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Messages - Biggie Smiles

Something for all of you smart libtards to ponder.

true or false, at an estimated 7 billion in net worth Trump is the richest president in U.S history.

if he weren't so rich could he properly defend himself against this onslaught of lawfare waged by the left?

 Could anyone of average means do it?

If you answered no you've shown there is at least a handful of functioning braincells available for use inside your head

now riddle me this, after witnessing this nonstop siege against a single human being is any future candidate for such an office going to attempt to effect change on the establishment in any real and meaningful way? Or will they simply act according to the will of those really running this country out of fear the same might happen to them?

I think even someone as dumb as sewage major can sort that one out for themselves. Hopefully

and THAT is the point of the whole exercise.

I keep telling you assholes, Trump is nothing but a vessel, the best and most impressing example they could ever hope for to get the whole "stay the fuck in line" point across.

Didn't Chuck Shcumkfuck once blurt the quiet part out loud? "piss off the community and they have 7 ways from Sunday to get back at you"

well it's been 7 ways from Sunday and more than 7 years now and they haven't stopped yet.

I often ask myself if he is actually doing us all a disservice by fighting this galantly.. but then I check myself back into sensibility and affirm we've already crossed the point of no return and there is nothing left but to fight.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
June 02, 2024, 04:24:38 PM
Quote from: Sloan on June 02, 2024, 04:19:49 PMLotusbud wants all of you to know that the French are far more intelligent than Americans

French women don't believe in bathing regularly and are far more masculine than their men. So she feels right at home.

I'll tell you one thing with the utmost certainty tho. Should she ever find herself in a french prison for any reason whatsoever she'll be shrieking about being an American to anyone that will listen.

She's utterly full of shit, stupid and is a naked hypocrite of the highest order.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
June 02, 2024, 03:37:40 PM
I do love laughing when pig really puts her hoof down


and let's it be known she's a hutt that will do what she wants, when she wants


and there's not an emoticon in the werld that can stop her -- for she is a hungry hippo and you are to hear her roar!  :crampe:
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
June 02, 2024, 03:35:20 PM
Quote from: reaps the honest on June 02, 2024, 02:57:00 PMHate someone to besties lulz.  :crazy:   :laughinatu:  :crampe:  :dontknow:

their affection for one another is strong you see. that's all in the past you see.

Dove is the bigger threat you see.

Figuratively of course as we are all well aware of the BMI of those two blob masses
Hey Guise... let's do something really marvel and mav eh.

You know, fly by the seat of your pants with your hair on fire for a change? So Buckle yourselves in because you are about to go on an awesome ride! Something most idiot lemming drones on the left will never have you do.

We are going to read the actual statute at the heart of Trump's alleged 34 count crime.

Would you look at that? A whole 4 pages one must endure reading to get to the heart of the matter. Gosh, metoo# I know what you're thinking. 4 pages? All those wierd werdz and no pretty pictures? Cant we just  let the lovely ladies on the view interpret this all for us?

Fear not! I am here to help. So I will extract the relevant tidbits for your mental consumption and make sure they are in small bite sized chunks so as not to overwhelm your sensibilities.

you're welcome.

First up.. on page one it reads "with intent to defraud that includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof"

whoa noah! What's with all them werdz thinggies babbling on about other crimes and intent which must lay the foundation here. 

As we mull over the context of this law and how it extends to the actions of the accused do you expect us to burden ourselves with pesky little inconvenient questions like "who it is that is being defrauded or how we are to know the "mens rae" of the accused?

For those of you idiots on the left, "mens rae" is a legal term used to denote "intent" -- the mind state of the accused. What they were thinking during the commission of the crime.

Moving right along to page two

on page two we learn that Donald J Trump is indeed Omnipotent. That's right. He knows all things about all things about all things. Just like Santa Clause you see. He knows business records are being recorded incorrectly, he knows when they are not, He knows what Michael Cohen is thinking even when he's not.

amazaballs. yes, I can totally see where he was fully aware of how all business transactions were being recorded in a business that had no duty whatsoever to report earnings, expenses or anything else to any body other than the IRS.

Page 3 -- we're gonna use a big word now friends and do something you might find a bit discomforting. We are going to attempt to stitch two concepts together to see what is the crux here.

Intent and the act of defrauding.

so here's where we really go down the rabbit hole. What was the intent? what was the crime he was attempting to conceal and whom was it that was defrauded and what consequence did they endure as a result of said defrauding?

anyone care to indulge?
Quote from: JOE on June 02, 2024, 02:43:04 PMI think they did that to Trump because they very much fear that he could be elected in November.

and in today's episode of water is wet and sunlight is bright ........................
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
June 02, 2024, 02:39:50 PM
It's an outrage when their machinations don't kick off according to their plans isn't it?

A true travesty

Quote from: JOE on June 02, 2024, 02:28:29 PMI just don't know enough about all the facts of the case or why Trump got nailed in 34/34 counts. That does seem rather severe.

There was a single 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels was there not? So ask yourself where do these 34 counts come from?

Or let me put it to you this way. If I decide to be a selfless servant of mankind and take a knife and stab you in the face 34 times, striking the same wound each time, and the world is unfortunate enough that day that you manage to escape death, how many counts of attempted homicide should I be charged with?

One? Or 34?

An intelligent person would say one as it is clear I tried to kill you but you are just one lucky son of a bitch or I am just an incompetent bastard who should have stabbed myself in the face instead

what say you?
Quote from: JOE on June 02, 2024, 02:15:56 PMActually Bigly if they were going after an ex President they shoulda gone after Bush Cheney. Those bastards ruined yer country and much of the world.

....oh but wait, they're protected by the Deep State and the political Establishment. Lol

and maybe they could have gone after the clintons for the very same activities?

worse actually.. as the Steele dossier and the concealment of payments used to fund it most certainly had an impact on the 2016 election and even the 4 years after as I seem to recall the Russia Russia Russia probe that cost American 36 million in tax payer funding had it's roots in that whole transcript of lies

but you're a fucking moron who sits on the fence acting like there's some grand and baffling mystery to it all when in fact it's as plain as fucking daylight to anyone who can divide their IQ by 2 and still arrive at a whole number

what's next now that we're constructing these types of frankenstien precedents where you can be jailed for logging payments ambiguously despite the fact that all the detail in the world wouldn't have the slightest bit of consequence on anyone?

Will we be placing NY based business owners in jail for recording time of day start times in EST instead of UTC? If someone logs overtime in the form of 3.6 hours and accounting decides ah fuckit just round up to 4 hours will they suffer for such a heinous crime 10 years after the fact?

The scum on the left is so blinded by their rage they cannot see the forest for the trees and do not understand how precedent is just a powerful standard as is legislating something law. See Roe vs Wade for details.

you leftist scumbags disgust me

I don't believe he fucked that nasty skank either

but either way it would have had no bearing on the election whatsoever even if he had

these charges are frankenstien monstrosities designed to do one thing. KEEP TRUMP FROM RUNNING

do you realize that the trump organization (the business at the heart of this alleged falsification) is not even a publicly traded company?

Let that sink in for just a moment. You are being placed in prison for recording financial transactions on your own books that in no way impact ANYONE else and are no one else's business to begin with.

And these leftist fuckwits are cheering.
Quote from: JOE on June 02, 2024, 12:37:39 PMWell Bigly even if Trump gave hush money to Stormy Daniels during the 2016 Presidential Election in your country, I'm not sure if the truth had come out then, if it woulda made any difference to its outcome. It became increasingly clear that Hillary Clinton was a piss poor candidate who lost the election because of her lack of appeal and some glaring mistakes over a bunch of emails. And had Trump admitted to fucking Stormy Daniels he might have still won that election.
Dude... to put things into perspective for all of you clowns who cannot see this for yourself.

First and foremost trump has been known as a womanizer since the early 70's. Dude has pretty much cheated on EVERY woman and/or wife he's ever been with. So by 2016 ANYONE who didn't already know this guy was a dog was either was just exiting from under a rock, too stupid to understand reality or isn't old enough to vote anyway.

But more importantly than that is this. A hit piece where Trump is shown on camera laughing with a friend about "grabbing women by the pussy" was aired over and over and over again with all the usual lemmings coming out in droves to make sure this was inculcated into the minds of every woman in the country. And did that manage to slow the train down? Not one bit. And THIS is in a country where there is a significantly higher population of women over men and the candidate he was running against was a woman.

Let that sink in for a second.

A political n00b, verified womanizer, portrayed as a misogynist by literally every news outlet in the country goes up against a seasoned veteran politician who is loved by every news outlet in the country and is the first ever female candidate to run for office is winning by a significant margin

Now tell me how the fuck him sleeping with some washed up porn star 10 years prior is going to have any impact whatsoever on his chances of wiping the floor with Hillary. The whole story was a political nothing-burger and if anything, the guy was a cheating husband attempting to conceal his misdeeds from his own wife.

A matter between him, her and God. NOT something the state courts should be involved with. Period

Quote from: Brent on June 02, 2024, 12:34:24 PMIt is not something like open borders or the lawfare election strategy that affects working Americans.
No of course not.

But it does demonstrate clearly how far we have fallen as a society when a once shinning star could be seen acting in such a deplorable fashion.
Quote from: Brent on June 02, 2024, 12:29:43 PMAs if Joe will give this a serious reply.

He is only here to get his jollies derailing every topic he can. So he can claim victory by thinking he triggered us.  :crazy:

I'm fully aware of the obvious fact that he is a drooling fucktard. But I figured I'd have a little fun with some creative analogies in the process.

I mostly leave him to shit in his own playpen to his heart's content because it's not like he's going to suddenly come up with some valuable knowledge or anything
Quote from: Brent on June 02, 2024, 12:25:40 PMIt is not a public matter. It is something for the Rittenhouse family to deal with themselves.
I would certainly agree

but who was it who threw the first stone. Kyle? Or his family?

If the book indeed has such passages in it then I would say Kyle.

In any event, a man with the means to prevent it, who can watch, without acting, the women in his family descend into squalor is no man at all.

At least not in my book he isn't