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Messages - KM

Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=454891 time=1654089954 user_id=2845
They can't flame without getting personal. Notice how Freud and Poppy are doing it? No personal attacks? Some people are not capable of it.

Chances are they read the shit we talk about from back in the day without any of the context around it and say "zomgz img teh flamerz now" and give themselves high fives alone.

Fuck em. Bitches are bitches.

Any of these fuckers would have murked themselves if they went thru the shit Caskur went thru back in the day. That's why I have a ton of respect for that old bird. She's an icon because she never backed down.

Quote from: Herman post_id=454783 time=1654052212 user_id=1689
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=454778 time=1654051977 user_id=2845
I don't want to read that shit here.

Old Herman gets the impression you are talking to me. Should I be a little nicer to deadbeat parasite dads like Martini. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.

No, you poster tard for male menopause, fuck you.

Take your little bullshit act, shove it back up your Pringle can sized asshole, and try again. Nobody gives a fuck what some elderly, grandstanding chump who can't get the taste of nostalgia off their pallet says, thinks, or reacts to.

Be the foot rest, snowflake, before I actually flame the fuck outta you and have you learning Morse code by tapping a fucking pen against your three wheeler wheelchair, you walking, breathing anatomical doll.

Point where the big bad Poofer hurt you, you Down syndromed deformity, and if I did?

I blame my iPhone
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=454884 time=1654089001 user_id=2845
I don't want politics or personal attacks. Looks like I might have to turn off guest posting as well.

For the record, I don't have to be fair unless the owners of this forum say so. Everyone has been following the rules. Sad that certain people keep trying to stir chaos.

I got more Stans then the hand tool section at Lowes.

Let these bitches post
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=454884 time=1654089001 user_id=2845
I don't want politics or personal attacks. Looks like I might have to turn off guest posting as well.

For the record, I don't have to be fair unless the owners of this forum say so. Everyone has been following the rules. Sad that certain people keep trying to stir chaos.

Read the DM I send you in two seconds.
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=454878 time=1654087457 user_id=2845
Herman will return in a few hours. I think he was drunk last night.

Have no fear, Flea.

As an American, I will stand, united, towards those who will try and bring us, the free, down.

Thomas Jefferson once said and I quote;

" I might have invented the light bulb, but King Martini invented quality content"

Just as my forefather's, I carry this mantle of fine American with pride. They will never bring me down. I am at the top of the mountain, but only half way up.

Let those who read this know;

King Martini is back. The Goat, and if I'm not the goat on second on the list. Scratch that, I AM the goat.

It's time many here actually see what quality content is.
Quote from: Poppy post_id=454791 time=1654053315 user_id=3287
Just got our Kickstarter steam key for Corpse Factory, that is only the second video game I kickstarter pledged for because I knew they were pretty far along in development already and it's a great Japanese style horror visual novel.

the first game I pledged to never was released and they ran off with all our money and kickstarter does not give refunds.

actually that game was the only kickstarter pledge that I got burned on.

Thank god you didn't get sucked into the whole Amico fiasco.

There was no way that a retro console with touch screen controllers was going to be priced at 200 bucks with a catalog of shovel ware games.

I kickstarted the Atari console knowing damn well it was going to emulate 2600 perfectly and ended up with Ataris entire catalog arcade thru 7800. Not bad for 350 bucks
The Flea Trap / Re: Dearest Flynn
June 01, 2022, 08:11:01 AM
Dearest Flynn;

You have a heavy hitter at BF from BH.


Bring him out, and I'll post there
The Flea Trap / King Martini’s official statement
June 01, 2022, 07:28:26 AM

Yesterday night, a knuckle dragging moron was cucked by this forums admin over a troll that happened three years ago.

Real men, ladies and gentlemen, don't get cucked.

Now, before we can "move forward", we have to delve back into the past a bit for the umpteenth time for the geriatric Neanderthals present.

Many of you morons here, we're not privy to flame forums.

And because of this, many of you wouldn't have survived being on a flame forum. What happened three years ago was "creating content". A landmark in verbose "next level" thinking that the flotsam to this day is still posting about it, and over on another forum, are trying to recreate it.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am a great content creator, and proud American. When Lincoln freed the slaves, did idiots not try and talk shit about him? When George Washington killed all the Nazi's, we're their not those of limited brain functionality who tried to take that away from him?

You are hating on moi, not because I am the greatest influencer in this community, but because I am American.

(Places hand over heart)

Oh mother liberty, for this back woods scum of igloo and hockey pucks knows nothing of being a patriot. For their jealousy of three robust colours, red, white, and blue blinds them into being the wretched villains nothing short of Russian, Putin cock suckers.

I am the embodiment of American pride. And I will keep fighting the good fight of quality, American content for I love my country.

God bless King Martini, and by golly, god bless America 🇺🇸
Seethe, grandpa, seethe
The Flea Trap / Re: The Martini Investment Thread
May 31, 2022, 11:27:11 PM
Shine my shitter, Herman😂😂😂😂
Quote from: Poppy post_id=454754 time=1654049350 user_id=3287
Most of these twitchers spend days playing whatever the latest steam release is no matter how boring the game is.

Cohhcarnage spent days playing V rising and all he did was chop wood and stone so he could get supplies to build his castle, so you sit there watching his character grunt and swing his weapon at trees and rocks, so fucking fun

They killed OW2 because nobody gave away drops.

Not that a complete fucktard like pokemaine was good at OW, but Blizzard must have been looking at the simp market
Quote from: Poppy post_id=454748 time=1654049132 user_id=3287
Hey, wasn't 7-11 one of your sponsors  because you spend  most of your Fortnite matches hiding in the convenience store's closet?

No, it was Red Robin.

They promised me fries for as long as I stayed alive.