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Messages - Cindy

Quote from: Herman post_id=388550 time=1603907317 user_id=1689
Quote from: Blazor post_id=388539 time=1603905887 user_id=2221
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=388531 time=1603904970 user_id=3254
Quote from: Blazor post_id=388526 time=1603904574 user_id=2221
I have 2 months of food. Close to 3 if I count the beans and rice.

Good lookin' out DD, I have this awful feeling as well.

Better prepared than not.

Are you anticipating some unrest too Blazor?

Is it because of the federal election in your country?


I think Trump is gonna win. If he does, the Left will lose its mind even more than it has already. I think the major cities will have rampant Burning, Looting, and Murdering. The scale of which is yet to be seen, if its minor, all might be ok, if its major, we can expect several outcomes. If major, Martial Law might be enacted. Supply lines of food and such will be disrupted. Police are already at a breaking point, the line keeps getting thinner. If Biden wins, and it winds up being voter fraud, you'll have some angry patriots, but I doubt it will be the level the Left will take it to, even on the minor side.

The TP aisle is already empty. The media said something about stocking of goods, so once the general public has been alerted, people have been throwing tons of food and such in their carts, like dozens of boxes of mac and cheese and such. You cant find ammo anywhere. My poor cousin, had none, but the gun dealer said he had personal stock and sold him 9 bullets for $18 for his pistol, crazy.

Look on the bright side. Jim Crow Joe might win. Prog money and China won't need to hire their paid rioters.

Biden wins or cities burn to the ground.
The Flea Trap / Re: Changing of the guard
October 28, 2020, 03:29:53 PM
Quote from: "Joe Biden" post_id=387534 time=1603076257 user_id=3294
We'll be changing the guard soon. As soon as the people of Omaha, Nebraska elect me governor of Jackpot, Nevada.

I voted for you ten times.
Quote from: Guest post_id=388495 time=1603891911
"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for [Bidet] or Trump, then you ain't black."


Seems like the blacks have it figured out fine.  :laugh3:

Larry Elder is an outcast in the Black community.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Portland PD needs to take note
October 28, 2020, 03:24:44 PM
If Trump wins, it's because he cheated. We will burn to the ground every Democratic governed city in America if that happens.
Quote from: seoulbro post_id=388441 time=1603813795 user_id=114
QuoteThe balkenization of internet forums has been in a state of steady progression since long before the era of Trump.

It has, but November,2016 marked the end of forum cohabitation among posters with different points of view.

Peaceful cohabitation with fascists like you is not possible.
The Guest Nest / Re: Question For Old kiebers
October 28, 2020, 03:20:17 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=388549 time=1603907115 user_id=1689
I hope the polls are crap.

They are. Biden's lead is bigger than what's being reported.
The Guest Nest / Re: Trump destroyed Biden
October 28, 2020, 03:18:34 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=388557 time=1603908831 user_id=1676
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=388556 time=1603908182 user_id=3254
Quote from: Renee post_id=388552 time=1603907606 user_id=156
Quote from: seoulbro post_id=388512 time=1603901906 user_id=114
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=388510 time=1603901152 user_id=3254
I read a CBC article that our federal government has baked in a Joe Biden/Harris victory.....the Trudeau government doesn't believe Donald Trump has any chance of being reelected.

The 2020 Dems are not JFK's party anymore. As bad as that party's platform is, they will win the White House in six days. Dove, Renee, kiebers, Blazor, and Biggie Smiles are in denial.

If Trump can take Florida and Pennsylvania on election night, and there is indication that he might, he will have enough electoral votes to win a second term. The key however will be holding on to those votes as the dems will demand recount after recount in precincts that are close. Trump will have to fend off a barrage of harvested ballots in every battleground state.

Most of the polling is bullshit...It was the same in 2016. Hillary was leading by wide margins in every major poll right up until election night but we can see how that turned out. Just as the media is ignoring the brewing Biden influence peddling scandal, they do not want the American people knowing what really is happening. Only fools right now are believing what they're seeing from most of the polls. Sorry Soul.

The only poll that got it close to right in 2016 was Rasmussen and they currently have the race too close to call with Trumps approval rating up 8 points since last week. Right now Trump seems to be surging and everyone is holding their breath and the democraps are scared.

The media in Canada reports the news as if the election is over and Donald Trump has already lost.

The BBC, CBC, ABC, (and Australian ABC) just regurgitate the same mania amongst themselves...

All very good state owned broadcasters.
Quote from: Herman post_id=388466 time=1603834494 user_id=1689
Biden's handlers would not meet with Ice Cube until after the election. What the democRATs mean is we have your vote anyway, so fuck you.

Ice Cube: 'I'm not playing politics' by working with Trump campaign on 'Platinum Plan' for Black Americans"> ... -americans">

Rapper Ice Cube continued to defend himself against social media attacks for working with President Trump on his "Platinum Plan" for Black Americans, telling "Fox News Sunday" that he is "not playing politics with this."

"I'm willing to meet with anybody who could bring this to life and make it a reality," he told host Chris Wallace.

Wallace noted that President Trump's son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner met with Ice Cube for three hours.

Earlier this month, in a Twitter video the rapper praised the president's "Platinum Plan" to invest $500 billion in Black communities. In the video he said that Democrats "got every Black celebrity" on "their team," so "they just figured tell Cube to shut the f--- up and vote."

Trump's proposed "Platinum Plan" would include creating 3 million new jobs in the Black community over the next four years, increasing access to capital by nearly $500 billion and strengthening Trump's immigration policies to protect American jobs, according to his website. It also designates the KKK and Antifa as terrorist organization.

Ice Cube is not really black.
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=388470 time=1603835922 user_id=56
Fuck, white libtards are ugly. :beurk:">

At least you didn't use an incorrect pronoun.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Portland PD needs to take note
October 27, 2020, 06:25:18 PM
Quote from: Renee post_id=388431 time=1603808791 user_id=156
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=388430 time=1603805598 user_id=3254
Quote from: cc post_id=388396 time=1603779430 user_id=88
Quote from: "Judge Suzy" post_id=388241 time=1603669828 user_id=3302
Quote from: Herman post_id=388239 time=1603669408 user_id=1689

Trogolodytes, deplorables, and of course racists. You progtards and your woke capitalist paymasters really hate blue collar people. Which is why they will not vote for your puppet candidates no matter how much you try to shame them.

...which has fuckall to do with the OP or with your mindless rush to endorse it without evidence.

Yeah, troglodyte by virtue of posting behavior.  Cognitive neuropathy, to coin a phrase.

Lemme guess. Prog kindergarten teachers .. .prog grade school teachers .. prog high school teachers .. and maybe prog professors


Selective vision


Selective media

and / or


Perhaps all three.

No doubt.

The individual in question claims to have been a member of the short lived "Shudappayourface" forum.

That place was crawling with CBT critters.

Wasn't it wonderful.  If anyone on that forum had a different opinion I contacted their employers and got them fired.
The Guest Nest / Re: Trump destroyed Biden
October 02, 2020, 12:33:52 AM
Quote from: "Joe Biden" post_id=384751 time=1601439499 user_id=3294
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=384730 time=1601436167 user_id=3214
Biden couldn't list one single plan that was feasable

That moron is done

Come on man.

You looked so presidential.
The Flea Trap / Re: Changing of the guard
October 02, 2020, 12:32:00 AM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=385198 time=1601612884 user_id=1676
Break out the hardcore porn!  ac_biggrin

Haters are into objectifying women. Isn't that right nazi.
The Guest Nest / Re: Haters And Racists
September 21, 2020, 12:19:48 AM
Edward- a socially conscious responsible citizen.
The Guest Nest / Re: Haters And Racists
September 20, 2020, 09:07:18 PM
Blazor-racist and must be cancelled
The Guest Nest / Re: Haters And Racists
September 20, 2020, 09:06:58 PM
Superchecker-nearly as racist and hateful as Fashionista, so he's cancelled.