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Messages - Brent

The Flea Trap / Re: new what's cooking thread
August 31, 2023, 10:09:05 PM
I brought Shepperd's pie with lots of shredded carrots in it to the bunk house.
The Guest Nest / Re: HOW Safe is Ivermectin?
August 31, 2023, 10:02:44 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 31, 2023, 09:57:26 PMI hear yo bro

what happened to your Iron Horse Jockey account?

you couldn't get back into it?
I felt like taking a break. Now I feel like posting again. 
Good job with the forum. The update has made it more fun to post. I like the emojis and the like option in particular.
The Guest Nest / Re: HOW Safe is Ivermectin?
August 31, 2023, 09:56:32 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 31, 2023, 09:51:31 PMWait a sec. Are you Iron Horse Jockey?

I was just wondering the other day what happened to you lol

anyway, yeah man, don't comply with shit unless they can justify what they're telling you to do with rational and logical information which is proven.

And I'm sorry but telling people they can still catch COVID and spread it to others because it only reduces their own chances of mortality but is still a public disservice when you refuse to get it doesn't sound at all rational or logical to me. I've asked liberals "how exactly am I harming you if I put myself at greater risk again" ? and I always get that deer in the headlights look before they tell me they will not waste their time on me anymore.

so there must be something else up with that shit.
Yes, I am.

I have done an about face on Covid measures. I am done with all of it if they try and force it on us again. And it looks like they will.
We have Heinz mayonnaise.
The Guest Nest / Re: HOW Safe is Ivermectin?
August 31, 2023, 09:44:19 PM
Quote from: Herman on August 31, 2023, 07:56:02 PMGuess what bother. Old Justine has to call an election within two years at the latest. He is languishing in the polls. Most Canadians want him to resign. He wants mask mandates, social distancing and of course mail in ballots. It is his only hope of keeping his job. Just like Jim Crow Joe. Well no, Jim Crow Joe will use the DOJ to stop his opponent from winning.
I don't care what either of them say we must must do, I will not comply. I did exactly as I was told the first time around. I got three jabs, I wore a mask whenever I left the house, I didn't travel. But, guess what, I still got Covid.

My wife is a nurse and she got Covid too despite having three jabs, masking religiously and going through a bottle of hand sanitizer everyday.

At the hospital she works at she saw more people in ICU with three shots than unvaccinated. They had a lot of adverse reactions too. The current vaccines not only completely useless, they were dangerously prescribed.

We have both decided to stand our ground the next time. We will not let anyone force us to mess with our immunity with these fake vaccines. We will not let anyone force us to wear a piece of cotton on our faces. And forget about social distancing if you see us around town.
It was 18 years ago today that Hurrican Katrina hit the Gulf Coast.
Politics / Re: EV's, Reliable Power, et al
August 29, 2023, 07:03:36 PM
Wind turbines have been failing mysteriously.

According to a Bloomberg travel report, these fallen wind turbines span various locations across the world, especially Oklahoma, Sweden, Colorado, and Germany. Fortunately, we already know why this is happening. Three of the world's top wind turbine manufacturers have put the blame on the rush to build bigger turbines, which has led to quality control issues.

Most of the turbines that have collapsed in various locations across the world are at least 750 feet tall. The tallest so far was a 784-foot giant turbine that fell in Germany towards the end of 2021.

Vestas, Siemens Gamesa, and General Electric are the three biggest companies in the wind turbine industry. Reports have it that their turbines are falling due to manufacturing issues.

With bigger turbines also come bigger problems that the industry doesn't seem to be capable of handling effectively.

Our union president and executive board supports progressives. Those of us that pay their salaries do not.
Hurricane Idalia strenthened to Category 2.
The Octagon / Re: Pig Sex
August 18, 2023, 03:48:03 PM
I thought this thread was about Oak and her desperation to get some for the first time in probably ten years.
Site Features And Announcements / Re: Hello Faggots
August 18, 2023, 03:30:22 PM
Quote from: Reggie Essent on August 18, 2023, 03:27:25 PMRancid's not an asshole, he's just a jagoff.

Just messing.  I didn't know the old Brent, but hello new Brent.
I never met a milkman I trusted.

Brent is my real first name. I used to post here before using a different handle.
Site Features And Announcements / Re: Hello Faggots
August 18, 2023, 03:23:46 PM
Quote from: Bonesaw on August 18, 2023, 03:19:47 PMThey're talking about a poster with your name (and username), who died recently.  It's confusing to flamers since they knew that version and not you.
I thought that rotten milk guy was being an asshole. Thanks for clearing it up.
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
August 18, 2023, 03:11:57 PM
Quote from: RAVEN on August 18, 2023, 03:09:56 PMInsane O_o

Dylan Mulvaney will charge $40,000 per visit to college campuses to give talks and speeches to students this year. The trans influencer, 26, is charging nearly double her rate compared to what she asked for before becoming the center of Bud Light's controversy in April

What will he talk about that is worth $40,000?
Site Features And Announcements / Re: Hello Faggots
August 18, 2023, 03:09:46 PM
Site Features And Announcements / Re: Hello Faggots
August 18, 2023, 03:09:04 PM
Quote from: Rancidmilko on August 18, 2023, 03:04:10 PMGuy with a hot blonde for a sister
What the hell are you talking about? Who are you?