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Messages - KM

The Flea Trap / Re: The Martini Investment Thread
May 31, 2022, 10:07:45 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=454737 time=1654048509 user_id=1689
Quote from: Velvet post_id=454699 time=1654041882 user_id=2021
Quote from: KM post_id=454277 time=1653911371
As some of you walking abortions know, I made quite a bit of coin on doge. A big time IG influencer dumped all their doge right before Elon said it was a good investment. I quickly purchased all of it then dumped the shit out of it at its peak.

Thru that, I took advantage of the clowns buying sports cards during the pandemic who were stuck in their homes with nothing to do. Lebron and Kobe blew up and I had both. Big money moves at the time until I unloaded four Connor McDavid The Cup rookies to some poor fool in Canada for close to a million dollars. Easiest money I ever made and a month ago the fool wanted to know if I wanted them back, to which I replied "sorry, I can't hear you thru all the money you gave me. Try again in a decade".

But the big money? It's in celebrity autographs. I was given a Selena autograph from one of my coworkers a long time ago that I put away thinking it wasn't real and just a kind gesture.

No, it was real.

500 bucks to have it certified and then sold for 15k. Lana Del Rey, whom I've met countless times, doesn't sign autographs any more. Made over 50k on LDR.

I have a Bowie Auto, Cobain, the four Beatles on one album, stuff you can't get. In the long run, they will be priceless.

Biggest money I made, a Darby Crash auto. Don't ask how much I got for it.

Are you eighteen? This is how a teenager would invest their part time job money.

Martini is fifty is fifty and serves burgers ands fries.

Yet looks better at 50 then you did at any age, just sayin.

Shine my shitter, gramps?
The Flea Trap / Re: The Martini Investment Thread
May 31, 2022, 10:06:07 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=454736 time=1654048465 user_id=1689
Martini, I am a real man. I did a man's job and I supported my family. I am retired now from a job, but I farm full time and I enjoy spoiling my granddaughter.

I guess I coud have spent my days on forumz hustling single mums for cigarette money, but that aint old Herman's style.

Define a "man's job", you relic'd talking ham.

Putting chicken wire in front of a window and charging admission on how a retarded clown habitats?

Sounds about right, you gimped out fossil.

Quote from: cw_ post_id=454306 time=1653919738 user_id=3226
Indeed.  It's shameful.

It's the same as the "join" buttons on YouTube or subs on Twitch.

I make money on advertising on YouTube, I don't accept subs on Twitch because I have sponsors.

If you need to e-beg you are doing it wrong.

During the podcasts heyday I made 800 bucks a month just on advertising. Don't put the onus on members to pay your bills especially when said members come across as mentally challenged in the first place.
The Flea Trap / Re: The Martini Investment Thread
May 31, 2022, 09:50:54 PM
Quote from: Velvet post_id=454699 time=1654041882 user_id=2021
Quote from: KM post_id=454277 time=1653911371
As some of you walking abortions know, I made quite a bit of coin on doge. A big time IG influencer dumped all their doge right before Elon said it was a good investment. I quickly purchased all of it then dumped the shit out of it at its peak.

Thru that, I took advantage of the clowns buying sports cards during the pandemic who were stuck in their homes with nothing to do. Lebron and Kobe blew up and I had both. Big money moves at the time until I unloaded four Connor McDavid The Cup rookies to some poor fool in Canada for close to a million dollars. Easiest money I ever made and a month ago the fool wanted to know if I wanted them back, to which I replied "sorry, I can't hear you thru all the money you gave me. Try again in a decade".

But the big money? It's in celebrity autographs. I was given a Selena autograph from one of my coworkers a long time ago that I put away thinking it wasn't real and just a kind gesture.

No, it was real.

500 bucks to have it certified and then sold for 15k. Lana Del Rey, whom I've met countless times, doesn't sign autographs any more. Made over 50k on LDR.

I have a Bowie Auto, Cobain, the four Beatles on one album, stuff you can't get. In the long run, they will be priceless.

Biggest money I made, a Darby Crash auto. Don't ask how much I got for it.

Are you eighteen? This is how a teenager would invest their part time job money.

Lmk when "part time job " money invested turns into 890 thousand dollars.

You do know how pop culture and nostalgia infected this wonderful country during the pandemic?

Wait, I should invest in real estate so dead beats don't pay their rent and spend money to kick them out, right?

Elderly ppl and their simple ideas....
The Flea Trap / Re: The Martini Investment Thread
May 31, 2022, 09:46:07 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=454661 time=1654033918 user_id=1689
Quote from: KM post_id=454277 time=1653911371
As some of you walking abortions know, I made quite a bit of coin on doge. A big time IG influencer dumped all their doge right before Elon said it was a good investment. I quickly purchased all of it then dumped the shit out of it at its peak.

Thru that, I took advantage of the clowns buying sports cards during the pandemic who were stuck in their homes with nothing to do. Lebron and Kobe blew up and I had both. Big money moves at the time until I unloaded four Connor McDavid The Cup rookies to some poor fool in Canada for close to a million dollars. Easiest money I ever made and a month ago the fool wanted to know if I wanted them back, to which I replied "sorry, I can't hear you thru all the money you gave me. Try again in a decade".

But the big money? It's in celebrity autographs. I was given a Selena autograph from one of my coworkers a long time ago that I put away thinking it wasn't real and just a kind gesture.

No, it was real.

500 bucks to have it certified and then sold for 15k. Lana Del Rey, whom I've met countless times, doesn't sign autographs any more. Made over 50k on LDR.

I have a Bowie Auto, Cobain, the four Beatles on one album, stuff you can't get. In the long run, they will be priceless.

Biggest money I made, a Darby Crash auto. Don't ask how much I got for it.

That's good you got a few bucks in your pocket. It's the end of the month and you will need it for June's bus pass.

Uh oh, the second hand equivalent of content unfit for a dollar general store rears its fugly head.

Hey talking cinder block, you do know I live in the greatest city in the world and a car is just another expensive toy, yes? Or that an Uber is cheaper in this day and age of six dollars a gallon gas, right?

As the beautiful Mexican woman within this lovely barrio would say;

El Whoops

So before you hang yourself on your manpon string, take that slow ride walk of shame and take it easy, because there's nothing in the rules here that say I cant bitch slap that running on empty Jackson Browne bowl cut of yours around from thread to thread.

Your choice.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dearest Flynn
May 30, 2022, 10:49:56 PM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=454546 time=1653965279 user_id=3287
The same thing women say when looking at Feud's penis also applies to BF, it's too damn small.

People aint going to post "content" for 10 people. . They won't even allow you have a McDonald's happy meal birthday party for only ten people, you need at least twenty or the clown who makes balloon animals won't show up.

 :MG_216:  :MG_216:  :MG_216:
The Flea Trap / Re: Dearest Flynn
May 30, 2022, 10:26:14 PM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=454535 time=1653963342 user_id=3287
I think it's time for Flynn to make a new podcast, that may qualify as "content".

I would actually listen to that one
The Flea Trap / Re: The Martini Investment Thread
May 30, 2022, 10:23:42 PM
Sorry Blurt, Doge was a get in get out pump and dump. I came out way ahead with enough money to get the sports memorabilia I had graded and authenticated, which is where 90% of my cash came from.

See, I had Lebron rookies. During the pandemic those with high grades were selling at 300% more then they are now and I was buying that shit back in 2003.

Here's facts- since my ex wife's shits out there, go ask her and even she will tell you we went from store to store buying out all the nba stock at every single one of them. We would go to retail, buy it out, open the shit in the car, then drive to the next store.

The McDavids tho? Those I purchased after I was divorced because there was no way in hell she would ever agree to yours truly spending ten grand on a card.

Now, I look like a boss.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dearest Flynn
May 30, 2022, 10:13:34 PM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=454523 time=1653962226 user_id=2845
Poofer, how would you know? Nigga, you be bullshitting like a mofo :roll:

Cardy adored me.

When she was mod at FC who was the only person who got away with shit? Moi

We would have heated debates back in the day about WWE and she was one of the few I kept in touch with.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dearest Flynn
May 30, 2022, 09:53:35 PM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=454518 time=1653961883 user_id=3287
Flynn will start posting fractals by the end of the week

 :MG_216:  :MG_216:  :MG_216:
The Flea Trap / Re: Why hello
May 30, 2022, 09:51:13 PM
Quote from: cw_ post_id=454434 time=1653939065 user_id=3226
It's suspicious that KM doesn't have an avatar.

And Dinky's feet stink.

I tried using frauds foot as my av.

Didn't work
The Flea Trap / Re: Dearest Flynn
May 30, 2022, 09:47:32 PM
Quote from: caskur post_id=454512 time=1653961602 user_id=2156
Quote from: KM post_id=454486 time=1653958372 user_id=3370
I, like many, have no intentions of going back to BF.

Card trick has been dead for over five years, EB is done with this, OJ is an elderly man, and most of the ppl you want there won't go because you are there.

Hope that helps.

 Bra1n loved Cardy. I am sorry to hear of her departure. That is really sad.

She was 78 years old.

Time waits for no one
The Flea Trap / Re: Chops
May 30, 2022, 09:41:59 PM
The Flea Trap / Re: I’m soooo full
May 30, 2022, 09:37:17 PM
I like my women Mexican.

Food, not so much.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dearest Flynn
May 30, 2022, 09:35:13 PM
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=454490 time=1653958715 user_id=3254
Quote from: KM post_id=454486 time=1653958372 user_id=3370
I, like many, have no intentions of going back to BF.

Card trick has been dead for over five years, EB is done with this, OJ is an elderly man, and most of the ppl you want there won't go because you are there.

Hope that helps.

I wish Mr Flynn well with his new mod panel.

Flynn just needs one little push to go over the edge.

Who wants a pic of the actual Flynn(s)?