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Messages - Watson

Quote from: "Keeper"No one gets awards for being a lying sack of shit.


He got to you which means he is the winner.
Quote from: "cc la femme"
Quote from: "Herman"So, do you think he's a tranny or a mental case? Maybe both?

Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Misplaced sorrow, dear. His mission is disruption.

OK, Disruptive Troll

You got to admit he is the heavy weight champ of trolling. Dinky Diana/Freud for president. :roll:
The Guest Nest / Re: and a Merry chritmas to all.
December 25, 2015, 02:51:40 PM
Quote from: "priscilla1961"">

Your daughter is an alcoholic a slut and a psycho.
The Guest Nest / Re: and a Merry chritmas to all.
December 23, 2015, 12:38:28 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "RW"Freud, you are such a transparent little asshole.

Eat shit.

He is so childish.


He's a forum champ.
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "RW"Sorry, that was a bit crude.  It's hard to create tension between two forums when you aren't allowed on one of them.

Do you want to be able to post there RW?

Not at all.  I will never post there ever again.

Sorry about that RW, I misunderstood what you were saying.


No worries.  I was talking about Dinky's trouble making.  If he comes back, all he will do is try to stir the pot between forums.  It's working wonders over on VF hahaha

He is a master of creating disaster. ac_lmfao
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Dove"Well he is also still on TR ranting about how I used to be a stripper and begging me to die. Lol.

Oh Dove, what is wrong with Freud.

 Apparently my drug use and stripping was a personal betrayal and I owe him something.  ac_lmfao

It's Christmas and I really don't want to get into fighting, but Dinky Dianna is a very strange man.

Dinky Di is a man of the people.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Watson"
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"
Quote from: "Watson"
You would be a good candidate to do my laundry you slitty eyed geek.

And I'm looking for someone to clean my shoes with his tongue?

Are you interested?

Training will be provided.

Get the gook to do it. :roll:

Yawn, failed troll.

Deader didn't fail at getting under your yellow skin. :roll:
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Watson"
Quote from: "RW"I'm not pissed.  I love it!

You could have fooled me.
QuoteWhat irks me is she talks shit over in her outhouse to try to put strain on our board. We had 2 weeks to get off her board and the idea was to move so we weren't taking advantage of her by biting the hand that feeds us. For her to turn around and call me a predator for taking on all the migration and server administration is gross. She won't stop until she tries to destroy us as well.

It just doesn't end.

I could have fooled you, but I prefer a challenge.

A legend never dies dear Watson.  Seems I'll live forever in her mind and I really like that fact :)

Dinky and evs are eating you alive and it is eating you up. :tease:
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"
Quote from: "Watson"
You would be a good candidate to do my laundry you slitty eyed geek.

And I'm looking for someone to clean my shoes with his tongue?

Are you interested?

Training will be provided.

Get the gook to do it. :roll:
Quote from: "RW"I'm not pissed.  I love it!

You could have fooled me.
QuoteWhat irks me is she talks shit over in her outhouse to try to put strain on our board. We had 2 weeks to get off her board and the idea was to move so we weren't taking advantage of her by biting the hand that feeds us. For her to turn around and call me a predator for taking on all the migration and server administration is gross. She won't stop until she tries to destroy us as well.

It just doesn't end.
Quote from: "RW"Like the cow she is.

Ooops!  I typed that out loud.

My bad.

You are pissed because the most popular threads on that forum are trashing you. ac_toofunny
Quote from: "Howler"
Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Dinky Dianna is using his same racist, sinophobic, fucked in the head crap n' drool, pretending to be a woman, nutcase, fruitcake, moron spam on the racist, Vancouver Forum.

You and that guy are made for each other on that forum.

Wambo is not in the same league as Dinky Dianna when it comes to trolling. Dinky has the owner of VF eating out of the palm of his hand.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Watson"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Fashionista"With trolls like Odi, SCOUSE, Bork, Mel, the common denominator is that they are all single men..

In my opinion Dinky Diana is a single man too.

Not only is her gender bender act a steaming load of shit but he/she is as witless as they come. I picked up on the fact that he was full of shit the day he dropped in here like a fart in church. It was nauseating to watch; I have no idea how the rest of you could stomach it for so long. Everything that dribbled out of that things deranged head was and still is fucking lie. In that respect he reminds me of little Eddie. I have a very suspicious nature and I think he sensed right off that I was looking at him with a jaundiced eye and that is why he dislikes me so and runs me down at every opportunity.

Anyone who thinks intelligence is shown by parroting the same insults over and over while filling dialogue boxes full of clumsily, worded adjectives, is an insecure, dimwitted, twit.

He is entertaining which is a lot more than I can say for some of you. Why do you have a troll sub when you don't let the trolls do their thing in it.

And from what you posted on the main board you would be a good candidate for rr.

You would be a good candidate to do my laundry you slitty eyed geek.
The Flea Trap / Re: Interracial Relationships
December 22, 2015, 11:14:31 AM
Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Once when I was on Hastings Street in Vancouver I beat the hell out of some delusional choking the chicken racist twirlybrain white asshole with one hand. He kept babbling on some insanity about how a Chinese boxer that kicked his ass cheated. He was such an obnoxious crap'n drool knob that everybody who witnessed it thanked me for performing a public service.

Oriental guys are short, girly looking nerds. There's nothing you can do about it except get your parents to find you a wife in Asia.
Do Chinese girls snatches smell like smog and industrial pollution?