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Messages - Lynn.F

The Guest Nest / Re: Can I be a Reg here?
October 22, 2019, 11:49:55 PM
Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"Excuse me. Is there a manager I can speak to?

What good would that do. You have been told four or five times we don't bestow "reg" status on posters(whatever that is) and it is still hasn't sunk into your thick skull.

ORLY? Then you won't mind posting the 4 posts where I was told, "you don't bestow reg status on anyone." Show me these alleged communications. Much like the rest of the castoffs here you bitches make shit up on the fucking spot.

One of you Flynns should tell the others behind this handle to read their posts.

They could all be just one person, Mitt Romney. ac_toofunny

And you could be Hillary Clinton, you fucking retard. I know for you that would be a step up in politics.

Blather all you want but you're the lying fuck around here. Your name even implies it. All eyes here see that you are nothing but a REJECT.

"Lying?" My name is Flynn with the F misplaced on purpose you doltish twit. "Lynn.F" implies a "lying fuck?" How many times did you run this science experiment? Where is your "proof" you typing bovine?
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"I have discovered new talent. Raw, old untapped greatness. I have brought together a group of the most powerful flamers alive today. We, challenge you big fat SG pussies to a flame match. Your regs vs TBC regs.

Look at my powerful roster:

No Okie



The Iron Chink AKA Iron Dipshit

I understand if those at SG pretend not to see this. I wouldn't want to get fucked up by that crew either.


Shut up, stupid.
I have discovered new talent. Raw, old untapped greatness. I have brought together a group of the most powerful flamers alive today. We, challenge you big fat SG pussies to a flame match. Your regs vs TBC regs.

Look at my powerful roster:

No Okie



King Martini

I understand if those at SG pretend not to see this. I wouldn't want to get fucked up by that crew either.
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "ThugLife"1.  Peaches


2. Caskur

Okay. Well. They both do a lot of the wetworks. Butt! It's close...NOT! Peaches hands fucking down! He's such a bitch he cries when it rains.

Not here he doesn't.

Well, why would he? All that's left here are a bunch of old hens and a couple of toothless hound dogs. Notice, how I didn't reference anything about you "eating dog." Can't have you commiting suicide before you have your Dim-Sum.

I thought you were talking about your fellow Flynns.

You are my newest reg.
The Guest Nest / Re: Can I be a Reg here?
October 22, 2019, 11:16:03 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"The Flynn brothers drop by from time to time when they get bored with Scouser.

Shen, the "Flynn brothers" like you better when you are logged off.
The Guest Nest / Re: Can I be a Reg here?
October 22, 2019, 11:14:33 PM
Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"Excuse me. Is there a manager I can speak to?

What good would that do. You have been told four or five times we don't bestow "reg" status on posters(whatever that is) and it is still hasn't sunk into your thick skull.

ORLY? Then you won't mind posting the 4 posts where I was told, "you don't bestow reg status on anyone." Show me these alleged communications. Much like the rest of the castoffs here you bitches make shit up on the fucking spot.

One of you Flynns should tell the others behind this handle to read their posts.

They could all be just one person, Mitt Romney. ac_toofunny

And you could be Hillary Clinton, you fucking retard. I know for you that would be a step up in politics.
The Guest Nest / Re: Can I be a Reg here?
October 22, 2019, 11:13:14 PM
Who is making my reg banner?
The Guest Nest / Re: I'm Banned from SG
October 22, 2019, 11:11:47 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"Hello evening shift Flynn.


It's actually the U.K. group. So you're wrong yet again.
The Guest Nest / Re: I'm Banned from SG
October 22, 2019, 11:09:59 PM
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I never let PI slip on this forum..

Martini did it, it was deleted, and Martini's account deleted, so no problem.


Because you're "innocent." What you are is an annoying little whiny gnat buzzing around here trying to blow fake sunshine up the asses of anyone who will buy into your weird online persona.

Personally, the whole Martha Stewart act is old. I was actually beginning to think you grew a fucking spine. I was wrong per the case of thinking online losers will

If Fash's presence on forums makes you cry, than ignore her and save your tears. We are going along with your "I want to be a reg or I am holding my breath" you spoiled brat.

Okay, dick-breath. So, I want my own personalized avatar. I would like a rose design with the words, "TBC Reg." Do you heathens think you can do that without fucking it up?

Secondly, there are a few of you here with a brain that actually works. Now if you fucks will just start using them. I also want to handpick a few posters I think are deserving of "regship." Here are my newly appointed regs:


No Okie


King Martini

Now for these guys, can you just make a "TBC Reg" avatar?

Thank you for believing in me.
The Guest Nest / Re: I'm Banned from SG
October 22, 2019, 11:02:40 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I never let PI slip on this forum..

Martini did it, it was deleted, and Martini's account deleted, so no problem.


Because you're "innocent." What you are is an annoying little whiny gnat buzzing around here trying to blow fake sunshine up the asses of anyone who will buy into your weird online persona.

Personally, the whole Martha Stewart act is old. I was actually beginning to think you grew a fucking spine. I was wrong per the case of thinking online losers will

I can tell you like gossip..

I'm done with it.

Excuse fucking me?! So, I guess it was me that ran straight here like Caskur "crying" about being "banned?" Could you kindly point out that fucking thread? I "like gossip" huh? Wasn't it YOU after stepping down as admin here run your little chicken ass to the SG to cry about it with Flea? Were you also not there the VERY SAME DAY spouting off to anyone who would listen (Flea) how you're just too fucking wonderful of a person to take such abuse? Was Flea the only one stupid enough to be reeled in by your e-crocodile tears?

Fuck off bitch.
The Guest Nest / Re: So, Old Herman is an EARTH RAPER.
October 20, 2019, 09:08:38 PM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "caskur"So what trees turn those Autumn colours?... obviously maple... And what else?
My farm is on the bald ass prairie. What's a tree? Do you want sit on old Herman's knee and drink some barrel wash?
If you were my husband... I'd make you plant 10,000 trees. Aren't you lucky we're not married.

Than I couldn't grow [size=200]canola[/size] and have gazing land for my [size=200]cattle[/size].

Let's call that "canola" what it is....[size=150]RAPESEED[/size].

Before Big Ag realized it was easy to grow and could be incorporated into industrial kitchens with only a modicum of Soft Selling, it was a junk crop and often just a weed, whose only utility to humans used to lie in the extraction of rape oil for a lubricant for farm equipment and other types of machinery.  And now, in only a generation's time, it's a commercially successful "food" crop, foisted off on millions of dumb asses under a new name.

I don't think this was what Bucky Fuller had in mind when he first suggested, 2 or 3 generations ago, that the earth could produce enough food to sustain the population it now has.  

And also, over those two or three generations, it's come to be common knowledge that eating lots of  beef is a luxury that is no longer sustainable due to the high level of resources that are needed to produce it.  

BUT, nonetheless Old Herman calls himself a "FARMER."

It's easy to see why he likes to hang out on this forum, as loaded as it is with people in the petroleum extraction and transmission business and its ancillary businesses.  

Dinosaurs for the most part, if you ask me.

Shut up you fucking twat.

Good luck getting Peaches to shut up.

Hey. Mr. I Have A Fucking Opinion For Everything. Why don't you go fellate the "Iron Chinks" very sore penis? If you have this much fucking time to kill you fucking geek.

Aint you getting enough penis from No Thinkie and the Aryan Pussy ya old fruit.

Why are you even posting to me you fucking typing canine? Where did I post that, "I wanted a conversation with a fucking brick-wall?"

You did respond to him in other threads.

There's no use expecting the various Flynns to keep up with one another.

Does that include their fully intact "noses" as well?
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "ThugLife"1.  Peaches


2. Caskur

Okay. Well. They both do a lot of the wetworks. Butt! It's close...NOT! Peaches hands fucking down! He's such a bitch he cries when it rains.

Not here he doesn't.

Well, why would he? All that's left here are a bunch of old hens and a couple of toothless hound dogs. Notice, how I didn't reference anything about you "eating dog." Can't have you commiting suicide before you have your Dim-Sum.
The Guest Nest / Re: I'm Banned from SG
October 20, 2019, 09:03:07 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"I never let PI slip on this forum..

Martini did it, it was deleted, and Martini's account deleted, so no problem.


Because you're "innocent." What you are is an annoying little whiny gnat buzzing around here trying to blow fake sunshine up the asses of anyone who will buy into your weird online persona.

Personally, the whole Martha Stewart act is old. I was actually beginning to think you grew a fucking spine. I was wrong per the case of thinking online losers will
The Guest Nest / Re: Can I be a Reg here?
October 20, 2019, 08:58:57 PM
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"Excuse me. Is there a manager I can speak to?

What good would that do. You have been told four or five times we don't bestow "reg" status on posters(whatever that is) and it is still hasn't sunk into your thick skull.

ORLY? Then you won't mind posting the 4 posts where I was told, "you don't bestow reg status on anyone." Show me these alleged communications. Much like the rest of the castoffs here you bitches make shit up on the fucking spot.
The Guest Nest / Re: I'm Banned from SG
October 20, 2019, 08:35:43 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "caskur"I'm banned from SG for telling Pigeon's husband to "Fix his family, he owes it to his children".... and yet the hairy eyebrowed one writes about children

No doubt it was that loser Bonesnore.... But if he thinks I'm going to bleed over it, he has another thing coming.

I cannot finish the chop comp KM, sorry. I had a bit of fun chopping, I haven't done much in the last couple of years so it was GREAT brushing up. Maybe we could do one here.  

An Error Has Occurred!

Sorry BroadcastHoney, you are banned from using this forum!

Posting about children.

This ban is set to expire September 28, 2019, 03:26:52 PM.

Join the club bitch.

Oh no. You may have to get a life now.

I'm sorry. Iron Horse Jockey, is it? Had someone already take the name, Iron Jockstrap?

It's actually quite funny you would mention something about, "getting a life." Am I mistaken? Is that not you with over 8k in posts?

Over what four years. What's that, close to 1500 days.

 So, that's what about 1.25 posts per day. You are nearly as shitty at math as you are at flaming.

Thanks for reinforcing my point dickhead. 4 years! On this shitty forum. And you guys say, "i need a life."

I think his point is at one and a quarter posts a day, IHJ is here for a few minutes a day..

Lets face it, you 're on SG morning, afternoon and evening.

Yet. Here you are no longer the, "admin" because obviously you're not on everyday, morning. Afternoon and night.

I just love how you post on a flame forum. Yet cry tears of soy sauce. No one is buying your "innocent act" anymore. You did let P.I. slide here.

You're a passive-aggressive asskissing cunt, that just can't stand it when people "flame" you. How many posts did you have on your old account?

You contradict yourself often. If I am 5 people, how is one of us logged on ALL Day? Lay off that MSG and sesame oil.