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Messages - Xlam

The Flea Trap / Re: Soundcloud rappers..
May 04, 2018, 01:01:57 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "LanceForgetYou"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Kylie Jenner"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "Kylie Jenner"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Kylie Jenner"Chun-Li, my dog is missing. You better not eat it, bitch

You people pop out kiddies like soft drinks in a vending machine and you can't even take care a damned dog.

As do your people. Only ya'll gotta start killing em after the first pops out

You're an idiot.

And you're a stupid bitch, but I don't judge.

Berry is very witty.

Yes, she is. I try to focus on the post and not the poster, but I make an exception for Berry. She seems totally genuine. She doesn't try to impress anyone with fables about being a gazillionaire real estate investor or any other fibs. She is down to earth and real.

You mean like coming from a gemologist site.

Look. I don't knock you for being Asian, please don't knock me and my ilk for being rockhounds.

Why one of Asian descent would call themselves an "Iron Chink" is beyond me.

You have to admit, Shen Li's signature does get people's attention..

That's something I thought you TRF posters would appreciate.

That tells me a lot of the mentality here. Unfortunately, I'm not Asian, but if I were, I would have a problem with. Makes no sense to me why one would degrade one's self and the culture, but I guess that's okay because he's Asian, and the biggest worry here is "That poster posted in my money thread!".
The Flea Trap / Re: Soundcloud rappers..
May 04, 2018, 12:40:26 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Kylie Jenner"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "Kylie Jenner"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Kylie Jenner"Chun-Li, my dog is missing. You better not eat it, bitch

You people pop out kiddies like soft drinks in a vending machine and you can't even take care a damned dog.

As do your people. Only ya'll gotta start killing em after the first pops out

You're an idiot.

And you're a stupid bitch, but I don't judge.

Berry is very witty.

Yes, she is. I try to focus on the post and not the poster, but I make an exception for Berry. She seems totally genuine. She doesn't try to impress anyone with fables about being a gazillionaire real estate investor or any other fibs. She is down to earth and real.

You mean like coming from a gemologist site.

Look. I don't knock you for being Asian, please don't knock me and my ilk for being rockhounds.

Why one of Asian descent would call themselves an "Iron Chink" is beyond me.
Another way to save on gas would be to find an oil lamp. Rub it briskly, and if a genie pops out you could ask him for your very own solar powered spaceship, that can fit in your pocket. Why ask for a pocket sized spaceship? Imagine your family and coworkers see you arriving in a solar powered spaceship, that would be ridiculous!
Quote from: "seoulbro"I'm sorry to those that intend to vote for the NDP in October. People have their reasons for voting for whatever party they wish. Maybe there are planks or their platform you think will be beneficial to the nation. But, I work in the financial services industry. My job is to make sure your money is working for you. Unfortunately, an NDP victory will make my job more difficult.

The bulk of the TSX is made of financials/banking and resource companies. Financials and energy together account for almost 60 per cent, and important sectors such as health care, tech and consumer staples are under 5 per cent. The NDP has an ideological bias against resource extraction even though that has made Canada the envy of the world. There was a negative market reaction to the NDP victory in Alberta. There will be an even bigger and longer one if the NDP wins federally in October. It doesn't help that September and October are the most volatile months for the markets.

1. If you are among the millions of Canadians who has TFSA, you know it must be invested in Canadian companies. However, there are so many ways around that. If you purchase it through your Canadian bank and they put Apple shares in your portfolio that counts as Canadian content.

2. Take as little risk as possible. I have a client that has a conservative growth mutual fund that he bought in September that has earned over 2% since then. It is only 30% Canadian content. The US market being much more diverse than any other in the world helps insulate Canadian investors from a slide in resources.

3. Bonds are a safer bet. Bonds are debt as opposed to stocks which are equity. You don't share in the profits, but you get your principal plus interest. There has been a divestment from Canadian bonds recently, but it  was entirely due to provinces.  Although rates are low, they are a hedge against the stock market declines.

4. If you buy bank stocks do it before earnings reports come out.

5.Obviously avoid index funds. There is an ETF called Vanguard FTSE Canada All Cap Index ETF (VCN). Exposure to smaller stocks adds to volatility, but also offers the potential for higher returns than a portfolio focused only on blue chips.

6.  Sector Diversification--Canadian dividend funds are laced with bank stocks. If you own one of them and a Canadian equity fund, you've maxed out on financials. I'm not being bearish on bank stocks, it's just a reminder to diversify sensibly. Canadian banks have delivered great returns over the long term though.

7. Don't gamble--double-up or double-down ETF that happens to be moving are RISKY. This gambling, not prudent investing.

We will get through this, but the markets do not like the unknown. An NDP government is a big unknown. Investing in Canada under such a scenario will require greater knowledge than in the past.

Well said! So if I wanted to "gamble" on the volatile market, could I use Monopoly money? If not, could I use my own Crypto Currency called, the "LanceForgetYou Coin"?
Quote from: "Fashionista"That was the accusation about us on another forum..

Apparently we are too structured and it's hard to fit in.

Don't listen to them. Just because I was taken to a back room and had my blood smeared over a dead kangaroo, then was forced to swear an oath to a statue that resembled a Big Mac, no you guys don't have a "strict initiation process".
Quote from: "seoulbro"And thanks for derailing my thread.

Seriously?! You don't think catching lightning bolts in a bottle and then curing them would reduce the size of big government?
Quote from: "seoulbro"^^This is piss poor trolling. No wonder TRF is finished.

The Rock Factory is not finished! We have over 400 posters. The only thing I "troll" for is semi-precious stones and the occasional pirated movie.
The Flea Trap / Re: Soundcloud rappers..
May 04, 2018, 12:14:20 AM
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"...are you listening to them?

Fuckin weirdos they are.  Horrible pasts and seems like no talent.

lil peep

lil xan


to name a few...then theres some females...Bhad Bahbie, lil Tay, Woah Vicky...

the hell has this world come to?

Man, tell me about it! Have you seen some of the weirdos here? Posting recipes and talking about the environment! I'm sure there are males and females posting, I won't name the few. It would be cool if the posters posted about comic books, chewing gum and Transformers!

The hell has this world come to?
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "LanceForgetYou"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "LanceForgetYou"
Quote from: "cc"Hello. Nice to meet you

May I respectfully  ask, since when are fetishes weird?

Anytime you have to ask that question.

This is some rapid fire posting dude.

I'm using windows 98 and I'm breeding with ducks.

Congrats old timer.

Because one is making a pizza does not make one an "old timer". Besides, if I were old I could never kneed the dough, as all old people have arthritis.
Quote from: "Bricktop"">//

Although its taken 40 years for them to recognise that Polanski is a child raping creep.

Wow, the gears of justice churn slowly in Hollywood. My question is, my Uncle Lou went to Hollywood to meet his mail order bride, and was parked illegally in front of a YWCA and got a ticket. Now, with the equation that in Hollywood it takes 40 years to "recognise" a crime, shouldn't Uncle Lou's ticket be "recognised" 40 years after he was issued the ticket?
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "LanceForgetYou"
Quote from: "cc"Hello. Nice to meet you

May I respectfully  ask, since when are fetishes weird?

Anytime you have to ask that question.

This is some rapid fire posting dude.

I have 3 monitors and 98 open windows, so if you're saying I'm good at multitasking, then you're right. Plus, I'm breeding ducks and making a pizza.
Quote from: "Fashionista"">

I believe methane is the most potently warming greenhouse gas.

I do believe methane is derived mainly from pigs and cows. Why are you now blaming camels for greenhouse gases? What if a camel blamed you for the Gulf War?
Quote from: "cc"Hello. Nice to meet you

May I respectfully  ask, since when are fetishes weird?

Anytime you have to ask that question.
The Guest Nest / Re: Annie, the cah is ready...
May 03, 2018, 11:45:41 PM
Quote from: "Angry White Male"The cah is ready, Annie.

Oh Paul, whot's the meaning of loife?


And I even have basic cable.  Nobody asked for 'Neighbours.'  Just because we are part of commonwealth, does not mean we want 'Neighbours.'

'Neighbours' is the answer to a question that nobody asked.

Damn Australians and their trash infiltrating our TV's.

I hate that too. I used to have that problem as well until I solved it. What I did was construct a broadcast signal right to my brain, doing away with the bulky TV casing.

All one has to do is fashion some tin foil cap that is pointy, preferably the point is pointing straight up. Next, put tin foil cap one ones head. Now, find an industrial submarine battery, you can usually find these at your local Walmart. Next, find the negative and positive ports. Now, wrap barbed wire around your tin foil cap and attach the ends to the submarine battery. Next, find 3 oz of plutonium, you can get this at any local place that sells gyros. Swallow the plutonium and voila! You should only be getting the programs you want, except the occasional messages from space aliens, but you can use your call block to block them.
Quote from: "Shen Li"That's quite an entrance. Following in the footsteps of Freud(Dinky Dianna).

Who or what is a Freud(Dinky Dianna)? Look, did I stumble upon some kind of cult that has an Asian fetish? I mean that's neat and all, just a little weird.