA rules!

I would argue that. if Portland is the most liberal city in the US of A, that excludes it from any mention of the greatest cities. Liberalism is a disgusting result of warped thinking by weak-minded retards. The same thinking that results in more and more programs for those who will not help themselves, the same thinking that says let's not keep score so no kid feels like a loser ala special olympics thinking, the same thinking that seeks to revise public thinking so we accept muslims, thugs, and illegal aliens is the same thinking that is ruining the world. Instead of teaching kids to grow up realizing that you can't be a winner at everything and to deal with it, the same people who can't realize that paying people to sit on their asses because they don't want to work is wrong and counter-productive, the same people who refuse to enforce laws about illegals and law breakers in some kind of twisted frame of mind that says let's all get along, and forgive and forget, that's the kind of mindset that grows nothing but weak-minded, undisciplined morons whose mantra is it's not my fault I did wrong, so don't punish me. The same kind of thinking that allows people to do what they feel like just because they can do it and to hell with punishment or repercussions.
The Confederate flag does not control what Southerners think. Bigots are bigots, racists at racists, no matter what flag flies.
The Flea Trap / Re: Parents
June 29, 2015, 07:12:35 AM
Quote from: "RW"Has anyone here written off a parent or parents for any period or time or indefinitely?

Since both of my parents have passed, I guess the answer is yes.