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Messages - KM

The Flea Trap / Re: Reinventing History
July 19, 2022, 06:24:47 PM
Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=465535 time=1658243608 user_id=3382
Yeah, gee, I wonder who it's about.  :001_rolleyes:

Relax, retread, it's not about you.

So put the flyswatter down and give your huge forehead a breather.

Does anybody want to make a guess how long before combover here is rocking the horse shoe hair look?


The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 19, 2022, 09:47:10 AM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=465517 time=1658238303 user_id=2845
I wanna see a match between Wayne Reynolds's and Poofer. THAT would be awesome

Already happened.
Quote from: Blurt post_id=465497 time=1658235582 user_id=1974
Quote from: KM post_id=465488 time=1658233853

Dayum, bruh. Why so sensitive?

So where's this podcast again? I need to get the latest news on this community.

I hear Bonesaw is making fractals now.

You really don't want to hear the podcast. It's about things unassociated with this community. It's more about pop culture, nerd stuff.

Plus, I'm hammering out an exclusivity deal with a distributor and bringing this garbage into the mix isn't kosher. The reptiles left in this community are like rotten children who were locked in a closet for decades and finally got sprung to the rejoicing of nobody.

When I leave for good I'll give a link to Fox so he can create remixes. That's as close as anybody is going to get.

And Bonesaw can't even tie his shoes if there isn't big straps of Velcro instead of laces.
The Guest Nest / Re: I like Oak.
July 19, 2022, 08:34:07 AM
Dua Lipa.


Didn't Peaches have a thang for the little girl in The Professional?
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 19, 2022, 07:45:03 AM
So Fash....

Are you really chink? It's ok if you are.
Quote from: Blurt post_id=465460 time=1658207025 user_id=1974
Quote from: KM post_id=464019 time=1657809801 user_id=3370

The pathetic thing is, if it was good content, it wouldn't be an issue.


80% of Joodog's post count consists of the words, "admin sucks cock."

He's like Scouse droning on about the Jews, but with a better tan.


How is my favorite cross dresser doing?

Post more here. This place needs a touch of class.
The Flea Trap / Re: Reinventing History
July 19, 2022, 07:42:12 AM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=465395 time=1658198126 user_id=2845
I see the top tier comment hit a nerve.

Don't hate me, Poofer! :laugh:

I don't "hate" anybody.

I was just testing the waters of what can and can't be posted here and just used Bonehead as my personal piƱata.

Little did I know the idiot would go full and start hyperventilating with a garbage bag over his speed bag shaped head and start deflecting so much if the moron was one of those idiots flying behind Luke Skywalker during the trench run he would have made it out alive. Top tier tard is pretty much the only thing on that morons resume when it comes to creating content. A couple slaps and the clown was drunk walking into walls looking for help.

But I digress.

Actually, the big thing is....drum roll please....

The Poofer trilogy

Just like the aforementioned Star Wars and Lotr, great content comes in threes. Here, yours truly is going to take a different approach to great content and try and bring something interesting and different to the masses.

Yes, it will be content only yours truly can provide , and yes, it won't be everyone's cup of tea. But, it will be great.

Who is it about? Only I know. And for the record, if it gets deleted here there is another forum that will allow it unedited.

This, is a great day. I envy each and every one of you because you are this close to taking a step forward.
The Flea Trap / Re: Reinventing History
July 18, 2022, 08:05:54 PM
I can care less what morons here think of me and never gave two shits about it.

Your problem is, you do.

You want to play this high and mighty character on these forums but don't want to admit that you were just as bad as everyone else.

Bu..but your life sucked? Who gives a fuck. Don't make excuses for acting like a piece of shit. Know your fucking role. The reason you did that shit was because you could, just like everyone else at the time. It's like a killer telling a judge he suffered from depression and that's why he killed.

As for this phantom orbit, if I did it, I'd admit it. I plainly admit to posting about twats dead ex wife and lose zero sleep over it. You just need sympathy on message boards like a fucking bumpkinized little girl.

You wernt some fucking angel, Bonesaw. A lot of ppl didn't like you and it wasn't because you were done great flamer. It was because you were a little bitch who ran to admins crying. Bra1n, remember him? Would tell me countless times to take it easy on you because he didn't want his inbox littered with your incessant bleating.

And for the record, when your moms obit was posted, I was the one who deleted it. I also got banned the first time at SG defending you and your PI when Brent posted all of it. Remember that? Didn't think so.

So go run and look for moar e-hugs, you jello brained, rogaine needing wannabe.There's a reason why EB thought you were nothing but a two faced punching bag.

Better yet, follow my lead and make another one of those droneing podcasts that sounded like you were strangling a fucking puppy while you spoke.
The Flea Trap / Re: Reinventing History
July 18, 2022, 07:26:31 PM
Go seek some more sympathy, Scrabbles.

Doomsgay hated you just as much as he hated the Regs. Of which I was never a part of. But, it's funny that here I am pointing out how you suck up to board owners and sure enough, you bleat on about "der der Doomsday hated all of juus ", you know, the owner of BH who was supposedly taking time out of his day to chat with Bonesaw of all ppl....

As for handing out Cunts photo, at least you admit to it, proving once again your foot fits firmly in that square jaw of yours. But it's ok if Bonesaw does shit because there's a story behind it....

This is why you were never "top tier" like somebody currently projecting blackmail over words on a screen falsely proclaimed. You are nothing but an obtuse idiot who's only positive value was finding words with the letter X.

You need to go back to swimming with the little fish, guppy.
The Flea Trap / Re: Reinventing History
July 18, 2022, 06:59:21 PM
And Flea, "forum blackmail"?

Are you fucking serious?

I am honestly questioning the intelligence level of the posters left in this community and contemplating if I actually want to be a part of it any more.

If you really think you are being blackmailed, then what's stopping you from logging off and moving the fuck on? You owe nothing to this community and if you truly believe somebody is blackmailing you over words on a screen you really need to think of having a presence on these boards is worth it.

What you clowns need to do is create a happy friendly board where you all can bitch and moan at each other instead of allowing others with a difference of opinion. It's the only thing that will save this community because conflicting views seem to be taboo let alone actually flaming somebody.

Ppl have been on these boards for 15 plus years and have seen ten times worse shit yet now a days of somebody actually disagrees with somebody it's like the end of the world and threads that would have been dumped are now filled with chatty Karen's crying over nothing. And ppl wonder why all the names left this shit in the dust.

You all need to either seek help or find god.
The Flea Trap / Reinventing History
July 18, 2022, 06:46:37 PM
Only on Fleas "politics free flame zone" forum that doesn't want flaming can this post happen.

Honestly, I rarely read these forums and most of the rabble within them. But something odd came up that I was notified of.

Bonesaw is crying that I put his mother obit on a forum? Nice try sympathy seeker, but it wasn't me who did it. It was KH. Your "full name" was common knowledge and I'm pretty sure everyone who has spent a few years at this shit knows it. leave out the FACT it was you who passed around Cunts pic behind the scenes to AW. Because that's how I got it, and she sure as shit never lied to me.

See Bonesaw, your fucking problem is you are a forum owner seat sniffer who either sucks up to get a panel or posts you don't like deleted. What's your laundry list?





Funny how all of them had admin privy's, huh? So don't sit here and act like you were above the bullshit. You wernt. You were the one having nervous breakdowns over the flaming community and writing blogs about it.

Speaking of blogs. I remember vividly how big, righteous Bonesaw wouldn't post at Beavers Blog on account of one of its random sponsors was a site called "rape stories" yet, at his blog, where he went on a four episodic rant about flaming, one of his random sponsors was indeed "rape stories". Funny how that one worked out, on top of being a what was it, 50k post spam bot at BH where there was beasty porn.

So plz, don't try and soak in being some pleb victim. You can fool the fucktards here with your woe is me story but your not fooling anybody who's been in this shit longer then a few years, scrabbler.

It's funny, but the supposedly great "flamers" are the biggest pussies now a days.
The Guest Nest / Re: I like Oak.
July 18, 2022, 10:58:36 AM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=465230 time=1658150579 user_id=2845
Quote from: KM post_id=465208 time=1658118388 user_id=3370
Oak is hilarious.

Flea, you really need to lighten up and stop taking these boards so seriously.

Nobody told Dronesnore to respond to those said emails and your only looking one way in that bullshit.

I, for one, is glad Oak is here.

Now Blandscape needs to come here.

Listen up, you and whoever thinks I'm sitting in fear of that loud ass cow.

I am not jumping crazy for one reason only. I don't want her harassing Bonesaw in private. Cuz trust and believe, this cunt deserves the ridicule and dragging she'll endure if I go off.

It's one of those situations where it's like having one of those drama queen relatives who everyone would rather not deal with cuz they won't fucking quit calling or showing up.

She's not restricted, btw. I told Fash to leave her unless she starts her drunken rage shit, then out she goes.

Nobody said you were "afraid" of Oak. You are seeing little bubbles of delusion so clearly you can reach out and touch them.

The, now infamous, emails have nothing to do with you. If ppl need to email somebody over something as trivial as message board banter, and said person responds, that's just a plate full of drama your ass should be dieting from anyways.

As one of the pillars of this community, you need to take a step back from the iPhone. Play candy crush or something.

The only person I ever emailed was Beaver. And that's only because he was hilarious. He would send eight pages of conspiracy theories once a week along with some of the most insane angles known to man. He wanted desperately to cosplay a woman at FC. Good times.

I still think Beaver was that guy at the Terry Funk meet and greet who yelled crying "it's still real to me dammit" and was so shook they had to stop taking questions and have Funk go down and hug the guy. Beaver knew a hell of a lot about wrestling but down played it on the boards.
The Flea Trap / Re: Chops
July 18, 2022, 01:05:53 AM
The Flea Trap / Re: Chops
July 18, 2022, 12:46:23 AM