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Messages - Shen Li

The Guest Nest / Re: I love my state
November 13, 2022, 11:43:06 AM
Quote from: Oerdin post_id=481345 time=1668352714 user_id=3374
NY must be very proud of itself.  Black man rapes white woman on subway and none of the fellow subway riders does anything to intervine.  I can understand the attitude as all the criminals are armed, none of the regular people have any rights to self defense, and if you are some how able to over power the black rapist leftist Dem D.A.s will claim you are a racist who some how violated the rapists civil rights by saving his victim from getting rapist.  What a shit hole state.

However, at least Americans have Florida. We have no place within confederation to escape Ottawa's tyranny. That is why we're out of this hellhole of a country.
The Guest Nest / Re: Is This What They Voted For?
November 13, 2022, 11:39:26 AM
Quote from: Dove post_id=481353 time=1668354275 user_id=3266
Have you guys noticed people are LESS educated? It's like they get dumber and more self righteous every generation. More convinced that they are the agents of change into utopia. Less understanding and tolerant of opposition views.  Less knowledgable about history and how the government works. Less able to critically think and more emotional and hateful.

 And the dems freak out about the ordinary people....parents...."dismantling education".  The state is not educating. They are indoctrinating.

Yep, especially whites.
The Guest Nest / Re: Who Will Die Next
November 13, 2022, 11:38:19 AM
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=481326 time=1668334553 user_id=1728
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=481170 time=1668292507 user_id=3389

Again, COVID or vaccines made no difference. I'm sure you'll be saying the jab did it when Herman passes away. Mimi and soon will be saying he didn't get enough boosters. It's all so retarded.

Christ Shen, are you Chinks not familiar with the word tactful? You're making it sound like the poor guy has only got a few days left.  :ohmy:

Speaking of Soon and Mimi, the pair of them had an absolutely hilarious bust up on VF recently, where Mimi accused Soon of cheating at Wordle and then blamed it on a typo.  ac_lmfao

Me so sowwwwy.
The Guest Nest / Re: Edward
November 13, 2022, 11:37:08 AM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=481357 time=1668355578 user_id=2845
idiots like that is why we can't have nice things.

Edweird is a hideous, deranged, little pizza-faced stalker. He collects PI and uses it to cause problems for poster's careers and businesses.

There are so many quality contributors who have left this medium entirely because of that little incel creep. I hope the next time the RCMP arrests him, they lock up his scrawny ass and throw away the key.
The Guest Nest / Re: Who Will Die Next
November 12, 2022, 06:15:01 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=481188 time=1668294342 user_id=1676
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=481170 time=1668292507 user_id=3389

Again, COVID or vaccines made no difference. I'm sure you'll be saying the jab did it when Herman passes away. Mimi and soon will be saying he didn't get enough boosters. It's all so retarded.

Not what the figures are showing these days.... but you do you, dollface.

Anybody that still believes anything about COVID from either side is fucking naive. CC had a long term illness and Herman's health problems are a direct result of his lifestyle choices.

Anyway, play doctor all you want. I'm done with this.
I don't care about anecdotal evidence on an anon message board. I was born on that continent. I know it well, you do not.

Canada in 2022 isn't the same one we immigrated to in the 90's. Your country is in rapid and likely irreversible decline. I owe it to my sons to provide them with stability and opportunity. Sorry, your semi-fascist hellhole of a country no longer offers either.
Quote from: Odinson post_id=481176 time=1668292872 user_id=136
20k euro rent.

You can buy as many Thai-wives as you want with that money.

Moving to Thailand is a better choice.

I'll be moving on an expat package. We'll eventually buy a condo with a rooftop pool.
The Guest Nest / Re: We need well rounded liberals…
November 12, 2022, 05:44:51 PM
Double Post
The Guest Nest / Re: We need well rounded liberals…
November 12, 2022, 05:43:40 PM
Quote from: "HO HO Joe" post_id=480980 time=1668228526
Quote from: Dove post_id=480975 time=1668224099 user_id=3266

 States voting has ALWAYS worked.

 As long as we have security measures it would be just fine. It's all this stupid bullshit fuckery that makes people not trust the system.

 The United States is NOT a democracy. We are a REPUBLIC.

 "And to the REPUBLIC for which it stands".  Yeah?

50 states with 50 unique voting systems and procedures. Hmmm what could possibly go wrong?

You know how many different federal  systems and ballots Canada, Australia, France, Australia and others have for their national elections?


Canada has a mark the paper ballot with an X with 3 levels of security on election day. Plus the voter must show id, proof of address, vetbal identification via an on site election official.

And it's the same ballot and procedure in Nova Scotia or 3,000 miles away in Vancouver.

No of complaints or voter fraud/stolen elections in our country by liberals or conservative?  

Zero. 0.

However, your screwed up authoritarian semi-fascist hellhole of a country frowns on direct democracy. The US has all the same problems as Canada, but at the state level citizen initiatives are common.
The Guest Nest / Re: Who Will Die Next
November 12, 2022, 05:38:51 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=481172 time=1668292631 user_id=3214
I love to hear that seamongo got eaten by a shark

That would be cool

That little guppy is too tiny for a shark.
The Guest Nest / Re: Who Will Die Next
November 12, 2022, 05:35:07 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=481166 time=1668292282 user_id=1676
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=481130 time=1668283835 user_id=3389

With or without the Fauci Flu, CC would've been very ill.

Probably, but the Fauci Ouchy ended her prematurely.

Again, COVID or vaccines made no difference. I'm sure you'll be saying the jab did it when Herman passes away. Mimi and soon will be saying he didn't get enough boosters. It's all so retarded.
Quote from: Dove post_id=481162 time=1668291571 user_id=3266
Joe if "cons" like fascism and conformity....we would just be Democrats.

If I wanted conformity and fascism and being told what to think I would stay in Joe's backward country.
Quote from: "Jo Ho Ho" post_id=481161 time=1668291169
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=481123 time=1668282888 user_id=3389

Singapore, where I'll be immigrating to is called a fine city. Fines for littering, fines for jaywalking, fines for not flushing public toilets.

However, the city state is super clean. Give me that any day over the social anarchy of the West Coast of this continent.

I heard Singapore has a fascist & exttemely conformist mentality/culture.

I think it would be incredibly stifling even for a con like you Sen Li.

You heard wrong. My beloved Lion City is more transparent than your corrupt authoritarian country.
The Guest Nest / Re: Growing up
November 12, 2022, 05:28:37 PM
Quote from: "Joe HO Ho" post_id=481159 time=1668290841
Quote from: Dove post_id=481157 time=1668289571 user_id=3266
I remember having convos with my friends about the first female president and how its gonna have to be a certain kind of woman, and at the time there was no woman on the scene any of us felt had that.

 And we said we would know her when we saw her.


 She would make a damn fine first female US president.  And I feel like we are going to see her run one day.

 Women were cheated with Harris being our first female VP.  Hopefully we can get it right with Lake.  I love the wall of Rosie behind her  ac_lovestruck

Your country isn't ready for a female president Dove.

They'd rather see a Black man than a White woman.

Both major parties are hostile to the idea.

Just as Sarah Palin got torn to shreds go did Hillary Clinton

Exactly how many visible minority or female prime ministers has your authoritarian hellhole of a country elected? Don't give me that appointee Kim Campbell who's party was reduced to 2 seats on her watch.
The Flea Trap / Re: What are you doing?
November 12, 2022, 03:19:31 PM
Quote from: RAVEN post_id=481137 time=1668284272 user_id=3352
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=481136 time=1668284186 user_id=3389

Do you remember what they were?

I don't recall, Shen.  I know one of his handles I called out in the shoutbox there ..  lulz

Maybe I'll take a look. Or maybe I won't