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Messages - Brent

Quote from: DKG on October 14, 2023, 04:25:17 PMI took a glance at BF's Politics sub and I thought I would do my good deed for the day and educate The New Holliday.

As Donald Trump told striking workers,"if your union leaders will not demand that crooked Joe repeal his electric vehicle mandate immediately, then it doesn't matter what hourly wage you get."

Here is why Mr Holliday.

Ernst & Young estimated that vehicles with conventional power trains have as many as 2,000 components in their power trains. Tesla's drive train, by way of comparison, reportedly contains only 17 moving parts.

In addition to containing fewer parts, EVs rely on construction techniques that are often more automated, meaning not nearly as many workers will be needed, according to Chen.

Ford and other industry experts prophesied in 2019 that an estimated 30% less labor will be required to build electric cars, reported CNN.
Our union exeutives supports bans on the production of crude and LNG even though we haul a lot of both. It will cost us a lot of jobs, but they don't care about the interests of labour anymore.
Joe must be really hard up. Serves him right for not working and saving when he was young.
News & Current Events / Re: Palestinian Scum
October 12, 2023, 09:41:55 PM
An Israeli-American teen suffered through life-shattering agony when Hamas terrorists stormed his home, murdered his parents, and forced him to play dead to survive the brutal raid.

Last Saturday, Hamas militants blitzed a kibbutz in southern Israel near the border with Gaza.

Rotem Mathias said after being alerted to the invasion, his family barricaded themselves in their home by putting mattresses and tables in front of the door. However, Hamas militants shot open the door.

Rotem's parents, Shlomi and Deborah Mathias, were murdered right in front of him. Shlomi Mathias reportedly had his arm blown off by a grenade and Debbie Mathias was shot dead by the invaders. The bullet that killed Debbie traveled through her body and hit Rotem in the stomach.

There was nowhere to run, so the 16-year-old Israeli-American citizen played dead and prayed that the bloodthirsty terrorists wouldn't find him. As the militants surveyed the dead bodies, Mathias said some of them were laughing.

Politics / Re: Justin Troodo
October 12, 2023, 09:23:21 PM
Facebook in Canada thanks to Justin Trudeau.

"This content isn't available in Canada
In response to Canadian government legislation, news content can't be viewed on Facebook. Learn more"
From the scene of the music festival attack.
This is camel jockey propaganda.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
October 12, 2023, 08:46:30 PM
Quote from: Odinson on October 12, 2023, 04:10:08 PMShe would fly off the top of a building.

Even Islam has it's good points.
The Guest Nest / Re: Fuck you, Lily.
October 12, 2023, 08:45:02 PM
Quote from: Bonesaw on October 12, 2023, 10:27:35 AMOak doesn't post here because of Biggie, not DKG.
She is weird.
Joe is a broke and a virgin.
The Guest Nest / Re: Fuck you, Lily.
October 11, 2023, 10:54:27 PM
Oak is staying away. She must be scared of Seoulbro.
Politics / Re: What Downtrodden Boongs Get
October 11, 2023, 10:45:05 PM
Quote from: Oliver the Second on October 11, 2023, 10:39:52 PMSo are the aborigines kind of like the Palestinians of Australia where they lost their land and they want it back? Interesting parallel how they seem to be winning at the same time the Palestinians are getting wiped off the face of the Earth.
The situation in Canada is about the same. Indigenous Canadians consume a lot more resources than most other Canadians.
Quote from: TheProwler on October 11, 2023, 10:36:22 PMWhy is Old Man Joe going through this stage of his life now?

Most people his age are looking to downsize.

Is this because you came into a big chunk of money when your mother passed, Joe?  So you finally get to do things that regular adults do, like house shop?

How much cash are you working with, Senile Joe?
Not that much. He is a bum and a senior citizen virgin.
Politics / Re: Justin Troodo
October 11, 2023, 10:41:35 PM
The Parliamentary Budget Officer recently asked how long it will take for the federal government to see a return on the $28.2 billion of production subsidies to EV battery-makers Stellantis and Volkswagen. The answer — about four times longer than government originally claimed.

Trudeau said the "full economic impact of the project will be equal to the value of government investment in less than five years." But according to the PBO, it will take 20 years, not five years, to merely recover the money the government "invested" on behalf of Canadians. There's no actual profit to be had at that point.
Quote from: Oliver the Second on October 11, 2023, 10:29:16 PMI'd like to look more into this, would you have, uh, a list of the street corners or anything?   :gamer1:
Politics / Re: What Downtrodden Boongs Get
October 11, 2023, 10:31:45 PM
Statistics Canada produced an important report last week into the murders of Indigenous women and girls. It should have a significant impact on public policy in Canada, but almost certainly won't because it conflicts with the "woke" narrative about who murders Indigenous women and why.

The report has several fascinating findings, but here is the key one: In most cases (86%), "the person accused of their homicide was also Indigenous."

In short, most murdered Indigenous women were killed by Indigenous men (and occasionally another Indigenous woman).

Police lay charges in nearly as many murder cases in which the female victim is Indigenous (87%) and cases where the victim is non-Indigenous (90%).

The fact that nearly nine-in-10 murders of Indigenous women are committed by other Indigenous people does mean the "progressive" narrative that bad, mean white men are killing Indigenous women is false.

Most murders of Indigenous women are Indigenous-on-Indigenous crimes.

That means nearly all the solutions proposed so far by the Trudeau Liberals, by academics and by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) are destined to fail because they are seeking to solve the wrong problem – i.e. systemic white racism.

You may recall that when the final report of the $54-million MMIWG inquiry came out in 2019, it perpetuated the "progressive" stereotypes that white men murdered most Indigenous victims and white police did almost nothing about the crimes.

The inquiry's final report even called the situation "a Canadian genocide" and chief commissioner, Marion Buller, said there was a "deliberate, race, identity and gender-based genocide" going on in Canada against Indigenous women.