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Messages - Love Blob

The Guest Nest / Both Forums Are Done
July 04, 2016, 05:45:24 AM
You hags can all go suck Oscar's dick (he's an 80 year old alcoholic), when all is said and done!

Suck it long and hard.

Learn that you fucked up both forums.

Too bad!

Enjoy death!
I make an effort to exclude these searches, and yet I'm still in a sea of fucking whales...
...browsing POF.

If you twats are fat, please don't check that you are "average," "thin" or "athletic."

MY body style allows me to choose these options.  Yours does not.

Fucking groce!  Lying bitchez!
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 04:21:01 AM
And on a side note, when I had to decide upon the stone for my parents, I chose "Rest in Peace" as the slogan.  It doesn't ever get any classier than that.

This forum, run by clueless hags, and Memebee, also run by clueless hags, will also Rest in Peace.

For that, I am grateful.

I am grateful for the good times that I could spend with certain people here, and the many laughs that they unwittingly provided me with.  I also know when it is time to bury something...

Rest in Peace.
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 04:14:52 AM
And posters bring up my drinking habits?

More like they should ALL check their Turpentine consumption.

Fucking joke all around.

Either way, these forums are essentially dead, due to females thinking they could run things.

They cannot.  I'm sorry.  Rest in Peace.
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 04:12:40 AM
Don't worry, RW...

Your friend "Oscar" is still spamming up Memebee at a furious pace with absolute gibberish!

If you need your late-night friend back, he's there waiting for you!

Mimi and Eves love him also, and give him the ultimate protection, so you'll have to fight them also!

What a fucking joke these forums have become.
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 04:09:56 AM
Nothing fresh happens here.

I write my post, and then it stagnates.
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 04:07:14 AM
Like a Diary...

This forum is like a Diary.
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 04:06:19 AM
Quote from: "RW"No fucks given.

Got anything else?

Do you?

Or is this forum "self serve," where it's so slow, posters just post to themselves?
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 04:04:41 AM
Quote from: "RW"We've heard it all before Mel.

Talk about something new.

Boy oh boy!

I guess if one single other poster was active here, within the last few hours...
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 04:03:36 AM
My exes profile, as well as all the others on that site in our age ranges, are quite clear...  They WANT kids!

At that age, it's "now or never"...  Jennifer Anniston is truly the only female (that I know of) that doesn't really want kids!

She's an anomaly, but sadly is out of my reach due to our income disparity...  Looks and physique wise?  I could battle with Jenny kinda closely, I bet...

All women want is a stable environment for their litter...  Money helps.

What about just enjoying life?  Kids fuck up the body.  Most kids are a problem?
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 03:50:13 AM
And that's why I don't ever want any fucking kids.

I have seen it from a first hand perspective...  The fucking turmoil that happens.  Drinking and fighting, and then everything falling apart.  People leave...  Parents leave.

Scared to be in the house.

There a fucking reason I do not want kids.  I do not hate them.

I don't EVER want any child that's connected to me to be raised in an improper environment, in any way, shape or form.

Sadly, the fucking bitches want nothing more than to pop out kid after kid.  I don't want to.  As such, they leave for other men that inseminate them into their "dream utopia."

I won't do it.  I'm sorry.
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 03:42:36 AM
Today's society is very disposable.  My parents had a very "disposable" relationship, and that's why I never once met my father.  He took off before I was even born.  Never met the man.

My Grandparents had a strong relationship, which I was also partly raised under...

I never did learn the proper "ways," or was ever given the proper "tools" to do things as a child.

I just try to do my best, looking up to a variety of figures, and somehow attempt to make the right decisions based on what I'd learnt (it's a word).
The Guest Nest / Re: pick mels next username....
July 04, 2016, 03:35:07 AM
Quote from: "Annie"My thoughts on this are:

Trap is set...

I have worked my magic.

Now, I just wait and see.

I'm not a stalker (Renee)...  I truly do love her.  If she finds someone else, I will give them my blessings.

If she doesn't?  I will remain here for now, waiting.

I believe one continues to love someone, until another person eventually comes in, and now slips into that role.
My other option is, since I would be mortgage free, is to just say "screw it" to operating anything.

I could just get some clown $12/hour no stress job, which would probably cover my basic expenses at that point...