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Messages - Thiel

The Flea Trap / Re: What is a leppo?
December 15, 2016, 11:17:19 PM
Second time is a charm.

I agree, opposing or defending Islam is not  a political spectrum thing. But, it is a conundrum for libertarians like me.

I hope this helps to explain it.

QuoteLibertarians have a problem. We must decide how to regard ideologies which are wholly opposed to individual liberty.

Yet when it comes to Islam, libertarians seem torn between critiquing ideology and defending a minority. A strong strain of non-interventionism combines with an accepting attitude towards other cultures, causing many libertarians to defend an ideology which does not believe in individual liberty.

They are quick to remind us that moderate Muslims do not condone the violence the world witnessed in Paris last Friday. They are completely right in this regard, many Muslims around the world do not agree with the violent acts of Jihad carried out in the name of their faith. But this ignores the larger problem.

Most moderate socialists do not support gulags, labor camps, speech controls, political purges, or genocide. Yet libertarians recognize that the seed of collectivism can grow into the tyranny of dictatorship and oppression. Libertarians recognize that the removal of economic freedoms, even on a small scale, can lead to totalitarianism. They rightly identify the idea behind the rise of such anti-human systems as collectivism and thus expend much of their efforts combating ideas associated with it.

Islam is entirely opposed to human liberty. Show me a place where Islam is law and I will show you a place where liberty is being suffocated; where women are forced to cover from head to toe and are stoned for being raped, where people are put to death for their beliefs, and where minorities are persecuted.

The battle for liberty is a battle of ideas. If we wish to effectively spread the ideas of liberty we must oppose ideologies which are an affront to liberty. That doesn't mean hating people, it means focusing on why their ideas are wrong.
The Flea Trap / Re: I am at a loss.
December 15, 2016, 10:54:25 PM
I made a post in the leppo thread that was edited to look like Herman posted it.
The Flea Trap / Re: I am at a loss.
December 15, 2016, 10:10:37 PM
Quote from: "Blurt"I have to admit, I don't understand how this forum works.

Posts disappear. Threads are broken up and the bits moved around the board. Post content is changed without notice. Edits are camouflaged.

It makes any kind of rational connection between one post and the next almost impossible to see.

I am not here enough to have seen it. Can you provide examples?
The Flea Trap / Re: Prepare for disappointment
December 14, 2016, 12:55:09 PM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Her 3200 sq ft. house. Psst.

Is this thread about houses?
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Oberon"

Muslims will be re-patriated from many western countries.


They should move in with RW, she would probably welcome the 'enrichment'.

Hey, I have 3200 sq ft house.  If they do laundry, they're welcome to live in the basement.

You've mentioned the size of your house several times. Is 3200 sq feet a large house in your community?

You were nominated to give your twenty two.
The Flea Trap / Re: 22 Push ups in...whatever
December 14, 2016, 12:47:05 PM
1. DOB August 18, 1967

2. Grew up in a small community just outside Winnipeg.

3. Wine collector

4. I love all things flying. Radio controlled airplanes, small aircraft, gliding and ultralight.

5. I came out to my parents when I was nineteen.

6. I am an entrepreneur in a business that is not typically associated with gay men.

7. I am a recovering video gamer.

8. A former Elvis impersonator.

9. I play volleyball whenever I can.

10. I have an uncle who was a two term member of parliament for the Progressive Conservatives when Mulroney was pm.

11. I travel frequently for my enterprise, but I would like to travel more for relaxation.

12. If I do not sell my business in the future, I will leave it to my nephew.

13. My ancestry includes Icelandic, German, and Ukrainian.

14. Every relationship I have had, I have screwed up.

15. Frederick Bastiat's The Law was one of the first books to help shape my values and beliefs.

16. I love slow cooked food. Fast food is inedible.

17. I believe in individual and economic liberty.

18. One of my favourite quotes is from Rob Halford; "I'm not one of these gay guys with a cause."

19. I am involved with a local charity that provides assistance to underprivileged kids so they can play sports.

20. I can play guitar, piano and drums, but none very well.

21. Coming out as a libertarian in the gay community was harder than coming out to my family as gay.

22. If I didn't have to travel so much, I would buy a parrot, maybe an African grey and teach it to talk.

I choose to nominate RW and JOE.
The Flea Trap / Re: How is the temperature in Alberta?
December 14, 2016, 11:53:29 AM
Quote from: "Angry White Male"Arrived in Halifax, and came straight to Vancouver.

If he had stopped in Winnipeg, he would have never left.
The Flea Trap / Re: What is a leppo?
December 14, 2016, 11:49:04 AM
Quote from: "Wulf"Come to think of it, wasn't Leppo one of the Marx Brothers?

That was Zippo. No, wait that's a lighter. :laugh3:
The Flea Trap / Re: Its -7'c right now....
December 14, 2016, 11:46:38 AM
Quote from: "RW"Does anyone like Winnipeg?

You have to grow up here to appreciate the Peg.
The Flea Trap / Re: 22 Push ups in...whatever
December 14, 2016, 11:42:47 AM
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"1. I was born and raised in Winnipeg. I have never lived anywhere else.

2. I grew up in a working class area on the North side of the city.

3. I graduated from the same high school that Burton Cummings attended.

4. Fishing has been my favourite pastime since I was ten years old.

5. My ancestry is German, Japanese and Scottish. I look 100% white.

5. I studied mechanical engineering at the University of Manitoba for a little over a year before dropping out.

6. I am five foot ten and weigh 158 pounds.

7. I am 47 years old.

8. I have an LG 5.

9. I have been married for eleven years, but we are childless.

10. Alcohol has been my Achilles heel since my second last year of high school. But, not a drop of liquor has touched my lips in eleven years.

11. I have driven trains through the PEG while under the influence with enough dangerous chemicals aboard to wipe out one hundred thousand people and destroy both rivers.

12. I realized I had to change when I awoke from a coma after being beaten half to death in a seedy North downtown bar.

13. My missus is a nurse and I credit her endless patience with helping me defeat my liquor addiction.

14. We are both Christians. She shared her testimony with me which lead me to Christ.

15. We have been to Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, but the Caribbean and Central America are our favourite holiday destination.

16. The Forks area where the two rivers meet is where we love to go to on our bikes in the summer. Great coffee, good food and one of the better people watching places in the city.

17. I have a brother and a sister.

18. I am also a licensed private investigator, but I have never had a paying job with that.

19. We can both speak Spanish.

20. Our only pet is a cat.

21. I know of at least one Islamic plot at CP through inside employees to blow up a dangerous goods train in Toronto. CP police and the RCMP stopped it after being tipped off by a suspicious conductor and an engineer.

22. I am a traditional socialist. I can't stomach progressives.

I nominate fellow Pegger Thiel and deadskinmask.

Good list jockey. I will make do one myself now.

Are we still on for Starbucks on Friday?
The Flea Trap / Re: Its -7'c right now....
December 14, 2016, 11:31:49 AM
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"....bbrrrrrr! Thats cold!  

My place is heated by a boiler so its nice and toasty!!  I love how the pipes heat up the floor too!!">

Not going back outside again tonight!!

You would really not like Winnipeg.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dear Fash
December 07, 2016, 09:55:38 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Herman"Geert Wilders has big frickin balls in an EU that frowns on free speech. Keep it up Geert. :thumbup:

Hahahaha, what hypocrisy!

On the contrary, it is free speech and free choice in action. This forum is private property. The admin can allow whatever she wants here for whatever reason. As as mod, she allows myself and kiebers to decide what is in the best interests of her forum. I am not fining this Irish faggot, like Mr Wilders was, but his presence is no longer welcome on the main board.  Nobody is stopping any little faggot like you or IK from starting a forum and posting all the gay shit you want. Mr Wilders will be fined if he does that in the Netherlands. Understand the difference now?

If someone behaves like a jackass in my home they are asked to leave. My house is private property and I can still freely criticize Islam inside my walls all I want, at least for now. If they take issue with that, they are free to be pests in someone else's house and I'm sure they will.
Win win
The Flea Trap / Re: Cashew Christmas
December 03, 2016, 06:12:01 PM
Quote from: "RW"Thiel

An autographed copy of Jimmy LaSalvia's book.,204,203,200_.jpg">

That book is a forgery. Impersonation is not cool. ac_toofunny
Will be offered a cabinet position in the new independence leaning presidency of Taiwan. Something that involves diplomacy.