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Messages - ELPHUPPHY

Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Guilty Pleasures
May 10, 2016, 10:08:23 AM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"Oh God.. The last 10 songs poasted, I can sing along to and remember every word.

Wow.. I am old, old, old.

On the bright side, not as old as Peaches!

I remember the words too and I'm not that old, at least I used to think so before a few days ago. :mad:

The difference is, you probably remember when those songs were released. It must have been kind of an exciting time.  ac_smile

I remember listening to them on AM radio out of Detroit. It was a monumental revelation when I got an AM/FM converter for my first car and discovered the world of FM radio.

Wow AM radio. :laugh3: I have some very early memories of WABC in NY but it was long past it's heyday and mostly talk radio.

LOL.. yeah, when I was but a child growing up, I could listen to the radio in my room. AM radio was all I could get.. FM radio was always pretty staticy and mostly useless. Ahh, the good old days. I used to go to a nearby radio station and hang out, watching the DJ play records thru a big plate-glass window. WSPD in Toledo, I think it was.

I guessing it was a transistor radio.  :laugh3:

My dad had and may still have one in laying around the garage. I remember he used to have it on when he would be working on one of the classic junkers he would pick up now and then. It was a big square thing with a big tuner knob and extendable chrome antenna AND a removable brown leather cover. :smiley_thumbs_up_yellow_ani:

As a kid I didn't think much of was just a radio. But when I look back and compare it to what we have today. It was barely one step above 2 Dixie cups and a string. :laugh3:

It WAS a transistor radio.. Built into the body of a small roulette table. Our TV, by the way, was black and white nad run by tubes. Old style for sure.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dirty Grandpa
May 10, 2016, 10:06:33 AM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Keeper"I hated Pesci in the Lethal Weapon movies,irrataiting fucker.

I hated those movies period.

Never liked Mel Gibson and still don't. Danny Glover I could do without or not, makes no difference.

The only movie I cared for Joe Pesci at all in was My Cousin Vinny cause Marisa Tomei was gorgeous. His "Two Yutes" line was funny.

No to Goodfellas and Casino?

I have a hard time believing Joe Pesci as a bad ass.

He plays a good stereotypical little, psycho, tough guy, Italian. I'm very familiar with the type. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm related to a few of that breed on my mom's side. They can be your best friend one day and want to kill you the next for some perceived insult, real or not.

They are difficult people to deal with. But that's that east coast NY/NJ Italian tough guy persona. That shits you see in movies is not all that much of an exaggeration.

I am part Italian and my Italian side of the family was, as rumors go, connected. My Italian side was always big men like Luca Bratzi.. over 6'5" and over 250lbs. Strongarm hood types, and mean. THAT is the kind of hoods I equate with Italians. Joe Pesci would not even make a sandwich for those kinds of people.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why is Everything So Small?
May 10, 2016, 09:34:09 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"I will Google Whiskas sometime, but I have been feeding it to cats for a lot of years now.

Whiskas is made in Virginia.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why is Everything So Small?
May 10, 2016, 09:24:49 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Annie"That's awesome Elphupphy. How do you get free vet services? And what's a wellness plan? I'd love to have free vet care. This year we spent over $1000 on our old kitty girl who had to be put down after the surgery didn't save her.

A wellness plan is insurance for your pet. You pay a monthly fee based on the size and age of your pet, For that fee, you get alot of services, but technically they are not free. There is even a part of the plan that allows you emergency services at a 24/7 vet place. This emergency vet does not have regular checkups and such, only emergencies. It's not free except for the office visit fee. Any other care, like xrays, etc. you pay for.

So, long story short, I pay the vet whether I use them or not. But when I do use them, I don't pay extra unless it would be an after hours emergency situation.

I take my dog in every few months for checkups, heartworm checks, etc. and a general good looking-over. Plus if I have any concerns, like a bump under her fur or she scratches at her ear moire than I like, I make an appt. and she is inspected and treated at no cost.

It's not cheap and costs me more than the $1000 you paid but it's worth it to me.

I would like to do something like that for my cat and dog, but unfortunately we do not want to take on any new regular fees..

We are counting on both our pets staying healthy.

Yeah, I lost my last dog to liver damage from Chinese pet food. I won't go thru that again, so I do what I can to make sure my Gracie is healthy.

Hint - ALWAYS feed your pets food made in America. ALWAYS.

The dog food we buy comes from High River, Alberta..

It is left over from the giant Cargill beef processing plant there..

I give my cat Whiskas and to be honest, I have no idea where it is from.


I never paid attention either until I lost Georgie. Now I read the labels. Labels always tell you where the product was made.
The Flea Trap / Re: Happy Mother's Day
May 10, 2016, 09:12:06 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"I envy you who still have their parents around. Mine have both been gone for quite a few years and I have to say I miss them still.

I know what you mean. My old man has been gone for a long time.

Mine passed away in the early 70s before I was 20. My mom passed away in 2004. I came to see her one night and found her on the floor, cold and grey. She'd been gone since sometime in the morning that day, as her coffee was still 1/2 drunk and a cigarette was in the ashtray, burned down to the filter.

I am very sorry about your loss ELPHUPPHY.


That's kind of you to say. I appreciate it.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why is Everything So Small?
May 10, 2016, 09:11:21 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Annie"That's awesome Elphupphy. How do you get free vet services? And what's a wellness plan? I'd love to have free vet care. This year we spent over $1000 on our old kitty girl who had to be put down after the surgery didn't save her.

A wellness plan is insurance for your pet. You pay a monthly fee based on the size and age of your pet, For that fee, you get alot of services, but technically they are not free. There is even a part of the plan that allows you emergency services at a 24/7 vet place. This emergency vet does not have regular checkups and such, only emergencies. It's not free except for the office visit fee. Any other care, like xrays, etc. you pay for.

So, long story short, I pay the vet whether I use them or not. But when I do use them, I don't pay extra unless it would be an after hours emergency situation.

I take my dog in every few months for checkups, heartworm checks, etc. and a general good looking-over. Plus if I have any concerns, like a bump under her fur or she scratches at her ear moire than I like, I make an appt. and she is inspected and treated at no cost.

It's not cheap and costs me more than the $1000 you paid but it's worth it to me.

I would like to do something like that for my cat and dog, but unfortunately we do not want to take on any new regular fees..

We are counting on both our pets staying healthy.

Yeah, I lost my last dog to liver damage from Chinese pet food. I won't go thru that again, so I do what I can to make sure my Gracie is healthy.

Hint - ALWAYS feed your pets food made in America. ALWAYS.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Guilty Pleasures
May 10, 2016, 09:08:59 AM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"Oh God.. The last 10 songs poasted, I can sing along to and remember every word.

Wow.. I am old, old, old.

On the bright side, not as old as Peaches!

I remember the words too and I'm not that old, at least I used to think so before a few days ago. :mad:

The difference is, you probably remember when those songs were released. It must have been kind of an exciting time.  ac_smile

I remember listening to them on AM radio out of Detroit. It was a monumental revelation when I got an AM/FM converter for my first car and discovered the world of FM radio.

Wow AM radio. :laugh3: I have some very early memories of WABC in NY but it was long past it's heyday and mostly talk radio.

LOL.. yeah, when I was but a child growing up, I could listen to the radio in my room. AM radio was all I could get.. FM radio was always pretty staticy and mostly useless. Ahh, the good old days. I used to go to a nearby radio station and hang out, watching the DJ play records thru a big plate-glass window. WSPD in Toledo, I think it was.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Guilty Pleasures
May 10, 2016, 07:47:41 AM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"Oh God.. The last 10 songs poasted, I can sing along to and remember every word.

Wow.. I am old, old, old.

On the bright side, not as old as Peaches!

I remember the words too and I'm not that old, at least I used to think so before a few days ago. :mad:

The difference is, you probably remember when those songs were released. It must have been kind of an exciting time.  ac_smile

I remember listening to them on AM radio out of Detroit. It was a monumental revelation when I got an AM/FM converter for my first car and discovered the world of FM radio.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dirty Grandpa
May 10, 2016, 07:44:29 AM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Keeper"I hated Pesci in the Lethal Weapon movies,irrataiting fucker.

I hated those movies period.

Never liked Mel Gibson and still don't. Danny Glover I could do without or not, makes no difference.

The only movie I cared for Joe Pesci at all in was My Cousin Vinny cause Marisa Tomei was gorgeous. His "Two Yutes" line was funny.

No to Goodfellas and Casino?

I have a hard time believing Joe Pesci as a bad ass.
The Flea Trap / Re: Happy Mother's Day
May 10, 2016, 07:43:30 AM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"I envy you who still have their parents around. Mine have both been gone for quite a few years and I have to say I miss them still.

I know what you mean. My old man has been gone for a long time.

Mine passed away in the early 70s before I was 20. My mom passed away in 2004. I came to see her one night and found her on the floor, cold and grey. She'd been gone since sometime in the morning that day, as her coffee was still 1/2 drunk and a cigarette was in the ashtray, burned down to the filter.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why is Everything So Small?
May 10, 2016, 07:32:29 AM
Quote from: "Annie"That's awesome Elphupphy. How do you get free vet services? And what's a wellness plan? I'd love to have free vet care. This year we spent over $1000 on our old kitty girl who had to be put down after the surgery didn't save her.

A wellness plan is insurance for your pet. You pay a monthly fee based on the size and age of your pet, For that fee, you get alot of services, but technically they are not free. There is even a part of the plan that allows you emergency services at a 24/7 vet place. This emergency vet does not have regular checkups and such, only emergencies. It's not free except for the office visit fee. Any other care, like xrays, etc. you pay for.

So, long story short, I pay the vet whether I use them or not. But when I do use them, I don't pay extra unless it would be an after hours emergency situation.

I take my dog in every few months for checkups, heartworm checks, etc. and a general good looking-over. Plus if I have any concerns, like a bump under her fur or she scratches at her ear moire than I like, I make an appt. and she is inspected and treated at no cost.

It's not cheap and costs me more than the $1000 you paid but it's worth it to me.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why is Everything So Small?
May 09, 2016, 03:55:48 PM
I spoil the bejesus out of my dog and she loves me to death.

I have her on a wellness plan at the local vets. My checkups are free, any out of the ordinary stuff is usually free, flea and heartworm meds are free. I get two free nail grindings a year, the others cost $14 per visit. I get her nails ground, not clipped. They can get a closer trim, plus the edges are very smooth. I buy her toys and snacks like beef bones and jerky and balls and such all the time. My dogs have never been work dogs, always house dogs. They sleep with me, we go for 2 mile walks every morning, car rides when I'm not going to be out of the car for more than a very few minutes. I let her run loose in the field next door for some running fun, otherwise she's on a leash. We live in a small town, so dogs need to be leashed. Not to mention running out in front of cars.

It may be stupid to some, but I give my dog the best life I can. Spoiled, pampered, washed, rubbed down with mosturizer to keep her skin from being itchy and dry, combed alot. Her coat is black and as shiny ans smooth as any woman's hair.
The Flea Trap / Re: They keep dropping.
May 09, 2016, 03:48:23 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"I read that Prince's death was connected to an addiction to a pain relieving drug called Purcocet.

Percocet's are some strong pain killers. I heard/read that Prince would spend as much as $40k on percocets at one time. At even $20 a pill on hte black market, that's a whole lotta pills.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Guilty Pleasures
May 09, 2016, 03:39:42 PM
Oh God.. The last 10 songs poasted, I can sing along to and remember every word.

Wow.. I am old, old, old.

On the bright side, not as old as Peaches!
The Flea Trap / Re: Happy Mother's Day
May 09, 2016, 03:34:42 PM
I envy you who still have their parents around. Mine have both been gone for quite a few years and I have to say I miss them still.