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Messages - Lynn.F

The Guest Nest / Re: The Shut up Fat Danny
August 09, 2019, 05:44:37 AM
Quote from: "Cronus"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"As much as I love watching Fat Danny also known as Dim365, do the doggie-paddle all over the Blue Cashew, pontificating about crap aka Rotwang; while just generally sucking overall. It gets old watching Fat Danny floundering around like some newly reeled in junk-fish, while trying to be a wicked-Kewl-"flam@r".

Unfortunately, for Fatty D, he picked a fight with Rotwang, who could dismantle him in his sleep, then when he wakes up; that's when Fat Danny's head gets separated from his meaty shoulders. Matter of fact fucking Hello Kitty could outflame Flat Danny on his best day out.

Then we have this old gizzard by the name of Rotwang. This over opinionated Australian dickhead, hobbles up and down the forums, giving everyone his opinion; like anyone gives one flying Dingo fuck about what yUO think. Rotwang, yUo'Re such a fucking bitch, that yUo run and hide under Fashionistas cock; and whine about how all the "flamers" are picking on yUo. Wasn't there a time when yUo used to do the same thing?

Rotwang is nothing more than a perverted, verbose; piece of fucking trash. Rotty, if yUo have a problem with any of the truths I have outlined, feel free to jut yUoR fucking big, crooked, bulbous nose in here; and set me straight. What I gather might happen is yUo'll go running off with tears flowing trying to have me "banned" on a technicality, isn't what yUo do? That's what yUo tried to do to me last time I visited this fucking dump.

Rotty, yUo'Re pretty smart hiding out here, hows that saying go? Fat fish is a in a really, really, tiny pond.

You obviously missed the rules when you joined. Rule #4

I can do colors too....

Quote from: "Cronus"[size=150]    Profiles and topic titles shall be free of personal attacks, slurs, gore, and symbols or slogans of organized hate groups.[/size]

OMG! More idiot rules. So now yUo'Re modifying my titles? Can yUo at least change it, so it makes fucking sense? No wonder yUoR posters are jumping ship. YUo people are fucking incredible.
The Guest Nest / Re: Flametown's "content-a-thon"
August 09, 2019, 05:41:24 AM
Quote from: "sasquatch"Ladies, Gents, or whatever made up gender/mental illness you self-identify as...We need to help a fellow old fart out for the good of the flame game and for the good of a certain poster.

As we all know, we know of a certain old geezer that has been using content from Mr. Pickles for some quite time now, and it appears the content for the mentally defunct old fuck appears to be drying up.

Now, unlike the other telethon where poofer tried to get a gigolo for two unfuckable fatties, this one won't cost anybody a single penny. All you gotta do is donate a little bit of content to keep some old bastard going for a little while longer. Now, there will be some who will say "fuck that useless bastard. i'm not giving him shit", but please look into your heart and give a little to the mentally disabled who can't create original content. even if it is just 1 word, every little bit helps the flaming needy.

Now, you still have some time. the actual content-a-thon doesn't start until sunday August 11th.So please take a look at your old dusty flames that you haven't used, and decide to give yourself some good karma and pass them down to the less fortunate.

Just 1 teeny tiny flame is all it takes to make a world of difference to the less fortunate.

August 11th, folks. mark it on your calenders!

What a colossal failure yUo are. Why don't yUo try something more yUOr competitive eating.

Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Odinson"Women seek to control us..

After sex, a female can go "hmm should I call it a rape or not"..

During pregnancy, a female can go "hmmm should I keep the baby or not"..

In both of these cases, a female goes "hmm should I ruin this mans life or not"..

truth right there, brah.

Men should have the same rights as women to opt of of being a parent. There should be a brief time in the first trimester when a man can opt of of being a dad even if the woman decides to keep the baby. Men cannot force women to be mothers and women should not have the right to force men to be fathers.

 Listen, here is entitled mentality we need to progress past.

 Neither adult who made the choice to have should be allowed to "opt out"  

 This is an innocent human life, that only exists because of the active choice by two people who fully understand sex is how human beings are concieved.

 Its disgusting that people think this way.  That sex is all about them and if a life is created it may as well be garbaged, a literal human sacrfice at the alter of someones orgasms.

 Neither should be allowed to "opt out".  You chose to have sex, if you cannot or will not take responsibility for the innocent tiny human that gets brought in directly because of that choice you need to either get sterilzed or not have sex.  We should catering to peoples sense if sexual entitlement.

 We need more resources and programs for people in crisis, there are always couples seeking to adopt....but forcing a defenseless human being to pay the price for his/her parents selfish choices should not be permitted.

 People wonder why society and people in it are so ungrateful, entitled and violent?  Look at the attitude people towards their own innocent offspring. Like its and STD to get treated for.

 Why should anyone be allowed to willingly have sex and then dump or kill the child that was made?  

 Im sorry but there will never be an argument good enough to justify willingly enaging in an act that creates tiny humans and then brutally killing or dumping that child.  Absolutely no one is entitled to sex and we should not be making it legal to brutally kill these little humans or making it easy for the parents to "opt out", you dont need sex. Innocent humans should not have to suffer and die just because two people wanna get off.

 Eapecailly when we have so many ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, and then so many thousands of people that take and love that baby.

Shut the fuck up, yUo bleeting goat.
Quote from: "JOE"We have a good time over there!

lottsa  lively topics & discussions.

how bout you folks?

how you doin'?

hope yer doin well.

Regards, Joe

From all of US at the SG, we would love it if yUo just stayed the fuck right here at TBC.
The Guest Nest / Shut up Fat Danny. Fuck yUo PervyWang
August 09, 2019, 05:33:24 AM
As much as I love watching Fat Danny also known as Dim365, do the doggie-paddle all over the Blue Cashew, pontificating about crap aka Rotwang; while just generally sucking overall. It gets old watching Fat Danny floundering around like some newly reeled in junk-fish, while trying to be a wicked-Kewl-"flam@r".

Unfortunately, for Fatty D, he picked a fight with Rotwang, who could dismantle him in his sleep, then when he wakes up; that's when Fat Danny's head gets separated from his meaty shoulders. Matter of fact fucking Hello Kitty could outflame Flat Danny on his best day out.

Then we have this old gizzard by the name of Rotwang. This over opinionated Australian dickhead, hobbles up and down the forums, giving everyone his opinion; like anyone gives one flying Dingo fuck about what yUO think. Rotwang, yUo'Re such a fucking bitch, that yUo run and hide under Fashionistas cock; and whine about how all the "flamers" are picking on yUo. Wasn't there a time when yUo used to do the same thing?

Rotwang is nothing more than a perverted, verbose; piece of fucking trash. Rotty, if yUo have a problem with any of the truths I have outlined, feel free to jut yUoR fucking big, crooked, bulbous nose in here; and set me straight. What I gather might happen is yUo'll go running off with tears flowing trying to have me "banned" on a technicality, isn't what yUo do? That's what yUo tried to do to me last time I visited this fucking dump.

Rotty, yUo'Re pretty smart hiding out here, hows that saying go? Fat fish is a in a really, really, tiny pond.